The Harbinger II: The Return | The Girl in the Blue Coat – Chapter 2

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The Girl in the Blue Coat – Chapter 2

Has the revelation continued?
Has the mystery progressed to a more critical stage?
Have more harbingers now manifested on American soil?
Is America closer now than ever before to judgment?
Could this explain what has been happening in recent days?
And what lies in store for the future?
The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Watchmen, the Half Moon, the Day of Tammuz, the Parchment in the Ruins, the Tree, the Inscription, the Image, the Eastern Gate, and much, much more. It will ultimately lead to mysteries concerning the future, which include the Window, the Island, the Other Mystery Ground, and the Prophecy.


Chapter two.
The girl in the Blue coat come Noriel.
She said, as she got up from her chair, she led him out of the office and down the hall at the end of the hall was a door that opened into a large meeting room with a long table of dark brown wood in its center, its outer wall consisted almost entirely of glass and beyond it, a vast panorama of skyscrapers, please.
She said, motioning him toward the seat at the head of the table, sit down. So he did.
She took the seat to his right with her back to the panorama. It’s more secure in here.
She said it’s soundproof. May I get you something to drink? Just water?
He replied, she pressed the button on the intercom at the head of the table, a glass of water and a cup of coffee.
Please. A minute later, a woman appeared with a cup of coffee and a glass of water. Thank you.
Said Anna hold off all calls, no interruptions for the remainder of the meeting.
The woman asked for the remainder of the day or until I say otherwise, no interruptions.
Anna didn’t touch her coffee, but just sat there and watched as Noriel drank his water when it looked as if he was done.
She spoke. So Noriel, how did it begin? It began at a book signing.
I imagine you’ve done many. I have. This one was at the end of a speaking engagement.
I was sitting in back of a long table.
Most of the time when I do a signing, everyone waits in a line with their books.
But this time was different. There was no line. It was chaotic.
The table was surrounded by a thick crowd of people handing me their books in no particular order.
I signed them and handed them back. Hopefully to the right person.
I was about halfway through when a girl appeared in the midst of the crowd directly in front of me.
On the other side of the table, she had to have been about six or seven years old.
She had wavy blonde hair, blue eyes and a light blue coat. There was something about her.
What for one thing, there didn’t appear to be anyone accompanying her.
No mother or father, just a little girl standing in a crowd of people on her own.
And there was something about her that I couldn’t put into words as the others pressed in to get their books signed.
She just stood there as if separate from the rest of the crowd.
She never pushed for me to sign her book but stood there looking at me with a gentle smile.
I realized if I didn’t say anything, she would end up the last to get her book signed.
Would you like me to sign your book? I asked that would be good.
She answered stretching her hand across the table. She handed me her book.
I opened it to the title page and lifted my pen to sign it your name.
You don’t have to put down my name. She replied, just yours. So I signed it.
Here you go. I said handing it back to her. At that.
She gently took hold of my right hand, turned it.
So my palm was facing upward and placed in it an object and here you go.
She said, what was it?
A small circular object of reddish, golden brown clay, a seal. Yes, an ancient seal.
It appeared to be like the seal the prophet gave you. Yes.
Said Norio just like the seals of the Harbingers.
Maybe she read the book and made the seal to look like those in the story.
No, it was too exact. It was identical to the seals of the prophet in every detail.
But how, I don’t know how no one around the table realized what was going on.
I imagine they figured the girl had given me a gift, a token of appreciation.
And then she spoke Noriel. She said, you’ve done what you were entrusted to do.
You have delivered the message with which you were entrusted.
The words were no longer those of a little girl, what do you mean?
I asked you’ve given warning and now the time is coming to an end. And what does that mean?
You time of not seeing? And the first part of your mission, why are you saying this?
I asked, who told you to say it? She didn’t answer. Where did you get the seal?
I asked who gave it to you a friend? She replied, what friend she didn’t answer?
Prepare yourself Noriel. Prepare myself for what? For the time she said for the revelation.
What does that mean? He’s coming? Who’s coming? He’s coming back? Who’s coming back?
He’s coming back but not as you expect. I don’t expect anything.
Then all the more so he’ll come as you don’t expect, prepare yourself Noriel for the return.
And this is how it begins, how, what exactly begins, how it all begins?
She said with the seal, I looked down at the seal as if I would find something that would make sense of what was happening.
I looked back at the girl and she was gone or almost gone.
I could just see the last trace of her blue coat disappearing into the crowd.
I got up from my chair made my way around the table to the place from which she had disappeared and then into the crowd to catch up with her.
The book signing was thrown into confusion when I emerged at the other side of the crowd, there was no sign of her.
She was gone and there was no one with her.
No one and nobody knew who she was. I asked around but no one had ever seen her before.
Who do you think she was? I can only guess. And how did she get the seal?
I had my guesses but I couldn’t say for sure.
But I knew it wasn’t that she just happened to show up there.
She was sent, she was a messenger by whom that was the question. So what did you do?
I went back to the table and finished the book signing, but my mind was elsewhere.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened and what it might mean.
Then what that night alone in my hotel room, I took out the seal to look at it as with the seals that the prophet had given me.
There was an image engraved on it of what the figure of a man, ancient bearded and robed.
He was turned to the right and holding in his left hand, a ram’s horn set to his mouth as if he was sounding it or about to the watchman said, Anna, the watchman sounding the alarm is what the prophet told you when you last saw him.
When he told you to spread the message, you were being given the charge of a watchman to sound the alarm.
Yes. And now you were given another seal with the image of the watchman, which is where it all left off when you last saw the prophet.
So it meant that you were about to receive another revelation.
So the seal was a sign of a coming revelation and that it was about to begin again from where it left off it was.
And every seal you were given led to another encounter with the prophet.
That’s what the little girl was alluding to, to prepare yourself for the return, the return of the prophet.
Yes, he replied, the prophet would come. But in a way I would not expect.


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