The Harbingers Continued | PROPHETIC WORD 2023
The Harbingers Continued
Jonathan Cahn is uniquely graced by the Lord to connect biblical precedents with modern-day events. In this eye opening message he reveals to us God’s hand at work.
“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn
It’s time to stand like Elijah to Jezebel. I’m not talking about a person. I’m not talking about a lady.
Time to stand. It’s time to be like David. He didn’t, he didn’t run from the giant.
He didn’t feel that he ran to the giant.
It’s time to not only read about the Book of Acts, it’s time to actually begin living in the Book of Acts and God will give you the power to do it.
It is a blessing to be here at Rock Church to be back.
I am blessed because more than anything I know that you are for real with God.
I know Jerry and Kimberly. Um There is no compromise here. It’s real.
It’s all out and that’s exactly what is needed for such a time as this.
So you’re blessed and I’m blessed here with you.
Now, there is so much happening prophetically, I have a lot to share with you today as we did.
Uh I went, I’m gonna to go fast, but no matter how much I share, I can only give you a taste because there’s so much more so for that reason, after the service, I’ll go over a, it’s outside.
I like this. You can’t do that in New Jersey.
You know, you can’t do signing it’s outside, you know, because of the weather and you’ll probably get arrested.
But, but that I’ll be right outside there. So before we go full blast, I’ll see, I’ll meet you.
I’ll seek to sign as many as I can.
Let me give you a quick idea of what they’ll have for you after the service for you and to bless you.
But also to bless the people in your life who need to know. Number one is the harbinger.
You’re going to hear about that. That’s the ancient mystery that holds the future of the key of America’s future.
It’s the beginning. It hasn’t stopped coming true even to the autumn of this past year, millions have read it, but there are millions who have not.
So if you’ve got people in your life who need to know, don’t just get it for yourself or need to be safe, get it to them.
Second, there’s the book of Mysteries and that’s going to open up hundreds of the mysteries of God.
God is so amazing, not just to be blown away or be transform, but also if there are people in your life who need to know nobody has ever rejected this.
In other words, it’s like giving them 365 tracks of mysteries and they’ll thank you for it.
And there are people getting saved So that is for you and for them, the third one is the paradigm that opens up a biblical mystery.
It’s so, so specific and exact, it actually gives dates the people, what’s happening.
It actually revealed the day of 9, 11 years before the exact date and what happened on Capitol Hill.
I’ll give you a little taste of that so explosive. I believe it’s a miracle that hasn’t been banned.
The fourth one is the Oracle.
It’s the only book I’ve ever written that speaks the whole mystery of the end times, the mystery of the age, some very big things.
The last thing is what I last book is what I just wrote since I was last here.
The harmer too. That’s what I held back for writing for eight years.
But I knew the Lord said this is the time it has to come out and this is to, to let God’s people know, to warn them, let people on what’s happening, what is going to happen and how to stand for that.
You’ll get a taste of it today. Now, I’m not a promoter.
My calling is to get the word out, but this is to encourage you, not just get it for yourself but others those in your life, it will be less what they’re going to do there.
Most of these things are hard cover. They list for about $25. If you get one, it will be $15.
If you get another one, it will keep going down if you get all five or five of any of them, it’s going to be $10.
It’s going to be like a happy meal. Ok. So it’s going to be, you’ll be happy.
It’s going to be, it’s going to be the lowest price on earth right now.
So take advantage of that right here. Ok. Last thing I have one more special resource that’s so unique.
I brought much of it on the plane with me because it’s not available anywhere.
Not Amazon nowhere but it reveals what’s not even in the books. It is the harbinger too uncensored.
This is the eight DVD albums. You’ll actually see the mysteries unfold.
You’ll see things that cannot even be put in a book.
It has prophetic images, some amazing stuff that is fulfilled. Now, caught on the and 81 hour dvds.
You’ll see that all. So that’s nowhere. But here, OK.
It comes out to about $5 a DVD for as long as it lasts. Ok.
Lastly, I’m always asked to get in touch or to get prophetic updates.
Just remember hope of the world dot org. That’s where it is and they’ll have some sheets out there.
If you put your name contact, we’ll send you, you’ll get gifts from the ministry, you’ll get prophetic updates and all that.
