Regeneration Nashville Live! September 4, 2023

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Regeneration Nashville Live! September 3, 2023

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The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him.
Psalm 28:7 (KJV)
has for you.
Hey, man.
Does this sound like it’s on?
Is it on? God’s doing a a whole new thing.
And, uh, I believe in the preached word of the lord, I I wouldn’t I was born to preach.
But I think we need to get ready because I believe that god is gonna begin to do things in such unusual manners.
And, uh, a wonderful, uh, glory of god.
The lord gave us a great word of the lord yesterday in prayer meeting.
And, I I wanna preach you something.
I really feel like as revelation to me, I’ve really I’ve never seen this before, And we’re going to read, uh, 3 different portions of scripture.
We’re going to, um, start out in Genesis chapter
and we’re going to start with verse 20, or, uh, Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, I’m also going to, um, read out of Luke chapter 4 verse 6 and we’re going to take our last verse out of Matthew chapter
and verse
Genesis chapter 1 in verse 26, god said, let us make men in our image after our likeness.
This is what I want
you to get, and let them have dominion.
Then he says, this is what they’re gonna have dominion over the fish to the sea, the foul of the air, the cattle over all the earth.
And every creeping thing that creep at the palm of the earth So god created man his own image and the image of god created he, him, male, and female created he, them, God bless them, god said unto them, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion.
And then to the last part, he says, over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Uh, as we go to our next verse in Luke chapter, uh, 10, you cannot have dominion unless you are like god.
God decreed that man would have dominion, but then he said he’s gotta look like us, and he’s gotta act like us.
out of, um, Luke chapter 10.
I hope this I can’t read my own writing sometimes. Uh, Luke chapter 10.
Now let’s go to Luke chapter 4.
luke chapter 4.
And, um, this is the setting where the devil is engaging Jesus in conversation in the wilderness.
And in the 4th chapter after a couple of temptations, verse 5, and the devil taketh him, Jesus, up into a high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
This was not a natural vision.
He is showing Jesus in the spirit realm all the kingdoms of the world, and then he makes this profound statement.
This is what the devil says to Jesus.
And the devil said it to him, the key James uses the word power, but it’s translated.
And this is very key. This is not power. This is authority.
He says, all this authority will I give the and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whosoever I will, I give it.
So he’s looking at Jesus and he’s making a correct statement.
He said this authority was delivered to me.
God could not take the devil’s authority from him at this point because the devil obtained it legally.
He did not subdue it. He did not He did not steal it.
Adam gave to the devil The authority or the dominion that god gave to Adam.
And then one more verse, Matthew chapter 28, Verse 16th, then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them And when they saw him, they worship him, but some doubted, and Jesus verse 18 came spoken to them saying, all not worth, not power, bad translation, All authority is given unto me Now, remember in Genesis, god gives Adam dominion but only over the earth.
This is after resurrection.
Jesus makes this statement, and he says, all authority is given unto me.
not just in the earth, but in heavenly places.
Does not the Bible say that the devil is the prince of the power of the air that he is in heavenly places.
So, lord, we thank you.
God that you are still unveiling the mystery.
that has been hit from other ages and other generations.
That god, you won’t need to leave nothing un that will be veiled when the church leaves.
That god, we thank you that over these next few short years, that will be profound understanding that is going to cloak thy people that god we are stepping over into revelation and mysteries that are going to equip us to accomplish the word of the lord.
God bless you. You can be seated v.
World is in a mess.
because the church lost its militant Unction.
We traded freedom from demons for temporary prosperity.
There are leaders today that would rather have 5000 saints in their sanctuary that are captives.
Then they have a 100 in the building that are free.
The mess that we are in politically and morally On every front in the Earth can only be laid at the feet of the church.
and even more so at the feet of ministry.
And the enemy brought in this false narrative that the church should only be about love, but love does not mean that you have to embrace sin.
Love, hallelujah, real love. means telling somebody the truth.
If a doctor has a close friend that comes in, And the man’s not feeling well, and they have been companions over the years and maybe went on vacation together.
And the guy says, doc, I’m not I’m not feeling well, and he does an examination.
He does an MRI, and he realizes this guy has massive tumor of cancer in his body.
Love is not telling him, oh, you’re fine. Go home.
everything will be alright because he doesn’t want to create some immediate problems.
Love says you got a tumor, but if we can cut it out, we can in your life.
We are coming into a realm where god is going to use the word of the lord that is sharper than it two edged sword to begin to cut out the cancer of sin that is in the house of god.
Now, ironically, rejuvenate the church of the most high when you go back to the new testament.
It is full of military terms.
battle, soldier, war, weapons, enemies, armor, All of these are terms that god associates with the body of Christ.
If you would ask the liberals today, is there an enemy in the earth?
They would have no problem telling you, yes, there is, and that enemy are Christians.
So why would it not be the same for us to declare It’s not men and women that the the enemy of the church, it is the demonic spirits in the atmosphere.
When Jesus comes on the scene, he is coming.
The Bible says to destroy the works of the devil. That’s why he was manifested.
He is coming to right wrongs.
The devil recognizes to some degree. I don’t believe the enemy knows everything.
I don’t believe the devil is all knowing. He’s not omniscient He’s not omnipresent.
He is a man, according to Isaiah, because the Bible says when we see him in eternity, we will say is this the man that made nations tremble and the Earth to shake?
He knew there was something different about Jesus.
And we know that even as an early age, that there were attempts to kill baby Jesus, Herrod put a head out on him, causing many, many babies to be killed there in the area where Jesus was.
But from the age of birth, to the age of thirty.
There are no accounts of there ever been a battle engagement between and in flesh called Jesus and the devil.
