Sunday Morning 9:00 AM Worship Service (November 17, 2024)

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Hallelujah! Are you excited to be in the house of the Lord today? Are you ready to lift your hands in praise and bless His holy name? Let’s rise to our feet and honor the King of Kings this morning!

Welcome to Our Online Family
A warm welcome to everyone joining us online. Wherever you are, join in as we celebrate the goodness of God! Clap your hands and rejoice, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is shining upon you.

Celebrate the Overflow of Blessings
We have every reason to celebrate today! The windows of Heaven are open, and blessings are flowing abundantly. The light of His glory fills our hearts as we lift our voices in worship. Let’s arise and shine, for the Lord’s glory has risen upon us.

A Song of Praise: Jesus, You Are So Good
Jesus, You are so good,
There’s nothing to fear when I’m in Your presence.
You’ve given me eternal life,
Your Word lights my way,
And Your Spirit renews me with mercies every day.

You’ve filled me with confidence and peace. You are my Provider, meeting every need. Jesus, You are so good, and I just want to thank You with all my heart!

Enter His Presence with Thanksgiving
Let’s come into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Rejoice, for great and mighty is His name. Sing with all your heart, for the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever.

Praise the Exalted Son
Jesus, the Son, is exalted! He is the Maker of everything. Come, bow before Him, lift your hands in praise, and raise your voice to the heavens. The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever!

Sing It Out Together
For the Lord is good,
And His mercy endures forever.
Jesus, the Son, is exalted,
Maker of everything.
Lift your hands, raise your voice,
And declare His goodness today!

Let’s Praise Him!
Church, if you know that God is good and His mercy never fails, let’s shout “Hallelujah!” together. Lift your voices and celebrate the greatness of our God, for He is worthy to be praised!

Join us every week as we continue to worship and celebrate the goodness of our Lord. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay connected and receive daily inspirations!

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