That’s there. All right, let’s get ready, father. We praise you and thank you.
I ask your blessing, your anointing in my weakness, be strong in your power and touch your people and have your way in the name of Yeshua Jesus, the king of kings.
Amen. Since I was last here, a plague has come on.
The land life has been shut down. Our city has been on fire.
A nation divided as if America was warring against America.
The most radical agenda in American history taking over the government, an agenda that seeks to promote the killing of babies and have you pay for it to spread immorality here and around the world indoctrinate our Children against God and to cancel out the word of God now and through this, we’re witnessing the greatest fall in a way in history.
The Bible said it would happen. What is going on and where is it all going?
I was standing at the corner of ground zero in New York and I saw something and the spirit led me say this is the, this is a mystery here.
You got to, you have to open this thing up because, and that became the harbinger for those who don’t know in a nutshell.
The harbinger is the biblical mystery and biblical template that comes upon a nation that is in danger, heading for a judgment in came upon Israel nine harbingers nine warnings in its last days came to warn them.
And the thing is prophetic and the amazing thing is those same harbingers, all nine of them have appeared on American soil beginning with the event of 9 11.
Now, when I wrote The Harbinger, I knew that the mystery wasn’t finished, but it was only beginning, not just the mystery but the unfolding of this template of national judgment.
Since the book came out, the manifestations haven’t stopped, the signs, haven’t stopped. The Harbingers more have appeared.
So I always knew that one day I was going to write, I had to write the next or the sequel.
But for eight years, I held off because you can’t just write it. It’s got to be the time.
It’s got to be the Lord.
In the autumn of 2019, I was Praying Lord, which is the next book I had three in mind.
I wish one. I got none of them. It is the time that you write.
Now, the next part, the sequel to the Harbinger Two and that was coming because I was getting a very strong sense that that next year was going to be a year of shakings coming on America, the world in America, the next year was 2020 and dark events and those shakings were going to be the continuation of the Harbingers.
So I had to let God, I had to write it.
So God’s people would know, be warned and also know what is coming and to stand.
So I wrote, I wrote that January of 2020 I started writing about 2.5 months later came the shaking beginning, the, the play came upon America.
We’re still dealing with it. So, and so I began writing it and now this is the Harger two.
I’m going to give you a little taste of it because it’s where we are.
It’s gonna open up what was, what is and what is yet to come.
I’ll give you a taste here to set the stage, the biblical template of national judgment.
It’s again and again in the Bible in the years before the nation’s judgment, there comes a warning in the form of a strike, a strike of an enemy on the land.
The strike is limited. It’s a wake up call God’s calling the nation back and, and, and the thing is that it happened to Israel, ancient Israel in the year 732 BC happened in Judah in the year 605 BC.
It happened in America on September 11th. It is from that event that the nine harbingers began appearing.
Now, we don’t have time to go into them, but we’re still in that temple.
It’s still unfolding in the harbinger too. I began sharing things that I never shared.
I never shared anywhere that began with 9 11, but I never put it in any book until now that are affecting us to this day.
I’m going to give you a little taste of what was, what is and where we are, when judgment comes to a nation its powers are broken, the foundations are exposed.
America’s rise to military superpower began dramatically when it entered the second World War in 1941.
That year would come out as the superpower of the world.
That same year, a building was begun that would embody house that military power called the Pentagon.
On 9 11, the Pentagon was struck. Sign of America’s power struck. But when did the Pentagon begin?
The Pentagon began on a summer morning in 1941. What day exactly was the Pentagon born?
The Pentagon was born on September 11th. On the day it was born, it was struck.
This is a biblical pattern. The other great power of America is its economic power that’s always been centered on New York City.
When did that begin? When did New York City begin? Began when Henry Hudson discovered it?
Which was when, which was a New York City was born on September 11th, both powers and the message is that all our powers come from God.
But if we turn away from God and war against his ways, those powers will crumble.
Now, every Sabbath day, there is a scripture appointed from ages past to be read to be chanted in the synagogues throughout the world.
New York City has more Jewish people than anywhere else in America.
So uh just before 9 11, there was a scripture anoint appointed for that day chanted throughout New York City.
What was the scripture? The scripture?
Was the prophecy where God the warning where God speaks to a nation that has known God but has turned away and He says your your blessings will be removed.
