Taking Risks | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Taking Risks | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Are you ready to take a step of faith today? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares how to leave your old habits behind and pursue the new things God has for you.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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This program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
We’re always gonna have something that is not gonna be perfect about us, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t let god do great things through you.
I do what I did because I seen god’s power, transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
If you want to have the life that Jesus died to give you, then you gotta live a little bit differently than the average ordinary person out in the world.
It’s time for us to stand up and act like we believe what we say that we believe.
Amen? And if you have to stand alone and have not one friend in the whole world, then take a risk be alone rather than be ungodly and see what god will do for you.
We don’t have time to just go to church and entertain people and just put on a big show.
You know, if you didn’t come to change, then you might as well just leave now.
Well, please don’t leave yet, but because maybe you didn’t come to change.
But I’ll tell you, that’s why I’m still doing this at my beautiful age of seventy five years young.
Because I can’t stand what the devil is doing to people.
And how asleep we are, just letting him do it.
You have got so much power on the inside of you and so many things to live for and so much that you can do if every woman in this room would go out of this place knowing who you are in Christ, I mean, ready to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, you could change this whole state and it wouldn’t take very long at all to do it.
I got some people on the front row trying to egg me on down here.
Romans 12 too says do not be conformed to this world.
We’re in the world, but not of it. Don’t be confirmed to this world.
Don’t start compromising on the word of god.
The Bible says that in the last days, good is gonna be called evil, and evil is gonna be called good.
If you’re the only one If you’re the only person you know that makes a decision, if I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it right.
I’m not gonna compromise my morals at work just to keep my job.
I’m not gonna compromise my integrity just to get a promotion at work.
I’m gonna do what god wants me to do and I believe that god will lift me higher than any person can ever lift me higher.
Amen? Don’t you do it? Don’t be compromising.
And you know what compromise means?
To go just a little bit below what you know is right.
That’s what the word means.
Just a I I taught on excellence last year at one of our conferences, and Just being an excellent person.
Just doing what you say you’re gonna do.
Returning people’s calls, if you tell them you’re gonna call them back.
Putting your grocery cart back, you know, you heard the story.
Little things.
You know, that little scripture do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Just being honest. Not lying. We don’t need Christian liars.
Hey, Mayor?
Swear to your own heart and change not. The Bible says.
If you say you’re gonna do it, then do it no matter what it costs you and learn to not make a commitment if you’re not gonna keep it.
And let me tell you some how you live your life when nobody’s looking.
Is much more important than how you act on Sunday morning with your church friends because god sees everything all the time.
You know, we’ve all got a past, but we’ve also all got a a great future.
Like mephibosheth, we’re crippled in our feet too.
But it goes on to say that he ended up eating at the king’s table the rest of his life, even though he was crippled in both feet.
Are you hearing me? Even though we have some weaknesses, even though we have things about us that are not perfect, we can still eat at the Kings table.
We have a high priest who understands our weaknesses, our infirmities, because he’s been tempted in every point like we have yet without sinning.
If you just get up every day and be determined to do the very best that you can with god’s help, And you’re quick to repent for anything that you do that’s wrong?
God can work with you and work with you, and he can do great things through you.
How do you feel about yourself?
I want you to go out of here, fired up and liking yourself.
Somebody said to me last week, uh, they started to say, and I told them I didn’t didn’t wanna know.
They said, We heard that your ministry is bigger than so and so’s, and they named this really, really super well known person.
I said, well, I really I I rather doubt that. But even if it is, I don’t wanna know it.
I don’t wanna know I don’t wanna know that stuff.
There’s only two places I wanna be famous in heaven and in hell.
What did the demon say to the guy that was trying to cast him out and couldn’t Jesus on no call.
I know, but who are you?
Well, I want him to know who I am. Amen?
And I tell you, when you put your pretty little feet on the floor in the morning, hell, a lot of shake.
That you woke up one more day. To do damage to the kingdom of darkness.
And all you really have to do to just pair the devil up is just it’s it’s not hard.
Just go out there and act like a Christian.
Quit being mad at people because they don’t treat you the way you think that they should treat you all the time.
Get good at forgiveness. Get quick at forgiveness.
Make sure that you’re famous in heaven and in hell, but don’t worry about being famous here.
Just let god do whatever he wants to do through you.
