The Absolute Key to Finding God’s Will for Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Absolute Key to Finding God’s Will for Your Life
A man who appears in a vision who changed the course of world history. How to be led, hear God’s voice, and find God’s will for your life.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
I want to do your will. You’ve given me a commission, help me be a light to this world.
I’m not here to survive. I’m not here to look out for myself that has its place.
But it’s not why I’m here. I’m here to bless. I’m here to shine. I’m here to spread your word.
I’m here to be a living ambassador of you.
Thing is this.
It may be general, the will of God speaking to everybody.
But when you apply it to your life, it becomes specific to your life.
It becomes part of the specific will for you that God has. The general will become.
So get this again. The general will of God here becomes the specific will of God for your life.
When you apply it example, it says forgive, ok, general, forgive or you won’t be forgiven general, right?
True to everybody. But then it means well, how do I apply it?
Well, there’s somebody in my life, there’s got something in my heart. I have not really forgiven this person.
I need to forgive them. I need to forgive them specifically.
Maybe I need to do something as I do it.
It becomes the specific will of God for my life that will lead to other things. You understand.
It says, for instance, it says it works with anything. It says, it says repent pretty general.
But when you take it, it’s repent for what you need to repent of that specific thing, there’s a specific thing in your life.
You can always have something to repent about.
You think, well, if you don’t think you have something to repent about, you’re already in sin, you gotta repent of that because you’re not perfect that specific.
When you repent and do that, it becomes specific action specific will for your life and God will use that to get you to the next point.
I’ll tell you one more about it. It says go and make disciples of all nations.
Well, that’s for everybody. Yes. But when you apply it specifically, something specific is gonna happen in your life, whether they reject you or receive.
It doesn’t matter when you step out and you give the word to that person, I’m following God’s will something.
It’s gonna speed up. It’s gonna expedite what God has for your will because you’re in his will specifically.
So the the general will here leads to the specific will for your life when you apply it and the known the revealed will of God in here is gonna lead you to what is not yet revealed for your life.
The scripture says, don’t be like the mule or the horse. Psalm 32 verse nine. Don’t be why?
Well, the horse will jump ahead of you. You gotta pull it back, rein it in, pull it back.
You don’t wanna jump ahead of God. You want something. You may want something with Lord.
You gotta say, Lord, I’m surrendered to you like Abraham and Sarah. They were like the horse. They jumped ahead.
They wanted what God promised good, but they wanted it now. And what happened they got Ishmael.
God bless Ishmael. But it’s been a lot of problems for the Jewish people in the Middle East.
Both Israel and Isaac don’t be like the mule. It says the mule has the opposite problem.
It tends to not want to go forward, you gotta pull it.
Don’t be like meaning when God says go, don’t, don’t talk about it.
Don’t say tomorrow, don’t say maybe, don’t say, yeah, I’d like to just do it.
See, see, don’t delay it, don’t fight, it just do it here in the book of Acts.
They may have had all sorts of reasons to go into Asia yet God said with all your reasons still, I’m saying no, why could have been a danger waiting?
Could have been, could have been the death of Paul.
Could have been, could have, they could have stumbled because of something there.
They could have been distracted or maybe God had something else waiting for them somewhere else which he did or it could have derailed God’s plan in some way.
I mean, God will always, no, no, but it could, it could have not been the perfect thing.
God knows everybody who’s gonna get saved.
So, and it happened through what they did back then they touch, that’s the beginning of the tree.
They touch one thing. It starts multiplying up to today when you’re saved.
If you turn left, it’s gonna affect history. Turn right. It’s gonna affect history.
The one thing they do could change the history of the world. Actually.
What’s gonna be because of them not going there, they’re gonna listen to God, they’re going to end up.
It’s going to mean the first person of Europe is going to come to salvation, that’s going to change the history of the world.
But they will go back to Asia.
But that you can, you know, you can be caught up so much in something that you’re not yielding to God.
Be careful when you want something so much because it can color your perception.
Lord, even if you say, hey Lord, give me a sign and then you’ll take anything.
You know, I don’t say you will, but if you’re so invested in it, that’s a problem.
Somebody said, oh, you know, you know, I got, you know, God told me I, I know I’m supposed to marry that person.
Give me a sign, Lord. If I say hi and they say hi back, you did it.