It says the prompt. It says this specifically, it says, and the enemy will come from a far away land.
He will strike the gate, the gate of America’s New York City.
He said the enemy will come on the land flying as an eagle, as an eagle through the sky.
And the original Hebrew says will come as an eagle swooping down on the land.
So 9 11, everything happened that way.
And the first plane that began at all was bearing a symbol on its body.
The symbol was that of an eagle swooping down the biblical sign of judgment in the hours leading up to the attack.
A strange thing happened. I won’t say how it happened but it happened.
The ancient biblical sound that would warn the people of a coming attack on the city.
Sound of the watchman began sounding all over the northeast of America, the sound of the rams horn.
And it began sounding specifically in the exact places where the terrorists were crossing.
Now, for those who don’t know the Harbinger, it centers on a verse, the verse is Isaiah 9 10.
It’s a, it’s a, it’s a verse that’s linked to the attack, that warning strike when the enemy comes in and that beginning of judgment and the people, it says this.
It says the people responded instead of repentance, they responded with defiance.
They said the bricks have fallen in the attack, but we will rebuild with quarried stone.
We’re coming back stronger without God, the sycamore trees have been struck down, but we will plant a stronger tree, the cedar tree, we will plant that in its place.
In other words, we’re coming back, God without you, we’re going to, we’re going to beat it back.
Well, that led to judgment. So that verse speaks of that.
Now, something I had no idea when I wrote the age, I had no idea.
And that was on the morning of 9 11, all over America before the government knew before the Pentagon knew before anybody knew all over America.
Believers were opening up their Bibles to that scripture and they had no.
And before it happened, why, how, because there’s a Bible, you know of it, it’s called the One Year Bible.
The One Year Bible has a scripture for every day.
If you open up the one year Bible, if, if it’s the title is the One Year Bible, you open up to the Harbinger scripture, Isaiah 9 10, the attack of the enemy.
There will be a date on top and the date is September 11th and that, that one year Bible came out in the 19 eighties, but it was all there linked together every year on 9 11, believers were opening up their Bibles on 9 11 to the scripture of the attack and the beginning of judgment.
Now on the day after 9 11, the American government gathers on Capitol Hill to give its response.
And the man appointed is the Senate majority leader to give the response.
He gives a speech at the end of his speech, Tom Daschle.
He says there is a word from Isaiah that speaks to us now and out of his mouth comes the ancient words of Isaiah 9 10.
He has no idea what he’s doing. He thinks it’s a good thing. He’s speaking judgment. He’s identifying America.
He’s speaking the same words that the leaders of, of ancient Israel said when they had the attack, words of defiance.
And at the end of his speech, he says that and then he says, this Isaiah 9 10 is what we will do.
In other words, we’re not coming back.
We’re getting, we’re going to be warring, we’re going to go against God in our own strength.
Well, that is the key between with everything that has happened since 9 11.
If 9 11, if we were on the edge on 9 11, we’re in freefall now. It was prophetic.
It was prophetic. The harbingers have not stopped. They’ve continued.
Now, we don’t have time to go into all of them, but I’m going to give you a little taste of it.
They appeared when President Obama paid a visit to Ground Zero.
And to that to that tower that’s one of the nine harbingers.
And there he was given a beam to put words on the beam to crown the tower, the highest words in America.
And without knowing what he was doing, he wrote the same ancient vow of defiance that the leaders of ancient Israel did that sealed their judgment.
The highest words in America right now are words of defiance.
On top of that tower, they appeared in the rooms of ground zero.
There was actually a word of scripture in the rooms that said what America would do and we did it.
They appeared in the manifestation of a of a foreign God.
One of the signs of of of Israel’s judgment in the last days is that of images of the gods appeared.
Well, the largest image of a foreign God on planet Earth appeared in New York City and it actually appeared in 2015, the very day that that image appeared the appointed scripture in all the synagogues.
It was on a Sabbath was God warning the nation do not make an image to the God.
And the image of the God was the the God of death and destruction looming over New York City.
When judgment came to Ancient Jerusalem, the critical event was the when the enemy, the Babylonians breached the protective walls.
Once you did that, once they did that it was over.
