The 1916 Project

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The 1916 Project

Planned Parenthood, Racism, Marxism, and what connects them all. Pastor Jack, Seth Gruber, and Dr. George Grant discuss an eye-opening and informative upcoming documentary, The 1916 Project. You don’t want to miss this important conversation!

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hey everybody we have an extremely special get together about life and about death and how you can play an epic role in making a difference so get ready to join us real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us that’s like saying a amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to
listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack hibs well everybody we have as I normally say we have a very special podcast and uh probably now together more than ever it’s true uh there is what a documentary film can I say that that’s coming out and uh maybe by the time you see this uh you’ll know more about it but it’s called the 1916 project and it’s going to blow your mind and so uh right now we’re going to sit down with Seth grber who if you know me you
know Seth uh but we have the joy of meeting um a great friend of his and a great contributor to this film by the way I’ve seen it and that’s Dr George Grant so it’s great to meet you and it’s great to have you brother with us again so good to be here good to have you here thank you thank you so we’re going to dive in we’ve got we’ve got some time together the the 1916 yep uh I think I can figure it out but I want them to hear it from you Seth where did that title come from why that
year yeah and um let’s dive into this yeah so um you you’re one of the only ones P ja to have said it right 1916 people they they 1619 I mean 1916 and that was that was intentional of course and uh I was with my team in um Escondido uh and we we’re planning the year out of content and I was explaining this idea of the high Priests of humanism basically the weird kooky sexual revolutionary Marxist diddle the kids and kill the babies and redefine marriage people from the early 20th century that really architected the
culture of death that’s unfolding before our eyes so rapidly and freaking out so many parents of the country we’re handing to our children and I was trying to explain this concept and my chief of staff said it you sound like you’re explaining the 1619 project like if you want to understand the insanity of today you got to go all the way back to 1619 he’s like but it’s like the 1619 project as it should have been it’s like the right way of of going back looking at history and understanding our times
today and so I I paused in front of my whole content team I said guys Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and maybe the one of the most successful leftist Marxist revolutionaries of the 20th century opened her first clinic for what would turn into Planned Parenthood in 1916 so that’s where that tension came from but um you you’ll remember the 1619 project right so there’s actually an interesting it wasn’t just a play on numbers there’s actually a direct Bridge from the Disciples of the 1619 project
that led to the cancelling of Margaret Sanger by plan Parenthood and I want Dr Grant to to actually interrupt me at any point because he can tell the story better but August 2019 New York Times the 1619 project if you guys have heard of this it’s now on Hulu it’s a Hulu special thing and and it was by Nicole Hannah Jones a purple-haired Marxist and I don’t I don’t say that to like be demeaning I’m like no like she actually has purple hair and like she’s actually she was by Angela Davis um who one of
those very old surviving members of the second generation of Frankfurt School educated marxists well Angela Davis was mentored by Herbert maruza one of the fathers of the free love movement in California who once said of course the way back into the garden is to take another bite of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil because we didn’t learn from the first time around yeah the first time didn’t go so well so let’s good grief yeah so that that was Herbert Mar but that’s Marxism
isn’t it yeah it’s never worked well so let’s keep doing it that’s the definition of insanity but that’s how they keep control right it is insane it’s insane to the normal thinking person but they actually think that they’re actually employing some sort of control yeah right yeah so um so so did you get one of these kooky California free love sexual revolutionaries who actually mentored Angela Davis Angela Davis became the mentors of Nicole Hannah Jones of the 1619 project and the
co-founders of BLM Incorporated yeah black Liv matter in corporate El Shar and Patrice Cur were mentored by Angela Davis who is a Marxist remember look I’m old enough to remember hearing and seeing news reports of Angela Davis on the news here in California I go my my sister went through all of that the hippie era dropping acid Timothy lery crazy world and the Black Panther Movement and all of that anti-am president in 1968 and in 1972 on the Communist Party ticket my question is this kind of Off Script a
