Salvation in the Tribulation | Dr. David Jeremiah
Salvation in the Tribulation | Dr. David Jeremiah
Message Description:
- The mark of the beast
- Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “Salvation in the Tribulation”
- Next Time on Turning Point
It’s never too late to receive god’s grace.
You, you could get saved in the tribulation, but you also must understand that following Jesus during the tribulation, will exact an incredibly high price.
Because as you remember, when the Antichrist takes over in the tribulation period, He will require that everyone get a mark called the mark of the beast on their forehead or on their hands.
What is that? It’s an ingrained credit card, really.
It makes it impossible for you to buy any food or drugs, go to the hospital, do any business, unless you can show in your body the mark of the beast.
And Christians will not take the mark of the beast because that is a mark that says we give allegiance to Satan.
When you study prophecy, you know there’s a certain kind of a major outline that holds it all together.
If you’ve been around here very kinda know. The next thing that happens is the rapture.
After the rapture, there’s 7 years of tribulation. That’s what the Bible calls it.
And then there’s the second coming of the lord, and then there’s the millennium, and then there’s eternity.
And we talk a lot about of that, but the one part that we hardly ever talk about is what happens during the 7 years on this earth after we go to heaven.
What happens? The picture of tribulation according to god’s word will be a period filled with unprecedented horror.
Upheaval, persecution, natural disasters, massive slaughter, political turmoil. You name it, it will be there.
All who accept the authority of the Bible believe the tribulation will happen, and the spiraling chaos today’s world is presenting to us May us, believe it even more, because the rapture will happen, and then the tribulation will start.
And future events cast our shadows before them.
Could we be even experiencing some of the early shocks of a tribulation period?
I don’t want to discourage you by giving you a lengthy description of this, But for you to understand this, I want to tell you what’s going to happen.
And I won’t stay there long because there’s good news at the end.
But for you to understand this, you need to hear what the scripture says.
The next question of Paul’s readers would have been when is this going to happen?
And Paul answers in 1st thessalonians 5, but concerning the times and the seasons brethren, you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord comes as a thief in the night.
What that means is these things that are gonna happen in the tribulation happens suddenly, no thief sends you a letter to tell you they’re coming at 2 o’clock the next morning.
A thief comes unexpectedly the rapture comes unexpectedly, but with the rapture comes the tribulation immediately following, we should expect to see some birth pangs of that period of time as we live our lives today.
Paul was saying that you cannot know when this will happen.
It will be a surprise to the world, but for those of us who know the Bible may be not so much.
And it will be 7 years of severity.
Nowhere in all of the Bible, will you find one single word or description that says anything good about the tribulation period except that it only lasts 7 years, and it will be over someday.
Moses called it the day of their calamity. Zephaniah called it the day of the lord’s anger.
Paul referred to it as the wrath to come.
John called it the hour of trial and the hour of his judgment.
Daniel described it as a time of trouble such as never was, nor ever will be.
And Jesus in Matthew 24 described it. These are the words of Jesus.
For them, there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be, and unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved.
But for the elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
Now, the chapters in Revelation give us a vivid description of what’s going to take place.
Here on planet Earth. All peace will end, rampant slaughter will bloody the earth, hail and fire will burn up the planet’s grass, and destroy a third of all the trees.
Intense famine will dry up food supplies. Rivers and seas will become too polluted to sustain life.
Many rivers will dry up completely. The sun will scorch the earth and its inhabitants like fire.
A quarter of the world’s population will die from war starvation and beastly predators.
Giant earthquakes, accompanied by thunder and lightning, will destroy city Mountains will crash into the sea, killing a third of the fish, tidal waves from the catechism will sink a third of all the world’s ships A massive meteor shower will strike the earth, ashes and smoke will rise from devastation and hide the sun and the moon from view.
Swarms of demonic insects will darken and inflict painful stings.
Rampant epidemic plagues will kill 1 third of all mankind everyone from national leaders to servants and slaves will flee from the cities to hide in caves and under the rocks.
I didn’t make that up.
I just read sections from the book of Revelation that describe the 7 years known as the tribulation.
