Seed of Production – World Overcoming Faith
Seed of Production – World Overcoming Faith
First John 5:4 tells us, “everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith.” God’s desire is that you grow in your faith. In “World Overcoming Faith,” Dr. Winston expounds on how operating in the righteousness of God causes your faith to rise unconsciously, be a light for those still living in this world’s darkness and not to fear the exceedingly that He has for you. God gives you a spoken word (seed). Inside of you is a production center (soil). When you speak (plant), the seed will bring forth (produce) what you say. In this two-disc series you will understand how to: overcome satan by decreeing the word of God, and defeat darkness (evil) with good. It is done through Jesus Christ, by His blood and through the word of your testimony. Allow this teaching to propel you to another level in your faith walk, using it to change your body, mind and your life. Go public with Jesus knowing that with The Blessing, people will see nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
But if he can take away your strength and your righteousness through getting you bitter, then you can’t control anything.
You are an accident going somewhere to happen.
And what you need to do is say, wait a minute, I am not gonna live from the outside in anymore.
I’m gonna live from the inside out teachers that the kingdom of God is where in you all?
Alright. Luke chapter 17 verse 20.
That right and watch this and when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them.
And he said the Kingdom of God cometh not with what observation, right?
Neither shall they say low here, low there behold the Kingdom of God is where where when God made the earth, where do we say the Kingdom of God is in?
You say I have a production center in me. OK? Produce means fruitful, ok?
It means to bring forth, bring forward, ok? Produce all. I look at Genesis Genesis chapter one.
God spoke to in verse 20 and God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures, uh, that has life and fouls that they may fly above the earth in the open firm movement of heaven.
All right. So God spoke to the waters and what he spoke, came forth from what he spoke to.
Got it. Now, how did he get these fish?
He spoke it, the fish came forth from the water.
Now, what he does with you is give you something to speak.
See, he’ll give you this spoken word. Lord. We need an airplane.
Well, what does he do? He gives me some seed.
Now inside of me is a production center.
So now I gotta get the seed in the center. I’ve got to get the seat.
See, because it’s gonna come from what I spoke to. Are you following what I’m saying?
See inside of me is soil and I gotta get a seed in that soil because I’m gonna act like God, I’m gonna bring something forth from what I’m speaking to.
Y’all got y’all get that. Y’all get that. See.
See, that’s why it can go to any country that’s poor and have them to produce.
Remember I said the people are poor because of lack of, of knowledge and absence of self production.
Say self production, I can take word seed that came out of Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 20.
A bird of the air shall carry my voice.
That’s what he told me to say, where did it come from?
Came from the word, where did the word come from? My word is forever settled where in heaven?
So it’s ever settled in heaven.
He gave me some word from heaven as see to sew into the production center that the sea will bring forth a newborn baby called an airplane.
In in this case, see how y’all follow what I’m saying here.
Now, I want you to see that because that’s the way he plans for you to live.
He has given you this book full of sea and he is saying, OK, let’s get to producing.
We’re not, we’re not poor because we don’t have much money or a job that paid, but we’re poor because of absence of self production.
So I’ve got to produce here. I’ve, I’ve gotta get this thing going.
Shopping mall C Joshua 13. Come on now. Oh, you name it?
Even Bill Woodson Ministries came out of or, or 11. I’m just saying all of this.
Everything is seed based. See, so if you need something, get some seed, watch this and start to producing.
Now, understand this is what Jesus taught and he taught it over in Mark chapter four and verse 30 verse 14.
Let’s go over there. I’m gonna speak to something. See, I gotta get this soil, this seed in the ground.
Now the enemy’s job is to make me give it up before it starts in Germany.
Are y’all with me here and let me tell you folks, you’re not waiting on God, watch it.
Jesus paid for it all the sword. So the what word?
Look at the next verse and these are by the wayside where the word is sown.
But when they have heard Satan cometh immediately to do what take away the word that was sewn in their heart?
Why is he interested in taking that away? Why? Why? Because you about to get rich.
You about to you about to bring forth something in the earth that he didn’t have anything to do with.
That’s right. It’s right there. The just shall live how by faith.
