Seek Jesus Christ Above All Else | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day
A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day
Be blessed as you meditate on God’s word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer.
God is saying to you today,
“You’ve cried so many times in private. I’ve seen every one of your tears. Fear not, for I am with you. Continue to wait on Me. My hand is upon you. Be still and know that I am God.”
God is saying to you today,
“When you feel like you can’t go on, I will give you strength. I will bring you great joy and peace. Place your faith and trust in Me. Be still and know that I am God.”
The Bible in second Timothy chapter three verses one through five says, but mark this, there will be terrible times.
In the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good treacherous rash, conceded lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness, but denying its power have nothing to do with such people.
Let’s take a look at what verse five says, people will have a form of Godliness but deny its power.
What does this mean? The amplified translation says these people will hold on to a form of outward godliness religion.
Although they have denied its power for their conduct, nui fies, their claim of faith, avoid such people and keep far away from them.
The new living translation says they will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them godly stay away from people like that.
What a tragedy this is to hold on to the religion, but let go of the savior to hold onto the appearance but have no substance beneath the surface.
What a tragedy it is for someone to act religious, talk religiously but have no relationship with Jesus Christ.
Friends take a look at your own life. Do you do what you do for Jesus Christ?
Or is it a tradition? Is it for show? Is there any authenticity to your faith?
Ask yourself? Do I know Jesus Christ in private, for me to be claiming him in public?
Because anybody can say anything given the right circumstances.
However, when no one is looking, when you’re behind closed doors, are you truly seeking Jesus Christ?
Are you striving to have a relationship with the Lord?
Now, I once heard a pastor by the name of Adrian Rogers say something along the lines of if ever you have loved the Lord more than you currently do right now.
You’re backsliding. If you’ve ever prayed more, read the word of God more in the past than you do today.
You back sliding. If you are no longer burning for God, as much as you used to, then you’ve back slid.
And I guess the point that this pastor was trying to put across was that you should be stronger in your faith today than you were yesterday and you should be stronger in your faith tomorrow than you are currently.
Your love for Jesus should grow day by day.
Your prayer life must be developing, your spiritual understanding must be growing, you ought to be maturing and growing in the Lord now no one is immune to backsliding.
So my own prayer is that the Lord would have mercy on me.
May God have mercy on us all so that we don’t fall so that we don’t go backwards in our faith.
May God have mercy on us so that we will never be religious people who don’t have Christ in their hearts.
And so I encourage you dear friend, return to Jesus Christ.
Now let’s pray, father, I give you honor and I give you praise at this moment in time, Lord I’m praying in agreement with everyone listening.
And Lord Jesus, we’re seeking your forgiveness.
If ever, there was a time in the past that we were hungrier for your presence more than today, revive us.
Lord help us so that our fire doesn’t dim or die down.
God, revive our faith, revive our prayer lives, reignite the fire in our spirit so that we’ll chase after you intensely.
Lord, revive our desire to seek your presence, help us not to be weary and well doing for in due season, we will reap a harvest a harvest from heaven, a harvest that will shake and transform our families, I believe and pray that we’ll reap a harvest that will impact generations in our bloodline.
Lord Jesus bring revival into our lives.
Some of us have fallen backwards because of the cares of this world.
But I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict our hearts to repent and run back to Jesus Christ.
Some of us have fallen backwards because of the battles that we faced.
However, King Jesus, I pray that you would heal our wounds and make us whole again, make us whole so that we can keep fighting the good fight so that we can keep marching forward.
The Bible says in first Peter chapter two verses two and three, like newborn babies crave pure spiritual milk so that by it, you may grow up in your salvation now that you have tasted that the Lord is good Lord Jesus, I pray that you would help us to keep moving forward in faith, to keep progressing in the faith.
Never to go backwards, but forever keep marching forward until the day that I stand before you King Jesus.
Lord, I pray that you would cast down every idol in my life.
Everything that’s pulling me backwards, everything that’s competing for your attention, cast it down.
Lord may you rule and reign in my life.
God, I desire to be obedient to your word which says in Exodus 20 verses three through five, you shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them for I the Lord, your God am a jealous God punishing the Children for the sin of the parents to the 3rd and 4th generation of those who hate me.
I pray that you would search my heart, Lord and then God purify me, examine my passions and cleanse me.
Lord, reveal to me whatever it may be that’s holding me back.
Lord Jesus, I commit my life to you.
You have my attention, you have my affection, you have my loyalty, King Jesus.
I refuse to idolize anything, not money, not relationship, not any material things.
God give me the grace to live a pure and holy life.
I rebuke everything that seeks to exalt itself above you, lord.
And so I asked that you would clean up my heart.
God, I glorify your name and I give you all the praise.
I thank you father for hearing my prayer in Jesus name. I pray.
- No More Distractions | Joel OsteenTháng 4 30, 2023