little bit but shouldn’t somebody be running on the Communist Party ticket if I learn more about her as I have been is a Woman by the name of Camala Harris yeah actually she too is a disciple of the Frankfurt School lot people don’t know this Angela Davis you know I can’t quote it because I’m not I can’t figure that out exactly but you know her statement about um yesterday is today tomorrow was and that thing you know that’s a car it’s people think that people think that’s her flubbing up
she’s quoting Carl Marx yeah it’s it is a Marxist incantation yes uh a declaration that we’re going to leave history behind right we’re going to create a new world uned we’re going to be unburdened by the past uh and create this whole new world order uh the the phrase originated with Albert Pike who was one of the fathers of American Freemasonry wow and it was adopted by the revolutionaries uh as a decaration of what cultural Marxism would accomplish because Marxism has never been about economics uh despite the gobleg of three
volumes of Das Capital by Karl Marx uh almost indecipherable uh it’s always been about transforming the culture getting rid of Christendom as Fredick n moving the ancient marks exactly scripture warned about yeah so we’re supposed to be talking about the the the 19 this is why building up it’s all connected it’s something Seth says all the time it’s all connected and and that’s why that’s why we can say this is a spiritual battle it’s not a political battle it’s a spiritual battle not a cultural battle
it’s a spiritual battle not an economic uh battle uh because it’s all connected we’re able to declare uh the hope of the Gospel in the midst of all of it wow amen amen so um building on that um so Nicole Hannah Jones says America is racist um Rootin Branch systemic that’s why Lebron James says uh when black men leave their home they’re being hunted that that’s a LeBron James quot because everything’s racist it’s like The Lego Movie Everything is racist and so um so therefore if you if you want to
understand why everything’s racist and why we should defend the police because if something is started in bigotry if the root and the seed is racist there’s there’s actually no redeeming it right it has to actually be torn down yeah because defund the police burn down police stations burn down coures right and so um this is about 9 months before George Floyd this is when the 1619 project comes out it becomes K through2 curriculum in a lot of America’s public schools now a Hulu special but but what
was interesting is beyond giving the very miserable liberals and Martha’s Vineyard something to talk about at cocktail parties um this becomes the sort of uh intellectual uh seed to the um BLM and George FL and systemic racism and so they start calling for canceling anything that’s racist remember remember Aunt jamaa yeah remember the syrup lady got to cancel the serup lady we we’ve talked about this I I I told the pastors I told the staff how I grew up thinking that Uncle Ben had invented rice I had
Uncle Ben elevated so high I grew up in a in a home with a Polynesian background so there was a lot of rice every day I thought Uncle Ben rice was invented by a black guy and then he’s gone he’s canceled and then Aunt Jima I thought Aunt Jima as a kid growing up invented syrup now she’s gone yeah yeah and then they took the Indian out of the Lando Lakes right think of that logo the Indian’s gone notice that everything that this this rhetoric has created actually wound up in the end ripping the black people off and the
Indians ripping them off because now people are going to grow up not knowing who Uncle Ben was and who Andrea was unburdened by the past unburdened by the past but this we’ve had the perfect illustration of this with the reenactment of the 1793 Festival of reason we all saw it and we appalled by it we’ve focused on one Tableau the remaking of the Lord’s uh Last Supper but the whole opening ceremony yeah was a reenact of the 1793 uh Festival of Reason uh which took place in what became the Temple of
Reason formerly notredam Cathedral where all of those scenes that we saw broadcast by peacock and NBC were actually taking place inside notredam I didn’t know that I didn’t including I didn’t realiz that a wax figure of Marie antoinet beheaded which was also a part of the Olympic um opening ceremony including a golden calf with transvestites worshiping in front of it which we also had in the Olympic opening ceremony all of that is the call to be unburdened by the past to reinvent everything for the future it’s