Faith is the way the judge will get things done. Yes.
It’s almost like if it didn’t come by faith, I don’t want it.
You know what I mean? I ain’t saying that yet but I, I’m just say amen.
And these are they likewise which are sewn on stony ground.
Who when they’ve heard the word, the word immediately receive it with gladness. Watch this.
But they don’t have any root in themselves and so endure.
But for a time but after when affliction, persecution arise for the word’s sake, watch this. They’re immediately they’re offended.
Now, notice what Satan comes to do, come sometime to offend you. Now, here I am.
I planted the word in I B M for promotion.
Now, I’m a first line manager but they, they really got eyes on me. They want to promote me.
So it’s time for me to get promoted. So I, I, I said, OK, let me get some seed here.
Promotion doesn’t come from the east or from the west motion comes from the Lord. I’m ready to go.
I believe God for this. Now, watch what happened to me.
So I am supposed to give a part of the presentation that next morning to the guy who comes down from New York, he’s a guy controls everything.
He’s a guy that can look and say, hey, Bill Winston’s ready. He, he you, you know, so forth.
I didn’t know it, but it was a set up that they wanted me to be seen by those top executives because they wanted to do something with me.
Ok? And so on the way that morning for the presentation, I had it all worked out.
I stopped by a friend of mine just on the way and he begins to tell me how people are mistreating him that their prejudice that this African American gentleman and they’re prejudiced and they’re mistreating him and blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now that was on my way for a presentation. Come on, come on.
Now the Bible tells you go with me to Hebrews chapter 13, please.
He says this in verse 14, follow after peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently, let any man fail of the grace of God, let any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.
Now, what does he say? So this man is bitter.
See, he’s better but bitterness has got fruit. It’s got fruit to it.
See, and a fruit always carries a seed.
Oh, see, it always carries a seed with it.
And so I, I ate of his fruit just like Eve did and just like Adam did.
Am I right about that? Well, once I ate of it, then the bitterness came in me.
Now they didn’t do nothing to me, but I got his sea sow it in me.
And next thing you know, I’m coming to the presentation giving the presentation and I’m mad.
I said, yeah, and, and this and, and the revenues would be this.
And he said, well, Bill, what about this? Well, I say I got it right up there.
Can’t you see it? I, I’ve got it right up.
Y’all have seen that before, haven’t you? Ok.
But my point to you is I want you to see this.
They left, my boss, came in the office said, Bill, what?
I won’t use the language he used. What did you do? I said, what do you mean?
What’s wrong with you? I said what? He said, your attitude. Where, what, what happened here?
I said, well, I stopped my friend. See you there. See, see what I’m saying.
I’m saying, God’s got big plans but you’re hanging around with the wrong friends.
You eating of that bitterness that’s on you and Satan will try to cripple the entire black race.
I’m not eating.
I love and I’m on my way to the top.
Oh, I’m telling you, you look at that television long enough, they’re trying to put a seed inside of you that you didn’t know where it came from.
The next thing you know, you calling this man name and so forth when the Bible says, pray for the man.
And so see, and, and you eating it now you’re bitter.
I’m saying, get that bitterness out. You can’t, you can’t produce, you stay broke.
I’m trying to get you out of broke. Make your leave broke and you’re still eating that bit of fruit.
Hey, don’t eat a back free. Don’t eat of that man.
You, you will do that and think you are right by doing what you’re doing. But that’s what it does.
It consumes your whole body because you’re designed to live from the inside out.
Look what it says in Proverbs 23 verse seven. Sorry.
No. Proverbs pro no, not Proverbs 23 7. Proverbs four and verse 23.
Keep your heart with all diligence.
Cause out of are the force of faith, are the force of righteousness, are the force of peace of the force.
Are you follow what I say? Look what it says about peace. Go over with me.
Two Philippians. I’m getting to you now I can feel. I’m, I’m breaking through, man. I’m breaking through, man.
See, see you, you didn’t think of some of that stuff.
The Bible says in First Corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 evil communications, corrupt, good man.
You’re not supposed to even let that garbage come into your mind.
I see him.
I turn on TV and turn our news and putting down this man and so so forth.
