The Healing Power of God’s Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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What’s the best approach to God’s Word? Don’t overanalyze it—embrace it with faith. The measure you give to the Word determines the blessings and virtues you receive. God’s Word isn’t just for spiritual growth; it brings physical health as well. When God promises health for all your flesh, don’t over-spiritualize it. Instead, trust in His Word without entitlement, as entitlement often hinders the flow of God’s grace.

As you spend time in the Word, one specific verse may stand out—this is the Rhema word that empowers you to overcome fear, doubt, and the enemy’s attacks. Seek that Rhema in Scripture, meditate on it, and let it transform your life.

Abraham’s Test of Faith

Genesis 22 tells the story of God testing Abraham. He instructed Abraham to take his son, Isaac—his only son, the son he deeply loved—to be sacrificed. Why did God emphasize “your only son”? It was a foreshadowing of His own sacrifice—His only Son, Jesus.

Just as Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, Jesus carried His cross. Before Abraham could act, God intervened, saying, “Now I know you love me because you have not withheld your son.” Today, we can declare, “Now we know You love us, Lord, because You did not withhold Your only Son for us.”

In ancient Israel, the process of atonement involved transferring one’s sins to an innocent lamb. The lamb’s righteousness was then transferred to the sinner. Similarly, Jesus, the Lamb of God, bore our sins so we could receive His righteousness. To fully grasp God’s love, consider this: He sacrificed His beloved Son for us.

Faith Activates God’s Power

Praise the Lord for His goodness! Lives are being healed and transformed, and what He has done for others, He can do for you. God does not show favoritism, but He responds to faith.

In the story of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34), she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment in faith, and power flowed from Him to heal her. Jesus acknowledged her faith, saying, “Your faith has made you well.” While God’s power is limitless, faith serves as the ignition that activates it.

Even unbelievers experience healing at times, demonstrating God’s mercy. Chronic illnesses and long-term conditions are often healed through His grace, proving that God’s goodness extends to both the just and unjust.

Avoid Entitlement; Embrace Gratitude

A sense of entitlement can block gratitude and hinder the flow of God’s blessings. Reflect on His mercy with a thankful heart. Remember, everything we receive is by His grace, not our merit. Write down the revelations God gives you, and treasure His personal messages—they remind us of His deep love and care for every detail of our lives.

God’s love, mercy, and power are abundant. Approach Him with faith and gratitude, and watch how His Word transforms every area of your life.

“The Lord’s promises are health to your flesh and life to your spirit. Trust in Him and live by faith.”

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