It is not an overstatement to say that the tribulation period will be hell on earth.
No passage can be found to alleviate any degree whatsoever, the severity of this time, the picture of the tribulation.
Now, the question is why, what is the purpose of all of this?
Why must there be a tribulation?
And I’d like to give you several reasons that the scripture give for this period of tribulation.
Of course, god will not be absent during this time. He is at work. First of all, purifying Israel.
The Jewish nation exists as a result of god’s promise to Abraham that he would bless Abraham with a lineage greater than the the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky.
And the Jewish nation blessed by god has tested god’s patience from its very beginning.
Turning away from him time and time again, but despite her persistent rebellion, god has not forgotten his promise.
One of the last phases of his promised Israel was that they would regather in their land in 1948.
That happened. I was a young boy when it happened.
Our nation was the 1st nation to recognize Israel in its national existence.
Yet after all god’s care to preserve the scattered Jews through the centuries, enabling them to remain intact so they could inherit their land.
They still rebel against him. The first purpose of the tribulation, according to the Bible, is to purge out the rebels among the Jewish people and bring about the final conversion of the nation of Israel.
And so all Israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come out of Zion, and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob, for this is my covenant with them when I take away their sin.
One of these days, god is going to bring Israel back to himself.
And in order to do that, he will have to deal with the rebellion in the nation.
Purpose number 1, to purify Israel. Purpose number 2, to punish sinners.
Romans 118 says the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.
We like to think and speak about the love of god.
Nothing I love to preach about more than the love of god I’ve written a whole book and the title of the book is God loves you.
He always has, and he always will, one of my favorite writings.
But wrath goes hand in hand with love.
The prophet Nahim explained the nature of god’s wrath in this way, he said the lord avenges and is furious.
The lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he will reserve wrath for his enemies.
The lord is slow to anger and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked.
1 of these days, those who have been so evil, think of trafficking think of enslaving children into prostitution.
Think of the things that are happening on our border.
Think of things that are happening in all of our nation and all the evil that is manifesting itself in your day and in mine, one of these days, and it can’t be far into the future.
God will step forward and he will make things right because he’s a good god and he cannot do otherwise.
God cannot stand by, for instance, and say out of one side of his mouth, how much he loves life and loves children and ignore the killing of children.
A good god cannot do that. No good god could do that. He must be just. He must be fair.
He must be righteous. And righteous he will be, and his righteousness will flame up during the tribulation period.
But here’s the third thing about the tribulation that catches everybody by surprise.
Over the years, as I’ve preached about prophecy, sometimes people come to me and say, Pastor Jeremiah, when do you think the revival is gonna start?
And I say to them, what revival is that?
While the revival that has to happen before Jesus has come back.
Well, it’s possible that that will happen, but the Bible doesn’t say that.
The Bible doesn’t predict that before Jesus comes back in the rapture that there will be an incredibly evangelistic thrust around the world.
In fact, it pretty much tells you differently. Let me tell you one thing though.
The rapture does not demand a revelation of revival before it happens, but after it happens, the greatest revival in the history of the world is gonna take place on planet Earth.
Did you know that? During the tribulation period, he’s holding out his hands to invite people to himself so they can escape the wrath to come.
Everywhere in the Bible where you see god at work in judgment, you see god at work in mercy.
It is inevitable that those 2 things go together.
Yes, god will judge evil, but he will never stop inviting people through his grace and his mercy.
Let me show you what I mean. First of all, there will be at least 4 streams of gospel.
The first one is the preaching of the 144,000.
Now, let me show you where that is in the Bible, and then you can look at it for yourself at a later date.
In the front lines of god’s effort to bring tribulation survivors to himself, will be 144,000, specially chosen Jewish evangelists who will flame out over this earth with the message of salvation.
Here is where you will find that in the Bible, Revelation chapter 7.
And I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god.
And he cried with a loud voice to the 4 angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, do not harm the earth, do not harm the sea, do not harm the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads, And I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed.
God will ordain a 144,000 Jews for a very special mission during the tribulation.
