T.D. Jakes: Overcome Your Temptations

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T.D. Jakes: Overcome Your Temptations

Bishop T.D. Jakes brings a message to Drenched Conference about how we can conquer temptations in our life by Pursuing God and knowing that He works all things together for good!

For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Are you being offered what you already got?
Are you trying to find a peace that you already possess?
Are are you seeking a them externally that you already have internally.
Isn’t it true that the very fact that you are hungry for it is an indication that you are functioning on a level to know that it exists.
Matthew Four, one through 11.
I want you to be prepared to take some notes because I think I’m gonna say some things that are worth remembering I came too far enough to say something that’s worth remembering.
I’m not the cheerleader type. I, I got a, I got a word.
I didn’t bring a happy meal. I brought good. Uh, I brought you some fillet mignon.
Then was Jesus led up to of the spirit and to the wilderness to be tempting a the devil, imagine that.
The spirit led him to be tempted of the devil the demons didn’t do it.
The enemies didn’t do it. The haters didn’t do it.
The holy ghost led him into a place of temptation the devil in the world in it.
Somebody say the world minutes. And when he had fasted 40 days 40 nights, he was to it and hungry.
And when the tempted came to him, he said, if thou be the son of god commanded, these stones be made, bread, but he answered and said, it is written.
Manton shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of cock.
tender double taking him up into a holy city and sending him on a pinnacle of the temple at Santa Ana.
If thou be the son of god cast myself down for it, he’s written He shall give his angels charge concerning the end in their hands.
They shall bear the up, lest it any time I should pass that foot against the stone.
jesus shed on me. Him it is written again.
Thou shall not tip the lord, thy god again, that that will take him up into an exceeding high out, did it show him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and say to him, all these things will I give thee?
I’ll give it to you. uh, give it to you. You can’t give me I’ll give it to you.
Oh, you can’t get I’ll give it to you.
You can’t give me I’ll give it all You see, will I give if thou shall fall down and worship me then, say if Jesus under him, get thee.
I get out of my face Deborah for it is written down so the worship of the lord die god and
hit all
this jump down, sir, then the devil scampering on the way.
And behold, the angels came and ministered unto him.
You may be seated in the presence of the law.
You can’t give me what’s already mine.
wanted to spend a little time on this text because I think I think this text is quite profound.
it it is profound in several, uh, several ways that are quite notable.
preceding the text, Jesus has reappeared after 18 years of obscurity.
We know nothing about the life of Jesus from the age of 18 from the age of twelve to the age of thirty, 18 years of total obscurity that are not shared with us in the Texas At thirty years old, the young man comes down to the Jordan River and runs into the premier prelate preacher of his stage on the Baptist baptizing in the Jordan.
nobody even knew who Jesus was.
And you know when people don’t know who you are, they run over the top of you trying to get through who they do know.
Jesus was just a face in the crowd.
while Don was baptizing in the joint river, he said he looked out and saw him said behold, the lamb of god was taking the way the sins of the world.
And in one flash, she went from obscurity to notoriety. One flash, that’s the amazing thing about life.
One thing can happen and turn everything around.
That’s why y’all are not never commit suicide because one one thing can turn the hole in the line.
one phone call. 1 I don’t care how bad it is.
I don’t care what you’re going through right now. Just one one thing can turn everything around.
John was about to have him and looked up and glanced and saw him say, woah, look at there.
This is a man who can’t take it away than sitting in the world. Hey, man.
We’re we’re we’re and god will make somebody point you out, you know.
And, uh, you’ll make somebody point you out it.
And all of a sudden, the crowds parted and Jesus stepped from obscurity to notoriety to step right into his destiny, stepped right into his purpose, stepped right into it, and came down to the River Jordan, there he was baptized in the River Jordan, and then the holy then the father collaborated and coordinated and defined who he was in an even greater way than John could for the bibles in the heavens rolled back, and the father spoke from heaven.
