Small Acts, Big Spiritual Impact | Joyce Meyer

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Small Acts, Big Spiritual Impact | Joyce Meyer

Join Joyce Meyer in this insightful message as she shares personal lessons learned from God in the most unexpected places, like the grocery store. Discover how seemingly ordinary tasks taught her profound lessons on integrity, excellence, and honesty. Learn how embracing childlike obedience in the small things can lead to a deeper connection with God and prepare you for more significant blessings.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

As unique as this might sound, god taught me some of the most profound lessons that I’ve ever learned that have helped me all my years in ministry in that grocery store.
And I I I really am telling you this because I wanna urge you to watch for how god is trying to teach you in the ordinary everyday affairs of everyday life.
You can learn some amazing lessons just as you go about your normal every day.
So One of the first things that god began to deal with me about was putting my grocery cart back in the space that was marked off for grocery carts.
And, you know, most people don’t wanna do that.
They wanna leave it out in the middle of the parking lot to chase somebody else’s car down or or it’s amazing how hard we will work at trying to kick the wheels in a certain direction so it won’t roll.
It would take much less time to go put it back where it belongs.
But instead of doing that, we do spend all this time trying to get it not to go anywhere, and then it ends up running into somebody’s car anyway.
And It’s sad for me to say this, but it took me 2 years to get fully obedient.
So it’s obvious that was a long way away from being worldwide ministry material.
I mean, if you understand what I’m saying.
If you’re not gonna obey god, when he tells you to do something like walk with integrity or to do something with excellence.
You know, I something that we always do because we feel like that god deals with us to do it.
We stay in a lot of hotels. And every time we leave our hotel room, we turn all lights out.
And because that’s something that I just felt like god put on my heart.
Now, you know, I could have the attitude What do I care?
I paid for the room.
They gotta pay the bills, but see, however you treat other people you’re sowing a seed, that’s gonna come back to you at some time in your life.
So I wasn’t in Bible school, But those were lessons that god was teaching me.
He was teaching me how to be excellent. He was teaching me how to be honest.
Another thing that he taught me in the grocery store was we were on a very tight budget, $70 every 2 weeks for groceries.
And so I had to go with my coupons and my calculator and make sure that nothing went over.
And you have a tendency when you go to the grocery or especially if you’re hungry, you’ll put a lot of stuff in your cart that by the time you get to the last aisle, you realize you can’t pay for all of it.
And so you have to pick through and decide what you can keep and what you can’t.
And I, like many other people, at that time, I would just take out what I didn’t want and just put it anywhere wherever I was at in the store.
You know, that’s that’s why you find a head of lettuce in what the cleaning supplies in a grocery store.
It was people like I used to be that do that.
Well, you know, I didn’t wanna go all the way from the the milk and egg aisle, which is all the way over here on the end, all the way back over to the produce, you know, to put away ahead of lettuce.
Why? Because we’re lazy. And I just didn’t want to.
Now I didn’t care that somebody else was gonna have to clean up my mess.
So that was another thing that god taught me. It was like, nope. Take it back.
Put it back where you got it. You know, god can be he can annoy you He knows how.
He knows how to annoy you. Put it back. Put it back. Put it back. Put it back.
Put it back. And you try to walk away from it.
It’s just like, just go put it back.
And another thing that I learned in the grocery store was to read the fine print on the coupons.
Like, I remember that they would very often have chickens on sale.
3 for a dollar or whatever it was.
It was a long time ago that you get 3 chickens for a dollar.
But and then I had you know, when when you become a Christian, a serious Christian, you start noticing the fine print.
That you’ve managed to ignore.
And I I never noticed that it said limit 3 per customer.
Well, I didn’t want 3 chickens. I wanted to fill my freezer full of chickens.
So I would take my kids to the store with me.
And each one of them would get 3 chickens in their cart.
Dave would have 3. The kids would all have 3. I’d have 3. We’d all have our coupons.
And then the Holy Spirit started convicting me.
I mean, do I have to get convicted about chickens?
Don’t I have Don’t I have things much more serious in my life than than chickens?
And he’d call me back to that fine print.
Well, I knew that I had a problem when I was in line one day getting ready to pay for my chickens, and I I thought, I don’t think I gave my daughter enough money for tax.
And my heart was pounding and fear.
That the clerk was gonna realize that I was doing something that I shouldn’t be doing.
And so I began to learn, you know, if you gotta feel like you gotta hide something or you feel like you uh, are doing something wrong, then that means that you are.
Well, to be honest, I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but I didn’t know stuff like that.
Nobody was teaching me that kind of stuff, and I had somebody recently, actually, a well known minister He was at a conference where I was teaching some things on excellence, and he said, I have never, in my life, heard that kind of stuff.
Now how can how can we be grown adults and not know what excellence and integrity is yet many people in the world don’t, and that’s why the world is in the mess that it’s in.
And then one other thing I’ll tell you that I remember God teaching me, when I’d be out in the department store shopping, You know how a lot of people, they’ll not close off the hangers and just leave them laying the floor.
And god started telling me to pick them up. And put them back on the hangers.
And I thought, now why should I clean somebody else’s mess up? That doesn’t make any sense.
But then I felt like the lord had said to me, well, would you like to have somebody clean your messes up someday?
And so now god has provided and has for years years all the help that I need in order to do what I’m doing.
Let me tell you something. Sometimes when you are we when we disobey god in some of these little things, we don’t really realize that we’re creating a problem for ourselves that we’re gonna deal with later.
So when god tells you something little to do, Keep in mind that anything god says, there’s nothing little about it.
So if god bothers to tell you about it, then that means it’s a big and an important thing in your life.
And you need to just in obedience, child like obedience. Amen?
Just like a little kid, it may seem silly, but childlike obedience I think nothing bonds us together with god in close fellowship more than being a child of god who’s willing to do seemingly foolish little things just because you believe that’s what your heavenly father wants you to do.
So I’ll just say again, If we’re not gonna obey God in little things, then we’re probably gonna miss out on a lot of big things that we would like to do.
How about, um, if somebody gives you too much change?
Do you take it back, or do you just think, oh, man, god’s blessing me.
See, now anybody anybody that knows the word of god knows that that’s just silly.
You know, more than anything, it’s a test to see if you’ll be honest.
Amen? I bought a pair of shoes one day, and I’d been looking at the purse went with it and was gonna get the purse, and I decided not to get the purse.
When I got home, the guy had accidentally put the purse in my bag.
Well, you know, in a way, it’s a little bit irritating whenever somebody else has made a mistake.
That now you have to spend your time and gas money to go correct, but I knew that I need to do it.
This is how we hear from god. How many times do you know what you need to do?
You don’t need a 3 part series preached to you.
You know, down deep inside what you need to do.
Well, one of the main ways that god speaks to us is through just knowing.
There’s no need to try to explain how you know. You just know.
You just know that you should or you shouldn’t do that thing.
This is what makes our relationship, our personal relationship with god precious and exciting.
When you walk with him in your everyday ordinary Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
When you walk with him in your ordinary everyday life and you want with all your heart to obey him and to be the kind of person that he wants you to

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