Shemitah In The Present Day Of Wall Street | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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“What happened to June is another reminder that whenever a nation or civilization or, for that matter, a life turns away from God, it will never remain neutral. It will never stay empty. It will become indwelled by something else, something other than God. It will become inhabited by the gods. Those who had taken part in the removal of prayer and the Word from American public life could not have imagined what it would lead to. But the empty house could not stay empty. A civilization had turned away from its worship of God. Now the sacraments of a different worship had come in. The door was left open; the house was found empty; the spirits came in; the gods returned and with them, their holy days.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Return of the Gods

  The top three greatest point crashes in Wall Street history, at least up to the last Rita, 100% of them took place linked to the biblical year of the, the is actually behind, linked to the coming of Messiah, linked to end time prophecy linked to the Book of Revelation and linked to the antichrist.
How when the Jewish people were in exile for 70 years, remember they’re in 70 years for a period of 490 that they didn’t ob observe the Sabbath year, 70 years judgment.
Then one of them is praying and he’s considering how long we’re gonna be there.
And he’s reading the prophet Jeremiah. And then the guy’s name is Daniel. Daniel’s praying.
And all of a sudden he sees an angel, an angel comes to him. Gabriel says, you’ve been praying.
I’m gonna tell you now, the secret of how long you have, not only are we gonna get, you know, back to the land, but also uh we’re gonna bring the Messiah, the Messiah’s gonna come and all, it’s like everything, all prophecy.
So, so let me tell you how long you have to seal up, seal up all vision and prophecy and, and make an end of it, of sin in like Messiah make it.
It says this is how long 70 sevens? OK? 70 these are the famous 70 weeks of Daniel.
It says 70 sevens of years. OK? How much, how long is 70 sevens of years? 70 times seven?
How you see this group is like amazing, especially that side, right over there, 490 years.
So do you notice something there?
You had 490 years where they, where they sinned, you know, one of the sins was the Sabbath but they sinned all over 409 years, becomes reduced to 70 years, sabbath years of judgment.
Then he starts with 70 again and now multiplies it by seven to come out with another 490 of prophecy of redemption of the coming of Messiah.
It’s like reversing it. So how long this mathematical thing you find it in Daniel nine?
This mathematical template is actually gonna tell you exactly when Messiah’s gonna come. It’s amazing.
But he leaves out 17 at the end, 17, there’s, there’s the, the the last seven or the last seven years is left out.
And then it says in Daniel nine, it says, then the prince will come talking about the antichrist and he will make a covenant of with for one week or you make a covenant in the middle of the week, the last seven.
So what’s that, you know what the last week is, last week is the tribulation period book of Revelation.
It all comes from this mystery of the and in the middle of that seven year period, it says the middle of the seven, that’s 3.5 years, that’s the antichrist, that’s all what you read about in revelation.
So all behind all of that is linked to this thing that most Christians don’t really know about the.
Now this tells us there’s more to the than we would think.
It’s determining the time of judgment. It’s to determining the fall of a nation, end time prophecy coming a messiah.
So could there be more to it? You know, God, God made the whole world.
He made the patterns, he made that this mystery of six days and then 76 years and then seven could this manifest because this is a showing God’s sovereignty.
God’s God’s reality. Could it actually manifest in ways even in the modern world?
What would the to be in the modern world?
I mean, what would it translate to a year of not sowing and not reaping?
And lot of times, you know, you stop making money.
Well, in economics, it’s a recession or a depression when you, when that all that stops or like what, how did, what’s the wiping away of financial accounts in, you know, that last day they wipe away all debt, wipe away the, the the ledger, wipe it away Well, how does that happen in the financial world when the stock market collapses?
So interesting because the words we use for, for Wall Street and finance are actually linked to agriculture like the seed money when you, so when you, when you, when you give money, it’s called seed money.
When you, when you invest, it’s called, they, they’ll say you’re sowing you, you’re sowing into those.
When a stock yields, it’s called financial yield, like yield of a farm, sowing, financial reaping accounts come to fruition, money bearing bearing investment.
All that comes from agriculture. So I thought, what if there was a link?
What if God’s template concerning the seven year cycle could manifest even into the modern world of His reality of His sovereignty now that now not that we always have to manifest and we’re not under the law and we can’t put God in a box.
I’ll say that a few times.
But what if it could manifest at times when I began to look into it?
I saw some amazing things. I first shared it here at Beth Israel before I even wrote the Harbinger.
I first shared it in 2009.