Because like I said, it doesn’t matter if you’ve got some job where you’re in front of people all the time, or if you’ve got a job behind the scenes where nobody sees you and nobody thinks you, and nobody even really cares what you’re doing god cares, and that’s the only thing that matters.
He cares. There’s another guy in the Bible that was a real rascal named Jacob.
In Genesis, I’ll tell you about him a little bit first.
He was a schemer, a trickster, a swindler, a liar, and a cheat. Wow.
You know, I used to be a pretty good thief.
And now here I am preaching all over the world.
You say a thief Oh, yeah.
I’d steal anything I’d get my hands on.
You say, why?
You know what? I would steal stuff I couldn’t even use and didn’t need.
And I But I know now why I did it.
I did it when I was a when I was a teenager, and it was because my father was actually abusing me and controlling me and stealing those things was my way of having control over something.
I didn’t understand why I was doing it, but you know what?
God understood why I was doing it. Yes.
God understands all your pain and everything in your past, And even if you were a trickster or steamer or swindler or cheating a liar like Jacob was, if you’ll repent and go in the right direction, god can still do great and mighty things through you.
Amen? Alright. Now listen. You’re listening. Right?
He stole his brother’s birthright.
He stole the blessing of the firstborn, lived in fear and hiding.
But thank god he finally got tired of it and decided to make a change.
Is anybody in here tonight tired of the way you’ve been living and you’re ready to make a change?
Don’t just come to a conference. So just be at another conference. Be ready to make a change.
Nothing’s gonna change in our lives if we’re not willing to change.
It says in Genesis 32, beginning in verse 22, that same night he arose and took his 2 wives, his 2 female servants and his 11 children and crossed the Ford of the Jabook.
And he took them, and he sent them across the stream, along with everything else that he had and Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.
Now I want you to see something there.
There comes a time in your life when you’re so desperate for god that you’re willing to walk away from everything else.
Are you hearing me?
You remember last night when I said that sometimes the greatest adventure you’ll ever live is to let go of something?
I wanna talk to you about that tonight.
Because you can never take hold of the next thing that god has for you if you’re not willing to let go of the last thing.
That he had for you.
Maybe it’s a group of friends you need to let go of.
I can guarantee that people in this room, you would be so much further along with god if you just had some better friends.
Anybody? Anybody?
Some of you need to go to a different church.
Because you don’t wanna go, you don’t get anything out of it, you can’t wait till it’s over.
You’re not learning anything. Why do you go? Grandma goes and mama goes.
They’re not gonna like it if I leave, and So you just sit there and stay spiritually dumb your whole life.
Come on. Than a sneak peek at me on TV when nobody’s looking.
Come on.
You gotta at least be bold enough to say, Hey, I don’t want you guys to be mad at me or to not understand, but I gotta something’s gotta get happening in my life.
I’ve gotta learn something about Jesus, and I’m not learning anything where I’m at.
I gotta go somewhere where I can learn.
Now, see, I’m gonna have people mad at me because I’m trying to get you out of your churches.
I want to go somewhere where you wanna be there and you learn and you grow and people are gonna confront you.
And if they’re gonna ask you where you’re at. We need to be accountable to somebody.
Abraham had to leave where he was at because his family was idol worshipers.
And god said leave everything and go to a place that I will show you.
Take that 1st step of faith before you even know what step 2 is.
He didn’t even know where he was going. Let me tell you something.
If you wanna be all that god wants you to be, he’s gonna lead you into some stuff that is dangerous.
I had a job at a church in St.
Louis, and I’d worked there 5 years.
And I felt I had this bigger call on my life and that god wanted me to go to the world and preach.
And I know it was stupid. I know it sounded dumb.
There were I had no qualifications to do that.
There’s no reason for me to think that I should do that.
You know, god can make you believe crazy stuff. Amen?
Stuff that you even think of my nuts.
Everybody else already does, but you even begin to agree with them and think you may be right.
And so I worked there for 5 years and stayed 2 years longer than I should have.
And god kept trying to get me to go, get me to go, get me to go.
You know, sometimes god’s gotta be like the mama eagle.
You know, when she’s ready for her little eglots, the cute little furry fuzzy things to fly.
If they won’t get out of the mist, the first thing she does is she starts pulling all the padding out of the mist.
And you made a commitment last night. Maybe you forgot it, but I didn’t.
