Thankful Thursday Blessings September 12, 2024

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Thankful Thursday Blessings

Dear God, with all of my heart, I thank You for today. You give life, and You are all that I need. You have never left me, and You’ve never done me wrong. You’ve faithfully cared for me and defended me. When I look at this world, I see Your hand in it. And when I look at my life, I see Your love. That’s why today, I want to tell the world about what You’ve done and who You are. So right now in this moment, give me the courage to declare how great You are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens, let Your glory be over all the earth. -Psalm 57:11

Lord, show me who I can help and bless today, and help me overcome selfishness and find joy in serving others with Your love and mercy, amen.

Thankful Thursday Blessings September 12, 2024
Thankful Thursday Blessings September 12, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Beloved Lord, I thank you deeply for this new day and for allowing me to open my eyes to witness the wonders of Your creation. I praise You, my Lord, for the beauty of this morning that You have gifted me—for the sun that brightens my day and the gentle breeze that caresses my face, reminding me of Your tender love. You are my everything—the foundation and purpose of my life, the reason for my struggles, and my strength in times of adversity.

Today, I acknowledge that I am a witness to Your great works in my life—works that are born from Your immense love for me. Thank You for always hearing my voice when I call out to You, responding with comfort and peace. Take me into Your hands, Lord, so that in the storms of life, You may bring me calm and guide me toward serenity.

I am filled with immense joy knowing I am special to You—that You care for me like a precious stone, an invaluable treasure. This knowledge fills my heart with peace and a joy that nothing and no one can take from me. Thank You, Lord, for banishing loneliness from my life, for with You by my side, I will never be alone again.

Help me, Lord, to overcome any temptations that may cross my path today. I know I am not perfect, and that’s why I need Your constant protection. Support me during moments of weakness when my friendship with You falters or when challenges make me stumble. Lead me, Lord, and mold me according to Your will. I am ready, Lord, to let You do with me as You wish, because I trust that Your plan for my life is always the best.

Thankful Thursday Blessings September 12, 2024
Thankful Thursday Blessings September 12, 2024

How could I not praise You when You can light up so many moments of darkness in my life? I need You to guide me throughout this day, to protect me from all dangers and everything that does not come from You. Direct me and help me do good work today, so that everything I do may glorify Your name and reflect Your love.

I thank You for bringing me to the start of this new day, for the infinite mercy You have shown me by giving me everything I have. Thank You for making me feel loved and valuable, and may I, under the protection of Your love, overcome all difficulties.

My Lord, I offer this day to You, trusting that with Your help, I can live in peace and joy, always fulfilling Your will. Amen.

I will approach someone with whom I have differences and seek reconciliation, striving for the unity of all God’s children.

Incline Your ear, Lord, and hear me, for I am poor and needy. Protect my life, for I am faithful to You. Save Your servant who trusts in You. (Psalm 85)

May the Lord bless us today. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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