The Harbinger: The Uprooted – Chapter 16

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The Uprooted – Chapter 16

Is it possible…
That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

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Chapter 16, the uprooted, look at the seal again.
He said, what do you see the sycamore? I answered, look deeper.
Not at the main image, look to the left of it.
What do you see something that looks like some sort of wall?
It is a wall and he began walking, motioning me to join him.
We resumed the conversation slowly making our way down the street, stopping several times along the way.
The Lord sent a word. He said through the prophet Ezekiel. So I will break down the wall.
You have plastered with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that its foundation will be uncovered, it will fall and you shall be consumed in the midst of it.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord. Its foundation will be uncovered.
What foundations do you think the prophecy is referring to Noriel? The foundation of a wall.
It would seem a foundation is that upon which something stands or rests or is built?
So a Nation’s foundation is that upon which it stands or on which it was founded or that in which it rests or places its trust, the nations of the ancient world trusted in their idols and gods.
Modern nations trust in their powers, their militaries, their economies, their resources.
But what it’s saying here is that in the days of judgment, a nation’s foundations are laid bare, its idols fall and its powers fail.
It’s one of the key signs of judgment, the laying bare of foundations.
The Lord said this through the prophet Jeremiah.
Behold what I have built, I will break down and what I have planted, I will pluck up that which is built up is built up from the foundation and that which is broken down is broken down to the foundation.
So the Lord built up Israel as one builds a house and planted it as one plants a tree.
But in the days of Israel’s judgment, that which was built up would be broken down and that which was planted would be uprooted.
Two images of national judgment, the breaking down and the Uprooting repeat that I said, repeat what he asked Jeremiah’s prophecy, behold, what I have built.
I will break down. The bricks have fallen. I answered.
And what I have planted, I will pluck up the sycamores have been cut down. I answered.
Yes, Noriel. It follows the same pattern.
It’s the same pattern and the same order as Isaiah nine 11th comes the breaking down the fallen bricks, then comes the Uprooting the sycamore.
And that’s what actually happened on 9 11.
1st came the collapse of the buildings and then the Uprooting of the sycamore, the two images of national judgment and in the same order, yes, said the prophet and it goes deeper still, the world trade center was the towering symbol of American financial power.
A power centuries in the making and long connected to the island of Manhattan.
The island that long functioned as the focal point of the nation’s economic and financial activity.
As far back as the dawn of the 17th century, the island served as a trading outpost for the Dutch.
Those first traders and settlers soon felt the need to protect themselves from Indians pirates and other perceived dangers.
So they built a wall along the wall, merchants opened up shops and set up warehouses.
In time, the wall became the center point of the island’s trade and commerce.
The Dutch would eventually lose the island to the British. The British would tear down the wall.
Nevertheless, the road would continue to bear the name of Wall Street.
I said, correct the street we’re walking on right now. It’s Wall Street. Yes. And it was from this street.
And from these beginnings that America’s financial power would rise and this island become the nation’s financial capital.
Wall Street would become a channel for the pouring in and out of money to finance America’s ascendancy to economic commercial and industrial superpower.
Here on this street, the nation’s economic fortunes would rise and fall and mostly rise.
It would become the embodiment of American financial power.
And in the 20th century, as America emerged as the world’s towering economic colossus, the power and reach of Wall Street would encircle the globe to become in effect the financial capital of the world.
Pretty impressive. I said for a street that started out as a wall pretty impressive.
He replied for any street. But how did it happen?
What was it that transformed a road just a few blocks long.
And that for decades was not even paved with cobblestones into America’s financial capital and lay the foundation for America’s ascent as the world’s preeminent financial superpower.
I think you’re going to have to tell me in March of 17 92 a secret meeting took place at a Manhattan hotel.
It involved 24 of the city’s leading merchants.
The purpose of the meeting was to bring order to the trading of stocks and bonds while protecting that trade from competition.
Two months later on May 17th, 17 92 the merchants again gathered together this time at 68 Wall Street to sign a document, the document would seal the goal set forth at the first meeting.
It would be the founding of what would ultimately be known as the New York Stock Exchange.
The document was called the Buttonwood Agreement.
The organization born of the agreement would be known as the Buttonwood Association and later as the New York Stock and Exchange Board and finally as the New York Stock exchange, it would become the nation’s leading Stock Exchange.
And then in the 20th century, the world’s thus on May 17th, 17 92 with the signing of the Buttonwood agreement, the foundation was laid for the rise of America as the world’s towering financial superpower.
Do you know what Buttonwood means? Noriel? No, it’s the name of a tree.
He said, what does a tree have to do with the founding of Wall Street?
