The Beginning of The End (Ezekiel 36-38)

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listen before we uh get things going here today very very unique day uh all because of the news of this entire week it is absolutely uh snowballing to the point where you can’t keep up with it all it used to be news would happen news would break that it would be something that you’d maybe report on once two three times a year or maybe once every two or three years then it uh has come down to reporting on a biblical worldview Bible open in the news uh in months and then weeks now it’s by the hour um I know I look thrashed this
morning I’m actually 29 years old I’ve just been up since 2 a.m. that’s why I look the way I do there’s no time to sleep anymore uh God is getting his people ready and that is on both sides God is getting his people ready in the church and God is getting his people ready in Israel God is going to work and it’s happening right now and so uh this week has been an an epic uh week it has caused Global anger and rage and yet at the exact same time it has caused Global and epic rejoicing you’re going to hear
this you’re going to be quite surprised as to who’s rejoicing but um God’s on the move and uh there are overwhelming reports around the world but tremendous reports from the Middle East Iran uh Syria Israel turkey Egypt where people are coming to know the Lord and it is not a small amount of people it is not a small amount of people so Not only was this week an epic week uh as we’ll hear today regarding uh the advancement of Israel in dealing with uh Hezbollah which was an absolute unbelievably it had to be a God thing
because it was so weird it was so weird for Hezbollah to get involved they inserted themselves in into a fight that had that had Israel focused on the south and in one week’s time uh Israel’s longtime decade perennial enemy was decimated and the leader of of Hezbollah nasah uh was destroyed the other day and we’re going to talk about that why it matters and if if for some of you who are saying today I don’t like the way the tone of that is let me put it to you in a Biblical Tone If King David were here today he’d be walking
around with nal’s head we don’t want to hear that in a time like like this it’s because we’re we’re what my flight instructor used to say Jack the guy in the tower you better pay attention cuz the the guy in the controlled Tower is fat dumb and happy he goes home at the end of his shift you’re still stuck up here in the sky and a lot of people in America and in the west are just that way they’re they’re they’re just content and everything is fine as long as my long as I can get a you know donut or or my
coffee I’m good well friends that’s not the way the world is going right now and uh in several locations in the world we’re at War and this is a critical time on top of all of it God and His orchestration of bringing us to the 11th chapter of the book of Romans at a time like this is not by our choosing if you go here you know this the timing of this is impossible and then the events that are transpiring around the world the events that are taking place with Israel and the events of what is called
The Church in America when I say the church in air quotes the church that says it’s a church but it turns its back on Israel is no New Testament Church These are prophetic times and on top of all of that what a week for for us to make a huge addition to our real life Network team and that is we now have a full-time journalist three-time Emmy award-winning journalist that um by God’s grace we just stole from Newsmax and has has placed him uh in Israel in Jerusalem as our director of news and so um this you I
want you to see our first our first news broadcast from Jerusalem uh so put your eyes to the screen Israel’s patience with Hezbollah has run out we’re standing in central Tel Aviv this bustling street corner is directly across from military Central Command and today the idea is conducting new air strikes destroying the infrastructure the Lebanese terrorists have spent 20 years building the Israeli Air Force hit over 1600 Hezbollah Targets on Monday killing according to the Lebanese Health Ministry over 500
people the Israeli offensive meant to stop the daily rocket fire from Hezbollah 9,000 since October 7th and also to return the 60,000 Israelis who live on the Lebanese border back to their homes thousands in South Lebanon heeded the warning from Israel by text and by phone to get out of Harm’s Way while Israeli forces destroyed weapons Depots in private homes apartment buildings where Hezbollah was storing heavy Weaponry here’s the chief spokesman for the IDF in these images you can see how kisala hides long range
Rockets with range of hundreds of kilometers you can see here that the rocket is stored on an hydraulic system and is prepared for a launch out of an opening in the roof under this attic a family lives and serves as a human shield for kisala prime minister Netanyahu is speaking directly to the people of Lebanon offering them the same message he gave the people of Gaza before Israel decimated Hamas Israel’s war is not with you it’s with hisbah for too long kbal has been using you as human Shields it placs Rockets in your
living rooms and missiles in your garage to defend our people againsta strikes we must take out those weapons it response to Israel’s targeted strikes on weapons Depot has bolah launched dozens of rockets indiscriminately into Israel trying to kill civilians warning sirens have been sounding across the north including the port city of hia the surrounding areas and the northern part of Judea and Samaria no one was injured Israel says the strikes on Hezbollah are far far from over meantime the United States is deploying additional troops
here to the Middle East the Pentagon didn’t say how many or what their mission would be there are already 40,000 American forces in the region and an estimated 86,000 Americans living in Lebanon reporting for the real life Network I’m Daniel Cohen wow great job you’re going to be seen a lot more of that a lot more of that but in listen in the meantime this is a precious uh precious moment for all of us uh it’s been a while now not too long ago Amir serfati and I had some coffee and a meal together he was in town and and he
