Thankful Thursday Blessings August 01, 2024

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Thankful Thursday Blessings

Father, please guide me in every decision I make and every situation I find myself in today. Help me to obey Your will and clearly discern Your voice, amen.

Happy and blessed Thursday! I pray that as you walk along today, you will find joy in knowing God’s blessings for your life.

I pray that this Thursday brings to your heart a sense of gratitude for all the good God has done in your life.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord God, Heavenly Father, I deeply thank You for granting me a new month of life, which I begin under Your presence. I start this time in Your presence, filled with joy knowing that my loved ones are under Your care. Thank You for the life You have given me and for all the blessings I receive from You each day.

I pray for all the people around me, that we may build relationships based on friendship and understanding. Do not let me become a harsh judge of those who are with me. I thank You for strengthening me and enlightening me to recognize Your presence. I feel safe in Your hands, confident that each daily experience will contribute to my well-being and personal growth.

Even though I face difficult moments, I know they will help me better understand everything around me and mature as an individual. Draw me towards Your love, gather me in Your loving arms, and guide me along the paths of righteousness. At the end of my days, what will truly matter is not my prestige, wealth, power, or beauty, but living according to Your loving will.

Help me build my life on Your love and let nothing separate me from You. Blessed are You for creating me in Your image and likeness and for giving me the ability to receive and give love. Everything You do is perfect, and everything You touch carries the grace of Your identity. I ask that You make me faithful to this truth so that my free choices never go against Your divine will.

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Today, I seek joy. I want this joy to transcend beyond a fleeting emotion. I want it to become my way of life because I know that despite the difficulties, having You means I can be truly happy. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to find You in the intimacy of my soul.

My God, I want my heart to be moved by Your love to share the blessing of being by Your side. Soften the hardness of my heart so that I may love as You love me and serve others as You serve us. You are the God of joy, that eternal joy You give freely, sometimes without me deserving it, without me having to do anything to earn it.

That is why I praise You, because You are always by my side, encouraging me to live with meaning, immersed in the joy You instill in my heart. Give me the ability to discover You as the One who wants the best for me and assists me in each of my battles. Do not let bitterness or sadness deprive me of the possibility of feeling Your presence in my daily life.

My Lord, thank You for calling me by my name. Thank You for granting Your humble servant another month of life. Amen.

At the beginning of this day, I will dedicate time to reading and meditating on the Word of God, seeking to strengthen my faith and spiritual understanding.

Glorify the Lord, Jerusalem; praise your God, Zion. He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. Psalm 147.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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