Say It | Joel Osteen

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Say It | Joel Osteen

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Don’t let the tongue kill your dreams, kill your personality, kill your self esteem, kill your value.
Let it nourish your life. You should be your best encourager.
You should compliment yourself more than you compliment anyone else.
You should speak better of you than you do others.
I don’t mean be selfish or arrogant, but if you’re not positive towards yourself, you’re not gonna be your best for the other people God put in your life.
The Scripture says, love your neighbor as you love yourself.
You can’t love others the way you’re supposed to if you don’t first love yourself.
It’s not humility to put yourself down, to speak less of you, to say things that diminish, devalue, lessen who you are.
I know some people that are always complimenting others, talking about how beautiful their friend is and what a great personality their brother has, how talented their co worker is and that’s good.
We should be generous with our compliments. But when was the last time you complimented yourself?
You thought about how great you are, how talented you are, how kind you are.
You don’t have to do this in front of others but in your private time.
Lord, thank you that I’m gifted, I’m talented, I’m smart, I’m attracted, I’m favored, I’m anointed, I have a good personality that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
In the scripture, God told Jeremiah that he was going to become a prophet.
That He would speak to nations. That He would do something great with his life.
But Jeremiah was very young. He didn’t have the training, the experience.
No one in his family had done anything significant.
All these doubts and insecurities started to fill his mind. He said, God, I can’t speak to nations.
I’m too young. I wouldn’t know what to say. You must have the wrong person.
God answered back, Jeremiah, say not that you’re too young.
He didn’t say don’t think you’re too young. Don’t believe you’re too young. He said, don’t speak it out.
Don’t say negative things about yourself, Jeremiah.
God was giving us this principle, don’t give life to those doubts, those weaknesses, those insecurities.
God knew if Jeremiah would have gone around saying, I’m too young, I’m not tall enough, I’m not attractive enough, I don’t have the experience, if he would have been negative toward himself, he would have missed his destiny.
When you start to criticize yourself, tell God what you’re not, what you don’t have, what you can’t do, God says to you what he said to Jeremiah, say not.
Zip that up. Quit telling me what you think you’re lacking. Quit talking about how you’re at a disadvantage.
Friends, when God created you, he put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny.
He gave you the right looks, the right height, the right personality.
You have the gifts, the confidence, the wisdom, the favor. Now say not that you’re too young.
Say not that you’re not attractive enough. Say not that you don’t have the talent.
Say not that you come from the wrong family. Zip that up and say what God says about you.
I am well able. I’m a masterpiece. I’m gifted. I’m valuable. I’m attractive. I’m confident. I’m creative.
I can do what God’s called me to do.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip you can watch the full message here on our youtube channel we’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
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We’ll see you next time.

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