I’ve turned that thing. I turn it off because I’ll see what it’s doing.
It’s trying to control the church. It, it’s got the world under control.
It’s trying to control the church because we’re supposed to be controlling the news media.
But if he can take away your strength and your righteousness through getting you better, then you can’t control anything.
You are an accident going somewhere to happen.
And what you need to do is say, wait a minute, I am not gonna live from the outside in anymore.
I’m gonna live from the inside out. Yeah, I think I told you to turn to someone.
Didn’t I tell you to turn something Philipp. Yeah. Watch this. Be careful for what mean.
Don’t be anxious for anything. Anxiety brings sickness but in everything by what prayer and suffocation with thanksgiving, let your request be known unto God and the what peace of God which passes what all understanding, what will He do?
Shall keep your heart come on and mind through Christ Jesus through the anointing.
How does your garden grow the.
So, so the word on Mark chapter four verse uh for 14, let’s go to verse 26.
And he said, so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed?
Where into the ground? Now, what is he talking about? What is he talking about? Where is the ground?
Where’s the ground? Put it right in here, right in here? OK. And should what?
Sleep and rise? What night and day and what’s gonna happen? Seed should spring? Come on and grow up.
Come on. He doesn’t know how it says, but the earth bring forth of herself.
Now notice what he calls the earth.
Her calls the seed hemp because the male carries the seed and the female receives seed.
Am I right about that? So you are the bride of Christ, you’re gonna receive the seed first, the blade is coming up.
Now then the what ear after that? What the full corn in the ear?
I understand all this is still invisible. That’s all happening in the spirit.
Things are not manifest in faith until they’ve come to full term. I’ll try that again.
Things are not manifested in faith until it’s fully developed.
Got it. All right. Let’s keep going.
But when the fruit is brought forth immediately, he put it in the sickle. Why?
Because the what harvest has come? Ok?
Now, God will give you an act of faith to manifest what’s in you and bring it from the inside.
Come on. It’s, there will be a step of faith.
Next verse verse 30. And he said, where shall we liken the Kingdom of God?
Or with what comparison shall we compare it? Watch this.
It is like a grain of what mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is least come on all the seeds that be in the earth.
Watch this. But when it is sown, what happens? It growth up and what become it? Stop right there.
Stop right there. Stop right there grows up and become it. What does it become?
It becomes whatever the sea it is, whatever the seed is.
Now, the problem with you is that ground just won’t take God’s seed, it will take seed that you got from somewhere else.
Watch this and grow that right now.
If you put a telephone pole, they had wooden ones.
When, when I was coming up and put it in the ground, you pull it up after some years and it’s rotten around there.
You know why? Because the soil tried to grow it.
He’ll try to grow anything you put in there.
I just can’t never get these bills paid. Girl, you’re just running my account up all the time.
All that seed and this thing is a production center.
It didn’t screen what went in there because it assumes that you’re not gonna put anything in there.
But the word of God now look at Matthew chapter 12 and look at verse 34 1st Matthew 12, 34 generation of vipers.
How can you be? What evil speak? What good things for out of the, what abundance of the heart?
What happened? The mouth speaks? See, they fought that Jesus talking about what’s coming out.
He said it’s not so much what’s coming out, it’s what’s going in.
Now, look at that out of the abundance of the heart. What happens? The mouth speaks?
So when this thing is fully grown up, something’s coming out of your mouth. Now, look at it.
Old generation of who pipers. How can you being evil speak good things.
He’s talking about those evil people, those mainly them leaders for out of the abundance of the heart. What happens?
The mouse speak his next verse.
A good man out of the good treasure or deposit in the heart brings forth. What kind of thing?
Good things can anybody stop it? No, no, nobody can stop your destiny.
But you, you are the captain of your ship and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth.
What evil things watch the next verse.
But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day.
Come on of judgment. He is not talking about when you get to heaven. True enough.
There gonna be some judgment there, but it’s gonna be rewards that you’re gonna get.
And rewards that people have missed because of what they said or what they did.
But what he’s saying, every idol, what is an idol?
And out word is a word that is not producing anything good that the devil can talk people into speaking out of words.
