The Dangers Of Unbelief – B | Jack Hibbs

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The Dangers Of Unbelief – B

Luke 11:27-32

Unbelief refuses the evidence of God’s existence, and the teachings of Jesus. Even today, we have even more evidence, more archeological proof, and more prophetic fulfillment, but many will still maintain in their hearts that there is no God.

So God says, Joan, I want you to preach to them. What did Jonah do? Jonah said, forget you God. And he got a boat and he tried to head off for Europe. Remember he headed for Spain? That’s the story. God said, go, Jonah said, no, he took off. God said, I’ll show you I, you’re gonna fulfill my plan. I’ll make a fish gonna come swallow you. The fish swallows Him, takes them out, spits them up on the shore. And if you look at a map, Jonah had to walk a long way. He had to walk hundreds of miles. He gets up there. This is a guy with an attitude. He hates the people. He’s going to be talking to shows up looking pretty freaky looking probably some residual seaweed around his head and he comes up and he says, you’re all gonna fry. They must have perceived this man having come from a fish and great fear came upon them, which led in a practical way to their great recovery as a culture and as a people. It’s amazing. Why is this? Why did Jesus say only this sign? There’ll be no others man. That’s powerful. Jesus is saying this, listen, church, listen, friends, listen up. This singly singer is the only, what are we really? I didn’t feel a thing. You need to come to Christ now, don’t you need Jesus? Jesus said, no sign will be given to you. But that was close. Jesus is saying the only sign that matters. It doesn’t matter. Listen with all due respect. It doesn’t matter if God opened your eyes and now you can see Hallelujah for that. It doesn’t matter if your arm grew back. Great for that. Jesus said, there’s one sign that matters for all time and eternity. And that’s the sign that comes to the prophet Jonah. Why, why did he pick on Jonah to fulfill or to speak of that sign? Because Jonah was swallowed in the sense of burial. Jonah in a sense, died in the belly of the whale. And Jonah in a sense, was resurrected to fulfill the ministry. Jesus said, this is the sign. Matthew’s gospel tells us it’s clear Jonah as that sign was. So it will be about my life. He said, I will die, be cru crucified and died buried. But on the third day, Jesus said, I’ll be risen from the dead. It is an absolute prophetic announcement. Look to the life of Jonah and you should understand that the Messiah is going to be buried, resurrected, having died for our sins that Jesus says that’s the sign and that’s the issue. This morning with you, isn’t it? This morning? The believer says, yes, excellent. The person that’s filled with unbelief says, you know what, I’d like to take you out and back and beat you up. I wanna burn a Bible. I wanna, I wanna how upset you are angry that this could be true. Remember, first of all, it is, second of all, remember we plead with you to come to know the love of God. And again, that has nothing to do with membership in this church or signing anything. We may never see you again. That’s not my point to introduce you to God. Jesus said, no sign will be given but his resurrection. Listen, first Corinthians 15 1, this is the gospel. Jesus is the gospel, but first Corinthians 15 1, Paul the apostle said to the church to the Greeks at Corinth. He said moreover brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preach to you, which also you’ve received in which you stand by which also you are saved. If you hold fast, the word which was preached to you unless you believed in vain. In other words, don’t let unbelieve rob it from you for I deliver to you. First of all that, which I also received that Christ Jesus, that Jesus died for our sins. That’s number one, Jesus died for our sins according to the scripture. Number two, that he was buried. And number three, that he rose again from the dead according to the scriptures. That’s First Corinthians 15, 1 through four. That’s the Gospel. What is it? Listen, simply Jesus died for our sins. He was buried and he rose again from the dead. That’s it. Did you see how long it took me to say that? What is the Gospel? Here we go. He died on the cross for our sins. He was buried. He rose again from the dead. That took about five seconds. That’s the Gospel. You can even give that in an earthquake. You can give it to somebody who’s dying on their hospital bed. Have we Christian? I’m just talking to the believer. Have we strayed so far from what we understand our God to want of people? Is there simple faith in Him not to join some club? Well, you know, it’s too bad that you didn’t live a life and, and become a member of our church. Are you crazy? That’s not required of man. But to believe on the Lord. That’s what’s required of man to run from unbelief and put your trust in Jesus who loves you. There’s nobody on this planet nor ever shall be who loves you more than Christ. Nobody. Jesus was announcing to them as Jonah was to the Nevis, I will be to you. And we know