And so the so it happened on I it happened on the the ninth of Tamuz, the ninth day of the Hebrew month, Tamu.
So the ninth of Tamuz became a day of mourning for the Jewish people.
A day when the protecting hedge of a civilization is removed and judgment will come if it’s not repaired.
In the summer of 2015. After I was first here, America crossed a threshold in its fall from God.
It was then that the nation’s highest court struck down the biblical and historical definition of marriage as the sacred union of man and woman marriage.
As we know it is a hedge to any civilization.
The actual date that the that marriage as we know it was struck down was June 26th, 2015.
But on the Bible’s calendar, it happened on the ninth of Tamuz, the day when the hedge is struck down the day, when the hedge protecting and if it’s not repaired, judgment comes now, where do we go?
Israel was given a window of time, a window to come back to God, but it didn’t, it continued away from God at apostasy.
America is in the same window right now in the same path biblically, that is the template and we’ve been racing away from God.
The Bible says woe to those who call evil, good and good evil.
And so no, the first part of what we have witnessed is America calling evil good.
You know, this sin is good, this sin is good and this sin is good.
But then we get to the second stage we’re in now and who call good evil.
Now we are watching our culture calling the Bible evil, you evil, the word of God evil.
And it must be silenced and canceled out. That day is coming in the last days of ancient Israel.
They were persecuting the righteous, they were persecuting the prophets, they were throwing Jeremiah in jail that day has come.
Where do we go? Where does the mystery lead? What lies ahead?
The biblical template says this, if the nation doesn’t turn back to God, greater shakings will come upon it and the nation will add to calamity in the Harbinger.
The original book, there’s a chapter called Things to Come and I haven’t read it.
I, I don’t have time to read my books.
I just write it but, but I had to do the Harb too.
I had to look back and I, so I looked at the chapter and it says the shakings will come this way.
They will come in the form of civil unrest, the dividing of the nation, nation divided, economic disintegrations, disorder, the collapse of infrastructure, military defeats man made calamities, calamities of nature decline and fall.
We’ve been watching all of it in the first book.
The question was asked the Harbinger and the second book, Harjit answered, how long is it between that first strike of warning and the coming of greater shakings and how God doesn’t have to fall.
God can do whatever he wants. We don’t put him in a box, but that’s the template.
So for years, I wondered about it in the case of Jerusalem, it came, that strike came in 605 BC Babylon and the, the greater shakings came in the year 5 86 BC.
So how long is it? It’s 19 years, a 19 year period.
That’s a key number of judgment says in the 19th year, the 19th year, what about America?
The first strike came? What year? 2001?
So, so would if you take, when would the 19th year be and would that be the year of beginning of shakings?
The year? It points to the 19th year is 2020 the year when the shakings began and Jeremiah actually prophesized of one of the shaking that will come on the land in the 19th year.
He says it will come in the form of a plague. And so we have a plague called COVID.
And the number 19, there is much more to this in the plague.
We don’t have time now, but I’m going to share something that I’ve never put into writing because it begins though.
It begins in the Harbor, the Harvard two, it came through after it was finished. It came true recently.
I’ll just say this one of the nine harbingers for those who know is the sign of the terrorists.
It’s not just an enemy attack. It’s an attack of terrorism.
That’s what happened to Ancient Israel, happened to us after, after that happened, the ancient Israel, you know, tried to push everything back and, and hey, we’re gonna, we’re gonna fight it back on our own on our own terms.
Instead of repenting to God. After 9 11, we did the same thing. We drove the terrorists out of Afghanistan.
But the mystery says that if the nation doesn’t come back to God, then all its efforts to put it back is going to come back and then it’s going to be undone.
So if you see it happen, it’s an ominous sign.
And I always wondered, would that happen in Afghanistan, would it be undone?
Well, we just saw it when you see it undone. It’s an ominous sign.
You just saw it as American troops were fleeing as the, as the Taliban returned.
Al Qaeda returned, the terrorist returned. But when did that begin?
It began when the US Secretary of State went to Qatar to have talks with the Taliban to tell them we are going to pull out.
You’re going to be coming back. When did it begin? It began.
He landed in Qatar on September 11th 2020 19 years to the exact date.
Let me switch gears.
I’m often asked about Donald Trump always gets a laugh and I don’t know what it is.