And this is a loss that is impossible for you to be one place and think something else you will have what you say and what you say is, is good based on what you think.
Look at Matthew chapter 15, please.
And verse 12 then came his disciples and they said unto him, no, it thou that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying, watch this.
But he answered and said every plant which my who heavenly father come on has not planted.
What’s gonna happen to it? We’re rooting that up.
See that’s the good news because Satan planted stuff in all of us along the way.
But Jesus got plans for your life that everything that Satan planted the plant. He planted images of poverty.
He planted images of a bad marriage. He planted images. Do you hear what I’m saying?
We’re gonna root all and how do you do it?
Get some new seed? So as you come in here, I give you seed, you take that seed, take that CD.
Play that thing in that place right there over and over till it something strikes inside of you to I see that.
Then every day start thanking God and come on now, you know what I mean?
You’re gonna live from the inside out.
Today’s Dynamic Series World Overcoming Faith is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US call 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada.
Call us at 844298 29 100 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot C A first John 54 says, and this is the victory that has overcome the world.
Our faith, God desires you to grow in your faith.
In this series, Doctor Winston expounds on how operating in the righteousness of God causes your faith to rise unconsciously and will cause you to be a light for those still living in this world’s darkness, allow this teaching to propel you to another level in your faith, walk, order, world overcoming faith today.
Well, praise the Lord Bill Winston. Here I am wishing you a happy New Year. Praise God.
Now, when we say that we’re just not, this is just not, you know, some traditional saying, we’re talking about a happy, prosperous New Year.
In fact, God said to me, this will be the year of His glory.
You need to study glory and see what we talk about. We’re talking about His His manifestation.
We’re talking about uh the year where things that have been delayed are gonna be released.
Things that have been been uh denied.
Some people are gonna now manifest things that they’ve been waiting on, waiting on healing, waiting on whatever it is.
God is now gonna manifest it.
And I’m talking about for his people, the world is gonna look at the church and say, wow, I mean, it’s gonna be something even hard for them to believe as how God has transformed the church in one year into a place where the world can see that God is with us.
This is the year of His glory.
I’m talking about, I want you to expect something that you’ve never expected before.
He’s gonna take you to places and, and give you ideas you never have had before.
And God, I’m just saying, we’re gonna see His glory, his glory.
And here’s what he said in the book of chapter two, that the glory of the Latter House should be greater than the former.
The former glory was Solomon’s glory. It was, I mean, the wealth of Solomon was there.
But he’s saying the glory of the Latter House.
This is the house that we’re in right now is gonna be greater than the former.
And I’m saying that one of the things people think well, glory means glory. No, no, no, no glory.
Remember when Jacob worked for and taken all that he had, but all of a sudden, God gave Jacob an original idea and Jacob knew how to make the livestock reproduce the way he wanted.
And the next thing you know, Jacob’s uh son said, Jacob has taken away all that was our fathers and has he gotten all this glory?
You see, God’s gonna transfer the wealth into the hands of His people?
Why so that we could get the gospel out to every nation on the earth.
You see the times of jesus’ coming are getting close.
This gospel must be preached in all the world and God’s gonna give us every resource we need to do that.
This is gonna be the year of His glory.
Now, the first thing we have to do is come home to the father. We’ve got to come home.
And I’m saying to you right now, you might have been in church, you might have been religious.
But do you know Jesus? I wanna introduce you to him right now if you would, you know I’m talking to you and you’re ready for those sins to be blotted out and you want a brand new start.
I want you to repeat this prayer after me. That’s our heads.
Dear Lord, I’ll come to you now just as I am. You know my life.
You know how I’ve lived, forgive me. Lord, I repent of my sins.
I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. He died for my sins.
On the third day, he was raised from the dead, Lord Jesus.
I ask you come into my heart, live your life in me and through me.
From now on, from this day forward, I belong to you in the name of Jesus Amen.
Praise God. Now you said that with me, I have a book called Born Again and Spirit Praise God.
This is telling you what your next steps are as a new believer that has confessed Jesus Christ as your new Lord.
This tells you about the church going and water baptism and being filled with the holy ghost.
I’ve got it in English, Spanish and Polish.
