The Breaking of the Finite | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Breaking of the Finite

“The same nation that was formed after the pattern of Israel now follows after the pattern of its moral descent, its spiritual departure from God. As it was with Israel’s descent, so too with America’s. It began with a complacency towards God, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols, and then, ultimately, the rejection of His ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly, and then, more and more, brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Today we are celebrating the spirit.
Now, now, when do we know that the spirit flowed so powerfully more than any other time?
At least that’s recorded the Bible. It’s the book of Acts. How did that power first come?
How actually how did that power before it came on Pentecost?
How did that power first manifest and manifest in the temple?
There was a veil, the veil was a, was a barrier limits barrier separating man from God barrier.
What happened as Messiah died? That barrier broke open, the veil was torn into the power of God broke through that barrier.
And what do you see then when the spirit comes in that power? What?
And that power comes from the cross? That power comes from Messiah?
What do you see in the book of Acts? You see the power of heaven coming onto earth?
What is that? It’s the power of break through the power of breaking forth and breaking out. It’s the power.
What do you see in the Book of Acts? What do you see happening?
God keeps breaking it open, you know there, there, there, there in that little that they’re in that room and what God.

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God just breaks it open. They’re speaking in tongues of far away nations. Their break, he’s breaking them open.
What do you see in the book of Acts? You see doors open by themselves.
Gates are broken open, prisons are broken open, hearts are broken open. Nations are broken open.
This is the power of heaven, this is the power of unbound life. The power breaks it open.
Even Judaism, the way they saw it. Of course, there’s only one faith, the Bible from then to now.
But the way they saw it was, it was only for them.
And God had to say, I’m breaking this open now when the spirit comes and breaks open.
So he says, Peter, look, look what he it’s lunchtime Peter and look what we have for you.
Pork, pork roast, lamb, chops, spam.
We got all these great things and it wasn’t about he was forcing Jewish people to eat that.
It was, he was saying that this is now, this is for the gentiles, what you are calling unclean.
I am gonna cleanse. I’m gonna bring them in. He had a blow first. He had to open.
He had a breakthrough. Peter’s mind and Peter’s expectations, it was too limited.
He had to say open up and then when they get together in the Book of Acts and see what’s going on, they had to have a council, the first church council.
We because God was just breaking off and see what’s going on here, what are we gonna do?
And God says you’re going to go forth to the world and it’s for everybody who will come in and this is we are breaking everything open guys.
That’s what he’s doing. He had a breakthrough. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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