Donald Trump. I’m going to share something with you that comes from the book. I wrote called the paradigm.
But it, it came true after the paradigm came true after it was all.
And I would think, you know, the paradigm is about, about specific events, leaders and what’s happening right now.
Well, well, I would think it’s a safe assumption that Donald Trump is not studying the Ancient Hebrew from the Bible, but without knowing it, he’s followed the template of a man named Je who see the Bible.
There is nothing new under the sun. Je who was a wild, impulsive, unpredictable leader.
You never knew what he was going to say next.
And in fact, I am convinced that if they had tweeting back then he’d be tweeting every night.
But he rose to the throne, I mean he was, he was like against his own, despite himself, he God used him to go to the rose, come to the throne at a time of apostasy to kind of hold back the forces for a time.
He made an alliance who made an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
He came to power after coming head to head in a showdown against the nation’s former first lady.
I won’t say her name. They enter the, he entered the capital city with a with a with AAA an agenda to drain the swamp.
But Jehu reign was framed by an event in the nation’s capital.
It was this, he called for an assembly in the capital city on that day, the men who support, who supported Jeu laid siege to a building in the capital, a great capitol building, a national temple.
The Capitol building is called America’s Temple.
On January 6th President Trump called for an assembly in the capital city on that day, his supporters lay not some of them as you know, laid siege to that capitol building.
At the end of the week, the Capitol police announced the number that they had arrested of this.
Of course, they went on with that but they announced it made headlines how many people they had arrested 80 people, 80 people in the Bible’s account of the of the siege of Je who’s supporter in the national capital.
It gives the number 80 men.
Now the significance of that, it frames the reign of Jeu in the Bible.
It represented a victory of Jeu against the Temple of Bail and the, and the and the cult of bail.
But here it was framing the end, not the beginning, it was the opposite.
It was the victory of the forces of bail because on that day, a new government came into power that endorsed the ways of bail, the killing of babies.
That’s bail immorality, that’s bail, the the the the encroaching of, of religious freedom, that’s bail.
So what does it reveal? We are now in the days of the reigning of bail in power, the reign of Jay who represents represented a reprieve for the nation from its fall from God, but it was a chance for revival.
It was a window. But we, as far as we know, no revival came the answer, you know, and same with Trump, it’s not about Trump, but it’s not about, it’s not about the window.
It’s about revival. And so without revival, the nation’s fall under j who accelerated when it was over, we’re in that right now because the answer.
Have you noticed? It’s been accelerating.
These are the days of bail when the people of God are told to bow their knee to evil.
What happens now? If America doesn’t turn back, the template continues. The nation heads to calamity and judgment.
If it doesn’t turn back, is there? Hope yes.
As long as there’s God, there’s hope, the last part of the Harbinger two as every book speaks of hope and what to do and can the course of a nation be changed?
And what do you need to do? Is there? Hope. Yes.
But America’s hope is not Congress, it’s not the White House, it’s not, it’s not Wall Street, it’s not Hollywood.
America’s hope is only God and revival. There’s the one scripture.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their sinful ways, I’ll hear from heaven, I’ll forgive their sin and I will heal their land.
Can it happen? Yes. But the key word is my people.
That’s you and the key one word is if we’ve got to pray for revival, intercede for revival, plead for revival.
As never before, you’ve got to be the watchman on the wall. It is time to do.
Not only to pray for revival, it’s time to live in revival because if you actually start living in revival, then revival starts and there’s nothing the devil can do about it.
So if there’s anything in your life that shouldn’t be in your life, the time is now today, not tomorrow to begin ruling it out.
And if there’s anything that’s not in your life, that God has called for your life, you know it, that you haven’t risen to the time is today.
Take the first step. Now, I have to tell you, I was with Pastor Jerry and Kimberly and they told me about what will be happening from here at Angel Stadium regarding revival.
And when they told me the date, I couldn’t believe it.
April 30th that date appears in the harbinger and in the harbinger too because that date was critical in the history of this nation.
Not once but twice, it actually set and changed the course of America for revival.
It actually saved America on that day and it happened each time through a day of prayer and pleading intercession with God and revival.
I don’t have time to share what it was.
I’ll tell you it involved, it involved Washington and Lincoln, but it can happen again.
