The Harbinger II: The Return | Foundations – Chapter 08

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Foundations – Chapter 08

Has the revelation continued?
Has the mystery progressed to a more critical stage?
Have more harbingers now manifested on American soil?
Is America closer now than ever before to judgment?
Could this explain what has been happening in recent days?
And what lies in store for the future?
The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Watchmen, the Half Moon, the Day of Tammuz, the Parchment in the Ruins, the Tree, the Inscription, the Image, the Eastern Gate, and much, much more. It will ultimately lead to mysteries concerning the future, which include the Window, the Island, the Other Mystery Ground, and the Prophecy.


Chapter eight Foundations.
In the next dream, I found myself standing inside a large house, a mansion, everything inside the house was large, grand, ornate and luxurious.
The rooms, the furniture, the chairs, the wooden doors and tables, the curtains, the golden chandeliers.
I had never before been in such an opulent setting.
Then I heard a rumbling the house and everything in it began to shake.
And then the floor on which I was standing gave way, everything collapsed.
I went down with the house but in a way that seemed to defy gravity slowly as if I were floating down in the midst of a collapse that appeared to be happening in slow motion.
As I descended. I became aware that the house had many floors, all of which were collapsing around me.
Finally, my feet touched the bottom.
I was standing at the ground level at the building’s foundation watching everything else come down around me and then it was over.
I began walking through the ruins. I noticed a piece of stone jutting out. I was drawn to it.
I began clearing away the debris that partially obscured it.
It was a foundation stone, but it didn’t match the rest of the building.
It seemed to be from an earlier age as I continued uncovering it.
I noticed letters, words carved into its surface. What did it say before I could read it.
Everything disappeared, the ruins, the debris, everything except the foundation itself. But now the foundation was moving, rocking.
I heard the sound of waves and seagulls.
The foundation had transformed into the deck of a ship, a centuries old ship with sails and wooden masts, everything was wooden except for the deck which was still of the stone from the building’s foundation.
I wasn’t alone. There were others on board, crewmen, all of whom were dressed in clothing from, I would guess five or six centuries in the past, the ship was moving slowly through a passageway.
I don’t know if we were navigating through a river or not, but there was land on both sides.
Then I heard a voice standing beside me was the prophet, what happens?
He asked when a building is destroyed, what is it that is then exposed? Its foundation.
So God laid the foundation stone on which Israel rose as a nation.
But at the height of its blessings, it turned away and was corrupted.
Its cities were filled with immorality, its streets with bloodshed again and again, God called the nation to return, but it only grew more defiant and evil.
So he said this, I will break down the wall.
You have plastered with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that its foundation will be uncovered.
The words were first addressed to the lies of the false prophets of Israel who assured the nation that no calamity would come, their lies would be undone, but so too would be the nation.
It would be broken down to the ground. God would undo what he had built.
He would strip away all that had risen on top of the foundation he had laid.
He would bring everything back to its foundation. It is a principle of judgment.
The nation will be brought back to its foundation.
The falling tower I said, was it a symbol of America?
Yes, a high and proud tower and far removed from the foundation on which it began.
And on 9 11, the high tower crumbled back to its foundation. It was brought down to the ground.
Its foundation was uncovered. But there’s more to the mystery.
The high tower of America rests on two earthly foundations, its economic power and its military power of the two.
It was its economic power. That was the first to rise.
Long before American soldiers could be found in every corner of the earth.
The nation’s economic power had already encircled the world and long before there even was an American military power, the foundation on which its economic power would rise had been laid where I asked, where was the foundation laid?
The center of America’s economic power? And of the nation’s rise to economic superpower was New York City.
And when was its foundation laid? When did that, which we now know as New York City begin?
I don’t know in the foundation of the city is ultimately the foundation of that power the day the one began.
So did the other. Can we find that day?
Perhaps he can said the prophet pointing to a lone figure in a long black coat standing at the front of the ship gazing out into the waters.
Who is he? I asked the ship’s captain, where are we?
I asked on a voyage in search of a passage. What ship is this?
It belongs to the Dutch East India company. The captain’s name is Henry Hudson. Henry Hudson.
I learned about him in elementary school.
