The Destruction of Fatherhood | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Destruction of Fatherhood

Now the overturning of foundations, the foundations of culture of ethics, morality, society, civilization, paradigms of worldviews overturned and the intensity and the speed of which it’s happening can be compared to a revolution as in a communist revolution of fastest revolution, a totalitarian revolution complete with the silencing of speech, the canceling of speech of those who resist or say otherwise or who dissent from it, complete with public confessions and public apologies to the mob.
But it’s not just the overturning of political power or a former of a government, it’s the overturning of foundations that have been there for society for thousands of years.
And one of those foundations is that of fatherhood.
Fatherhood was one of the first targets of the new morality.
It’s now crystallized into wokeness and a cancel culture since fatherhood has historically embodied Leadership or authority in the traditional family became the first primary target of the forces seeking to overturn the family as we have known it.
If you look at television programs from the 1950s and early 60s, fatherhood is overwhelmingly spoken of with respect.

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Father knows best Andy Griffith show, make room for daddy.
These old things fast forward to the 19 seventies and 19 eighties and nineties and fatherhood is continually chipped away.
Often felt like a statue being pulled down to the ground.
Fathers are often depicted as bumbling foolish immature, overgrown boys to be disrespected. Homer Simpson.
Uh The even, even the lovable Raymond of Everybody loves Raymond Seymour is an overgrown adolescent or else fathers are depicted as tyrannical, arrogant, dangerous or else fathers are simply not, their society has been moving in this direction.
What a transformation from Father knows best. Can you imagine a show called that today?
Not only do we, does it say fathers don’t know best, but we don’t even need them.
The disposable father, girls and women are encouraged to dispose of men and fatherhood, boys, men are drawn are being drawn away from the natural impulse to protect or provide for through addiction to video games, to addiction to pornography.
The abdication of manhood and responsibility and the result is a weakened family marriage, weekend, family, weekend, more Children are now raised without fathers than ever before in the history of, of this world And without a man and woman in a lifelong relationship of marriage, more and more like something like four out of 10 Children don’t even know what that is now.
And so and so is what has always been and it doesn’t ever stop there because now it’s moving increasingly to an attack on motherhood and women since mother’s, it’s a little bit harder because mothers are more organically joined to Children.
But we’re actually now seeing the the elimination of women mothers in public discourse. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
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