didn’t want anybody to know he was just taking a break and uh so we had some time together and then he got back into Israel uh where Amir is of course uh reaching the world through behold Israel if you do not have Air’s social media platforms you must get behold Israel uh and stay up to dat but he is just another and yet unique uh I met Amir I think maybe he was 21 or 22 years old he’s been my brother ever since we’ve watched his kids grow up as he’s watched mine but joining us live right now from
just below the Lebanese border uh Amir is in his bomb shelter in his home uh as uh war is taking place around him air alive can you can you hear us brother are you there yes Shalom Jack shalom shalom thankfully I managed thankfully I managed to make it to our studio um because uh we’re uh having uh major major strikes in Lebanon and thankfully the rate of Rocket launching towards Galilee is significantly lower than um what it should have been should noala was still alive so I I I managed to get to the uh to the studio so everybody will have a
better uh uh footage uh this morning Amir that’s good news that’s good to hear and so uh is it safe to say that we’re looking at uh the residual what’s left of some uh Hezbollah loyalist is that what we’re seeing with these uh yeah fires yeah first of all before we continue Sirens might go off and and I’ll have to take off to a bomb shelter which is at uh in the the floor of this building so if you hear the siren goes off on my phone I’m going to be gone for 10 minutes but to your question uh
Hezbollah has tens of thousands of terrorists that are fully armed and they have still tens of thousands of rockets the the problem is that they have no command andol control anymore we destroyed the way they can communicate with each other so instead of coordinating large barges that should come from 15 different launchers they only use one at a time now because there’s no way to coordinate anything and and so instead of getting 100 rockets at a time we get five we get eight we get 10 and that’s a major win
it all goes back Jack to 12 days ago when the rules of the game in the Middle East have changed and completely changed Israel was so looked down by our uh enemies and the enemy was were so emboldened by still the October 7th attack and a lot of people are asking me how come you guys were so uh great in Lebanon and something so big happened to you in the southern border and and it’s very simple it’s because we were so fixed on Lebanon the whole time that we actually abandoned and neglected the southern front but regarding Lebanon
we’ve known where nral is for the longest time we have the exact coordinate of each and every one of their launchers we just didn’t want to start a war because there is no point of fighting major Wars in two fronts at the same time we needed to finish Hamas first and then get all of our maneuvering divisions of Commandos and and tanks and others to the northern uh uh border and ever and and and we also needed some element of surprise to uh completely cut off the control and command among hisbah and that’s what we
did with the pagers followed by the Radio Systems followed by the uh elimination of the top commanders of the Elite Force of hisbah the radwan force last Friday and since then Hezbollah is unable to function and the road to kill nasrala which is by the way the most significant elimination of a terrorist leader uh in the history of planet Earth way bigger than uh than bin ladin or or even uh Isis leader because Nala is running the largest terror group on planet Earth you know what’s amazing about what Amir just said is I I too
have been stepping through this significance of nasrala being eliminated you say well Mo most Americans don’t even know who he is because they don’t pay attention the guy’s been The Mastermind of not only raping the Lebanese people of so much but remember this isn’t a terrorist group that took over a country called Lebanon what you don’t realize people is when you talk about Bible land Lebanon is Bible land as well and it’s been held captive by this terrorist organization and so as air just said a
moment ago I had been thinking in my mind on what scale does this match solomani was one thing uh Al bagdadi was another thing and those are big things but nasala is something to me in my mind when it comes to just the amount of Israeli death in connection to one man’s orders um I’m not even sure if Goliath under the Philistine uh regime could match what nus R this is the level of evil that we’re talking about and we’re sitting and we’re living through it right now friends in in world history you’re
watching this go on and and and we’re going to go in this conversation which by the way 100% unrehearsed we did not text points Amir and I we don’t do that stuff we just let it go and uh one thing sure we stay in the Bible we do well and so um that said um Amir it we saw rather quickly here in the US uh that the governing powers of Iran immediately went into uh secured bomb shelter locations uh for fear of Israeli um retaliation frankly everybody retaliation because it’s Iran that has been the uh supplier and the provider
and has had Nala in Hezbollah on the payroll Amir what can you tell us about the current moment uh uh the atmospherics of tan yeah they’re shaking right now they are on the Run they are in hysteria because right now the Iranians understand that if we got into the communications and their location of the top bre of hisbah that means we know everything about the Iranians themselves and we proved that a couple months ago when we eliminated isma hania not just in tan but in the most secured part of tan where only the Iranian
revolutionary guards the irgc are hosting uh uh their VIPs two kilometers away from the presidential Tower uh Palace excuse me and we eliminated Hamas top lead right there in the heart of Teran which means we are having on our payroll several people within the Iranian revolutionary guards as as much as we have people within hisbah as well look um the one thing that Israel failed to do in Gaza for the last 20 years is to uh or for ever since we pulled out of Gaza is human intelligence we thought that we can rely on uh signals only
signant um and and we fail there is no replacement for human intelligence for people for we we need to know how people think and and no there is no signal that can give you that you need to have people around and uh We’ve uh we are eliminating one Commander after the other because we have people inside and we do have people within Iran’s top breast and they know that that’s why they took their supreme leader to a secure area right now now Jack Hezbollah was formed by Iran to be their uh their basically um uh uh I guess buffer in
