Salvation In The Midst Of Trouble – 2A | Jack Hibbs Special

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Salvation In The Midst Of Trouble – 2A

Revelation 7:13-17

A one world government sounds good in theory, and there will be some success for a while. But the power of the evil one will cause the Antichrist to break his treaty with Israel, and the results will be catastrophic.

And now in his message called Salvation in the midst of trouble, Part two, here’s pastor and bible teacher Jack Hibbs, We continue our march in the Book of Revelation chapter seven.
And it’s an amazing thing what the Lord has before us because as you know, according to the Book of Revelation, the church has already been raptured out of the Earth by this time.
By the time we come to revelation, chapter seven, we’ve come all the way through the 1st 3.5 year portion of the great tribulation period.

We’ve seen the peeling back of the first six seals upon that scroll that reveals the end time judgments and as we approach now, this seventh chapter it is as we’ve looked at what’s called a parenthetical insert.
It is a pause and we are given special insight.
It’s like this, we would be looking so far from chapters 12, chapters six, like through a telescope.
But all of a sudden that telescope is then changed over to a microscope.
And now for chapter seven, we are looking at a microscope, very technical details and there’s information given by john given to us and then he’s gonna pick up in chapter eight verse one.
So for those of you who are bible students make note of the fact that chapter seven breaks the chronology, it’s very important to understand that and it is understood as a parenthetical insert the title of the message is salvation in the midst of trouble.
Because the bible says that that seven year tribulation period is the time of Jacob’s trouble.
And Jacob is none other than another code word or code name for the nation.
Israel, the bible tells us in Matthew chapter seven verse 28.
And so it was when Jesus had ended his sayings that the people were astonished at his teachings, for he taught them as one having authority and not as describes when you look at the book of revelation, it is the revelation of of who jesus christ.
Chapter One tells us in Matthew chapter nine verse 33.
The bible there says, and the multitudes of the people marveled at Jesus saying it’s never been like this in all of Israel.

Whenever Jesus taught, it must have been awesome to hear him teach.
Can you imagine think about the greatest teachers that have ever lived?
You know, Charles Haddon Spurgeon is, is believed to be the greatest orator that has ever lived Charles Spurgeon.
And if you just pick up one of his books today and read it, I mean you just fall in love with his mastery of not only english but the bible.
Well, can you measure when jesus opened up a lesson and began to teach.
We don’t get everything that he taught in scripture, We often get the summation of it in what is called parables.
Whenever you read about a parable, it is understood that jesus first gave teaching and then drove it home with a parable.
Well, the book of revelation is tremendous teachings and insights regarding the will of God.
And it is the revelation of jesus christ Matthew 13 16 says, As for you, how blessed are you, says the scriptures, because your eyes see and your ears here, I assure you that many prophets and many of God’s people wanted very much to see what you see and did not see it and to hear what you hear and did not hear it, john says the Revelation of the End times.
And we began as we looked in our study last time Together, we saw in revelation seven verses one and three These important things.

After these things, he said, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.
Then I saw that as john, another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying, do not harm the earth, the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.
And that’s where we left off last time. And we saw a very important aspect to this.
There is some awesome decree given by God whereby these angels four of them specifically granted power to position themselves at the four corners of the earth.
No need to be labor that again. We got into it last week. God says the Earth has four corners.
Guess what, so does science. And yet the scriptures tell us that the Lord sits upon the circle of the Earth.
Now we all know that the earth is round. No doubt about it.
However, God has been accused of being a flat earth kind of God based upon this verse.
But the truth of the matter is everything that happens if you’re going to view the world at one moment at a time in one time you would lie Play it out on say a separate sheet of paper, a lonely sheet of paper and we know today that through scientific means that if you want to glance across the globe, you don’t spin a globe to look at it, but you lay it out literally out or expand it out into four corners.
Very interesting. So the Bible here says God positions four angels in the four corners and this is a weather related situation where they begin to hold back or they are about to hold back the elements, the physical weather elements regarding the wind and we saw regarding salvation in the midst of trouble that Salvation was being prepared to be delivered to the world at this terrible and dark time, we saw that there was an Angelic Ministry relating to the powers of nature.