And sometimes I speak of it as hope.
But you know, I’ve never spoken of it in a place where they’re actually planning an event as that on that day.
If my people, if my people, it can happen again, go all out for God. It’s the Bible.
It says a great man of God said, attempt great things for God expect great things from God.
Now, what about the future? Whatever the future holds?
Do not fear it, do not fear the night, do not fear the end times.
Somebody saying, oh, all these things are happening, do not fear.
If you weren’t meant to be here, God would have had you born in the middle ages, but he puts you here.
If you’re here now, then God has chosen you to be here. God has appointed you to be here.
God will anoint you for these days. He will empower you for this hour. He chose you.
You know, when you watch Him, I didn’t show in the first one. You watch a movie.
What’s the, what’s the best part? The last 15 minutes, God has chosen you for the last 15 minutes?
That’s a big entrustment. That’s a big exciting entrustment.
And if the dark is growing darker, it’s time for the lights of God to shine, not less but more bright, more boldly.
And if the price to stand for what’s right and to shine, the light is greater, let it be greater, you know, in a day when everybody claims to be a Christian, it doesn’t mean anything but to now this day it means everything.
And if the cost to be named as the disciple of Messiah is a greater cost, let it be greater because it’s that very thing is gonna produce greatness in me and you, it’s gonna make us into the book of acts.
You see, these are the days when the graves are disappearing and it’s either black or white.
It’s either dark or light. The Bible says choose you this day.
These are the days you are the candle. You know a candle in the daytime.
You don’t, you can barely see it. But the candle in the night, it lights up the night.
You are the candle in the night, light up your light, light up this world because this is when it counts many of you prayed.
Lord. I wish I could live in, in Bible times in biblical times. Congratulations. You’re here. Welcome. You’re here.
These are the days you read about in the Bible.
This is want to count what a high honor to be chosen to be living in this day, to stand for Messiah when it means something more than ever.
These are the days of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These are the days of Paul and the apostles.
These are the days they didn’t live in a Christian culture. They lived in an anti Christian culture.
But these are the, these are the days of bail. But that when the darkness sits on the throne.
But if these are the days of bail, that means something else. These must also be the days of Elijah.
If these are the days of Elijah, you know we sing it.
If these are the days of Elijah, it’s time that we become the Elijah’s of the day, the Elijah that you become the Elijah that God called you the Elijah.
That will not compromise, that will not bend, that will stand for God no matter what.
Let the chips fall where they may.
I’m standing with God live all out and that one life, that’s all out for God that can change the course of a nation.
It says for the eyes of the Lord are searching the entire earth.
He’s searching the room, he’s searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely His.
He will show himself mighty to that one.
You be that one, you be that people and God will do it. God will do it.
Take your stand, proclaim the gospel of the living God no matter what they say, do not hold back.
It’s an honor. If they accept praise God, if they reject it, says jump for joy because you are blessed from God.
When the world tells you to shut up, proclaim it even louder, you see that means they need it all the more the enemy has been trying to cancel out the Gospel for 2000 years.
But you know what the gospel is still here because He, he cannot, the gospel shall not be canceled.
If you stand in the will of God, get your life in the will of God. You cannot be stopped.
Live bold, live unafraid. Make your life count. Be strong and of good courage and he’ll be with you.
It’s time to stand like Elijah to Jezebel. I’m not talking about a person. I’m not talking about a lady.
Time to stand. It’s time to be like David. He didn’t, he didn’t run from the giant.
He didn’t feel that he ran to the giant.
It’s time to not only read about the Book of Acts, it’s time to actually begin living in the Book of Acts and God will give you the power to do it.
It’s time to proclaim. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, no matter what, no matter what the world does.
I will stand with my God, no matter the mountain falls into the heart of the sea.
I’m going to stand with my God because he stands with me and we shall.
It’s time to sort of look, we shall not bow down our knees to bell. You gotta be like Elijah.
We will not bow down our knees to any evil to the, to the idols of this generation.
We shall not bow down, we will not bow down to any of that.
We will bow our knees only to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to Yeshua Jesus, the messiah for we have decided to follow Jesus.
No, turning back, no, turning back. Every king and every kingdom comes and goes.