This is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased. Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River.
The heavens road bike. The father affirms him.
The Holy Spirit descends like a dove And this is a great moment. Great moment. Awesome moment.
I mean, you know, I’ve seen some dedication and concentration services, coordination services, but never where the heavens rolled back.
And the father spoke from heaven.
That that kinda shuts everybody’s mouth when the heavens roll back and the father speaks from heaven and say, hear you him, it make you stick your chest, I say.
Yeah. That’s right. He talked about me. It’s a great moment.
It’s a great moment. And and then the oxymoron of the moment is that after a magnanimous moment.
The spirit leads him, you would think maybe to the temple to preach to the synagogue for a coronation that you would think would lead him, uh, to see this palace or something to celebrate for a luncheon, no, leads him into the wilderness.
to be tempted of the devil. This I could stay there all night. Yeah.
Yeah. spirit leading me to wilderness.
And there’s some that that that I can be in god’s will and god’s will can be god’s will can be in the wilderness.
God’s wheel in the wilderness.
I I I most of the time, people get in the wilderness, they say, you know, how in the world could I get in the wilderness?
The devil did it. No. The devil didn’t do this in spirit letting into the wilderness.
The will of god letting into the wilderness.
Anytime God’s will lead you into a wilderness, it is for divine purpose.
It is for the divine purpose.
And you brought him out there to be tempted of the devil and and and and and this this temptation, let’s let’s use the word test.
this test that he has in the wilderness where he had the confrontation, uh, with with Satan is is quite powerful.
I I didn’t really get it, uh, until I was, uh, touring, uh, Jerusalem, and I was touring I was invited uh, to Jerusalem.
I went on tour in Jerusalem, and then I was a guest of the king of Jordan, after King Hussein died, I was invited to go over to make a presentation, uh, to King King Ardulum who is taking over the throne over in Jordan.
And so I went from Jerusalem, which is in Israel, over into Jordan, uh, which the relationships are strained and, our guy that went with us, uh, he only went to the border and and stopped.
And at the border, there were all these m sixteens and and and and I crossed on over to the other side.
On the other side of the Jordan or on over into Jordan, and and I would looking around at the the scenery, and my wife is looking at the m sixteens.
I was all caught up in what happened in the Bible and this button, what happened in the Bible and that spot, and she wouldn’t she didn’t even crack her Bible.
She was just looking at these big m sixteens everywhere and noticing that our god’s face was getting smaller and smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.
But I was I was taken away because because over as we crossed over just just not even a mile or so down the road.
I looked over to the left that there’s this huge mountain and and and and the driver told me that’s that’s Mount Nemo.
And I said, oh my god. I got to go up there. Mount Nevo?
Get that close to my bill?
the devil is alive.
I’m going up there so
I can stand where Moses is to.
I needed me a wooden staff, so I go up there and stand on Mount Levo.
And and then, oh my god. It was amazing. My wife didn’t like it, but I it was amazing.
I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Praise for her. You know?
There I am on Mount Neebo.
And when I got to Mount Neebo, you know, Mount Neebo is a place to remove ended his journey.
That’s where everything came to conclusion and finality of Mount Neebo.
It’s kind of where Moses had flunked the test, you know, and he he could see the promised land, but he couldn’t go into the promised land in Mount Nibel.
He could see it, but he couldn’t go into that sort of torturous and thing.
to see something you’re forbidden to go into, to have more vision than you have permission. That’s a terrible thing.
It’s a terrible thing. It’s very frustrating to see it and not be it.
Actually, breaks a law because generally anything you can see, you can be.
And and and because it my punishment to you is I’m gonna let you see it and not be it.
All of that happened on Mount Levo. But, anyway, that’s a distraction for me. I got killed away.
But there, I’m I’m on the top of my meatball, and and to my mouth, let me tell you what it looked like.
