Thankful Sunday Blessings January 05, 2025

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Thankful Sunday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day and for the gift of another chance. Every moment You give me is a miracle, and I can’t thank You enough. I just want to pause and let You know how truly grateful I am for everything You’ve done in my life. You’ve blessed me in more ways than I can count, even in times when I didn’t realize it. Thank You for being with me when I was exhausted and felt like I had nothing left. Thank You for guiding me through every storm and for seeing every tear I’ve cried. I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m so thankful for Your constant goodness and faithfulness. Help me to always remember the ways You’ve come through for me. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. -Matthew 13:16


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, on this beautiful morning that You bless me with, I come before You filled with gratitude. I want to live today anchored in Your faithfulness and share the best of myself with those around me. Thank You, Father God, for allowing me to encounter You in this prayer and speak to You from the depths of my heart.

Thank You for the rest that has refreshed my body and mind, giving me the strength to start this new day under Your divine protection. I ask, Lord, that my words and actions today be a constant expression of gratitude for all that You provide. Keep my heart attentive to Your blessings, both great and small, and help me recognize Your presence in every moment of my journey.

Once again, I am reminded of the immense love You have for me. I witness Your wonderful works every day—simply waking up and feeling alive is a miracle in itself. Today, I want to fight every battle with my faith and hope placed in You, the Creator of life and my reason to keep going.

I long to be a light that shines amidst the darkness of this world. Yet, I don’t seek to shine with my own light but rather to reflect the love You have poured into my heart. May my life testify to faith, hope, and love, and may I always reflect Your glory regardless of my circumstances. I trust in Your word and know You are ever faithful; You will never allow my steps to falter.

Lord, place Your healing hand upon my mind. Cleanse it of any harmful thoughts. I desire to think only with the love and purity that come from You. Grant me patience in my actions, and keep me from being driven by impulsive desires. Instead, may I act in alignment with Your divine will.

Open my mind, Lord, so that I may understand others. Grant me empathy so I will not judge or criticize but seek to comprehend and assist those in need. Make me an instrument of Your peace and hope. Let every word and action I take reflect Your love and strength.

Fill me with Your presence, Lord. Let the power that comes from above give me the necessary strength to face life’s challenges while holding Your hand. Blessed and praised are You, for I now feel Your presence surrounding me and filling me with Your gifts.

Thank You, Lord, for being with me even in times of spiritual dryness. Your Holy Spirit has refreshed my soul during those moments. Today, I wish to give my all without holding back. I want to experience the fullness of Your love and dedicate my life to serving You in building a better world.

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