I and speaking. So you know, you, you gotta treat it like Isaac.
If you want to hear God’s will I Lord with or without. I’m OK.
I, I want this but thy will be done. Then he can lead you in the old days.
When I was a single pastor, there’d be women who would say it’s God’s will.
I, that, that you marry me. I said, ok, just one thing, one little issue.
I said, what, what? Well, God didn’t tell me that to which they replied, you’re disobeying the will of God.
I said, but don’t you think he’d let me know? Are you telling me?
You don’t feel anything if you told me that? All right, I’d accept it.
I said, OK, I don’t feel anything. You’re not being clear, read my lips. I don’t feel it.
You’re not submitting to the will of God.
You know, I’m using, it’s a composite but everything I just said is true.
Maybe you were to be married or you wanted to be married. A relationship, didn’t, didn’t, didn’t happen.
And you think you failed to get married? No, you didn’t. You succeeded in not getting married to that person.
I was once in a friendship with a woman that I had helped lead to the Lord early in, in the, in my walk and it was becoming more than a friendship and the feelings were becoming stronger and it wasn’t that there was anything unbiblical about it, but I didn’t have it from God that it was his will.
The feelings were there and things were moving and I’m ministering in the city to the homeless.
I believe it was in Penn Station and a homeless man, bearded homeless man as we’re ministering turns to me and says to him about himself.
I used to be a minister but I turned away from God.
You’re considering something that’s not the will of God.
And I am Bell’s donkey telling you stop says a whoa, that was it.
A guy coming up from nowhere in Penn station telling me he’s Bela’s donkey.
That was enough there years ago.
Uh At one point I was, I was engaged to be married but it wasn’t God.
And I mean, it was all nothing unbiblical just and, and you know, and we went our ways and she got married and this and, and we met again years later and she always wondered about it and all that and she told me so, you know, if we got married, I would have ruined your ministry.
I says I was not ready at all and we thank God. It was beautiful. Thank God.
So in your life, that person you thought you were supposed to marry and you were crying out. Why?
Lord, why not? It didn’t happen. Why? Why? And you see the people years later, you say thank you, Lord.
Thank you. Thank you for the nose. Paul was only saved because he was he yielded to God.
You know, his name Paul comes from the root power which means to pause or we get the word pause, stop repent.
Who knows what the no is saying in your life.
But if God’s saying it, don’t fight, don’t fight him.
We were in Cuba and we had a translator then named Felix and he, he had come from Cuba.
I, I mean, as a kid, he was taken out early.
I didn’t realize that when he, when I asked him to come and he was arranging on it was his last day, he had to leave and he was arranging because we were in the region of where he, he grew up or where, where he was born.
And he was, and he, he said, there’s a church in, in the town and he, he called them up and he wanted to, he’s all dressed up to do it.
And they, the people on the mission who were arrangers said, we can’t do it. Sorry. He was heartbroken.
God said, no, said they take us to a plantation to minister on a farm. I see him.
I look back and he’s in a daze. They were taking him around. He’s in a daze.
I said, what, what is it? He said this plantation is my grandfather’s farm.
This is the place, not just the town, the place God because he, in other words, God said no to what he wanted.
And then took him to the exact place, not the town, the exact place.
And that night, I’m preaching the message, the He’s translating the first, which I had planned already.
The first words were and everyone shall return to the land of his father.
God says no, now they don’t know what to do.
And then it happens verse nine now, and a vision appeared to Paul in the night, a man of Macedonia was standing and pleading with him and saying, come over to Macedonia and help us.
He’s led by a vision. Now, he didn’t understand why God said no.
And now it’s gonna come even if you have everything figured out.
And it makes sense until you got to ask God, he may know something.
You don’t know which He probably does. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not to your own understanding and knowledge Him in all your ways and he’ll direct your path.
That doesn’t mean don’t use reason. Yes, use reason, do your best, but always lift it up to God.
And major times when you look at the early church, how it was led supernaturally, Pentecost miracles, vision of Peter of the unclean animals, Cornelius praying all these things, Antioch prophetic word to Paul and Barnabas.
It’s happened. Those major, the major things have happened.
God has shown us I needed God’s intervention or I asked said, Lord, you know, give me like when I was coming into ministry where I was asked to come into ministry full time.