Oh, up under the mountain at the at the bottom of the mountain, Everything is parched and dry and sandy and lifeless.
And and then the Jordan river is right over here.
And then on the other side of the joint, everything is green and plush and beautiful.
And I could understand for the first time what it was like for the children of Israel to get after going through all of those miles of dry, mouth parching terrain, to finally come to something green.
a land that flows with milk and honey where the grapes were so big that the giants caught at the grapes to build to come to that place, and there he was to see it.
And all they had to do was cross the Jordan to get to it.
It but but before they could cross the Jordan, there’s this dry. bearing porch, porch, uh, lifeless place.
And that place It’s the wilderness.
It is the wilderness that Israel was coming out of This is the wilderness that now Jesus is led into.
It is this wilderness where Moses fought the test. Come on. Yeah.
Moses, the old testament pastor.
Wow. Moses introduces us to to the first time
the understanding of the church and the Old Testament is pastor
by Moses, e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Eklesia, Moses called out the children of Israel out of Egypt.
He was the pastor of the old church, the old testament church, and the pastor of the Old Testament church with leading the children of Israel from Egypt to the promised land, but the pastor flock the test at the last moment.
Wow. Wow. It is here at this place where Moses flunks the test just neared to this place.
He flunks the test because you remember how he smoked the rock the first time and the waters came out of the rock.
and and and and and and the children of Israel drank it, he was supposed to smite it the first time because Iraq had the type of Christ.
And for him to smite it the first time was an indication that he was wounded for my transgressions.
He was bruised for my illiquidist. Testament of my peace was a punishment with his stripes.
We are healed that was the first link But when he smote it the second time, he shattered the type because he implied that Christ would be crucified, afresh, which which broke the typology, but also in the picture of an apostasized children of Israel who believed in them backed away and Hebrews talked about if he’d be crucified or fresh for you have tasted once of the heavenly gift to drop back again is to be So so Moses is smiling the second time.
It’s not only a picture of a backslid in Israel who once embraces price and then backs away and crucifies him again, it also shadows the typology to say that the first strike was not enough.
Right. If I said that right now, that’s enough See, and and so here he is, here he is Jesus is getting ready to bring the new testament church.
into existence, but but he has some old business that has to be cleared up.
And so the first agenda coming up out of the Jordan, as the spirit said, you gotta fix what Moses broke.
you you got to go to the place where the old pastor blew it and mend the tear to let the devil know that he has not gotten the victory This is a fresh look.
at an old text because all of a sudden we begin to understand why the prerequisites for Christ.
Starting his ministry now begins with the point that he now stitches reconstructs, redefines uh, verifies validates and passes the test that Moses flunked.
So he goes into the wilderness and he y’all with me so far? Yes.
And the Bible says that he was laid into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
It doesn’t say that he was laid into the wilderness to fast.
It said he was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil, but the Bible says that he, after he fasted for 40 days, So he’s getting ready.
Yeah. He’s getting ready. He said, this is a good great showdown at the okay car ride.
And I gotta get ready for the heat fast for 40 days. And after he fasted, he then being hungry.
Now Satan comes to tempt him to tempt him. He’s bet he’d done that before. He’s tempted.
The last pastor was frustration and to he’s tempted the last pastor, not only with frustration, but to use his power to appease his frustration.
Yeah. Wow.
Now if you miss that, you missed the whole night.
He the temptation with Moses.
He said Moses, you got that rod that’s got all the power in and the people got on your nir have gotten on your nerves.
use your power to vent your frustration. Smite the rock.
blessed my soul.
Moses smoked the rock the second time, and that stopped him forgetting to the promised land.
Here comes Jesus out into the wilderness, and the first test he face is about a rock. Wow.
Tell me, I’m back to the rock again.
Isn’t it funny how god will bring you full circle and make you confront the very thing that you had to confront before?
face the place of your failure, he will bring you back to the rock again.