But the name of Yeshua Jesus is forever greater. Is he in you than he was in the world.
And God says, God says, I will be with you always and you are not just a conqueror.
If you stand with God, you’re more than a conqueror.
For thus says the Lord to you this day, Zara a rise says the Lord to you, a wise man of God, a wise woman of God, a rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord shall rise upon you in the name of every name that is name, the name of Jesus, the messiah, the light of the world, the glory of Israel, and the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Amen. God bless you. I’ll see you there. God bless you.
I know we’ve got to get ready for the next service.
This was not just a message, this is not to hype you up, this is not to freak you out.
But God came here with a message to say we’re in the last 15 minutes and you have been chosen by Him to be here.
And I want to pray strength over you because I do believe we’re going to be challenged in the days ahead.
But God is calling us to walk in unity.
He’s calling us to receive the power of His spirit, to walk in boldness, to walk in confidence, to absolutely destroy the works of the enemy and not allow any fear to rule over us.
You and your Children will serve the Lord. There are proclamations we need to make over our families.
This is the time like he said it, he said it in Hebrew and it sounded so beautiful, but it’s our time to a rise and shine.
It’s not a cute slogan. It’s not a church little saying it is God saying, come on my people.
I’ve called you. I’ve anointed you.
I’ve placed you here for such a time, a rise and shine and I want you to stand.
I want you to stand because we are to be a part of that mighty army of God.
We are not called to be wimpy. We’re not called to be double minded.
We’re not called to be afraid.
We’re called to be strong the Lord to strengthen me for the days ahead. You do too.
But listen, me. Our eternity is taken care of.
If you know Jesus, your eternity is taken care of.
We have nothing but joy and delight and His presence forever.
But we have a blip of time here on earth to get the gospel everywhere you have neighbors, you have family members.
God has placed you for such a time as this.
So I want to pray over you.
But I, I feel like part of what I’m praying is strength over us. But would you receive that?
Would you receive that? Would you let me pray? And would you lift your hands?
And as I pray things that you know, you need, would you say yes, Lord, Father God, we thank you.
We get to be alive in these days.
The greatest days for your church, the greatest day to see harvest people’s lives turn and their eternity change.
I pray over us that we would become stronger than ever before. Strengthen us.
Your people of God baptize us with strength and power so that we don’t coward under pressure and that we don’t live under the fear of the enemy.
Some of you today, the Lord is saying break off that spirit of fear, do not give place to it for it will rule every part of your life.
So in Jesus name, use the name that is above every name and break that spirit of fear over you do not allow it in your homes, do not allow it in your business.
Do not allow it in your mind.
No, Lord, you have not given to us a spirit of fear, but you have given to us power, love and a sound mind.
So I thank you. We arise and everywhere in this nation as churches are gathering today.
May there a rise in our me that is so committed to you that so knows you that so trusts you that so believes in you that we are strengthened by your very presence.
And we become like the book of Acts. We continue the book of Acts.
We go everywhere with boldness, signs and wonders following and confirming that you are real.
We thank you for our household. We declare all of our Children shall be taught by the Lord.
All of our Children ain’t called the name from the north, the south, the east and the west.
All of our households shall be saved shall be saved in Jesus name. We call the prodigals.
Come home in jesus’ name. Thank you for it. Lord, thank you for it.
Lord, we will rise and we will shine.
I pray that you give us that spirit of unity to not allow the enemy that has been dividing even God’s people to come in this place.
Lord, thank you different gifts, different backgrounds, even different understandings of your scripture.
But yet we all believe you Jesus is Lord. May we stand strong in unit?
And Lord, even as Jonathan Khan said, April 30th twice was a day where this nation turned.
Hopefully you could have orchestrated April 30th at Angel Stadium for youth and young adults.
So we receive that as a sign from you that you intend to do such a mighty work that it begins to pivot.
We blessed you, Lord.
We thank you for trusting us to be alive in these days.
And we thank you that we will be used by you in ways we could have never even imagined because you are real and you are good and you’d only just love us, but you love every single person and you’re pursuing them.
We bless you Lord Jesus. And we thank you that soon.
We will see you face to face how amazing that day will be.
But until then we will be about the father’s business and we’ll do it in truth and we’ll do it in love and we’ll do it with courage in Jesus.