What I’ve got is that I could send to you free of charge. We’ll send it right to you.
It’s my gift to you. Praise God, it’s giving you your next steps and I guarantee you you’ll be blessed, you write us.
Let me know what happened. I like to just rejoice with you. Isn’t that wonderful? Praise God?
You got a new life ahead of you. Now get ready. Something about to get exciting for you.
I like that. Well, this is Bill and saying we love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith.
But if he can take away your strength and your righteousness through getting you bitter, then you can’t control anything.
You are an accident going somewhere to happen.
And what you need to do is say, wait a minute, I am not gonna live from the outside in anymore.
I’m gonna live from the inside out teachers that the kingdom of God is where in you all?
Alright. Luke chapter 17 verse 20.
That right and watch this and when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them.
And he said the Kingdom of God cometh not with what observation, right?
Neither shall they say low here, low there behold the Kingdom of God is where where when God made the earth, where do we say the Kingdom of God is in?
You say I have a production center in me. OK? Produce means fruitful, ok?
It means to bring forth, bring forward, ok? Produce all. I look at Genesis Genesis chapter one.
God spoke to in verse 20 and God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures, uh, that has life and fouls that they may fly above the earth in the open firm movement of heaven.
All right. So God spoke to the waters and what he spoke, came forth from what he spoke to.
Got it. Now, how did he get these fish?
He spoke it, the fish came forth from the water.
Now, what he does with you is give you something to speak.
See, he’ll give you this spoken word. Lord. We need an airplane.
Well, what does he do? He gives me some seed.
Now inside of me is a production center.
So now I gotta get the seed in the center. I’ve got to get the seat.
See, because it’s gonna come from what I spoke to. Are you following what I’m saying?
See inside of me is soil and I gotta get a seed in that soil because I’m gonna act like God, I’m gonna bring something forth from what I’m speaking to.
Y’all got y’all get that. Y’all get that. See.
See, that’s why it can go to any country that’s poor and have them to produce.
Remember I said the people are poor because of lack of, of knowledge and absence of self production.
Say self production, I can take word seed that came out of Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 20.
A bird of the air shall carry my voice.
That’s what he told me to say, where did it come from?
Came from the word, where did the word come from? My word is forever settled where in heaven?
So it’s ever settled in heaven.
He gave me some word from heaven as see to sew into the production center that the sea will bring forth a newborn baby called an airplane.
In in this case, see how y’all follow what I’m saying here.
Now, I want you to see that because that’s the way he plans for you to live.
He has given you this book full of sea and he is saying, OK, let’s get to producing.
We’re not, we’re not poor because we don’t have much money or a job that paid, but we’re poor because of absence of self production.
So I’ve got to produce here. I’ve, I’ve gotta get this thing going.
Shopping mall C Joshua 13. Come on now. Oh, you name it?
Even Bill Woodson Ministries came out of or, or 11. I’m just saying all of this.
Everything is seed based. See, so if you need something, get some seed, watch this and start to producing.
Now, understand this is what Jesus taught and he taught it over in Mark chapter four and verse 30 verse 14.
Let’s go over there. I’m gonna speak to something. See, I gotta get this soil, this seed in the ground.
Now the enemy’s job is to make me give it up before it starts in Germany.
Are y’all with me here and let me tell you folks, you’re not waiting on God, watch it.
Jesus paid for it all the sword. So the what word?
Look at the next verse and these are by the wayside where the word is sown.
But when they have heard Satan cometh immediately to do what take away the word that was sewn in their heart?
Why is he interested in taking that away? Why? Why? Because you about to get rich.
You about to you about to bring forth something in the earth that he didn’t have anything to do with.
That’s right. It’s right there. The just shall live how by faith.
Faith is the way the judge will get things done. Yes.
It’s almost like if it didn’t come by faith, I don’t want it.
You know what I mean? I ain’t saying that yet but I, I’m just say amen.
And these are they likewise which are sewn on stony ground.
Who when they’ve heard the word, the word immediately receive it with gladness. Watch this.
But they don’t have any root in themselves and so endure.
But for a time but after when affliction, persecution arise for the word’s sake, watch this. They’re immediately they’re offended.