Now, think about it. He only had 12 Jews, and he turned the 1st century upside down.
Can you imagine what will happen when 12,000 times 12 are set loose on this earth.
How many souls will be saved by the message of these evangelists after these things, I looked and behold a great multitude, which no one could number of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes with palm branches in their hands.
Then one of the elders answered saying to me, who are these arrayed in white?
And where did they come from?
So he said to me, these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
What does it say about that number? It says it’s such a great number. You can’t even number it.
The people that get saved in the tribulation, just from the witness of the 144,000 evangelists is amazing, but that’s only part of the picture, along with the preaching of the 144,000 God is going to send back to this earth 2 personalities from the Bible.
They call them the 2 witnesses. In Revelation 11 3, we read these words.
I will give power to my 2 witnesses, and they will prophecy 12 60 days clothed in sackcloth.
Now, they will have a dynamic ministry, I believe, that will be produced so that everybody on earth will see it through television and the internet and all of the rest.
They will preach a hard gospel. They will confront human wickedness.
They will tell to the teeth of horrid godlessness what it means to worship the devil and what is going to happen to them because of it.
And as you can well imagine, they will not be loved.
Halfway through the tribulation, the 2 witnesses will be killed for their testimony and their miracles.
And their bodies, according to the scripture, will be displayed in the city of Jerusalem, in the main city, and will be there for people to see And, of course, the devil and his cohorts and the Antichrist will they’ll party and rejoice.
We finally got these 2 witnesses out of our way. Everybody will be watching this on television, probably on CNN.
They will see uh, they, they will be seeing this, and they will be watching and they will see these 2 witnesses lying in state.
Now, watch this, uh, making some of this up. There’ll be a commercial.
And when the commercial is over, they’ll come back, and all of a sudden, these two witnesses are resurrected.
They get up out of their coffins and stand in front of the cameras alive and well and certainly preaching the gospel again.
Now, friends, if you’re not saved and you don’t get saved, then there’s probably no hope for you.
What will happen when that takes place around the world when the 2 witnesses come back from the dead?
And as stunned people watch, the 2 men once alive and unleashed, will hear a voice from heaven and this is what the voice will say.
Come up here, and a cloud will envelope them, and they will be raptured to heaven as people watch on television in total astonishment.
I’m not making this up. This is in the Bible.
And you know what I thought about this week? I never thought about this before.
Did you know Elijah’s gonna get raptured twice?
He gets raptured in the Old Testament in the chariot, and he gets raptured here in the tribulation.
How do you get to get raptured twice? I mean, raptured once is, is amazing.
This dude gets raptured twice And then if the 144,000 witnesses are not enough, if the incredible miracle working witnesses are not enough, god has a third way.
The Bible tells us that he’s going to dispatch an angel from heaven who will fly all over in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe, tongue, and people saying with a loud voice, fear god, and give glory to Jesus for the hour of his judgement has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea, and the springs of water.
Are you getting the picture? I painted the dark backdrop of the tribulation period.
How awful it will be but in the midst of it all, a 144,000 witnesses, 2 dynamic miracle working prophets, now an angel circulating the globe and preaching the gospel, filling in the empty places, the safety net, if you will, and there’s one more.
I have to say I owe this one to a friend of mine who’s now in heaven whose name is Henry Morris.
Henry Morris wrote a lot of books, and he wrote a book on Revelation.
And he said this, millions upon millions of copies of the Bible and Bible portions have been published in all major languages and distributed throughout the world.
Removal of believers from the world at the rapture will not remove the scriptures.
And multitudes will no doubt be constrained to read the Bible.
Thus, multitudes will turn to their creator and savior in those days and will be willing to give their testimony for the word of god and even their lives as they seek to persuade the world.
That the calamities, it is suffering our judgments from god.
So I think that in the tribulation, I might be on the YouTube.
I think I mean, I’m all over the YouTube now.
I think I’ll be on the YouTube, and I’ll be preaching.
I won’t be here, but I’ll be preaching in the tribulation.
As you know, we did a study Bible back in 2013, I’m really excited about that because that Bible is gonna be here during the tribulation.