Every one of you prayed in here and said, here in my god, send me.
Now that means that you’re not gonna get to just being your comfortable little padded nest anymore, compromising so you keep all your friends.
It means you’re gonna have to walk away from some stuff, step into some stuff, and learn how to follow god, whether it’s convenient or inconvenient, comfortable, or not.
Let me tell you something. Oh my gosh.
I am so glad when I look back at what my life would have been if I would have stayed comfortable back then compared to what it is now.
I lost all my friends, got kicked out of my church, was made fun of.
People thought I was nuts, but I’m still here. Amen?
And I had to walk away from a lot of things, but god’s given every one of them back to me.
Jacob walked away from everything. He left everything. And went and wrestled with god.
And somehow in this wrestling match, Jacob said, I mean, the angel that he was wrestling with said, leave me alone and let me go.
And he said, I will not leave you alone until you bless me. Come on.
What kind of boldness is that in for? I will not leave you alone until you bless me.
And somehow in the process, the angel touched the hollow of his thigh, and he got a limp.
And I love this.
It says So Jacob called the name of the place Penuel saying for I have seen god face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.
The sun rose upon him, and he passed Penuel limping because of his hip. So I love it.
He got blessed. He went away limping, but he still got blessed.
So we’re always going to have some kind of a limp.
We’re always going to have something that is not going to be perfect about us, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t let god do great things through you.
Sometimes we gotta let go of some stuff.
And all of our life, we’re making changes.
Things are changing, and we’re having to let go of things and take hold of things and When you let go of things, it’s hard because even if you’re following god, sometimes your soul is tied to that thing that you’re letting go of, And so when I finally did leave my job at the church, because I stayed 2 years longer than I should have, And so things started getting real uncomfortable for me.
And I won’t go into all the details of all that, but I finally knew to the best that I know how to know I knew, and they felt the same way that we were to.
Take our ministry and go north, southeast, and west. That’s what god said to me.
Well, sometimes you be very childlike, and nobody knew me north south east or west.
So I went to North St. Louis, East St. Louis, St.
Louis, and South And I’m telling you the honest to god’s truth.
I was trying so hard to obey god, so I started a monthly meeting in each end of town.
And I had fifty people and twenty people and seventy people.
And, man, if we hit a 100, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
And every Sunday, when I go to church at the church, I used to be on staff, I would get depressed.
And I’d go home and just feel lonely and depressed, and then I would wonder if I made the right decision.
Come on.
See, when when some of these changes that god is gonna ask you to make, some of these things that he may want you to walk away from, you’re gonna miss them.
Even though there’s a part of it that you don’t want any part of anymore, There’s parts of you that are tied to it, and I got so confused.
I didn’t understand. Well, god, if I did the right thing, then why do I feel like this every time I go there.
Is anybody hearing me? Yeah. K. And god finally said to me, you have soul ties to the place.
See, sometimes you can physically walk away, and you know it’s what you should do, but your soul, your mind, your emotions are still tied to the place.
And I want you to understand that that when god calls you out of something that doesn’t mean that you’re gonna feel good about it, or it’s gonna feel good all the time, you gotta give it a little bit of time.
That’s like if you walk away from a wrong group of friends that are leading you down wrong past, you may be lonely for a while.
I I’m not gonna tell you what you want.
You may be lonely, and it may be hard if you’re gonna be a real Christian when you’re not invited to the party anymore.
It may be hard to sit home and be lonely.
But if you do what god tells you to do, the day will come. Do you hear me?
The day will come when god will lift you up And let me tell you what god lives up nobody can put down.
Thank you Joyce. What a great reminder there.
If you do what god wants you to do, he will lift you up The world around us can feel chaotic and out of control many times, but if we stick with god, he’ll be right there with us through it all.
He is there with you. Things like refusing to compromise in order to keep a job can feel like a huge risk.
It is a big risk. But the Bible tells us that all things work together for those who love god and are called according to his purpose.
You can trust him. He will not let go of you.
So whether it feels like a risk or an all out battle, Joyce has a book that will help you prepare for life’s challenges.
It’s called Your Battle Belongs To the Lord. And this book will help you know your enemy.
That is so important. You have to know who you’re fighting against.
It will help you to eliminate fear Fear is one of those things that can really hold us back.
And it will help you to understand how to fight spiritual warfare god’s way. You’re not alone.
