The Disciple’s Fellowship – Dr. Charles Stanley – Called to be a Disciple – Part 10

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The Disciple’s Fellowship – Dr. Charles Stanley – Called to be a Disciple – Part 10

Men and women have the highest honor that God can bestow on anyone, an honor that not even the angels in heaven enjoy. God has created mankind with the ability to and sole purpose of having fellowship with Him.

When Jesus ordained the 12 disciples, He sent them out to preach, heal sickness, and cast out demons. The ability to do those things was an incredible gift to receive from God. None of them, however, were first on the list of His purpose for their lives.

The disciples were ordained to “be with Him.” A disciple of Jesus is one who has a relationship with and spends time with Him.

In this message, Dr. Stanley explains what it means to have fellowship with God and how that fellowship can transform your life as a believer.

This message is part of the series “Called to be a Disciple.”

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

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