Now, notice what Satan comes to do, come sometime to offend you. Now, here I am.
I planted the word in I B M for promotion.
Now, I’m a first line manager but they, they really got eyes on me. They want to promote me.
So it’s time for me to get promoted. So I, I, I said, OK, let me get some seed here.
Promotion doesn’t come from the east or from the west motion comes from the Lord. I’m ready to go.
I believe God for this. Now, watch what happened to me.
So I am supposed to give a part of the presentation that next morning to the guy who comes down from New York, he’s a guy controls everything.
He’s a guy that can look and say, hey, Bill Winston’s ready. He, he you, you know, so forth.
I didn’t know it, but it was a set up that they wanted me to be seen by those top executives because they wanted to do something with me.
Ok? And so on the way that morning for the presentation, I had it all worked out.
I stopped by a friend of mine just on the way and he begins to tell me how people are mistreating him that their prejudice that this African American gentleman and they’re prejudiced and they’re mistreating him and blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now that was on my way for a presentation. Come on, come on.
Now the Bible tells you go with me to Hebrews chapter 13, please.
He says this in verse 14, follow after peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently, let any man fail of the grace of God, let any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.
Now, what does he say? So this man is bitter.
See, he’s better but bitterness has got fruit. It’s got fruit to it.
See, and a fruit always carries a seed.
Oh, see, it always carries a seed with it.
And so I, I ate of his fruit just like Eve did and just like Adam did.
Am I right about that? Well, once I ate of it, then the bitterness came in me.
Now they didn’t do nothing to me, but I got his sea sow it in me.
And next thing you know, I’m coming to the presentation giving the presentation and I’m mad.
I said, yeah, and, and this and, and the revenues would be this.
And he said, well, Bill, what about this? Well, I say I got it right up there.
Can’t you see it? I, I’ve got it right up.
Y’all have seen that before, haven’t you? Ok.
But my point to you is I want you to see this.
They left, my boss, came in the office said, Bill, what?
I won’t use the language he used. What did you do? I said, what do you mean?
What’s wrong with you? I said what? He said, your attitude. Where, what, what happened here?
I said, well, I stopped my friend. See you there. See, see what I’m saying.
I’m saying, God’s got big plans but you’re hanging around with the wrong friends.
You eating of that bitterness that’s on you and Satan will try to cripple the entire black race.
I’m not eating.
I love and I’m on my way to the top.
Oh, I’m telling you, you look at that television long enough, they’re trying to put a seed inside of you that you didn’t know where it came from.
The next thing you know, you calling this man name and so forth when the Bible says, pray for the man.
And so see, and, and you eating it now you’re bitter.
I’m saying, get that bitterness out. You can’t, you can’t produce, you stay broke.
I’m trying to get you out of broke. Make your leave broke and you’re still eating that bit of fruit.
Hey, don’t eat a back free. Don’t eat of that man.
You, you will do that and think you are right by doing what you’re doing. But that’s what it does.
It consumes your whole body because you’re designed to live from the inside out.
Look what it says in Proverbs 23 verse seven. Sorry.
No. Proverbs pro no, not Proverbs 23 7. Proverbs four and verse 23.
Keep your heart with all diligence.
Cause out of are the force of faith, are the force of righteousness, are the force of peace of the force.
Are you follow what I say? Look what it says about peace. Go over with me.
Two Philippians. I’m getting to you now I can feel. I’m, I’m breaking through, man. I’m breaking through, man.
See, see you, you didn’t think of some of that stuff.
The Bible says in First Corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 evil communications, corrupt, good man.
You’re not supposed to even let that garbage come into your mind.
I see him.
I turn on TV and turn our news and putting down this man and so so forth.
I’ve turned that thing. I turn it off because I’ll see what it’s doing.
It’s trying to control the church. It, it’s got the world under control.
It’s trying to control the church because we’re supposed to be controlling the news media.
But if he can take away your strength and your righteousness through getting you better, then you can’t control anything.
You are an accident going somewhere to happen.
And what you need to do is say, wait a minute, I am not gonna live from the outside in anymore.