I put a chapter in the harbinger about the and then people wanted more and there was so much interest and my publisher said you gotta write a book and I was reluctant to write a book because I know people tend to set dates and put God in boxes So I I said from the very beginning, you cannot say nothing has to happen.
It’s up to God. But here are the connections interesting because when I started, then later on, after that sort of, you know, googling many Wall Street investors then start heard this and started talking about the and started talking about Wall Street.
I, so I finally wrote it.
It was called The Mystery of the, I don’t know if we have it here or not, but, but the connections, there were stunning connections and I can only give you a little taste of this.
But because we’re on this actual day once in seven years, I think it’s important now, unless I say otherwise, what I’m talking about, much of what I’m saying is dated from the last when I say the past 40 years.
But I’m gonna go beyond that too to talk about right now.
The key time, first of this financial release, the to the end of the year that your financial release change the accounts.
It, when is it? It’s autumn, it’s September.
It’s when this, when 29 comes, it’s going to be in September, October, mostly September generally.
So therefore, is that, could there be any correlation between the collapses of the stock market and this time of year that the, that the, the Bible ordains for the releasing of financial accounts, cleaning them?
Well, it’s amazing because many, even many people on Wall Street will tell you the most dangerous time of the year for the stock market is this time is September, October and, and, and Wall Street actually speaks of something they called, they called it the October effect.
The bank panic of 19 oh seven October, the stock market crash of 1929 Great Depression, October Black Monday 1987 October, except that those who went deeper investigating it.
They said actually the month that has the most stock market crashes of all the months of the year is September and, and generally it was September that set in motion, those October crashes as well.
Now, now that’s just when the this time comes in the Bible, the original Black Friday was September 24th, 18 69.
As far back as that Black Wednesday happened on September 16th, 1992.
The greatest point crashes in stock market history up to the last took place in September 2001 and then September in 2008, the greatest stock market financial crashes that always cluster around this time.
I mean, they were succession but they cluster now.
They can’t, well, she can’t come up with a reason for it.
There’s nothing that would say it has to happen then except they don’t know, except the Bible speaks about this.
Up to the last, in the previous 40 years, there were five major long term financial collapses.
Long term, every single one of them listen, took place, not took place seven years apart, not just at the time of year, but now the seven years apart, every single one of them happened.
And, and so, and not only that, which seven years they happened at the seven years of the biblical s how many of them, every one of those that I just said.
In fact, the majority of the long term collapses of modern times converge around the time of the, the seventh year that it’s against the odds.
It should be one out of seven.
But it’s, it’s all over the top three greatest point crashes in Wall Wall Street history.
At least up to the last 100% of them took place linked to the biblical year of the, from the great recession to the Great Depression.
1937 the MITA begins the very next day. Wall Street collapses 1931. The schmitter reaches its peak, wipe out day.
It ushers in the greatest month long, wipe out in stock market history.
But the mystery goes, goes far if, if I’m gonna show you now, actually, I’m gonna show you the actual charts of these things.
I want you to see something because it’s gonna look like if, if it’s gonna happen, it would look like a mountain.
Stock markets rising comes, is it going to affect it? If it will, it’ll look like a mountain.
Now, the came in 2002 and 2001. Most of 2001. I want you to look at that time.
That is the stock market going up from 1995, 96, 97, 99. Ghost Hits 2, 2,000 hits. The look what happens?
That is the, what was the great, that was the crash, the tech bubble, everything started collapsing.
Now it comes the next took place at the end of 2007.
Most of 2008 was, is there, are you gonna see anything of that? Put that up?
You see that second mountain that is 2008? That’s the next, you see the two mountains there?
Those are the two s those are the, those were the two greatest crashes up to the point.
The, the first, the second one is the great recession, greatest financial collapse since the great depression.
Now let’s go even deeper in September and I can only give you a taste of these things, but I want to give you a taste.
So, you know where we are. September 2001 came 9, 11, 9, 11 calls the stock market.
If you remember to be closed down for almost a week, it reopened next Monday on September 17.
That day came the greatest point, crash collapse in American history up to that day.
Well, what day was it? On the biblical calendar?
It was 29, the very day that financial accounts are to be wiped clean and here it is on, you see it.
Do you see the line on the right, you see that line, do you see that line coming down?
And you see the line of the, of the graph? That’s the actual day of the Bible. That’s all 29.
That’s the day of wiping out. That is right there. It wasn’t just a 29.
It was the uh once in seven year 29 that’s actually appointed in the Book of Leviticus.
And that was the greatest stock market crash in history up to that day.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Khan. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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