I’m a come down here and talk to y’all a little bit. Is it okay?
He brings them back to the rock and here now, Jesus has come to the rock and here is the issue.
The Bible says afterward, he hungered And and the enemy said, uh, if thou be the son of god, use your power use your power now to to turn this stone to bread.
the last pass to turn it into water.
that I’m gonna augment the test a little bit for you.
I’m gonna I’m I’m gonna take it into the next level.
He says I want you to turn it into stone.
I want you to take the stone and turn it into bread. Right.
I want you to take the stone and turn it in bread.
I want you to take this doll.
And and and Jesus said, it is written, man should not live by bread alone.
That’s what he said. But by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god, I I started to preach that.
You know? I started to preach it is written. and and and I was gonna use the subject.
Throw throw the book at him. But I won’t bother that tonight.
See, be because because really what is going on, they’re both throwing the book at each other.
But that’s another thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
This is a Preacher’s message. I’ve got my back on this. Yeah.
So so it says, if if, uh, it it is it is written, mentioned not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god.
Now now, here’s the irony of it all.
if thou be the son of god, turn this stone to bread.
I got hung up there because if if I’ll be with Sonika, 1st of all, if
If that’ll be
He is the son of god. There is no question about that.
He is the son of god.
And the devil knows he’s the son of god or he wouldn’t be tempting him.
the devil only attacks you when he doesn’t have you. 1.
From Genesis to revelations, you can show me nowhere in the Bible where Satan have ever fought what was his.
Only church people do that.
Satan is so united that Jesus said of Satan, Satan have the kingdom.
And if that kingdom be divided against itself, how shall it stand?
Even Jesus had to acknowledge that Satan is so unified that he never fights what’s his.
So the very fact that he fighting him indicates that he understands who he is.
In fact, the very fact that he’s fighting you is an indication that he understands Are y’all with me?
You with me in the balcony? You with me everywhere?
Tension even say the devil knows who I am.
The devil knows who I am.
The devil knows you know, yeah, yeah, that I know that the devil had intelligence because later in the book, you will you will see where where the d and spoke out of a man and said, Paul, I know.
And Jesus, I know. But who are you?
You ought to do something that lets the devil know who you are.
or somebody who got that make some noise in this clip. Yeah. Yeah.
look at somebody and say, yeah, he knows me. Yeah. Yeah.
We we we we’ve been at it a few times. He knows me.
Uh, I did enough to be on his radar. glory to god.
You you can’t be sitting there with low self esteem.
You must be somebody for him to be fighting you like he’s fighting you.
you must have a destiny and a
purpose and a calling and a gift over your life. Somebody shouted. I am.
Oh, you didn’t know it, but when you said I am, you were calling god by his name.
Who shall I say shit me?
I feel that something’s gonna happen in here tonight.
Can you feel that word just building up? Just building up just building up just building up.
Somebody’s gonna get drenched in the
word of god. They’re gonna get saturated in the word of god. You’re gonna go home speaking the word
of god tonight. Every yoke is gonna be broken. Every demon is gonna have to move out of your way.
That storm that’s in your life, you will speak to it and say peace be still.
But wait a minute. I ain’t got to the point yet.
I meant this is his first point. He said, so I’m
I’m I’m
I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m calling up in this thing about this this stall.
If if thou be the son of god, turn this stone to bread.
And Jesus threw the book at him as it is, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word they proceedeth out of the mouth of god.
that was the first clue to me that something was going on because he tempted him to turn the stone to bread if he was the son of god.
But if you know your Bible, you know that the son of god is bread. Right.
because I believe the book said, I your fathers did eat manor in the wilderness, but I am the true bread that coming down out of heaven.
If any man eat of this bread, he shall never perish again. So what are you doing offering me?
What are you doing? offering me.
Uh, you can’t give me.
You you come in my life like you’re gonna add something to me.