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These angels have the power to hold back things that you and I take for granted.
Now, have you noticed at this time of the year, as the fog comes in every afternoon, Have you noticed?
It depends on where you live, but the wind will blow first. Did you know that’s an announcement?
Did you know that those of you who studied up on these things?
The wind will blow first just preceding the advent of the fog from off the coast. Why?
Because the fog is moisture, it is water. It’s occupying space.
When the fog moves onshore, it’s gotta push and displace the air molecules that are present. What does that do?
It generates a wind that flows through the canyons and the valleys here in chino hills, where many of us live.
And you get that strong afternoon wind, then it calms down. And then the evening fog comes on.
Imagine God will command angels to hold the winds and there’ll be horrific fallout because of that God has established these things.
And yet God will call forth angels to hold back the movement of wind the awesome power of the angels.
Then we saw in verse two that there’s the Angelic Ministry relating to the jewish nation of Israel.
it says that he will send an angel forth out of the east having the Seal of the living God.
And we know from our reading that the seal is specifically designed to come upon how many thousands of people, anybody.
144,000. And we snuck ahead and studied that there are 100 and 44,000, jews 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.
Though nobody knows the tribes today, God does, they’re not lost. He knows exactly where they are.
I find it interesting that God has dispersed Israel and its people throughout all the world, like no other people of of any other time.
And even though he’s drawing them back, think about it for a moment, God is going to call out 100 and 44,000, the bible tells us in revelation will see it later on.
100 and 44,000 hebrew speaking males, they’re virgins and they’re not married, they’re evangelist. Amazing.
Some sort of a orthodox jew, no doubt who knows the scriptures then gets converted to christ filled with the holy spirit.
Can you imagine 100 and 44,000 billy Graham types around the world or paul the apostles, man, it’s gonna be a tremendous thing.
The bible says that God will send forth his angels and not only that his Angelic ministry will relate as we saw verses two and three to the faithful servants of God, the sea will seal will be upon them and this must happen before the Wrath of God continues.
So we have this interlude of chapter seven.
Now, before we get into the conclusion of these verses Before us keep a few things in mind.
Note takers get your pen out remember how we speculated about what the ceiling might be and I gave you warning.
Nobody knows what the ceiling the seal of the living God means. You might say, well pastor, I know.
No, you don’t, no, you don’t know. Nobody knows. We can only guess. And so let’s guess.
Whenever you look up in scripture, the word to seal or sealing it is a very, very strong word of authority.
You would not be able to begin to understand what the ministry of this angel is all about unless you know a little bit about history.
Certainly about the times of christ. When anything was valuable or purchased or owned, it was sealed by its owner.
It was often uh poured upon by wax and wrapped in a leather or a lanyard of some sort.
The wax would be poured upon the knot and then the sig ring of the owner would be embossed upon that hot wax.
And it would be sealed unto the day of redemption.
That is, it would be sealed into the day that the owner who bought it came and took it.
Now many of us remember kmart there’s no Kmarts I don’t think left in our areas anymore.
But what I miss about K mart is their wet program not the blue light special though.
That though I forgot about that the layaway program. Did you know that?
Remember that you could go to Kmart and put it on layaway? I thought that was so cool.
Many of us who grew up with Kmarts, we knew that you could go to Kmart and put on layaway.
They took it in the back wrap the thing around and sealed it with a little note on there and it said it’s yours.
And uh nobody could sell it out from underneath you.
It was marked for you had your name on it until you came and received the purchased possession.
Even though you only put a down payment on it or you claimed it the ceiling the marking.
Now that’s important to us because in the book of Esther, chapter eight verse eight for example, regarding this thing of sealing, it says there as an example, a decree shall be written concerning the jews as it pleases you in the king’s name and it shall be sealed with the king’s signet ring.
The benefit is this for whatever is written in the king’s name and sealed with the King’s signet.
Shall no man revoke Esther chapter eight verse eight.
That’s an important thing because when we come to the significance of being sealed, it means that that item or that object, that person.

