Thankful Tuesday Blessings August 06, 2024

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Father God, I want to think thoughts that honor You. I want to have a mind that’s fully centered on You, and I know that can’t happen unless I spend daily time with You. Help me, Holy Spirit; help me to be obedient and eager to be in constant fellowship with You, amen.

May Tuesday be a lovely Tuesday for you! May it fill your heart with the love of God, light up your way, and bring peace into your life.

Have an awe-inspiring Tuesday morning! May God bless you with His presence that will keep you through every moment of the day.

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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, I thank you for allowing me to wake up on this beautiful morning where your greatness crowns the gorgeous blue sky.
I want to start this day happy and joyful so I can share the cheerfulness your presence gives me.
I offer it to you to live in the peace that only you can provide.
I want my eyes to clear and my ears to sharpen today, so I can hear your voice of mercy and follow the path of your will, a path filled with peace, light, and happiness.
To take firm steps in the holiness that assures me of your friendship and keeps me in your sanctifying grace.
Every dawn brings a new opportunity to discover life with its small things, which make those who contemplate them unhappy.
My life is in your hands, and you are the best thing that has happened to me.
I am sure that with you, I can face all the sad and difficult moments.
This morning, I want to place in your hands all the people I love and who are important in my life.
Guide them on safe paths and do not allow them to stray from your side due to the enemy’s wiles.
Let my entire life be a true testimony of your loving presence.
Heavenly Father, I want to live as Jesus Christ did, without pointing fingers, without judging, without hating.
I want to be an instrument of compassion and peace to contribute to the establishment of your kingdom of love.
With you by my side, I will not waver, I will not fear, I will overcome everything because you are my shield, my strength, the sword that defends my being.
I am confident that with you by my side, I will triumph in all things because you do not let any of your children down, and I am one of them.
Thank you because I know you are preparing me to go out and fight my own battles.
Help me to be a blessing to all those around me.
I want to be a good example to them, to teach them everything you have taught me, and to give them the love you give me.

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Thank you for showing me that love on this beautiful morning in which I feel your merciful presence.
I need your love, I need your powerful presence, I need you to give me security to begin this new day.
I place all that I am in your hands, hoping you will give me the best you have so that I can give my best.
I know you are always with me at every moment of my life, and that feeds my soul and fills me with peace.
Lord, remove the blindfolds that prevent me from seeing you, eliminate my deafness that stops me from hearing you so that today I can do your will.

I will perform an act of charity, whether donating clothes, food, or my time, for those who need it most, always with humility.
Light dawns for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice, righteous ones, in the Lord, and celebrate his holy name.
Psalm 96. May the Lord bless us on this day.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. Thank you for uplifting us every single day ❣️🙏🏻 you are our savior thank you for everything you have done Lord!

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