The Devil’s Flute & the Flakiness of Culture | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Devil’s Flute & the Flakiness of Culture
Message Of The Week – What do flutes have to do with the enemy, and how does he use them against you? Jonathan Cahn discovers how this may be influencing your life and your responses – and how to completely turn it around.
Public opinion is about as meaningful as nursery the games of nursery school, and they change, and they shift 1 moment is 1 way the polls go this way.
Another moment the polls go that way.
This was the message I was gonna give you a few weeks ago.
And when I was about to give it on on Saturday, I, as you know, I injured my foot.
I could not stand. It was the same foot that I had broken a little while, uh, a while back.
Um, and it had to do the message as in the title Devil. Uh, so I was aware of that.
I watched myself yesterday, so I wouldn’t be doing anything stupid. I wouldn’t be working on the roof.
I wouldn’t be doing anything. Uh, but but this is so be ready here. This is called the devil’s flute.
I’m gonna see a a revelation, some fascinating ones in the original language.
What you would not see um, in the English, um, and something that has everything to do with your life.
And something that you can turn around for victory. And here we begin, verse 16.
But what shall I compare this generation to?
It’s like children sitting in the marketplace who call out to the other children and say we played the flute for you and you didn’t dance.
We sang a song of mourning, like a funeral dirge, and you didn’t mourn.
Now He’s speaking of children in the marketplace, and the Greek is Agora, the big marketplace, uh, center part of the city calling out to other children, they would play in the marketplace calling and say, we played the flute, but you didn’t dance.
We sang a song of mourning of of sorrow, and you didn’t mourn. What is this about?
The lord just finished speaking about a man called Jochanan whom we know as John the Baptist who the 1 who was called to prepare the way.
John to life as called an aesthetic life. He he he was simple, bear in the wilderness.
He didn’t come eating and drinking, but he ate locusts and honey. Okay.
And and if that’s an issue, it was kosher, though. He dis his disciples fasted.
It says for John, he goes on.
For John came neither eating or drinking, and they say, he’s got a he has a demon he’s possessed.
This leaves up with the children who play the flute, and they said, dance, John didn’t dance, didn’t didn’t death.
He was he wasn’t doing what they expected.
He was otherworldly, in many ways, lived AAA bear life in the wilderness, and they said he had a demon.
But the son of man verse 19 came eating and drinking and they say behold, he’s a glutton.
He’s he’s he he he he’s a heavy drinker.
He’s friend of tax collectors and sinners, and yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.
This corresponds with the children saying, we say a funeral dirge and you didn’t mourn. This is talking about Messiah.
You didn’t cry. You didn’t come. You didn’t come fasting and all these things. You you didn’t come like John.
You came in it. You were invited beside was invited to go to a a dinner in a house of sinners, and he went.
He didn’t meet their expectations. Remember what they called him. They called him friend of sinners.
That was meant as a put down, but what an awesome title.
The pharisee said, if this man were a prophet, He would know what kind of woman was at his feet weeping.
They wanted him to avoid unholy people, but he ate and drank with sinners.
So they condemned him, and they called him a drinker. And they accused John of being too otherworldly.
They accused Messiah of being worldly. He goes to Zace as his house.
He’s a sinner, and he said they’re a friend of the adulteress. What is Messiah saying?
He’s speaking against the judgment of man, the expectations of man, very clearly putting down man’s judgments and man’s he’s putting man’s expectations into judgment.
What shall I compare this generation to?
And they to to, like, nursery school, children, public opinion is about as meaningful as nursery the games of nursery school, and they change, and they shift 1 moment is 1 way the polls go this way.
Another moment the polls go that way. Not long ago, Americans in of redefining marriage away from man and woman.
It’s about 30 percent. And something like and and 70 percent against.
The last poll taken just recently, 70 percent are now in favor, 30 percent against. What does it mean? Nothing.
Except that it refers to the state of apostasy.
We may not be pharisees and sadducees, but we also play tunes for the lord to dance.
Do we make our own ideas of Messiah and of god? We expect him today. We preach prosperity.
Now god gives prosperity, but we preach that you can claim whatever you name and claim.
If you believe and you claim and name it, god will do it. That’s not the Bible.
That’s half of the scripture. Not the rest.
It’s gotta be god’s will or the god of Jesus of self realization, the god who is your success uh, consultant, which is which is preached all around America.
God will work for you. God will fulfill your potential. Same thing.
Now there’s a truth in it, but it is not the whole truth by a long shot.
It’s not the gospel. The flutes and the funeral dirges.
And there are others also who will condemn everything and you can’t do anything.
That’s more like those who say we mourn. We sang the funeral dirge, but you didn’t mourn.
Culture changes like the wind. Back when food was more scarce, the ideal woman in people’s minds was a heavy woman.
When food was plenty, models became anemic like skin and bones.
In some tribes in Africa, the woman put plate in their in their mouth to make these giant lips because that’s considered hot there.
At 1 time in America, it was cool to put grease in your hair.
You know, in the 19 sixties and seventies wearing bell bottoms were cool. Some of you were wearing them.
And you thought it looked so cool. Now you’ll say, what was I thinking?
When you were in high school, there was often an in crowd, and you had different versions of the flute and the dirges.
There were ways that you were this is cool. This is not cool. Happens in church culture.
Some churches you’re expected to jump up and down when you worship.
If you don’t, you don’t have the spirit.
You go to other churches you jump up and down and security will wrestle you to the ground, and the church organist will backslide.
It’s just flutes and dirges.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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