That thing has been accepted. It’s been approved. It’s been marked on the authority of.
So when we come to second Corinthians one verse 20 it says for all the promises of God in christ are yes.
Isn’t that good news and amen in him to the glory of God through us?
Now he who establishes us with you in christ has anointed us and that is God who also has sealed us and given us the Holy Spirit in whom our hearts have been guaranteed man christian.
That is awesome. For those of you who struggle listen with your salvation, am I saved on sunday?
And then do I lose it on monday? Get it back on Wednesday but lose it by saturday.
No, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit the moment you said yes to christ and you asked him to forgive you of your sins and christ came into your life.
How did God do that? How does God the father implement the salvation of his son worked upon the cross in the life of a believer.
Today, God the father sends forth the Holy Spirit in the name of christ and according to the bible you are baptized into the body of jesus christ.
That is the church christian around the world and by the way the greek implies strongly that it is a once and for all thing, you’re either saved this morning or not.
You’re either going to heaven or you’re not, you either have the Holy Spirit in you or you don’t, By the way, if you don’t this morning, that can all change by the hearing of the Word of God.
Very important to be sealed by the Holy Spirit to means, it means to be accepted, approved of and stamped, authoritative by God Ephesians chapter one verse 13.
Are you writing these down? I looked them up for you? So write them down.
Ephesians 1 13 says in him, you have also trusted have you after you have heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise.
Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory.
Man, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to heaven and it has nothing to do with what I’ve ever done.
It has nothing to do about whatever I’ve said or didn’t say it has nothing to do with what I’ve given or have not given.
It has to do is with the fact, oh jesus, I recognize that you died on the cross for me.
And the bible says that the Holy Spirit sealed me.
And how does that look in your mind, you ever seen a conveyor belt?
You know something’s going on, It’s being stamped and it’s stamped and it just that thing just moves on.
Can you imagine we’re just like this and seal the moment we come to faith and it’s an awesome thing because the moment you do it you personally?
The bible says angels rejoice in heaven over that fact.
Now if you were sealed sometimes and then the seal broke and had to get resealed, I don’t think the angels at the moment of your conversion would have much of an unction to rejoice.
The truth of the matter is my friend, you have been sealed and nowhere in scripture does it say that you will be unsealed?
That’s a comforting thing. Well Pastor, are you endorsing once saved? Always saved? I am endorsing this.
If you believe in the Lord, jesus christ and you’ve been born again.
The bible declares strongly that you shall never be unborn again.
You may believe in jesus, just like you believe in George Washington, but you may not be trusting jesus, just like you’re not trusting George Washington and history.
You believe in christ. You are religious, but you may not be going to heaven because of that.
Have you come from or passed through that place of knowing all about christ and all the history of christ?
But have you come to that place of personally knowing christ by relationship, it’s a big difference to believe in christ and then to come to trust in christ.
The bible warns us that satan and his demons believe in jesus and they tremble when they think of him, but they’re not saved.
Are they? Have you put your faith in christ Ephesians 4 29 and 30 says, let no filthy talk proceed out of your mouth.
But say only those things that are good for the encouragement of others that it may impart grace to those who hear you and do not grieve.
The Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit seals us.
And with that ceiling that he does, there will not be a breaking of it. We’ve been accepted.
Some of you need to hear this. You’ve been accepted by christ. You know that pastor.
I don’t feel saved. I don’t care, I love you, but I don’t care how you feel has nothing to do with it.
I don’t care what’s going on in your emotions. I don’t care how unworthy you feel.
I mean, let’s be honest how many of us really feel worthy of God’s eternal salvation.
I mean, it’s amazing that he would impart such a thing to us.
We are but earth and vessels were just dust, the bible says, and he saved us.
The bible says what is man that he should be mindful of us, but he loves us and just when you think, you know what I just can’t.
I mean, I can believe pastor that he died for the guy in front of me and behind me and the woman to my left and to my right.
But me personally, I can’t grasp it.
You are the one when you can’t even lift your eyes up to heaven and say Lord be merciful to me?
I’m a sinful man. He’s the one that would announce to you. Your sins have been forgiven you.
It’s the person who struts around and says I have no need of God, I have no need of being sealed by the Holy Spirit and known by God, I have no need of him.
It’s not the righteous or the self righteous.
It’s the man that jesus says that smote upon his chest and said, Lord be merciful to me, a sinner.
And what does God do he forgives? You see? Well, that’s great pastor. But you know what?