It is not all on your shoulders. And what this book is is it does.
It brings out the word of god, and it makes active in your life so that you can utilize it when you need it.
When you reach out today, you’ll get this book and the study guide that goes along with it so you can really dig into the word and see how god is with you all the time through all of your battles, protecting you everywhere you go through all those risky times and whatever it is that you’re facing.
So let us know today that you would like to get this great package Now it takes courage and great faith to do something you’ve never done before, especially when it you know, it’s going to be hard.
Well, our friend Wendy coming up shows that no matter what circumstances you’re facing, god can give you the perseverance to not only endure, but to achieve great victories.
Yeah. It’s scary. To step on the starting line and never have done it.
I just told myself, it does not matter how you finish. It’s just that you finish.
You know, your body doesn’t feel good after twenty five miles.
Um, and so it wasn’t a matter of being comfortable.
It was then a matter of saying you got one more mile. Pick your feet up. Let’s get this done.
Running twenty six miles began long before marathon day for Wendy Kern.
She trained and conditioned her body for months.
But what you don’t see is her history of chronic pain due to fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis.
When somebody’s in pain, it’s hard to it’s hard to see that pain, but they have it.
They may just be going through the day in constant pain trying to smile.
When the doctors would say, oh, you’re just depressed. That’s why you hurt. No. I’m depressed because I hurt.
And so I decided that, you know, movement was going to be the way that got me, you know, going.
So there’s only one way to get through pain, and that’s to pray, express gratitude, um, try to try to find positive things to think about I’d heard of Joyce Meyer many, many times and many through many years and heard her on occasion.
I wanted to be in the word you know, pretty much every day.
And of course, your smart phone is is your your best asset when it comes to doing things on the go.
When race day finally arrived, it was cold, rainy, and windy.
But windy’s attitude for the ability to run, kept her going.
Along with a little encouragement, listening to Joyce’s teaching on the JMM app.
So there’d be times that I’d be laughing.
It was just helping me have other things to be thinking about and reflecting on during this physical journey that I was taking.
Setbacks and obstacles have taught Wendy to trust god for her strength.
If it seems impossible, The first thing to do is to ask God how to make it possible.
I feel his power every single day in everything I do. He gets me up in the morning.
He he keeps me he’s been keeping me healthy, strong.
Because she can do all things through him.
So when I cross finish line. It was a really good feeling.
It was a feeling of accomplishment, gratitude that I’d made it, and that I had completed it.
You know, no one said it’s easy.
Big steps of faith require letting go of one thing to take a hold of a new thing, and that can be very frightening.
Wendy is such an encouragement.
She had to let go of what she was labeled with and take on some really hard things to take hold of conquering a challenge that god gave her the strength to do.
She is amazing. But he was with her one step at a time all the way through just like he’s right there alongside all of us in every little and big thing that we do.
So I just wanna encourage you today. In whatever it is that you’re facing.
Whatever your battle may be, whatever it is that god is asking you to step out in faith.
If he’s asking you to do it, He will not let you down. You are not alone.
Now, also, something that you can do that will help to just make a big difference for a lot of people like Wendy.
You saw that she was watching the app and getting that encouragement from Joyce as she was doing this marathon.
We are about encouraging people all the time, and you can join us as a partner, and we’ll do that together.
So reach out right now. Go to their go to our website joycemeyer.org or head to your phone and become a partner with us today.
Let’s encourage one another. We love you. We appreciate you, and we will see you next time.
Have you struggled to discover god’s plan for your life?
Maybe you’ve tried and tried to hear god’s voice, but nothing seems to change.
If that sounds familiar, I’ve got some good news.
In my book, Finding God’s will for Your Life, I wanna take you on a journey to peace as we explore what the Bible says about god’s purposes for us.
You can say goodbye the struggle and trust that god has a good plan for you.
Finding God’s will for your life. Order your copy today. Ladies, we’re going to Tampa.
Sunny Sky’s beautiful weather in god’s word. It’s the perfect getaway. Join us.
For the 2024 Love Live Women’s conference, September 12th through 14th in Tampa, Florida.
With Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shire, Christine Kane, and worship with Tayak and Riley Clemens.
Register today at joycemeyer.org/ love life.
We hope you enjoy today’s program. For more information, visit joycemeyer.org.
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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