Thankful Sunday Blessings November 17, 2024!

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Thankful Sunday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day and for all of Your blessings over my life. This week has brought moments where I’ve felt weak and worn down, but I’m reminded of Your promise in 2 Corinthians 12:10, that when I am weak, then I am strong through You. Help me to embrace Your strength in my weakness and trust that Your grace is enough for me. I may not have it all together, but I know You are holding me together. Give me the courage and endurance I need to keep moving forward. Thank You for being my strength when I have none and for always lifting me up. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. -2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬:9‬ ‭

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for all the love you pour into my life and for the blessing of a new day. I know you are with me in this moment. Even though I cannot see or touch you, I feel your presence. I am grateful for this time of connection with you because I know that nothing can take away the abundant gifts you have given me. You never leave me alone, and I trust that with your hand guiding me, I can walk in peace.

Thank you for reminding me that staying close to you builds a strong bridge that leads to eternal communion with you. I am thankful for the beauty surrounding me—the nature that inspires me and reflects your greatness, the moments of peace and calm that help me reconnect with myself and with you, and the small blessings I often take for granted, like the birdsong, the fresh air, and the warm embrace of the sun.

Lord, open paths for me to find the answers I seek and help me feel fulfilled. In difficult times, remind me that you remain faithful, filling me with your strength and encouragement. I pray for all those who dedicate their lives to caring for the sick—doctors, nurses, and everyone working in this noble vocation. Grant them strength to persevere in moments of despair, and bless them abundantly for the love and dedication they pour into their work. May they carry out their duties with the compassion and love that you teach us.

Everything I am, Lord, I owe to you. You have shaped my life with your love and filled me with joy. I trust that you hear my prayers, watch over me with affection, and answer my needs through the power of your love. Take my life, my plans, and my actions. Guide me to live in harmony with your will.

Even when I lose my smile for a moment, I now understand that true joy comes from you. Thank you for your presence in my life and for your constant care. Guide my heart and mind as I walk in your hands, Lord. My heart rejoices in you, and my soul finds happiness in your company. I ask that your joy fills my being and motivates me to live with energy and strength. Amen.

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Linda - 2024-11-18 04:30:40

Please pray for my daughter Chelsea.
She is having surgery tomorrow at 11:00 AM EST. She accepted Christ as a child, however she is far from God at this time in her life.
Thank you for praying for her . May God continue to bless your ministry!

Maebeth Worsham - 2024-11-18 04:02:12

My daughter won’t let me see my grandchildren. She lied to her husband about something important and I told him the truth. She now hates me and has convinced him I was the one lying so now I have lost my grandchildren trying to do the right thing! I don’t even have the will to live most days now. Please prayer that God can change their hearts so I can see my grandbabies again.

Veronica Swartz - 2024-11-17 22:15:52

For health an family\'s

Veronica - 2024-11-17 22:20:33

Please pray for my sons they drifted away from one drug problem an one alcohol addiction an abusive iv got a hynia I\'m always sort of breath I\'m struggling to breath normally can\'t walk far I need healing

CJ - 2024-11-17 20:25:53

Please pray for my children and their families. Especially for my son\'s, as he has drifted from his faith in God after marrying a non Christian. Their 22 month old isn\'t being taught about Jesus except when I visit. My heart is greatly burned for them.

Kathy - 2024-11-17 13:38:49

Give me courage as I desire to find a friend in my new neighborhood. I don’t seem to know how to make friends.

Emma - 2024-11-17 13:30:48

My daughter Nikki need prayer for heath. Pray for Nikolas a boy she has raised because she adopting his baby sisters1,2,3 he is 8. the bio grandfather has taken him away.both parents are in prison for drugs. Please pray that we can sell our houses so we can buy a house that fits our new family. I’m praying the grandfathers heart turns to Christ. He is a very narcissistic man.

Olga - 2024-11-17 14:35:26

Can you pray for me please I need more patience in my life and change my angry

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