The Brightest | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Brightest | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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we sang a new song that began. My beloved is the most beautiful among thousands.
It comes, you didn’t know it comes from the song of Solomon sounds like it does.
My beloved the love, the song of Solomon is the love song of the bible, long understood as an allegory of God and his people, God is the bride groom.
Israel saw it. So the bride as Israel and there certainly that’s certainly scriptural and the church has seen messiah God bride groom and the church is the bride.
And that’s true to both our, it’s all linked together.
So it contains some of the most uh deep and intimate truths about God and you the love of the bride and the bridegroom song of Solomon chapter five You don’t return.
You can just listen verse nine says this says this ma, I’m gonna let me tell you how it sounds in the original model to me dude, what kind of beloved is your beloved?
They ask the bride what kind of model to the word for beloved. You should know it.
My beloved is Dodie Dody. That means my beloved, simply beloved is does your beloved is Dodea.
So what kind of beloved is your beloved?
Oh, the most beautiful among women that you make us swear in this way. What kind of beloved is your beloved?
And the bride answers. So this is the bride and so spiritually would speak of God of messiah.
The bright answers. My beloved is and then she uses the hebrew word.
Try some that’s two hebrew words that we don’t letters.
We don’t normally use, which means my beloved is dazzling, dazzling sunny, bright, glaring, radiant, dazzlingly bright.

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My beloved is dazzling and then she says, she says, and a dome, what does that sound like a dome?
It means red or ruddy. It’s the word used of David was ruddy red or rosy.
It’s linked to the word adam.
Adam, which is adam which means mankind because man was taken from the red earth of the Middle East.
So you have done so. My beloved is dazzling and rosie then this and then uses the word duggal which he says, you know, you see dancers, they’re raising banners.
So tonight raising banners, duggal means a lifting banner.
It means it means something that is conspicuous high above everything else. It stands out.
It’s like a banner in a crowded. It stands out.
And so it says, My beloved is like, it’s like in the hebrew is like a banner that stands out.
The word that is flaunted and then it says the word, the word is revival which means among thousands and thousands of words.
My beloved stands out. You could have thousands and thousands and tens of my beloved stand will stand out in that crowd.
My beloved is dazzling but he stands out now.
Spiritually the song of Solomon would speak of the bride us and each of us and speaking now it’s the bride speaking about the bride groom who is messiah.
So this speaks of the bride.
Speaking of the Lord the bride here is delighting in her bridegroom comparing him to 10 thousands of others.
She’s comparing him so you can have 10th of thousands, you have millions. My beloved’s gonna stand out.
She’s comparing him now. Now now listen to what messiah said Matthew 10 verse 37.
Anyone who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
That’s big. That’s heavy. That’s a challenge to the disciples. He’s talking about, what’s he saying?
Anything that you put over him over God is an idol. That’s what the bible says.
You put money over him, idle success.
Idol, fame, idle comfort, religion, idol, career marriage, even a loved one idol Abraham had to be willing to offer up Isaac anytime you hold anything above God yourself.
Idol Because whatever you put above God is your God.
Hi I’m Jonathan cahn, Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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