How you gonna add something to me? How you gonna offer me what I already in? Do you think I
don’t know that I am the bread that fell down by the heaven?
Do you not understand that I’m the guy that took the bread and said take this is my body that was broken for you.
Don’t you understand at the past hole? I told you. My body is bread. And how can you ten
it with what I just for my time, you can’t give me what I already done.
So he says he says, so I’m just talking to you a little bit. Let’s see.
So he says, he says, uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now he is offering him the bread.
Jesus is hungry. There’s no doubt about that.
but he is offering him what he already is.
The thing that you hunger for you already got.
If you hunger for intimacy, you have to be an intimate person to be hungry for.
If you hunger for love, you have to be a loving person to be hungry for it because people who are not loving don’t even know what you’re talking about.
They can’t understand what you’re not satisfied about.
They don’t even understand what you are looking for because you have to be it to hunger for it.
If you hunger for excellence, it’s only because you are excellent because only excellent people
Oh, y’all ain’t gonna talk to me tonight
glory to god. Look at somebody
and say, I am that.
What I’m looking for is somebody who is a reflection of what I already am, somebody who functions on the level that I function, somebody who needs what I need and wants what I want, somebody who has the
same standards that I have. And the very fact that I’m hungry for it is a sign that I am that.
If I didn’t have that mentality, I wouldn’t want that.
Oh my god.
Oh my god. And do you not know the devil is still trying to get bread people to hook up with stones.
Don’t say nothing because you might have married a stone and you can’t say nothing about it.
Just sit there and be just as cool as you can.
I’m gonna get you out of this in a minute.
and spent the next 15 years of your life trying to turn a stone.
You was a bread person?
You wanted bread when you got them. You knew it was bread you needed.
You knew you didn’t quite see it in them.
But all of these years, you’ve been trying to turn a stone.
And and when red people hook up with stone people, they don’t communicate well.
because what the bread person is trying to do is trying to get something out of you that’s not in you.
And the school person is looking back and said, what’s wrong? What’s wrong?
You expect too much. You ought to be satisfied for me to just sit here, see, because in appearance, the stone and the bread look alike.
Have you ever got with somebody that appeared to be something that that when you really tried to really get down to a thing, I’m not gonna bother it.
I’m not gonna bother it. I’m a somebody in here ought to say it, man.
if you’re afraid to say, man, you can you can tweet me an amen.
Just at this occasion because I know you don’t want them to know that I’m preaching your message tonight that you act like you get that take for somebody at work and then get home and get your car
and fall out. because I don’t care how hungry you are.
You can’t get bread out of stony people.
Ain’t no need in trying to turn it into something that it ain’t.
It is what it is.
Don’t you be trying to use your power to deceive yourself and to thinking that just because it’s shaped like bread, that it tastes like bread.
Don’t break your teeth.
How many will make a commitment that you are through breaking your teeth on hard stuff?
through deceiving yourself into thinking that rocks are bred through draining your power trying to get the stone to be something that it is not.
And all of the energy that you’re putting into trying to make something be that it is not you should have put into discovering what god put in you because the very fact that your hunger for is a sign that you are in.
only excellent people hunger for excellence. Only wise people hunger for wisdom.
I can tell the level of a preacher by how well they receive the way because, you know, just because you wear a clothing shirt, it don’t mean you a preacher.
But when you start preaching the word to a real preacher, something in him will ignite down in his soul, something in her will start leaving up because lack knows lack deep nose deep, rich, nose, rich, class nose, class, anointing nose, annoyed, bad, There ain’t no way I’m going home with rocks.
when I can have some bread. Touch your neighbors say, look at me. I am bread.
I am nutrition. I am sustenance, whoever gets me gonna be better off than they were before.
I got something to offer. I’m not faking the fuck I got something about me that whoever gets this ain’t gonna get better.
So he says to him. Let me hear it on.
I don’t wanna take too long. Say, sir. It’s telling me, you know.
