The Anchored Psyche – Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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This hope we have as an anchor, an anchor of the soul.
It’s a hope that is sure and reliable and which enters into the veil.
And anchor, we get the word that the Greek word literally is ancora.
We get the word anchor from it and it says anchor of the what?
The souk a in, in Greek Suki, we get the word psyche psychology, the anchor of the soul.
But that word doesn’t just mean soul. It means the spirit, your spirit, your heart, your mind and your life.
What it means is your soul needs to be anchored.
If your soul isn’t anchored, it’s gonna be all over the place.
You’re gonna be storm tossed, you’re gonna lose your piece back and forth.
You go up and down in the Lord, but also means your spirit.
The very driving thing of your life has to be anchored in God.
Your heart has to be anchored, your emotions have to be anchored, or they’re gonna be all over the place, subject to the world.
And your, your next problem and your mind is to be an anchored mind, meaning your thoughts.
If you’re not anchoring your, you’re not anchored, your thoughts are gonna be all over the place.
You stay up late at night thinking this way scattered God.
It says your anchor, your mind is to be anchored. Your thought, life anchored, your life itself anchored.
So there’s gotta be a way that we can anchor our heart, mind, our, our, our thoughts, everything we have this anchor and this hope.
So, how do you fight the waves?
Let’s say you’re standing in a standing in a storm and the sea waves are coming at you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the strongest person in the world or the heaviest person in the world that is not enough to stop a wave to stop away from sweeping you with all that.
The force of waves can overwhelm. You think of how heavy a ship is?
A ship is a lot heavier than we are yet it’s gonna be tossed all over.
So, so how does the ship do it by the principle of anchoring?
So key and few believers do it the key and secret of anchoring yourself. How do you do?
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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