The Amazing Ancient Discovery that Proves Gideon | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Amazing Ancient Discovery that Proves Gideon
Message Of The Week – Jonathan Cahn shares of the amazing discovery hidden for over three thousand years and what it has to do with our lives. The secret of Gideon, the opposite law of the kingdom, warring against the gods, breaking down the altar, the days of Gideon revisited, and what Jerubbaal means for such a time as this.
Monday, July 31, 2023
During the years of prohibition in Chicago, Al Capone rose to power and corrupted everyone around him. He even had judges on his payroll. Because Chicago was so corrupt, there was nothing that could touch him. But then Elliott Ness was brought in and put in charge. He along with nine young, idealistic, law enforcers, came to bring down Al Capone and break the underworld. They were called the Untouchables, not because they couldn’t be killed or hurt but because they couldn’t be bribed, corrupted or intimidated. They ended up getting Al Capone on tax evasion. He was touchable because of his lack of integrity. The Latin root for the word integrity is the same for the word untouchable. God is calling you to be one of His heavenly untouchables. A person of integrity, who can’t be touched, compromised or bought. If you’ll rid your life of compromise, go all out for God and not let that sin, that temptation touch you anymore, then you’ll become one of heaven’s untouchables. You’ll pull down strongholds and even transform a city or even change the world.
Hale, Almighty hero, oh, powerful champion, strong and valiant won.
Wow, Gideon is anything but strong, and he’s anything but my or valiant.
And he’s not a champion, but the angel greets him.
Why did the angel do that? Was he lie?
This week, there was some amazing news.
I don’t know if you caught it.
Israel archeologists have uncovered uncovered a thirty one hundred year old inscription from the time of the biblical judges.
At an excavation, it was it was in a storage pit dug into the ground with stones, and they said it’s the most exciting Part of this is they discovered an inscription from the time of judges.
Now they have never had an inscription from the time of judges. Now, description meaning a word.
There were some scattered letters. Never. This is the first time ever.
And so it actually it it forms a word from the book from the time of judges.
And that that fact alone is gigantic, but what’s the word?
The word is a name And the name is the name, Yerabal or Jerabal.
Now why is that so important?
The arc archaeologists say, listen, you know, that we’ve never had a name from this period.
The book of judges tells us of a man named or Geribal, and he is also known as Gideon.
Gideon They found so the first, they found the first subscription, uh, art surgeon from that time judges, not just letters, but a word, not just word, but a name not just a name, but the name that is the name that was called, but Gideon was called.
Gideon is from the book of judges. This is dated from that time.
This amazing, you know, critics are always saying, no, the Bible made that up.
The Bible put that in there. They said there was really no House of David. Guess what?
Then they discover the inscription of the House of David. They questioned the book of Jeremiah. Guess what?
They discovered all these names from the book of Jeremiah.
The seals of these people that Jeremiah spoke up, including Barrokh his scribe.
And for the first time in history, just recently, the seal of an ancient king of Israel turned up the king’s name hezekiah after two and a half thousand years.
It happens again and again, they deny something, then it comes up from the ground. The stones cry out.
And now, of all people, gideon. Now the name, Jerubal, is not common, was not common.
It’s the only one we know, was gideon, because he was called for what he did when he broke down the altar of bale.
And actually, on Sunday, I’m I’m led to say something about that this link to where we are right now with the gods of this world.
But he crushed the old he was called Gerubah. From that time.
In the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven, it speaks of the heroes of faith, the great men and woman of god.
And near the end, it gives a list, and it says this. And what more shall I say?
I don’t have time to tell about Gideon Barak, Samsung Jepthah, David, Samuel, the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, gay administered justice, gained what was promised shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames escape the edge of the sword.
First one mentioned, Gidiam. And now after after three thousand years, this name comes up.
Didian, who led an army of three hundred people against a camp of thousands and thousands with no weapons, just to show far and a clay jar.
Didion was one of the great heroes of the Bible, but he didn’t start out as a great hero of the Bible.
He didn’t even start out with faith. He didn’t even start out great.
He started out, scared, doubting, unbelieving, cynical, everything that’s not good.
What always strikes me of the the the story of Gideon is something that happens at the beginning.
I’m gonna read him. You could if you have judges six, open up, I’m gonna you don’t have to.
Here it is. Judge six verse eleven.
Then the angel of the lord came and sat under the oak that was an ophrah.
Not the Oprah we know, which belonged to Joe Ash, the Abazirite, and his son, Gideon, was beating out weed in the wine, pressed in order to save it from the midianites.
The angel of
the lord appeared to him and said to him, the lord is with you valiant warrior.
Then Gidion said, oh, my lord.
If the lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Why?
Where are all his miracles, which our fathers told us about saying, did the lord not bring us out of Egypt?
But now the lord has abandoned us, hand us over to medium. This very Jewish response. And the
lord looked at him and said, go in this strength of yours and save Israel.
From the hand of midian, have I not sent you? But he said to
him, oh lord, how am I to save Israel? Be all my family is the least of Vanessa.
I’m the youngest of my father’s house,
if the lord said to him, I will certainly be with you, and you will defeat midian as one man.
So an angel appears to Gideon gives him a charge and a mission. Gideon doesn’t believe it.
The angel of the lord is with you, Gideon answers. I don’t think he is. Where are all the miracles?
Where is all this? The Lord says, I have sent you, Gidi, and says, how can I do this on the least?
Not exactly the words of a hero of faith. But what strikes me is the very beginning.
The angel of the lord appeared to Gideon and said, the lord is with you and then he says in Hebrew, Kiabor.
What does it mean? Great words used in Isaiah nine ten and says unto us a child is born.
His name shall be El Gabor. He shall be the mighty god.
Gebor means mighty, valiant, warrior, powerful, hero, giant, excellent, and champion.
So the angel is telling this all this to gideon. He doesn’t deserve this.
And the next word, means also powerful, strong, mighty. So it’s a double thing.
Hale, almighty hero, o powerful champion, strong and valiant won.
Wow, Gideon is anything but strong, and he’s anything but mighty or valiant.
And he’s not a champion, but the angel greets him.
Why did the angel do that?
Was he lying? Angel of gods don’t lie, and they don’t humor people.
Then how could he say Gidian was valiant warrior champion giant?
How could it
be true when it wasn’t true? In fact, Gidian’s response proves it’s not true yet. It is true.
The angel was not speaking of how it appeared, but of what was true in the purposes of god.
The angel was speaking of what god’s purposes were for Gideon and what would become manifest in time.
He’s speaking. He’s speaking. It seemed as if it was false.
Yet if you read Hebrews, clearly it came true.
The great heroes of of Israel, but the angel said it before it them.
The calling of Gideon begins with those words. God is with you.
Oh, Gippur, great value and chuck champion of god.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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