from antiquity that the generation, the population of those there in Nineveh came to trust in God. That’s awesome. That’s amazing and wonderful. But the Gospel is very clear. Very simple point number two this morning. Verse 31 point number two, the dangers of unbelief. It’s this unbelief refuses evidence, he refuses the evidence. Unbelief is funny because it’s um there’s no reason to it. Look at verse 31 this is a real historical person here, the queen of the South. She came to see Solomon, the queen of Sheba. You know her from the Old Testament will rise up in the day of judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and indeed a greater than Solomon is here. Why is she brought up like this? Why does Jesus bring her up? There’s thousands of people from the Bible he could have brought up to her. You wanna know why? First of all, the queen of the South, the queen of Sheba, she was so impressed and you can read about that, by the way, you can read about her in first Kings 10. But the evidence of others, that’s what I want you to jot down unbelief refuses evidence and refuses the evidence of other people. Yet you operate, I operate under a judicial system that in the, in the mouth of a witness, a person can be declared guilty or acquitted testimony, unbelief won’t listen to anybody and it won’t unbelief won’t listen to others. And in first Kings 10, this story is in detail. But the queen of the South will rise up. Jesus said, this is amazing somehow in some way, in that great final day of the judgment, when the unbelievers stand before God in the end, somehow she and the generation with the men of Nineveh, they’re gonna rise, they’re gonna rise up and condemn that generation. Why, why, what, what is going on? Keep this in mind that she left her throne in the area of today uh would be Yemen, right on the peninsula. She would have left Yemen and traveled in her caravan from Yemen through Saudi Arabia, 1000 miles. She would have come to Jerusalem to see Soloman. And she did. Why? Because the Bible tells us that she came and she said this to him, King Solomon, I’ve been told the greatest things about you that your wisdom and knowledge has come from the God of the Jews, the God of heaven above. And I wanna, I wanna know what’s going on and when she saw everything that God had done through Him, she said, listen, the half what I was told, uh the half of it was spoken to me. This is amazing. She left her throne, traveled 1000 miles on the back of a camel or donkey or something to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And what does Jesus say a greater than Solomon is here? He said that in front of the people who knew this message, unbelief refuses the witness, the testimony the evidence of others. It’s amazing. Look at verse 32 the evidence of one unbelief refuses the evidence of one. You say, what do you mean? One? It says in verse 32 for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon to hear. Didn’t Jesus say earlier to that woman who said blessed is the woman who bore you? Didn’t Jesus say no, no, no. It’s better that you hear the word of God and do it. This woman, the queen of Sheba, the queen of the South, she came and she listened the evidence of one. See what do you mean by that? Friends? Listen and this is I hope very empowering to all of us. If you know someone or if someone asks of you, why are you a Christian or what makes you different or why do you own a Bible? Or if they ask you straight up, what is, what’s going on in your life? Listen, that the evidence of one that you and I tell them, well, you know what, seeing, how you asked. This is who I am. This is what I was and this is what I live for. Now, this is whom I live for. Now, tell them now watch, they asked you about your life. Tell them, I’m not saying to you make them believe you can’t. That’s not our job. I’m not telling you to have them make a decision. It’s not our job, the evidence of one you and I soon will break up from this place and go our way and you will have opportunity to tell people and you just tell them the truth. Tell them about what God has done in your life. Unbelief will turn to you and say, I don’t want to hear it. Well, I’m sorry, I thought you asked. I want, ok, I want, say, unbelief will say, yeah, it worked for you. But unbelief will say I don’t discuss religion. That’s good. We don’t want to discuss it either. Unbelief throws up everything to try to stop that. But my friend at the end of the day, we are to force no one to make a decision. That’s ridiculous. When people say leave me alone, leave them alone, just go and pray for them in private. But tell them what God has done for you. You guys, if you get a chance read the book, The Light and the Glory, there’s other writings you can, by the way, you can go online and, and download the, the Mariner’s log, the mariners’ log of Christopher Columbus. Now watch this, talk about belief, unbelief. How many of you have heard of Christopher Columbus regime? Well, I gotta ask these days, he’s a real guy, but you got to read his writings to find out about the man. It’d be good to do that about Mozart too. And