The Hamas Mystery | Jonathan Cahn

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Hamas is an Arabic acronym that stands for “Islamic Resistance Movement.” Interestingly, it is also a Hebrew word that appears in the Bible. Hamas was founded in Gaza on December 10, 1987. But why did it come into existence? The answer lies in its founding charter. According to the charter, Hamas’s purpose is clear: “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.”

In other words, Hamas exists to annihilate Israel. Some people may claim that supporting Hamas is not antisemitic, but this is directly contradicted by Hamas’s founding document, which states: “Our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave.” This language mirrors the rhetoric used by Adolf Hitler, particularly in Article 22 of Hamas’s charter, which reads like something Hitler might have written himself. It accuses Jews of controlling world media, revolutionizing societies, and using their wealth to undermine governments and spread their Zionist agenda. This is classic antisemitism.

Hamas’s charter goes further, claiming that Jews aim to corrupt societies, destroy values, and undermine civilizations. It condemns Israel, Judaism, and Jews as inherently evil. The document makes it clear that Hamas will never seek peace with the Jewish people, not even in the afterlife, declaring, “You shall be overcome and thrown together into hell.” This is the ideology they celebrate on college campuses in the U.S., chanting “We are Hamas.”

Hamas’s actual vow, as outlined in the charter, is chilling: “I will assault and kill. Assault and kill. Assault and kill.” The repetition of this phrase reflects an extreme and demonic hatred, one that echoes the evil of Nazi ideology. Hamas’s hatred for the Jewish people is central to their existence and cannot be negotiated. Their goal to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people is rooted in an ideology that mirrors demonic forces.

Hamas’s slogan of “long live Hamas” is not just a political chant; in Hebrew, the word “Hamas” appears in the Bible and means “evil,” “violence,” and “destruction.” Psalms describes praying for deliverance from “evil men” and “men of Hamas.” Ezekiel speaks of a land filled with “crimes of blood” and cities full of “Hamas.” The Bible commands to “put away Hamas” or “put an end to Hamas.”

Thus, when people on American campuses chant “Long live Hamas,” they are unknowingly chanting for “long live violence, destruction, and evil.” They do not realize that they are pawns in a much larger, ancient struggle against a deeply entrenched evil. The Palestinian people, too, have largely been turned into pawns of terror, violence, and destruction through Hamas’s influence.

The origins of Hamas lie within the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that followed the influence of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi ideology. This deep-rooted evil predates Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. The same malevolent forces have been manifesting throughout history, culminating in a modern conflict that defies human explanation—it is not human but deeply spiritual.

Over 2,000 years ago, the Book of Revelation foretold of this ancient war. In Revelation, it says, “When the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.” This woman, adorned with a crown of twelve stars, represents the twelve tribes of Israel.

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