The 24 merchants used to meet and carry on their transactions under a buttonwood tree that grew on Wall Street.
It was under that tree that they signed the agreement that gave birth to the New York Stock Exchange.
So both the founding document and the founding association were named after the tree under which it all began Wall Street as we know it and American financial power also, as we know it officially began under a buttonwood tree.
May I ask a question? Of course, he said, what kind of tree is a buttonwood?
You already know what kind of tree a sycamore, a sycamore buttonwood he said is in essence just another way of saying sycamore.
So that document from which Wall Street began was in essence the sycamore agreement, you could say that.
And the New York Stock Exchange is in essence the Sycamore Association. You could say that too.
He replied, and all the consequences of American financial power, all of its world changing repercussions.
It all began under the branches of a sycamore tree. Yes.
He said under the branches of a sycamore tree.
And 9 11, the World Trade Center was a towering symbol of what that power had become.
But the sycamore was the symbol of its origin.
The foundation, I said the foundation of a nation’s power which are exposed in the days of judgment.
So I will break down the wall.
You have plastered with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that its foundation will be uncovered.
And in that foundation was a sycamore and growing in the shadow of the World Trade Center was the sycamore of ground zero.
Correct. He said and on 9 11, the fall of the one would cause the fall of the other.
The fall of the symbol that stands for Wall Street.
Yes, said the prophet just as 9 11 would strike a blow to Wall Street and the American economy not only in those first days after the attack, but in the long term economic damage, it would inflict culminating in the collapse of Wall Street seven years later.
So the sycamore wasn’t only a warning of judgment.
It was at the same time, a specific foreshadow of economic collapse.
The striking down of the sycamore tree is a biblical sign of judgment.
He said, but the same tree is also a symbol specific to American power.
So then the Uprooting of the sycamore would foreshadow, yes.
He said it would foreshadow the Uprooting of America’s financial and economic power.
He walked ahead of me, then stopped. When he saw that I wasn’t keeping up come Noriel.
I wanna show you something. He led me to the end of Wall Street and into the courtyard of an old church where they arrested a strange looking structure of bronze.
Do you know what this is? He asked, I have no idea.
This was among the first of permanent memorials to commemorate 9 11. It was unveiled on September 11th 2005.
Its creator intended it to memorialize one of the details of the tragedy in which many found a measure of inspiration, but it meant more than he intended it to mean.
I asked. Yes, he replied. And do you know what it is?
It looks like some sort of root system. It is a root system.
It’s the root system of a particular tree. A sycamore, a particular sycamore tree.
Yes, it’s the root system of the sycamore of ground zero, how its creator fashioned it according to the roots of the fallen tree.
He intended it to be a symbol of hope, but a fallen sycamore is not a symbol of hope.
I said it’s a sign of judgment and a sign of Uprooting.
He added, they placed it here at the end of Wall Street. The same street symbolized by the sycamore.
Now bearing the image of a sycamore uprooted the foundation. I said the foundation of America’s financial power.
It’s the exposing of the foundation.
And a message, he replied, a message from the prophets behold what I have built.
I will break down and what I have planted, I will pluck up. So what does it mean?
I asked, what does it mean specifically for America?
If a living sycamore signifies the rise of America as the world’s preeminent financial power?
What then does an uprooted sycamore signify its fall? I answered it would have to signify its fall.
God had allowed America’s power to be planted here to take root, to grow and to branch out over the world.
The nation would rise to unprecedented heights of global power and economic prosperity but in its departure and its rejection of his ways, a sign was given if now it refused to turn back the blessings and prosperity symbolized by the sycamore would be removed, that which had been built up would be broken down and that which had been planted would be uprooted.
After a slight pause, he asked me for the seal and after placing it in his hand, I received another.
Do you remember this one too? He asked as I looked it over.
Of course, it’s the tree the seventh harbinger. But now you want me to see something else.
I asked, what do you see in the background around the tree blades of grass, look more carefully, grain stalks of wheat.
How many? He asked how many stalks?
Six, I answered three on each side of the tree, six stalks of wheat.
He said, and 1/7 you don’t see how could there be 1/7 if I can’t see it?
It’s there. He said it’s there in its absence, it’s there in its absence. Another mystery.
This next Seal Noriel is going to open up a whole other realm of mystery.
And it has to do with the second shaking.
I asked with a second and with the first and with that, which joins the two together as in the Isaiah 9 10 effect.
Yes. But in this mystery, the connections are even more beyond the realm of the natural, they’re supernatural.
You could say that. And they connect 9 11 to the economic collapse.
Not only do they connect them, they determine them down to the time each would take place an ancient mystery.
Yes. An ancient mystery upon which the global economy and every transaction within it was determined a mystery that begins more than 3000 years ago in the sands of a Middle Eastern desert.

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