The God of Surprises | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The God of Surprises
“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn
Yet, Messiah is gonna say, he’s gonna turn it all around and he’s gonna, he’s gonna do something here.
That is the surprising thing. He’s gonna say something very unexpected.
Messiah likes saying things unexpected that God is often the God is the God of the unexpected gods.
The God of surprises throughout the Bible.
He’s always surprising people burning bush, surprise, you know, Mary, you’re gonna have a baby with no man surprise.
That’s why He God doesn’t really fit in with religion.
Well, because religion is what’s expected, but God is always unexpected, the ultimate of God.
So Messiah is, you know, the incarnation is unexpected, the resurrection is unexpected. Even the crucifixion is unexpected.
The spirit is unexpected. That’s the nature of God. He likes to surprise us.
Messiah even shocks us or he gets uh he speaks out of what people are comfortable with, out of the familiar.
Whenever he called somebody he was doing that, he was taking them out of their familiar life into something they were not familiar with.
Drop your nets. Follow me basically leave the tax, the tax table behind Matthew, step out of the boat, walk on water.
He will do that with every one of his disciples, including you.
He will always call you out of what you’re comfortable with a calling me.
If you got a call, you said, well, I’m called, you have a calling on your life and you do, it means somebody is actually calling you.
And if you’re being called, you’re being called from one place where you are to another place where you’re not, you’re being called to something else than what you have known.
So you have to be open to new things.
You gotta be open to new ways and new ways of thinking new attitude, new actions, new ground to go higher.
When Moses was called, he had to get out of his zone of comfort, take a risk.
He had to go down to Egypt when Elisha was called same thing, he had to leave his whole life behind.
Follow Elijah David following once God called him, that was it. There was nothing comfortable in his life.
Jeremiah had to leave everything behind. They all the disciples had to leave everything behind.
And that is, that is a key that is often missing in the lives of believers where they don’t fulfill their calling.
You wanna fulfill your calling. You have to step out in God. You have to take risk in God.
You have to do what you’re not comfortable doing.
You gotta go for change and newness if you’re gonna fulfill your calling. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cohn.
And I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- The Wheels Of Conviction | Jack Hibbs SpecialTháng 3 4, 2023