I said, Lord, I know, you know, I know I’m not, they, they tell me I’m not supposed to ask for fleeces or signs.
But I don’t, I’m gonna ask you if I’m not gonna ask you for one.
I’m gonna ask you for six of them.
Give me six, these six things and do it by the end of the month, at the end of the month, he did every single thing I asked.
Now, I’m not saying he’s gonna always do that, but he did to get our own place.
God sends a man out of our first place out of nowhere.
And he comes up to me an American Indian living in a trailer says, God told me you’re the one I didn’t know what that meant.
And he says, he gives me a check for 100 and $50,000 to get our first building to get our next building.
God led us to circle it like Joshua’s seven times. It was ridiculous. 12 o’clock at night.
Next morning we get the building, this building word after word after miracle after miracle fight after fight.
And then he gives it to us. When we went to Cuba on missions.
There were people we met up with people who kept saying we dream, we knew you were coming, we dreamed it, we saw you, we saw you people, we had a word.
I had a dream once I was in China and a Bible was on a man was, was in a man’s hand and it was burning on his hand.
And I was afraid it was gonna burn his hand. And I hear the words.
I said this is to for the redemption of the sufferings of the persecuted church.
And my, my, my dream, I wake up and there’s a fax from a brother who said he’d just been reading the night before the story of China of the persecuted church.
And they’re burning bibles. And one reached his hand in and grabbed a page or grabbed a took on page.
And that’s what they went on.
It was the beginning of God saying, go to China, go to China, which I did.
You see another key? That’s another key to find God’s will for your life.
What is God’s will for your life?
Well, one thing that we cannot keep out of it, I don’t care who you are.
What your job is is that he said go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.
That is God’s charge to us to not to ministers to everybody or you are a minister if you’re born again.
And that tells you something that in some way.
So it doesn’t matter whether you can go on a mission or whether you’re spreading the word here, whether you’re ministering here, you are called by God to minister for him to minister somehow get the word out.
And the more you do it, the more God’s will will be fulfilled in your life.
I remember Rogerio man from Brazil who had this gift and he said, I see you.
You’re ministering in Africa. I saw multitudes of dark faces and it was, I believe it was Africa and you’re ministering to them.
And God, you know, God, you know, God was calling me to Africa and I was kind of delaying it because I wanted like a sign even though he said that.
And I finally said, ok, Lord, I know, you know, I said, and that day I get something in the mail, somebody sends me from Africa and, and a Garman, an African garment and I’m to go and I go and that thing that he saw, we saw literally two million faces in that gathering.
But God’s spirit, we had to be open.
God will lead you and the more you follow, the more you’re gonna get led with more.
If you’re not following, you’re still in the first step, why should he, why should he, you know, if someone’s not listening to you, you’re not gonna put, if you go, Lord just tell me what do you want me to do?
He’ll, he’ll lead you. There’s nothing like being in the center of God’s will. Nothing like it. Paul.
He always thought that if he stayed, he could have stayed back.
If he did, we never would have had all this. At least not through him.
So he sees a vision of a man in Macedonia saying come, come, it’s pretty clear, come now.
So it wasn’t there. But now God gives him the there come, this is what I had.
If they had not listened to God, they’d be too busy most likely to, to switch at that moment.
I wanna tell you one more that, uh, that I was, uh, we were about to minister to the homeless in New York City.
And the night before I have a dream and the dream I have is I’m going to, we’re going to Grand Central Station in New York City and on the benches are homeless people and, and, and I’m talking to one of them, it was like a soul.
I’m talking to a soul and, and, and, and I share the gospel and then the, the, the, the soul follows me and says, take me with you, take me out of here, take me out of here.
And I’m saying I would, but our, our car is not enough. We’re not enough.
But then I’m, then I’m driving away and the car starts expanding and I, but I look in the rear view mirror and I see this soul getting like taken back in like by demonic beings.
And so I said, OK, let’s so we go in there.
I said, Lord, I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me, but we go there at the end of the day we end up in Grand Central Station.
It wasn’t me planning it. And I’m talking, everybody’s talking, I’m sharing with the, with somebody and I share, I share the gospel with them and the, the person totally opened the gospel and the person had a problem with alcohol and I’m leaving and the person says, can you take me with me?
Can you take me with you? Can you take me with you?
