Some Tremendous News & Thanks From Jonathan Cahn | Jonathan Cahn Special

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Some Tremendous News & Thanks From Jonathan Cahn | Jonathan Cahn Special

Jonathan shares the latest update – Some tremendous news beyond what we expected – and a Charge for believers.

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To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

hey everybody this is Jonathan KH and I have some news uh for you that I’m going to I want to share first with you guys here on this channel um because you’re part of it um first of all uh we’ve been praying that God gets the word out that he would do it and this is totally to the glory of God this is totally his hand it’s not us we don’t know what we’re doing God knows what he’s doing um and the news is that the dragon’s prophecy that was just released um and we’ve been praying for God to use um is
now the is number one on the New York Times bestseller list it is um Publishers Weekly number one on hard cover non-fiction and on of all books it is the number one book it looks like this the dragons prophecy is now the number one book in America by God’s hand and uh the thing is that it’s not only that we were told that um and we saw by the figures um it is sold more than twice as much as any book in America um that is totally God and to him be the glory and we got to keep praying please pray that God continues to use it to
touch people not only Believers but unbelievers alike and that God gets us out it’s one of the most explosive books I’ve ever written I’ll mention that but the other thing is I want to thank you because you were crucial in this it’s the only book I’ve announced here on this channel before I even finished it um I said it was going to be coming out you guys pre-ordered it so much so that it sent it like into the stratosphere that has that beyond anything anybody expected they’ve all been bestsellers
but this is beyond anything so thank you for your Zeal for the Lord and your hunger for the Lord and your hunger for the word and your hunger for uh his ways now and uh the reality of God uh for doing that and again we need to pray you know this is a book I didn’t even plan on writing it um God interrupted me and it actually began with um one of the Mysteries in the book that foretold what was going to happen in Israel The Invasion before it happened and that may even enable us to know future events down to when they’re going to happen
that’s how it all began um but the Lord interrupted me to do this so we got to be interruptible because he knows better so please again keep praying for for that and ple and not only get it for yourself get it for people in your life who need to know the other thing I want to say is listen we’ve got an important crucial election coming up that’s going to uh determine the future of America and so the issues are critical it’s never been so radical uh so radically different between the agendas um the
issue of life and death this will determine the life and death of babies this will determine the mutilation of children or the saving them from mutilation it will determine the suppression of free speech and uh religious freedom and that’s not hype this is real and it’s a real danger um it will affect your life it’ll affect the lives of your children your grandchildren um and the world and people even getting the gospel so listen if if we don’t vote we can’t complain when these things happen that the Lord
said be a light you are to impact the world the light must impact its surroundings we have to impact the world and do it by all means Paul said by all means and so the thing is that this is one of the means that God has given us it’s uh we may not always have this but the thing is we’ve got a vote you can affect it and so do it if you haven’t registered registered it it’s easy and vote and the other thing is that and if you’re a pastor get you encourage your congregation and the other thing of
course most important pray for Revival the only hope America has is not a uh it’s not politics but God uses politics but it is the gospel it is him it is Messiah it is Jesus it is Revival so let’s pray for Revival okay together let’s do that let’s commit to that uh do everything you can okay and the book going out that’s part of affecting the world that’s why we’re all in this together and thank you for being part of the team uh I’ll be giving um new m messages for you in the coming days and
uh uh and stay strong until then God bless you [Music] Shalom this is there more to the world than meets our eyes another realm that’s Transforming Our World at this very moment is there an ancient Vision that unlocks what is really happening and what is Yet to Come is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that reveals what is taking place right now after eight New York Times bestsellers Jonathan Khan now releases his newest stunning Blockbuster the dragon’s prophecy Israel and the dark resurrection and the end of
days for the first time ever Jonathan KH will open end time prophecy and reveal the the secrets of our age the dragon’s prophecy will reveal the long hidden secret of the last days the colors of the Apocalypse the 2, 315th day the Beast what lies ahead and more what does the future hold just when you thought Jonathan Khan’s books couldn’t get more explosive comes the dragon’s prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of days it will open your eyes blow your mind and change the way you see the
world available everywhere books are sold
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