The Abba: The Running of God | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Abba: The Running of God | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
his son sinned against him, did every when totally dishonored him.
And and yet the father has all he says is he had deep compassion on him with all our theology and all our doctrines, nothing gets it more powerfully right than this.
You want to know God. You want to see the heart of God here he is.
When they when they’ve done studies on society and they’ve looked at people who are imprisoned or on drugs and all these in prostitution as well.
They found a a one common denominator in everything. And that was the absence of the father.
Boys grow up without the father.
Statistically, I’m not saying individually, but statistically, boys grow up more violent and more violent to women and more likely to commit crime and go to prison.
Girls are more likely without fathers to become sexually promiscuous.
Both are more statistically likely to be involved with drugs and abuse.
Now, if you grew up with without a father, thank God, you have found the father. You have the answer.
You have the antidote to fatherlessness or or imperfect fathers and it’s called your heavenly father.
That’s what I want to focus on today.
The link between what I just said and what I’m gonna say, is this a culture that weakens and degrades and attempts to do away with fatherhood is gonna have a hard time understanding who God is and the love of God or having a relationship with him.
The effect of fatherlessness is gonna be seen throughout the entire culture, that it’s gonna have a spirit of going against traditional morality overturning parameters, lack of restraint, promiscuity, the enlargement of systems to replace the family and the inability to have a relationship with God.
And this can affect God’s people because we’re in the society.
Instead of looking at it from a point of view of doctrine and theology, we’re gonna open up how the Lord himself revealed it in a story And the scripture.
If you have your bibles, you can open now Luke 15.
And he said this, a man had two sons, the younger of them said to his father, Father give me the share of the estate that is coming to me.
And so he divided his wealth between them. This is the parable of the Prodigal son.
Amazing because it’s universal relates to everybody but the name Prodigal son, What does it mean?
Prodigal comes from a latin word, Pro day Gerry, which means to drive away meaning reckless.
I’m driving away money, I’m spending I’m recklessly wasteful.
The Prodigal son goes to his father and says, Father give me my inheritance.
Now, there’s something strange here, imagine going to your parents and saying while they’re alive and saying, I want my inheritance right now, that’s strange.
But just as strange as the father gives it to him.
Now, the parable is of a cosmic significance dimension.
The Prodigal son is ultimately a picture of all of us. The father is a picture of God.
So this is gonna be a picture of salvation.
And but if you became a child of God, when you were born again, you become a true child of God When you’re saying So how does it start out that the prodigal son is already a child of a child of the father?
Well, we are all born in the image of God. There is we are made for sun ship.
So there’s something there. Man was made to be a child of God. We are all that way.
But so in some ways you can look at this as the fall of man, Man.
The the sun departs from the father. The only way God is spirit.
The only way to become a true child of God is to be born of the spirit.
Just just natural born of God born again were born in the image of God.
But we must be born again to become a child of God. Now the request is wrong.
But the father allows it well. So, you know what? God also allows things that are wrong.
God gave us free will. If he didn’t do that, we be puppets.
You can never have love if we were puppets.
And we had to do something, we have to have a choice to choose or to choose to go away from or it can’t be love.
It’s all. So the thing is that the risk though to have love.
The risk is we could choose to go away and we did. So here it is, that’s the fall.
So a lot of things happened in the world that are not God’s will 1st 13 and not many days later the younger son gathered everything together, went on a journey to a distant country there.
He squandered his estate in wild living.
Now it goes later that when the, when the later the older brother is mad about what happened.
He gives more detail. He said, he said to his father, your son, he did this and this and he he spent it on prostitutes and this.
So this is wild, promiscuous immoral living.
So now when he had spent everything, a severe famine came in the country and he had nothing.
So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of the country, he sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
Now this is to a jewish audience. So feeding pigs is about how low you could get.
And he longed to have his his fill of the chara pods that the pigs pigs were eating and nobody was giving him anything.
So he goes off waste. Everything has nothing. Then comes a famine. He ends up feeding pigs with cara pods.
If you go to Israel, you can find them from trees or on the floor. They taste like chocolate.
So here he is, he’s saying, I wish I could be just, even even like the pig, but when he came to his senses, he said, how many of my father’s hired servants laborers have more than enough bread And I’m but I’m dying here from hunger.
I’ll set out and I’ll go back to my father and I’ll say to him father, I have sinned against heaven.
And in your sight, I’m no longer worthy even to be called your son treat me as one of your hired laborers.
So that’s his plan. He’s gonna come there, he’s gonna say that I’m not worthy but take me back as a worker.
This is a picture of salvation.
You see, usually we have to go through something to go to God.
Most of us not most of us went to God because something like this, it may have been, you know, this is a famine, but it could have been a crisis in your life.
It could have been that things you that things didn’t work out or somebody broke your heart or maybe you got what you wanted.
But you saw this is empty.
Also seeing things are empty without meaning without God, that’s also the same picture of famine, famine.
So some way, you know, God uses this to bring, bring us back.
So he says, I’m gonna search for God. I for me.
I was an atheist as a teenager and and I came to the point where I thought deeper about, I said, wait a minute, this does not work.
There cannot, it doesn’t work that there’s, there has to be a purpose, There has to be a cause for an effect.
There has to be a cause behind our life, behind this world, this universe, there has to be something.
So I started seeking everything I could, I started thinking everything about truth and that’s where one day I came across the prophecies that the bible gave about what was happening today, I said, whoa, I had no idea the bible is actually true, but I had to see that it was a famine.
It didn’t work. But everybody, every one of you has you have your own story, but notice the path of salvation.
He’s returning home. Salvation, no matter who you are, is coming home.