Beethoven, stop getting Hollywood’s version of who these guys were and unfortunately, oh, brother Guard, the doors, get the car started. Don’t, don’t use public schools version of who these people are either. I love public school teachers. They’ve just been infiltrated with some, with rev revised history. You’re listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs. You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series. Just go to Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. And for now, let’s get back to our teaching. Once again, here’s pastor Jack, in his own words, Christopher Columbus, you can download his log and read him day by day. Did you know Christopher Columbus? He had, he had a mom and a dad. Yeah, it’s true in Spain. Did you know Christopher Columbus? Do you know how he got his name? Christopher? He got his name before he was born? His mom and dad had a dream that they’d have a boy. They named him Christopher. Do you know what Christopher means? I’ll give you a clue. Christ, Christ, Christ. Christ Topher means to carry the Christ bear earth. That’s what Christopher means to carry Christ. If your name is Christopher, it means that you take or you bear Christ, his parents gave him the name. They believed that God had a plan for his life. He was brought up in the Bible. He had memorized much of the scriptures. He had a, he had an amazing prayer journal that he called the book of prophecies. You want to know why he called it the book of prophecies. Because Christopher Columbus said, that’s where God speaks to him when he has his Bible open. And when he prays God speaks to him, and he wrote down verses from the Bible that led Christopher Columbus to believe that God had called him to take a mission of discovery to the world, to find a new world to announce Christ. That’s in Christopher Columbus’s writings. When’s the last time you heard that you can go to his daily log and see how often He cried out to God. Why am I saying? This one person’s evidence and God in their life can change the world. What about you? What about me? Thirdly under this point, the evidence of Jesus Christ, unbelief refuses evidence and unbelief refuses the evidence of Jesus Christ himself. Jesus said in verse 31 a greater than Solomon is here. We don’t get the magnitude of that. Jesus is telling these Jewish people. Hey, wake up. What do you think of Solomon? Oh He’s son of David, the queen of the South even came to get his wisdom. Jesus said, hello. Uh greater than Solomon is standing here right now. The magnitude of that is huge. A greater Jesus is making it very clear regarding this fact that they standing before Christ Jesus, they were refusing the witness of the Bible, my friend. If you haven’t heard this jot it down the Bible speaks about Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. No one in all of history has had a book written about them from cover to cover that is listen like the Bible covering thousands and thousands of years. Number two, the works of Jesus Christ were not only foretold before he did them before his birth, but he did them. And then the claims of Christ is claimed to be the way of the truth and the life. He said no one comes to the father but through me and he turned right around and said, I’m going to go to Jerusalem. I’m going to be betrayed, beaten, crucified. But on the third day, be risen from the dead. Jesus said it. What does history say? It happened? And then what about his birth into the world? Angels filled the sky in Bethlehem. And it was reported among those who were there as they went out to be witnesses of the world, what they saw. Look, I’m sure your mom and dad got excited when you came into the world, but I’m sure there are no angels singing signs as cute as you were point number three. And we end. It’s in verse 32. The dangers of unbelief is this unbelief renders judgment, unbelief brings about judgment. Here’s the amazing thing you, you may not like this message. I don’t like giving it, but I gotta tell you something. If you die in this life filled with unbelief, I didn’t put a gun to your head. I didn’t put a sword in your neck. I didn’t bend your arm. You will choose. It’s your choice. Just know this according to the Bible. So if you don’t like that, prove it wrong. According to Jesus, if you don’t like him, then you got to somehow get him back into the grave. Somehow. That ain’t gonna happen if you don’t like this. But understand this, this is what it says. If you like it or not, it is what it says that unbelief is going to render a judgment to those who don’t believe. And so verse 32 speaks to us about how this judgment is inescapable. It’s an inescapable judgment to those who don’t believe. He said, well, Jack, how can I be judged because I choose not to believe in it? That unbelief. Remember what Webster says? And it’s the same in the Greek is to be informed of something but to suppress it or to refuse it. Look, every person struggles with doubt. Doubt is not unbelief. You’re gonna go get your car today and hopefully by the grace of God, turn on the air conditioner. You may doubt if it’s gonna