He says, now he takes him up to a high place in the temple in the synagogue and says, now, if if you fall off this temple cash yourself down for it is written.
See, they throw in the book in each other. Uh-huh. Yeah.
Somebody gonna go preach it and I already know, pay your times. Pay your times.
Now, in in in his sense, it is written that the angels will bury the up lest you dash your foot against the star.
Yes. Okay. And Jesus said it is written.
They throw in the book back at 4, that thou should not tempt the lord thy god.
Isn’t that what he said? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and so he said, I’m not gonna use my power.
to to prove who I am because when you know who you are, you don’t have to prove what you got.
What what what you know? But you see, let let me help y’all out with this.
when when you see these preachers banging on the pulpit talking about Hallelujah this church,
they not. when you see these men picked on detention, I’m the man of this house.
He’s up. When you are something you don’t have to convince anybody of what you are
when you walked in the room,
everything in that. So
Oh, y’all ain’t helping me preach this tonight.
So Then he says, he says, uh, enough of this Angel stuff.
And and and he says, I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do. He said, he said, come on up here.
He said, come on up here. Take He said, go up here. Go up here.
He said, you see all of that? He said, all the kingdoms of the world.
will I give you if you bow down and worship me?
And Jesus said, this is not no good deal.
Don’t you know the earth is the logs? The foam is there off?
and the world, and and they would dwell there in all the in in all three cases, that enemy didn’t about to say the kingdoms of this world should be the kingdoms of our god and of his Christ.
all three cases, the enemy was offering him. He already has.
What does that mean to you?
Are you being offered, what you already got.
Are you trying to find a peace that you already possess?
Are are you seeking a wisdom externally? that you already have internally.
Isn’t it true that the very fact that you are hungry for it is an indication that you are functioning on a level to know that it exists And and and and, Deborah, what else do you want to say?
this this this talk you gave about, the angels that that that Jesus had to throw himself down off the temple for the angels to come.
The angels were coming anyway.
So the Bible Touching mind telling me
that angels are coming anyway. I came. I actually didn’t come from Dallas this time.
I flew from New York. I’ve been on the plane all day flying from New York to get here to tell you the angels are coming.
The angels are coming. No. No. Wait. Wait. Wait.
I want you I want you to understand. This is not the word for the happy people. Right.
This is for the hungry people.
This is for the weary tired at my wit’s end, out of breath tie.
I can’t take any more. If something don’t break through in a minute, I’m gonna lose my mind people.
This is for
the people that’s been in a wilderness, been through hell and high water.
You’re back spent up against the wall. You’ve been wondering, lord, how long do
I have
to go through this? Is there
anybody in here like that? If you are in here like that, make some noise right now.
I wanna hear some noise in the wilderness, I wanna hear a praise in the wilderness, sir.
I want water to gush in the wilderness, sir.
I want glory to ring out in the wilderness, touch everybody you see praising god and tell them your are coming.
Your angels
are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming.
Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming.
Your are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming.
Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. Your angels are coming. age of the coming.
That’s why you had to be here tonight. That’s why there was an urgency down in your soul.
You had to be here tonight. Some of y’all got off work.
got a happy meal and stuffed it in your face, put your makeup on in your car because you knew god had a word for you tonight.
Well, here it is. The angels are coming out. You’ve been in the wilderness. You’ve been in the drought, please.
You’ve been in the drought. All hell’s been breaking loose. You’ve been hungry, and that’s your windshield.
But I serve notice on every demo. That’s been after you. Here comes, joined us.
Uh, for the next 60 second, pray, then do you see the habits?
Open up over your Pray them.
You got 25 seconds left. Pray them. Pray them until hell gets nervous.
Praying him and tell demons, triple. Praying it to your field. The ground move under your feet.
Pray the p, you get your body heal. Pray the, pill the check that’s sitting in the mail.
Pray them, and there’s a breakthrough that happens in y’all line.

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