Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 01, 2024

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for bringing me to the last day of the month of September. Before this month ends, I just want to say thank You for all the blessings and protection You’ve allowed me and my family to experience. Thank You for the joy and peace You’ve given me. Thank You for taking good care of me throughout this month, for giving me strength when I needed it, and for picking me up each time I fall. Thank You for Your faithfulness. I trust You with all of my heart. I give this day to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God! Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground! -Psalm 143:10

Father, help me to trust in Your wisdom and power above all human knowledge. I ask that You cause my faith to rest in You alone, and that it guides my life through Your Holy Spirit, amen.

Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 01, 2024
Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 01, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Blessed, praised, and glorified be You, my Lord, on this new dawn that You allow me to witness again through Your infinite generosity. Thank You for the gift of life, for in every breath and every beat of my heart, I can feel Your presence filling me with blessings. You are a God of love, always with me, supporting me in every step I take. My life is in Your hands, Lord, and there is no better place I could be.

With You by my side, I know I can face any sad or difficult moments that arise on my path. You are my refuge and my strength, and I ask that You make me aware of all the blessings in my life. Help me see beyond, to be more grateful for all You do for me, for Your generosity and love that surrounds me every day.

I ask that Your Holy Spirit work in me, healing everything that needs to be healed, freeing me from anything that holds me back, and filling me with Your peace. May Your Word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, always guiding my steps.

Thank You for all the people You have placed in my life, Lord—those who love me, value me, and support me. Grant me the ability to be generous, to return that love, and to always live ready to help others be better.

May the fire of Your Holy Spirit transform my life, renew me, and lead me to become a better person each day. Give me the strength to remain faithful in following You, to not stray from the path that leads to Your presence.

I ask You, Lord, to grant me the gifts I most need. May Your Holy Spirit grant me wisdom, discernment, patience, and love. I want to share these gifts with others, to be a channel of Your love, and to spread the light that only You can give. There is nothing to fear when I know You are my protector and my guide.

Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 01, 2024
Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 01, 2024

I ask that You pass Your healing hand over my entire being, Lord, removing any trace of pride, arrogance, or self-importance. Thank You for this moment of prayer, for the opportunity to be in Your presence and find in You the peace that the world cannot give.

Do not allow me to rush or act without considering the consequences of my actions. Grant me patience to discern, wisdom to choose the right path, and the strength to keep moving forward, trusting that You are always with me.

May Your light, reflected in the beautiful sun that shines today, illuminate my path so that every step I take is guided by Your holy hand, my Lord. My heart overflows with joy because I am blessed to see once again Your rays of light, which sanctify my day.


I will give thanks to God for starting a new month in His hands, offering my day for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.

With a loud voice, I cry out to the Lord. With a loud voice, I beg the Lord. I pour out my worries before Him; I lay my anxieties at His feet (Psalm 141).

May the Lord bless us today, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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