work or not, but you don’t have doubts that the air conditioner exists. Do you? You know that he exists some, sometimes you’re hit with doubt and is he gonna do that for me? Is he gonna speak to me? We all go through doubts, doubt is not unbelief. Unbelief is to say he could be real. I think he maybe is real. I don’t like him and I’m going to refuse them. I’m gonna reject them. I’m going to resist them. Just know this unbelief render’s judgment. It’s inescapable. Jesus said verse 32 the men of Nineveh will rise up in judgment with this generation and condemn it. Notice another, another set of human beings are going to rise up and say, what are you nuts? Are you crazy? We were a bunch of Nino Vites worshiping fish gods. And this crazy Jewish guy came and delivered this message and he didn’t even give us an inkling of hope yet 40 days and none was overthrown, but we were terrified and repented. We called out to God and God spared us. These men are gonna say, why didn’t you believe you had the Bible? You had CD rom, you could go online, you had radio TV. You could have listened, you could have made a decision but you remained in your unbelief. They’re gonna say how good you can you imagine? Jesus said they will rise up. It’s inescapable. It need not be though. Listen to this second under this point, verse 32 unbelief renders judgment and that it’s, it is an avoidable judgment though. You say, well, that’s contradictory. Oh no, no. Look at a, it is an escap judgment. You’re not going to it. That is if you are filled with unbelief. But if you believe today B comes into effect, A is removed. B comes into effect. It’s an avoidable judgment. Christian, the church listen, non believer atheist right now. The Bible declares that all of us are under judgment until we come to faith in Jesus Christ. If I die today, hey, if that earthquake a moment ago was a doozy and you died today, where would you have gone? Listen to this when this body dies, this flesh, when it dies, you’re going to go to my funeral or whatever. Lisa decides to do with me. Probably put me in the backyard or something. But oh poor Jack. Yeah, he’s dead. I’m not dead. I moved, I relocated, I left this carcass. This body is only a tool. The part that lives on forever is the spirit that’s within you that lives forever. Make it very clear. John chapter five says you will live in either hell or heaven, your choice. It’s your choice. Some of you are mad at me because I’m giving you that choice. You don’t even like that. You didn’t want, I didn’t want to think of that. Hey, look, if I die, the bible says to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord man. When I, when I die, roof caves in SWAT, I’m standing before the Lord, I’m alive more than ever though my body may be here. Keep that in mind because we will stand before the Lord either accepted because we’ve trusted the gospel message that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again from the dead will stand before him. Accepted because of that. Or for one final judgment, all mankind who do not believe will stand before him. And they, in this life they refused to receive the right answer. Never seen a little kid who doesn’t want to eat their lunch. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. That’s what you’ve done to the gospel. All your life don’t do that anymore. It’s avoidable judgment. And then it’s an unbiased judgment. Jesus said a greater than Jonah is here unbiased. It’s an unbiased judgment and this is the part that’s terrifying. Church. You have the ability given to you by God this morning to make that decision this morning. You will either vote for Jesus, yes or vote for Jesus. No. Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called The Dangers of unbelief. And you know, this message today is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke. It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world. And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio. You know, we don’t always understand what God’s doing, but the Bible tells us that one day we will. The question is, do we know God personally? Many believe there’s a God and that he’s powerful. But having faith in God is to know and understand that he cares about you immensely, God’s power could force obedience. But instead He gives us the freedom to choose to come to Him through our own free will. So if you’re wondering what that means to have a personal relationship with God, why don’t you let us help? Simply go to our website Jack Hibbs dot com. Click on that tab that’s labeled no God spelled out. That’s K N O W God. Now, once you’re there, you’ll learn about things like how our sin is separating us from God and how God has made a way through his son, Jesus Christ to get right with him again. It’s that tab labeled No God. And it’s there at our website Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you. Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio. Wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in His word, we’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.


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