And I’m like at the moment, the dream comes, I said, OK, I’m not leaving you.
I’m so I waited until everybody was finished and we took him, we walked around until we could find a Christian place and there was nothing open.
Finally, as we’re going, we, we couldn’t find it.
We passed somebody who recognizes and he said, he’s going to a meeting.
So what says, no, I’m a Christian but I was an alcoholic and we’re going to a Christian meeting and said, can you take him?
And they did. God wants to lead you.
God wants to lead you after Paul saw that vision, he says, immediately they headed out to there to Macedonia the key when you know God’s will.
I mean, when God’s will says something, God says, do this, do it, don’t put it off.
You know, you get, you get a bad impulse, you’re afraid you’re angry, hold off. Don’t do anything.
Don’t say anything. You’re gonna get in trouble, you’re gonna regret it.
Hold off on the bad thing on the fear don’t act to them.
But God speaks to you here speaks to you anywhere you’re reading the Bible, go with it in some way, go be quick to follow God.
Most, most of the most successful people are. Those God says it, you go.
So when God said no to them, he had something better. He had something.
If they had not gone with a no, if they didn’t yield, they wouldn’t have seen it. So it’s ok.
God has a Lord. I know this is a no, but I know, I believe that you have something better for me and whatever it is, it’s gonna be better.
And I’m ok with that. And I thank you for that even though I don’t see it yet, I thank you because you will thank Him and you’ll never know His best.
Unless you, you, unless you accept it. When he says this is not my best.
And once and if you lost something in the past, don’t be spending your life dwelling on it.
It doesn’t matter, it’s over, it’s gone. God has something better than what you lost.
You know, he said, why do you seek the living among the dead? Forget what was there.
Don’t get wrapped up in that thing.
You have to have get wrapped up in God because that thing is gone now and God is now God is out of the tomb.
Follow God out of the tomb. Move forward in God, no matter what move forward, one way closes. Ok.
That’s all right. Keep going. Paul kept going, kept going and notice one of the last thing as we bring this home, Paul is hearing the voice of the lost in that vision.
He’s seeing a, a man who’s calling out basically, save me, saved me.
Now, we don’t know if there was a man but a man if they’re not, if they’re lost, most of them don’t know it.
But that’s the voice. Paul is hearing the voice of the loss.
A brother on a mission to India came back here and brought me a gift.
Some people in India had made a, a garment for me, a Indian garment or actually a special kind of garment, not just regular and a cassette back then.
And I listen, I put it in and I listen, it says Jonathan, it says we need you to come here, come to India, come and you must give us the word come, come.
I mean it was like, it was like as much come to our land. We need you come.
Well, and I look in a, in a magazine like right after that and Richard who I’ve spoken about who was in prison for his faith and he’s wearing the same exact garment.
The voice of a man calling from across the world, the voice of the lost is calling from around the world saying, save me, save us.
The Macedonians. They save us. They’re all over the world. They’re in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East China.
Say they’re in your town, they’re in your workplace. Their, their spirits, they might be in your family.
They’re calling, they might not know it.
They don’t say it, but in their deepness, the deepness of their soul it’s calling. Save me.
You might be arguing with them but in the deepness of the soul, it’s saying save me.
Don’t give up, don’t give up. Don’t let us perish come save us is what they’re saying.
Don’t take no for an answer. They’re waiting. God knows the plans he has for your life. They’re good plans.
They’re blessed plans. But to fulfill them, you got to seek his will and you gotta walk in righteousness.
You got, it’s ok. He’ll give you the power, but you got to do it his way.
Only way that works and, and, and goodness and love.
And it begins by saying, Lord, I want to do your will.
You’ve given me a commission, help me be all light to this world. I’m not here to survive.
I’m not here to look out for myself that has its place, but it’s not why I’m here.
I’m here to bless. I’m here to shine. I’m here to spread your word.
I’m here to be a living ambassador of you.
I have the, I’m gonna be like a, an agent of heaven on earth.
Lord help me to reach out and spread the word do his will.
This week God’s gonna, as you do His will seek His will.
He’s gonna lead you into the fulfillment of your calling. Do his will be his messenger. Share his word.
Don’t be afraid. The love of God.
Share it here, share it everywhere they’re calling you, answer the call and save the Macedonian.
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