order for them to continue to work quietly on their nuclear program they knew that Israel will have to think twice if we want to attack Iran because hisbah then will strike us with tens of thousands of rockets and so now they lost that asset that asset does not function and with that all of their other assets are collapsing 45 minutes ago Israel decimated uh the houis in Yemen right now we they’re now unfunctional in in Yemen and and the reason is in the last two weeks they fired three rockets towards Tel Aviv um and so one proxy
after the other they’re losing and this is my friend why Iran cannot lean on their proxies yes but Iran will have to lean on other countries to come against Israel yeah well said everybody just put things in perspective the strangeness of this what is going on from a Biblical uh Vantage Point number one first of all let’s all remember this none of this would be taking place uh except for May 14th 1948 you need to remember that Israel was not a nation and then Israel became became a nation again and if you
want to learn the details about this I hope you do you should read Ezekiel chapter 36 I read Ezekiel 36 yesterday I got so excit I’ve always loved it but in light of current news and I think this is how the believer should be living I read Ezekiel chapter 36 and there it outlines what God is going to do with the nation of Israel before he gets the show on the road and I got so excited I went in Lisa was reading a book poor thing she was somewhere peace and quiet I said you’ve got to read this and in fact read it
here read it and read it out loud I want to hear it you need to read it and she starts reading it and she read all of Ezekiel 38 out loud to me and it was like watching the news unfold and then you read Ezekiel 37 where the dry bones are coming together and God creates a nation in unbelief he speaks to them from all corners of the Earth the Jews and he says come back to your own Homeland that I’ve promised you and I’ll make a way for you and he talks about bringing them back and he says in the last days you will come into the
promised land that your fathers once inhabited and there you will dwell and your land will be built up and you will plant Vineyards this is all happening in fact if you want to if and if any of you are in the wine trade business I know that there’s a i i I know a man who’s in the wine Syndicate of California some of the greatest wines being produced in the world right now is being produced in Israel and God’s Bible said that would happen and all these things coming together regarding the reestablishment
of of Israel and at the same time friends listen Skeptics you got to put this together at the same time that God says I’ll do this he also says in Isaiah 43 that I will bring my children back into their land from the south from the west from the East watch and I will command the north Let My People come and that commandment from the north we believe clearly because of the results was do you remember when Ronald Reagan said Mr gorbachov tear down this wall did you know that quickly over 600,000 Russian born Jews made Aliah
they moved immediately to Israel and no wonder God said to the north I command you let my people come and that’s Isaiah 43 you can read that later putting things into context where are we today we are now going through a an area where I personally believe it’s dovetailing with Romans chapter 11 where there’s been a blindness over the eyes of the Jew until now a stuper where they cannot see but we’re starting to see many Jewish people come to faith in Christ what’s going on I believe that am and I talking together
right now Daniel Cohen in country everything that you and I are studying we’re at the end of the church age everybody the church in America the church in the world has gone crazy woke weird but the Bible said there’ll be a Remnant there there’ll always be a few I think that we’re living in a time like that Jesus said to the church in Philadelphia in the last days you’ve kept my word you’ve not denied my name and so I will keep you from the hour that will come upon the entire world to
try all those who dwell on the Earth why what’s going on we are heading toward a time that is a setup it is the piece is being put into place because air I think what might happen speculation now everybody speculation and I’m dying to hear what you might think about this could it be airor that you guys are so successful regarding Hezbollah now this morning last night my alarm’s been going off too I text you earlier was that coming from this from Yemen was this a launch from from Yemen uh the houthis don’t you think with if
you were the houthis they’re a terrorist group if if if you’ve seen what’s happened to Hamas then you see what happened this week to Hezbollah don’t you think you would just put your missile away no instead they’re sending it now they’re the next wave so Amir reported obviously correctly that Israel’s now dealing with Yemen listen the only way that you can keep your country safe is stop shooting at Israel you’ll be fine just don’t shoot at them like that but Israel believes that they’re fighting for their
existence you and I know our Bibles we we know better but Amir I’m curious what if you guys are successful with Hamas with Hezbollah with Iran in the sense that they calm down and the houthis are eliminated do you possibly see this being a peace for Israel that sets up the Ezekiel 38 description of a land who dwells in peace that rash mesach and tubal will see them dwelling in peace and they could come to Iran’s Aid do you see any significance to this perhaps sooncoming peace absolutely I believe that uh what we’re
seeing right now is the preparation for a period where Israel will dominate yes the Middle East and we are already look we call the shots right now we we told an Iranian uh cargo plane to turn around and go back to uh Iran um I mean he was flying actually to Beirut and we said uhuh you’re not flying to Beirut anymore no be no exactly we are not allowing anything to come into Lebanon from from from uh Iran we are blockading Lebanon we are destroying just in the last four hours Jack we we attacked in Syria in

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