Revolution un Dr Grant what what happens what’s NE what’s the next chapter in this story eventually the Revolution always eats well what what happened immediately after the Festival of reason was the reign of terror and ropes spear the prophet of virtue brings the guillotine into the center of Paris and thousands of people all around France Marseilles tulo and Paris yeah met their fate that’s what Revolution does and so that’s the Connecting Point that’s so hilarious in the summer of 2020 because the
revolution always eats its own after Decades of Christians and conservatives and pro-lifers saying margar Sanger was a racist Margaret Singer was a eugenicist she was a really horrible person in the liberal establishment was denigrated in 1988 when I published Grand Illusions and said all of those things denigrated Plame Parenthood sued me three times because she’s viewed as saintly to them in the Smithsonian institution her her bust is there uh as one of the Great of women’s Heth got the Margaret Singer
award they’ve honored you know this is their Patron s of feminism you sorry Dr Grant but you maybe our audience didn’t capture or catch your opening statement when you said the culture of death can you explain I mean we know but let’s make let’s just let’s not assume anything what is this culture of death what’s what is that yeah well this has been a long time coming and Dr Grant’s more qualified to speak to this but all those who hate God love of death Proverbs Proverbs yeah and so there’s an
interesting nature to the culture of death let me give one example um again these are my two Heroes so he’s more qualified to speak on the history of this stuff but here’s one example everyone knows that Planned Parent is the largest abortion provider in the world what some people don’t know is and I have the citation in my book The 1916 project I have all the receipts this was a leaked memo that um came out by Planned Parenthood last fall so about 10 months ago and Planned Parenthood said we are now the second largest provider
in America of cross- sex hormones and puberty blockers so that those would be chemically castrating transgender drugs for America’s gender confused youth the largest abortion provider in the world doesn’t stay in their Lane okay for them it’s all connected um when when spiritually absolutely when Cecil Richards the president of Planned Parenthood um from 2020 2019 stepped down daughter of the former governor of Texas and Richards oh my do you know what she immediately did she co-founded a group with with Alicia Garza the
co-founder of black lives matter um to fight quote unquote systemic racism and the white man my point is the these people in the abortion industrial complex they’re everywhere their tentacles are everywhere because for them there’s an underlying worldview a pagan philosophy that provides sort of the synthetic glue that links the various iterations of the culture of death whether it’s transing the kids sexualizing them porn in the schools obscenity um the killing of babies opposing parental rights planned
parented is now is now sponsoring and hosting um School Board conferences around the country to help get pro-abortion Schoolboard people elected and you go wait a second but what does that to do with abortion what it has to do with their sexed curriculum so that’s just the beginning of the they also funding libraries that will host drag queen Story Hour yes what what does plan Parenthood have to do with drag queen Story Hour For Heaven’s Sake so what is the culture of death Dr gr it’s the culture of death it is the culture of
death well they it’s the proverbial syndrome proverbial blood in the W water they’ve taken a bite they’ve tasted the blood why stay in their Lane they’ve enjoyed great success in this uh destruction of babies created in the image of God why why stop there let’s always been their strategy it’s always been their strategy since before World War I when Margaret Sanger was first radicalized along with Edna St Vincent mle and will and Ariel Durant and a host of others in a Greenwich Village Salon
hosted Mabel Dodge um they began to dream about John Reed famous for his for a in the Russian Revolution they they dreamed of the day when the revolution would transform society that they they weren’t interested in politics they wanted to see the whole structure of Christian civilization collapse yes and so every mechanism whether it was the iww the wobblies the radical labor movement um Emma Goldman and the anarchist movement they were all tied together for the single purpose of overthrowing Christian civilization
absolutely Margaret Singer once said birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches um and by the way by birth control she didn’t mean um uh well we just want to help you plan your Parenthood uh when she said birth control she said means the cultivation and release of the better racial elements in our society and the gradual suppression elimination and eventual Extinction of defective stocks and human weeds yes that threaten the blossoming
