The Dream, The Man, and Grand Central Station | Jonathan Cahn

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The Dream, The Man, and Grand Central Station

The Calling Man
A man who appeared in a vision who changed the course of world history. How to be led, hear God’s voice, and find God’s will for your life.

The Prophetic Commentary

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A famous commentary from the 1880s, dealing with the prophecies of Israel becoming a nation again, said this, “It has been for 18 centuries a down-trodden country, it will be hereafter so no more. Let us not doubt the word of God. If God has said it, He will perform it. Let us not be faithless but believe it will happen.” In the 19th century, the land of Israel was a barren desert and hadn’t been a nation for 2,000 years. Scripture said, “God would cause it to bloom and become a nation again.” Other commentators said, it wasn’t going to happen, God is finished with the Jewish people; He replaced them with the Church. Well now, Israel is again a nation. Jewish people gathered back from the ends of the earth. These faithful commentators stand as a testament to God’s prophecy and power, as a lesson to us. Have faith in God’s Word when it looks impossible! Stand strong in faith, because God will do it. If God can bring life to a land that was dead for 2,000 years, then how much more will He do it for you.

I wanna tell you one more that uh that I was uh we were about to minister to the homeless in New York City.
And the night before I have a dream and the dream I have is I’m going to, we’re going to Grand Central Station in New York City and on the benches are homeless people and, and, and I’m talking to one of them.
It was like a soul. I’m talking to a soul and, and, and, and I share the gospel and then if the, the, the soul follows me and says, take me with you, take me out of here, take me out of here.
And I’m saying I would, but our, our car is not enough. We’re not enough.
But then I’m, then I’m driving away and the car starts expanding and I, but I look in the rear view mirror and I see this soul getting like taken back in like by demonic beings.
And so I said, OK, let’s so we go in there and I said, Lord, I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me, but we go there at the end of the day, we end up in Grand central station.
It wasn’t me planning it. And I’m talking, everybody’s talking, I’m sharing with the, with somebody and I share the, I share the gospel with them and the, the person totally open the gospel and the person had a problem with alcohol and I’m leaving.
And the person says, can you take me with me? Can you take me with you?
Can you take me with you?
And I’m like, at the moment, the dream comes, I said, OK, I’m not leaving you.
I’m so I waited until everybody was finished and we took him, we walked around until we could find a Christian place and there was nothing open.
Finally, as we’re going, we, we couldn’t find it.
We passed somebody who recognizes and he said, he’s going to a meeting.
So what says, no, I’m a Christian, but I was an alcoholic and we’re going to a Christian meeting and said, can you take him?
And they did. God wants to lead you.
God wants to lead you after Paul saw that vision.
He says immediately they headed out to there to Macedonia. The key when you know God’s will.
I mean, when God’s will says something, God says, do this, do it, don’t put it off.
You know, you get, you get a bad impulse, you’re afraid you’re angry, hold off, don’t do anything.
Don’t say anything. You’re gonna get in trouble, you’re gonna regret it.
Hold off on the bad thing on the fear don’t act but God speaks to you here speaks to you anywhere you’re reading the Bible, go with it in some way.
Go be quick to follow God. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn. And I hope you are blessed with the video.
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