I’m a prostitute and I bet you I’m the only prostitute in this whole church this morning. Maybe, Maybe not.
Do you think your life of prostitution is greater than the power of the blood of christ to forgive?
Well, I’m an embezzler. I’ve made my millions running people over and destroying people’s lives?
And how could God ever forgive me for what I’ve left in the wake of my ambition?
Do you think your ambition is more powerful than the blood of christ?
The bible says that he would forgive us of all sin, jesus died on the cross for all of our sins, Not some of them.
The question is have we come to him and are we sealed.
Well, my guess is this that the ceiling of the servants of God is the presence of the holy spirit empowering their lives.
It’s only a guess, I can’t prove it, it’s just a guess because just because everywhere ceiling comes up in scripture it is ownership and I believe God’s announcing I own these 144,000 that will come out of these tribes of Israel and I will fill them with my spirit and I will empower them and they will walk in the power of the Spirit and I tell you, they will absolutely be tornadoes in the earth for God and that’s a great thing.
And you know what? Before we go on to versus four through eight is this that the power of God ceiling, you know, notice that they’re protected by the power of God.
Uh the pauses, these four angels are getting ready to just wreak havoc on the earth.
Then this other angel comes and says time out, wait, wait, hold it, we gotta seal 144,000, let me take care of that.
And then as we study on in this book, all of God’s wrath is going to be poured upon the earth and you know what?
These 144,000 are gonna walk around like they’re under an umbrella, hailstones are falling down Earth’s opening up all this plague and all this mayhem and these guys are like walking in a bubble preaching, isn’t that awesome two, that’s not gonna happen, it’s gonna happen, It sounds too fantastic, it’s gonna happen by the way, if you can get past genesis 11, everything’s downhill from there in the beginning, God and in the end God well verses four through eight, Salvation in the midst of trouble, Salvation and the wisdom of God look at Salvation here in verses four through eight.
In the wisdom of God, it says here and I heard the number of those who were sealed, 100 and 44,000 of all the tribes of the Children of Israel were sealed.
It’s not the church, it’s not gentiles, it’s jewish, these are jews, these are people of the jewish nation.
So what we learn about the wisdom of God and Salvation is that God knows those that are his, Did you know that he knows those that are his Not only you and I are of the church age, that’s who you and I are right now, We are in the time of Grace.
That time at the moment of the rapture, the time of Grace or the time of the Church will end at the rapture and then the day of christ will begin.
That’s a whole different day of God’s working and his eyes will be focused upon Israel and Israel will become the evangelist of the day 144,000 jews, God knows exactly who they are, Isaiah 49 verse five, Isaiah 49 5 says, and now the Lord says who formed me from the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him.
So that Israel is gathered to him for I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord Speaking of Israel and my God shall be my strength.
Indeed, he says, is it a small thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel?
I will also give you as a light to the gentiles that you should be my salvation to the ends of the earth, wow pastor and bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on Real Life Radio in his message called Salvation in the midst of Trouble Part two.
Thanks for listening today, you know, Salvation in the midst of Trouble.
Part two is part of Pastor Jack series called The Book of Revelation.
It’s a series on the final book of the entire bible, especially the new testament, and it’s the unveiling of future events for us and for the world.
And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
Well, our good friend William Federer has done it again. He’s written a book called socialism.
How the Deep state capitalizes on crisis to consolidate control isn’t what it’s about.
Control seems like everybody is seeking to control you these days. Why is that the narrative?
Why is that what you’re hearing about on the news? And let’s be honest, everybody.
Why is it that that’s what you’re feeling when it comes to your own rights and freedoms and that of your Children.
Because there is a group of people who practice socialism who want to control you. This is the new America.
Unless we put a stop to it and this book will help you do that.
It will give you incredible insights and historical backgrounds, literally throughout history, which is the deep state.
It is that action of control. How do we know? Well, you know what?
Everybody it’s been happening since Plato and it’s happening right now in our present day socialism.
How the deep state capitalizes on crisis to consolidate control. Written by William J. Federer.
It’s available at Jack Hibbs dot com for a gift of any amount. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you.
Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. Until next time.
Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio.
Wish for you solid and steady growth in christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio

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