of the finest flowers of American civilization so that’s what Sanger meant when she used the term birth control but there here’s that crazy connection with the 1619 project disciples starting to go after anything that they say hey your the seed of your company the seed of your organization is racist and so for the first time we saw the Revolution start to eat its own in the abortion Wars and that summer the disciples of the 1619 project and BLM Incorporated said Margaret Sanger is a racist and a eugenicist and for the first time
probably in recorded history uh a major corporate Planned Parenthood Lackey Karen Seltzer the director of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York came out and said yes she said we’re done making excuses for our founder and the Damage that she did to communities of color and July 2020 they take her name off of their Flagship Mega Manhattan plan parenting Clinic they canceled their founder and New York City removes the sign that was called the Margaret Sanger Square in that City so the city council Sanger plan paren Council Sanger and
we’re supposed to go about like nothing just happened this is not a newsworthy event there’s nothing to talk about here so we open they have not changed their strategy they haven’t changed their philosophy they haven’t changed anything that Margaret Singer put into place but what’s sad is that’s that’s just like so many of the Christian Community is they might walk away thinking oh we got a victory now we can go back to ping pong or whatever is going on yep um so that’s how we opened my book and film The 1916
project is with the left cancelling their own their Patron say of feminism so what’s the real story exactly what’s the real history behind the one of the heroes of the leftist liberal establishment of the 20th century the founders of one of the largest 501 c3s in human history the largest abortion provider in the world the largest provider the most profitable nonprofit in the world yeah um you you had mentioned how the revolution eats its own what’s funny is that when you start saying things like 1916 or
1619 is that um there’s some sort of a starting point there’s always there’s got to be a starting point but for us as Believers I’d like to think of in a more militant Way by that I mean why stop at 1619 or 1916 go back go back go back go all the way go as far back as you can I’m going be big fan of going as far back as you can um why stop at these particular numbers uh if you if you want to go back if you are the 1619 people or the 1916 if you keep going back Beyond those dates years you’re going to wind
up eventually bumping into paganism you’re going to eventually come to altars and um icons and worship people don’t want you worship what do you mean yeah yeah yeah worship which is exactly what the Olympic uh Opening Ceremonies demon I missed it I didn’t see all you don’t want to see you don’t want to see it you don’t want to see it it was bad but it I mean it was bad from start to finish from the parade down was it shocking for Europe or normal for Europe I I well it’s really interesting the
French um have flooded I heard that they quitter and or ex uh they have flooded it saying this is not France although Emanuel macron the president said this is France a lot of a lot of Europeans were appalled you know the the the culture has gone a long way down the road and so for a lot of people it was just oh whatever including a lot of big Eva uh preachers here in the United States big evangelicalism big evangelicalism yep so Pastor Jack ductor Grant is is one of the VIP guests in my film The 1916 project and he was something we share he
was an adviser you’re both in the film and he was an adviser on the book and the whole project and uh Dr Grant to this day is the worldwide renowned expert not just on the the history and biography of Margaret Sanger but the history of the entire Planned Parenthood Revolution he published a book in 1988 called Grand Illusions the legacy of Planned Parenthood is that still in print uh it’s still available well I’m working on a I’m working on a a revision so uh it’ll be the fifth uh printing fifth edition Edition I don’t
know how many printings but um didn’t you debate the president of Planned Parenthood in the ‘ 80s can you tell that story Pamela moraldo yeah it was in the Ed Sullivan Theater uh where the Letterman show uh was and uh yeah we uh we we had a debate there it was uh it was a setup I knew it was a setup the whole audience was pro-abortion uh everybody you know on the set was pro-abortion the cameramen the people that you know uh I I got basically a stool in a corner she got a you know Green roomet yeah yeah um but