Even if you’ve never been there, it’s coming home because it’s where you belong.
It’s where you what you were made for. So it’s coming home even though it’s new.
You come to the Lord and everything is new. But wait a minute, it’s who I am.
It’s what I’m supposed to be. You start becoming who you’re supposed to be.
Now when we read of the story of the Prodigal son, we think of the Sun.
But the point is really not the Sun. The point is the father. That’s the whole point.
There’s nothing new about sinning nothing new about and wasting everything that’s nothing new about messing up.
We all know it what’s new is what the father’s gonna do. People have all sorts of ideas about God.
Even believers often have ideas about God as being unapproachable.
even if they know the doctor in their heart is like that.
He still, they feel it unapproachable, unrelated Bill, the judge.
I gotta try to measure up and measure up and I never quite measure up and he’s passing judgment.
I’m I’m separate, I’m away from him.
If that were the case, the prodigal son would have come back, he would have been destroyed.
But watch what the father does.
So we set out and came to his father, but when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him.
His father. Now some people take this as the father may have been looking out waiting for the sun.
He sees them from a distance. This is a picture that this is a picture of God given by God.
This is a picture of the father given by the sun. So this is major, this is who God is.
It says when the father saw him, he was moved with compassion.
The greek word is everybody quick say it.
You see sometimes the hebrew was easier than the greek.
Sometimes he sprang the word splaying, but that’s all you have to know. Here splaying.
We get the we get the word spleen because of the way they talked about their inner, you know, we say our heart, we don’t mean the organ, but same way, deep inside deep, deep compassion.
His son sinned against him, did every when totally dishonored him and and yet the father has all he says is he had deep compassion on him with all our theology and all our doctrines.
Nothing gets it more powerfully right than this. You want to know God.
You want to see the heart of God here he is. Here it is.
And the prodigal son, it’s not about the Sun attempting to get the father.
You know, the Sun is trying to convince the father to take him back as a slave, as a servant, as a laborer.
But it’s not and that’s the way we sometimes are with God.
If I if I work good enough you’re gonna, you’re gonna be okay with me.
It’s about the father’s love for the son regardless. The father is the one who’s initiating and not the son.
I mean the sun’s coming but he’s not the one who’s who’s who’s gonna, it’s a father who’s gonna come to the sun.
Father’s just a note for you.
You’re the one who’s supposed to be taking initiative for the good of your Children.
You’re not supposed to be sitting around judging them or reacting to them.
You’re supposed to be loving them, giving them proactively love that Children are made to imitate be a leader in love.
Now with God you think you came to the Lord. Well in one sense we came to the Lord.
But it was really God who initiated it every time you fall and you feel you can’t come to the Lord.
God is already initiating it drawing you back, God, you you if you are, you are here today.
If you’re born again, you’re saved. You know God, It wasn’t your idea. It wasn’t my idea.
It was God’s idea. We before we knew the God Lord, we didn’t know we had no idea.
We didn’t many of us didn’t care at all. But God did.
So a lot of you’re you’re wondering something, Am I gonna still stay safe? I’m gonna lose it.
Listen, before you even cared about it. God did.
So you can rest, you can be, you can be blessed, you can relax.
He cares more about you than you do cares more about your salvation than you do.
Most of you can remember the time when God started drawing you, touching you initiate, he was initiating putting he put people in your place.
People, the people might have been in, they were imperfect. Who knows? But it was his perfect thickness.
Using them to draw you having you come across things come across people having it match up with your heart.
That was all God. It was God drawing you. He’s the one who initiates.
He’s the one who draws you back as well. It’s not the image.
A lot of people have the one holding scales and just saying, you know, he’s neutral.
You know, whatever happens happens, you if you’re good, you’re bad, that’s he’s for you.
You don’t need God for that. You just need a judge to judge what you did.
It’s about what God did. Yes he is the judge of the universe.
But he’s also your defense attorney. That’s the amazing thing about salvation.
God the judge became your defense attorney. That’s that’s messiah. That’s the gospel. He became.
See if the judge becomes your defense attorney you won.
Thus the key is to let God God’s love for you and God’s will for you is better than your love for you and your will for you.
So the key is to let God’s love have its way God have his way.
It’s not about so much coming to God although we do it’s about God coming to you all the best things come from God not you they come through you and then notice what it says.
You know it’s enough enough that he loved that. He still loved his son.
It’s enough that he didn’t judge his son. It’s enough that he wants to go to his son.
But it doesn’t just say that it says he ran now most likely he’s not a young guy.
He’s got a grown up two grown up sons. But he’s running.
But you know if you’re a good parent, if you’re a good father you’re a good mother.
You’re gonna run if your child is in trouble. We once were L. E L.
My my oldest one when he was little he was in a he was in as well.
He was in his room and room and he was in the bathroom and he starts yelling, he said, I’m scared.
I’m scared of what’s going on in the bath. We run. And and I said what happened?
You know, what do you what scared you? He said, what are you scared of?
He said, well, I’m scared of spiders. I’m scared of the dark. I’m scared of monsters. I’m scared.
He went through this whole list but we thought he was in trouble. We ran.
And God father, if you’re a good father, a good mother, you’re gonna run. You’re gonna be quick to bless.
Well God has got to be better than that. God runs to you. This is a picture of God.
You may not see it. You may, you won’t you won’t see it. You may not feel it.
But when you you know when you don’t hear immediate answer, you don’t get an immediate yes from God.
He heard it. He’s running to you when you need this is a picture of God given by God.
This is God runs. It’s enough that he doesn’t judge us.
It’s enough that he actually he loves us and still loves us and forgives us.
But he doesn’t walk to us. He runs to us. Hi.
I’m Jonathan cahn and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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