I’ve written a bunch of books.
I think there’ll be lot of people during the tribulation period who never cared anything about the Bible who will be trying to find a Bible so they can read up and find out what in the world is going on.
I remember one time I was talking to Jay Vernon McGee before he went to heaven, and he said to me, in his raspy old voice, I’m gonna have the greatest time of preaching I ever had during the tribulation.
I said, how’s that? He said, I have cassettes everywhere.
He said, and I’m praying that they’re gonna be available.
And of course, they’re gonna not be cassettes anymore, but anyway, What this is all saying is that during this 7 year period, while everything on the earth is bleak and black, god is gonna raise up people to himself in numbers so great you can’t even put a number on it.
And heaven will be populated with men and women who have come to Christ during the tribulation period.
Now, It’s important to understand that people who are saved during the tribulation.
It’s never too late to receive God’s grace. You, you could get saved in the tribulation.
But you also must understand that following Jesus during the tribulation, we’ll exact an incredibly high price.
Because as you remember, when the Antichrist takes over in the tribulation period, he will require that everyone get a mark called the mark of the beast.
On their forehead or on their hands. What is that? It’s an ingrained credit card.
Really, it makes it impossible for you to buy any food or drugs go to the hospital, do any business, unless you can show in your body the mark of the beast.
And Christians will not take the mark of the beast because that is a mark that says we give allegiance to Satan.
And so if don’t take the market the beast. They won’t be able to buy food.
They won’t be able to get drugs. They won’t be able to go to the hospital.
They won’t be able to do business and many, many Christians will starve to death during the tribulation.
They will be martyred for their faith. Some will be killed. Some will be beheaded.
And when Jesus returns to the earth at the end of the tribulation, the bodies of these believers who died during those 7 years will be resurrected They will have a new heavenly body, and they will merge right into the millennium to serve with Jesus for a 1000 years on this earth.
One thing is crystal clear about Salvation men and women listen to me carefully.
If a person leaves this world, Without receiving Christ as savior from sin, it is absolutely too late for that person ever to be saved.
The soul of that person chance for salvation after death.
Death removes any opportunity to change your mind about where you’re going to spend eternity.
Death closes the door on salvation forever.
And someone has said, is there ever a time in this life when it’s too late to be saved?
Let me tell you, there’s no unpardonable sin that cannot be overcome except the sin of unbelief.
The unpardonable sin is the refusal of someone to believe in Jesus.
You must go the way of Jesus or perish. There is no other way. There’s no second chance.
There’s no option. You can say, well, I don’t believe that I’m gonna try something I can’t say this loud enough.
What you believe about something has nothing to do, whether it’s true or not.
You cannot make something untrue because you decide not to believe it.
What I am telling you is from the truth of the word of god, whether you accept it or believe it or not, it remains true.
And it will do what it says it will do.
The lord tells us when it comes to Salvation men and women that now is the accepted time.
Now is the day of Salvation.
In the midst of the darkness, there is light, and that light is the lord Jesus.
And just as he went out of his way to show his mercy and love during the tribulation period, he is reaching down to you today here in this place.
And the question is, will you receive him? Will you accept him as your savior?
When you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, the Bible says immediately you get the gift of eternal life so that you can live with God forever.
If you do not do that, that that won’t work If you want to go to heaven, the Bible says Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and there’s no other way, except to him.
So with all of the passion of my heart and the desire within me, I want to invite you to receive him today.
If you would like Christ in a personal way, Doctor Jeremiah would like to send you 2 resources.
The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point.
Which will help you begin inspiration throughout the year.
These resources are yours completely free when you contact Turning Point today.
Next time, on turning point.
All of the saints who’ve gone to heaven, everybody who’s converted, coming back dressed in white, accompanied by all of his holy angels.
I don’t know how many angels there are, but there are thousands times 10,000.
You talk about shock and awe?
Thank you for being with us today. Join Doctor Jeremiah next time for his message, shock and arm.
Here on turning point.
- David Jeremiah – Explaining God’s Eternal CovenantTháng 10 3, 2023