I’m gonna live from the inside out. Yeah, I think I told you to turn to someone.
Didn’t I tell you to turn something Philipp. Yeah. Watch this. Be careful for what mean.
Don’t be anxious for anything. Anxiety brings sickness but in everything by what prayer and suffocation with thanksgiving, let your request be known unto God and the what peace of God which passes what all understanding, what will He do?
Shall keep your heart come on and mind through Christ Jesus through the anointing.
How does your garden grow the.
So, so the word on Mark chapter four verse uh for 14, let’s go to verse 26.
And he said, so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed?
Where into the ground? Now, what is he talking about? What is he talking about? Where is the ground?
Where’s the ground? Put it right in here, right in here? OK. And should what?
Sleep and rise? What night and day and what’s gonna happen? Seed should spring? Come on and grow up.
Come on. He doesn’t know how it says, but the earth bring forth of herself.
Now notice what he calls the earth.
Her calls the seed hemp because the male carries the seed and the female receives seed.
Am I right about that? So you are the bride of Christ, you’re gonna receive the seed first, the blade is coming up.
Now then the what ear after that? What the full corn in the ear?
I understand all this is still invisible. That’s all happening in the spirit.
Things are not manifest in faith until they’ve come to full term. I’ll try that again.
Things are not manifested in faith until it’s fully developed.
Got it. All right. Let’s keep going.
But when the fruit is brought forth immediately, he put it in the sickle. Why?
Because the what harvest has come? Ok?
Now, God will give you an act of faith to manifest what’s in you and bring it from the inside.
Come on. It’s, there will be a step of faith.
Next verse verse 30. And he said, where shall we liken the Kingdom of God?
Or with what comparison shall we compare it? Watch this.
It is like a grain of what mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is least come on all the seeds that be in the earth.
Watch this. But when it is sown, what happens? It growth up and what become it? Stop right there.
Stop right there. Stop right there grows up and become it. What does it become?
It becomes whatever the sea it is, whatever the seed is.
Now, the problem with you is that ground just won’t take God’s seed, it will take seed that you got from somewhere else.
Watch this and grow that right now.
If you put a telephone pole, they had wooden ones.
When, when I was coming up and put it in the ground, you pull it up after some years and it’s rotten around there.
You know why? Because the soil tried to grow it.
He’ll try to grow anything you put in there.
I just can’t never get these bills paid. Girl, you’re just running my account up all the time.
All that seed and this thing is a production center.
It didn’t screen what went in there because it assumes that you’re not gonna put anything in there.
But the word of God now look at Matthew chapter 12 and look at verse 34 1st Matthew 12, 34 generation of vipers.
How can you be? What evil speak? What good things for out of the, what abundance of the heart?
What happened? The mouth speaks? See, they fought that Jesus talking about what’s coming out.
He said it’s not so much what’s coming out, it’s what’s going in.
Now, look at that out of the abundance of the heart. What happens? The mouth speaks?
So when this thing is fully grown up, something’s coming out of your mouth. Now, look at it.
Old generation of who pipers. How can you being evil speak good things.
He’s talking about those evil people, those mainly them leaders for out of the abundance of the heart. What happens?
The mouse speak his next verse.
A good man out of the good treasure or deposit in the heart brings forth. What kind of thing?
Good things can anybody stop it? No, no, nobody can stop your destiny.
But you, you are the captain of your ship and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth.
What evil things watch the next verse.
But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day.
Come on of judgment. He is not talking about when you get to heaven. True enough.
There gonna be some judgment there, but it’s gonna be rewards that you’re gonna get.
And rewards that people have missed because of what they said or what they did.
But what he’s saying, every idol, what is an idol?
And out word is a word that is not producing anything good that the devil can talk people into speaking out of words.
And this is a loss that is impossible for you to be one place and think something else you will have what you say and what you say is, is good based on what you think.
Look at Matthew chapter 15, please.
And verse 12 then came his disciples and they said unto him, no, it thou that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying, watch this.
But he answered and said every plant which my who heavenly father come on has not planted.
What’s gonna happen to it? We’re rooting that up.
See that’s the good news because Satan planted stuff in all of us along the way.