It was just then that the man in the long black coat pointed into the distance and said something to the crew that caused them to look into the distance.
And now you’ll see said, the prophet, the mystery of the foundation.
The day it all began, the ship was heading toward the tip of a land mass.
It’s an island said the prophet is that it I asked, is that New York City? It’s the beginning.
He said, of what would become New York City, the island known as Manhattan.
So this is the day of its discovery.
Yes, I watched as the ship approached the island and anchored by its shore.
This no is the day it all began. The beginning of the city, the power and the rising.
This is the day of the foundation and the mystery is the day itself, which is what September 11th.
September 11th, it all began on September 11th.
September 11th is the day New York City was born. It’s birthday.
So the city was struck on the day of its birth and the rise of America’s economic power, it all began on September 11th.
So on the day of the rising came the fall and it was this power that was before and behind the nation’s other powers and the rise of the nation itself.
So all those other powers have their origins on 9 11.
As does the rise of America itself, it all began on 9 11. So it all converged.
It all came back to that same day.
It was then that the captain picked up a large rectangular block of stone that was sitting on the deck and carried it off the ship and onto the shore of the island.
The prophet. And I followed behind, I would think I said that the stone is too big for a man to carry.
Did Henry Hudson actually carry a stone ashore? No, Norio said the prophet, this is a dream.
The discovery and founding of this island actually happened. But what you’re seeing now is symbolic.
We followed him to a site near the water’s edge where he set the stone on the ground.
He then took out a hammer and chisel and began engraving letters into the stone’s top site.
It’s the stone. I exclaimed the stone in the dream.
This is the dream said, the prophet, you’re still in it.
The stone that was exposed at the building’s foundation after the collapse. Yes.
Would you now like to read what it says? Yes.
So he led me over to the stone and I read the engraving Ezekiel chapter 13 verse 14, I said, what does it mean?
Ezekiel chapter 13 verse 14 is the verse that speaks of the breaking down of the wall and the uncovering of its foundation.
The fall of the house exposes its foundation put it together, Norio.
What happened to Israel in its day of judgment, its powers were broken.
I replied, its buildings came down, everything was stripped away and the foundation was exposed. Yes.
On the day of judgment, the nation is brought back to its foundation.
And so on 9 11, America was brought back to its foundation through the calamity.
The nation’s foundation was exposed. It is not only that America returned to its foundation on 9 11.
It’s that America’s foundation itself is 9 11 long before it became a day of calamity.
9 11 was the day of America’s foundation. The mystery of 9 11.
I never would have imagined that a convergence of times it happened in the judgment of ancient Israel when the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed by the armies of Rome.
It happened on the same day that the first Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed by the armies of Babylon centuries before the same exact day and those who destroyed it did they do it because no, it just happened.
Nor did the terrorists of 9 11 have any idea. They simply came to bring destruction.
So it wasn’t only what happened on 9 11.
That was the sign, it was 9 11, the day itself.
That was the sign in the book of Jeremiah. The nation’s judgment was prophesized.
In these words, what I have built, I will break down and what I have planted, I will pluck up.
Notice what happens when judgment comes, the breaking down is joined to the building up.
The Uprooting is joined to the planting. Each is joined to its inverse, it’s opposite to the mystery of inversion.
So 9 11 was the day that New York City was planted. So it became the day of Uprooting.
And on the day that began its building came the day of the breaking down.
And what is the meaning I asked?
And the message as it was with ancient Israel, America’s blessings came from God, its economic blessings, its financial blessings, its prosperity, the fruit of its baskets, the bread of its needing bulls, its power to produce wealth and its reign as the most prosperous of nations, it all came from God.
But if America should repeat the error of ancient Israel and turn against the foundation of all its blessings.
How long then can those blessings endure, Anna?
You haven’t said a word or even given a hint of an expression?
So I might know what you’re thinking when it all happened.
She said when America came to a standstill on 9 11, I can still remember what I was thinking, but I never could have imagined that behind all those things, all that was going on.
The two sat in silence for a time, Noriel sipping on his glass of water and Anna just sitting there.
So what happened next? She asked, what was the next revelation?
The next dream would take me deeper into the mystery and would involve a man, a microphone and an eagle in a mystery that would change the world.

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