it was it was really interesting we um we had a a a typical debate where we traded percentage points uh and played ping pong back in forth but I noticed that she kept getting more and more frustrated as the time uh went on that’s how you know and I realized it was when I was nice to her yeah she couldn’t stand it and so I just decided to really pour it on I’m from the south so I started I I started adding the southern accent and U you know we’re just going on and on and she she finally she blew
up she said don’t you realize it’s over it’s over the fat lady has sung wow and I said Pamela Pamela I kind of leaned over and did Pamela a little sideways Christian hug three pets for the Trinity yeah and uh and I said it’s it’s not over when the fat lady sings yeah that’s right it’s over when the Trump sounds yeah cut to commercial yeah no yeah is that so true good good comeback yeah yeah right on so um do I can I I’m allowed to say that I’ve seen the of course yeah so it’s um I’ve not even
seen the the Final Cut I’ve only seen a rough I’ll see it tonight you should see it you’re great I’m I’m going to see it tonight truly it’s amazing look as a spectator I couldn’t I couldn’t get away from it I didn’t want to of course but there was no way of getting away from it once it starts the way that it is written how you execute it the the um can I say chalkboards oh yeah the way that you guys have used the chalkboards for the storyline and for the chronology is epic so you had me I couldn’t leave
you got to watch it you got to see it and the way it explains so many Mysteries became clear so much I didn’t know was made aware and you and know why right I’d like to know why it’s not a forgotten history it’s a hidden history it’s not forgotten it’s hidden yeah so we’ll talk about some things right now but um listen if you’re listening to this and you go what how do I not know that it’s not your fault um you’ve been lied to it’s been buried at happening now it’s available but it’s buried yes
in January Pastor Jack when I was with you and happening now um I I did we did a fun thing I asked uh 2,000 people um how many of you by raise of hands have ever heard of the Supreme Court decision Buck versus Bell yeah three hands three hands and I think Chino Hills is one of the most politically literate and knowledgeable congregations in the country so that just goes to show that this has been hidden from us and so I found this study recently um called Eugenics and high school history and someone did a study looking at the nine
most commonly used history High School textbooks in American public schools to do a search on Eugenics any mention of the American Eugenics Society the American Eugenics movement the Supreme Court decision Buck versus Bell which by the way if you’re listening to this that that allowed the state to forcibly sterilize people that the State considered a threat to the genan pool that they didn’t want to have kids just so you know what that is um and and he mentioned of Margaret Sanger was excluded now if those things were
mentioned it was a passing reference and it had no teaching on these are the nine most commonly used history High School textbooks so we’ll we’re going to talk about some stuff right now about the 1916 project but I just want you to know like there has been an agenda to hide this stuff because it’s so shocking and disturbing that they know Americans would probably start living differently voting differently and praying differently in fact it’s it’s not just buried uh with uh with with negligence
or with uh the malfeasance of tucking things under the rug they they deliberately lie about things uh when Wikipedia weaponizes stories uh by changing categories removing language that uh for instance the Frankfurt School talked about cultural Marxism Antonio gramsky came up with a strategy of cultural Marxism uh um you know Joseph bued Edge the father of Pete bu Ed Edge is the translator of the prison Diaries know of of Antonio gramsky uh but if if you type in cultural Marxism uh Wikipedia will let you know
immediately that that is a right-wing conspiracy theory it never happened even though uh people like Marcus and and gramsky used that exact language they tell us no that that that a right-wing conspiracy and one of the most fascinating stories that proves what Dr Grant’s saying is is about a book written by Carol Quigley called tragedy and hope and I want you to tell this story I this blew me away Pastor Jack I never heard this story before and I was homeschooled baby like I should have known this that just goes to show
if a homeschooler from Southern California with a mom who ran a Pregnancy Resource Center didn’t know this like how hidden has this been can you tell this story for the audience and Pastor Jack cuz this blew me away quickly was professor at Georgetown University mentor to Bill Clinton uh he wrote a book uh about the anglo-american establishment essentially what today is Davos and and all of the other sort of uh you know globalists yeah the the Aspen Institute all all of those guys um so he he wrote this massive book 575 page long history
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