But Jesus got plans for your life that everything that Satan planted the plant. He planted images of poverty.
He planted images of a bad marriage. He planted images. Do you hear what I’m saying?
We’re gonna root all and how do you do it?
Get some new seed? So as you come in here, I give you seed, you take that seed, take that CD.
Play that thing in that place right there over and over till it something strikes inside of you to I see that.
Then every day start thanking God and come on now, you know what I mean?
You’re gonna live from the inside out.
Today’s Dynamic Series World Overcoming Faith is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US call 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada.
Call us at 844298 29 100 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot C A first John 54 says, and this is the victory that has overcome the world.
Our faith, God desires you to grow in your faith.
In this series, Doctor Winston expounds on how operating in the righteousness of God causes your faith to rise unconsciously and will cause you to be a light for those still living in this world’s darkness, allow this teaching to propel you to another level in your faith, walk, order, world overcoming faith today.
Well, praise the Lord Bill Winston. Here I am wishing you a happy New Year. Praise God.
Now, when we say that we’re just not, this is just not, you know, some traditional saying, we’re talking about a happy, prosperous New Year.
In fact, God said to me, this will be the year of His glory.
You need to study glory and see what we talk about. We’re talking about His His manifestation.
We’re talking about uh the year where things that have been delayed are gonna be released.
Things that have been been uh denied.
Some people are gonna now manifest things that they’ve been waiting on, waiting on healing, waiting on whatever it is.
God is now gonna manifest it.
And I’m talking about for his people, the world is gonna look at the church and say, wow, I mean, it’s gonna be something even hard for them to believe as how God has transformed the church in one year into a place where the world can see that God is with us.
This is the year of His glory.
I’m talking about, I want you to expect something that you’ve never expected before.
He’s gonna take you to places and, and give you ideas you never have had before.
And God, I’m just saying, we’re gonna see His glory, his glory.
And here’s what he said in the book of chapter two, that the glory of the Latter House should be greater than the former.
The former glory was Solomon’s glory. It was, I mean, the wealth of Solomon was there.
But he’s saying the glory of the Latter House.
This is the house that we’re in right now is gonna be greater than the former.
And I’m saying that one of the things people think well, glory means glory. No, no, no, no glory.
Remember when Jacob worked for and taken all that he had, but all of a sudden, God gave Jacob an original idea and Jacob knew how to make the livestock reproduce the way he wanted.
And the next thing you know, Jacob’s uh son said, Jacob has taken away all that was our fathers and has he gotten all this glory?
You see, God’s gonna transfer the wealth into the hands of His people?
Why so that we could get the gospel out to every nation on the earth.
You see the times of jesus’ coming are getting close.
This gospel must be preached in all the world and God’s gonna give us every resource we need to do that.
This is gonna be the year of His glory.
Now, the first thing we have to do is come home to the father. We’ve got to come home.
And I’m saying to you right now, you might have been in church, you might have been religious.
But do you know Jesus? I wanna introduce you to him right now if you would, you know I’m talking to you and you’re ready for those sins to be blotted out and you want a brand new start.
I want you to repeat this prayer after me. That’s our heads.
Dear Lord, I’ll come to you now just as I am. You know my life.
You know how I’ve lived, forgive me. Lord, I repent of my sins.
I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. He died for my sins.
On the third day, he was raised from the dead, Lord Jesus.
I ask you come into my heart, live your life in me and through me.
From now on, from this day forward, I belong to you in the name of Jesus Amen.
Praise God. Now you said that with me, I have a book called Born Again and Spirit Praise God.
This is telling you what your next steps are as a new believer that has confessed Jesus Christ as your new Lord.
This tells you about the church going and water baptism and being filled with the holy ghost.
I’ve got it in English, Spanish and Polish.
What I’ve got is that I could send to you free of charge. We’ll send it right to you.
It’s my gift to you. Praise God, it’s giving you your next steps and I guarantee you you’ll be blessed, you write us.
Let me know what happened. I like to just rejoice with you. Isn’t that wonderful? Praise God?
You got a new life ahead of you. Now get ready. Something about to get exciting for you.
I like that. Well, this is Bill and saying we love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith.
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