The Dragon’s Prophecy is Out! | Jonathan Cahn Special

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The Dragon’s Prophecy is Out! | Jonathan Cahn Special

The newest book by Jonathan Cahn “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is finally released! You will discover how the events of our times are dramatically shifting our world into the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and revelations.

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To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

all right everybody today September 3rd 2024 is the day today is the day that the dragon’s prophecy is released today it officially releases on Amazon Walmart Barnes & Noble Christian books books a million everywhere you get books this is the first time officially you can get a copy right away wherever is closest to you for you or for people in your life or go to Amazon or any place online and they’ll rush it out now let me give you a little Advanced heads up a little taste a little sneak peek the dragon’s
prophecy is the only book I’ve ever written that specifically opens up the mysteries of the end times end time prophecy the next coming event the dragon and what it has to do with what’s happening right now and what it has to do with your life and it will literally explain all sorts of things that are happening in the world and what to do how to stand and how to prevail in the mysteries of the dragon’s prophecy is a 3,000-year-old mystery that foretold the invasion of Israel what exactly would happen when exactly it would happen down
to the year to the month to the week to the exact day this mystery may actually enable you to know specific events that are going to take place and exactly when they will happen it’s going to reveal the mystery of the sea people so a mystery that’s going to remove the veil on one of the most critical issues of our world and that’s so explosive they may try to ban it it’s going to show you what may be the next great colossal prophetic event and how it’s actually moving forward to its fulfillment right
now and how it’s going to affect every one of our Lives it’s going to reveal the ancient principality that may actually trigger the nations in World War it’s going to show you how a story we all learned as children actually foretold one of the most dramatic cataclysmic events shocking events of our lifetime it’s going to open up the mystery of the beast in a way that will reveal how it’s already affecting our world our culture Our Lives it’s going to open up the mystery of the 18, 263rd day an exact mystery countdown
that pinpoints the exact day of shaking things and the Mystery of the Dragon and what it has to do with your life and the strategy that’s being used right now against your life your home your family all things and how to overcome it and much much more this was the book I didn’t even expect to write but I was interrupted and I was led that this was the book that I had to write right now the Revelation to be given to God’s people and those in their lives what they needed to know and for the end times and for the people who need to
wake up and there there’s been more to stop this book from coming out than any other I’ve ever written I know all the more it’s crucial that it goes forth and it comes out today if you haven’t already ordered your copy of the dragon’s prophecy for you for the people in your life this is the moment and not just to order it but now you can actually you can pick it up get it open it up it’s available everywhere wherever books are wherever you get books online offline from Amazon and every other
place to on the web every store should have it and if you’re blessed and you want to help get the book on to more people post a like post a review on Amazon or any other place pray God powerfully uses it until next time this is Jonathan Khan saying stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might Shalom is there more to the world that meets our eyes another realm that’s Transforming Our World at this very moment is there an ancient Vision that unlocks what is really happening and what is yet to come is there a secret to
the Book of Revelation that reveals what is taking place right now after eight New York Times bestsellers Jonathan Khan now releases his newest stunning Blockbuster the dragon’s prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of days for the first time ever Jonathan Khan will open end time prophecy and reveal the secrets of our age the dragon’s prophecy will reveal the long hidden secret of the last days the colors of the Apocalypse the 235th day the Beast what lies ahead and more what does the future hold just when
you thought Jonathan Khan’s books couldn’t get more explosive comes the dragon’s prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of days it will open your eyes blow your mind and change the way you see the world available everywhere books are sold hi I’m Jonathan Khan and I hope you were blessed with the video make sure you hit the Subscribe button and tap the Bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed and share this video with
your friends thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time
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