In fact, his life is silent.
Pretty much, except for a short view into him at the age of twelve as he is confounding the lawyers and the scribes of that day.
in the temple. But the Bible was not interested in describing to us the natural life of Jesus.
He waited until Jesus was thrust into purpose.
And the moment that Jesus Christ is thrust in the purpose.
We began to get an account of the gospels of what Jesus was capable of.
To this point, Jesus is unusual.
The reason being is because he has no natural father and he has no sin in him.
He is sinless. But the absence of sin does not mean you are anointed.
This is a mistake a lot of believers make.
I’m thinking because I am a good person that I am powerful. Good is not righteousness.
There’s gonna be a lot of good people probably miss heaven.
Sensarity doesn’t make it true. Muslims are sincere.
Buddhist are sincere. Hindus are sincere, but it doesn’t mean it’s truth.
Uh, if you believe the Bible, he says, there is only one way, and Jesus is that way.
And if any man enter into any other way, He is the same as a thief and a robber.
So Jesus Hallelujah is getting ready to be thrust into his purpose.
He does not operate in ministry because he’s not operating in authority.
It takes the holy ghost to operate in authority.
This is why so much of the body of Christ who denies the baptism of the holy ghost Now, hear me.
You can go to heaven and not speak in tongues. We’re not gonna draw a theological sword there.
heaven is gonna be filled with men and women that did not speak in tongues, but they gave their heart to the lord Jesus Christ.
So that’s not what I wanna deal with.
What I wanna deal with is you will never stop the onslaught of the demonic powers in the earth without the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Why? Because there has to be an infilling. It’s not tongues.
I know people that are mean as a devil that speak in tongues.
I was raised in pentecost some of the most unforgiving critical mean but they could get in the altar and just speak in tongues.
And somehow they thought that was odd. You can go to hell and speak in tongues.
You can. Here’s the utterance of the lord.
Jesus, at the age of thirty, feel this feels this unction that drives him down the Valley to Galilee, there his cousin is baptizing.
And he has felt impressed. He goes to John. He says, I need to be baptized.
whenever you’re getting ready to be thrust into your purpose, you will not have a full understanding of what you’re feeling, but there will be this driving force that begins to push you into another realm and to another direction.
He looks at John, and he says, you gotta baptize me.
John with hesitation, intrepidation takes Jesus.
The incarnate god almighty buries him in the waters of baptism.
When he goes into the waters of baptism, the Bible says when he comes out, heaven opens, And the Holy Ghost comes out of heaven.
Looks like a dove settles on Jesus.
And from that moment on, he is clothed With authority and power to walk in the ministry that God has called him in.
When he now begins to move through the earth, he is doing what no man has ever done.
He can walk into a room full of men that are sick and begin to speak the word and demons begin to flee.
The interesting thing about this is that Jesus has authority.
But so does the devil?
The devil has not been stripped of his authority.
So you have 2 conflicting powers entities that are in the earth and both of them have authority.
And you would think, well, that doesn’t make sense.
But it does because the devil only had authority in the earth.
Jesus has authority in the heavenlies.
And whoever rules in the heavenlies rules in the earth.
This is why when you and I get saved, the Bible says that eternally that we are made to sit in heavenly places This is why when I tell you prophetically that ambulances will line up at the door of this church, and we will see men and women healed of all kinds of sickness and disease.
How can we say that? Because we have the authority over demons in the earth because we sit with him in heavenly places.
This is why the devil could not kill Jesus ever.
Didn’t matter how much they tried to take him down. Why? Because the authority of Jesus.
Trump the authority of the devil.
That’s why the lord said tell the devil or tell the internet.
He has nothing in me. Yep. There is no stronghold in this building today. Yeah.
That has the enemy footing it. Uh. But we have the power of the Holy Ghost.
This is why Jesus could raise dead people, messed up every funeral.
This is why He could look at a man that natural means could not control him.
One of my problems, and you have to walk up really fine line here because I’m not looking to offend anybody.
But because the church, by and large, does an op does not operate in the casting out of demons.
Listen. There were no there was no sickness when there was no sin.
Sickness never got in human beings until man sinned.
And the reason that every human being dies is because there is, in our natural body, a sin virus Doesn’t matter.
You know, I think of all of these really well known philanthropists and billionaires and all of these men that have such great authority and power in the earth today and talk about, you know, they’re gonna regen humanity.
We’re gonna grow brains. If We’re gonna grow bodies, and and we don’t need god because we are gods.
And I’m thinking, but you’re still dying. Most these guys look like death warmed over.
They don’t look like they’re 30. They’ve lost their hair. They’re wearing thick glasses.
They have a cane. They can’t run. Some of them are age years old, eighty five years old.
That ought to be a wake up call right there that says, uh, you are going to die.
and man is appointed to death. And then after that, the judgment.
And so We have a lot of sickness that’s loose in the body of Christ because we give names to things that we don’t think are demonic.
And I don’t wanna get kicked off of YouTube again.
or Facebook, so I’m not gonna name them because we need the gospel to preach out into the world.
But I can tell you this, that there are a whole lot of things that are not sickness.
They’re demon spirits.
If you wanna know why your eight year olds having behavioral problems, quit let them watching violent videos with decapitation and evil and demonic signal of beans and all of this stuff.
They’re not programmed at that age to be able to process that.
they can’t separate it like you and I can when we’re adults.
And so what the lord is trying to do.
He’s trying to bring the church into a place.
The only way we’re gonna turn America around is if the church gets militant and goes back to war with the demonic powers that ruled in heavenly places.
We don’t need any more agreed. So we don’t need to build any more buildings.
Uh, we don’t need any more Bible schools.
Uh, we don’t need any more books, uh, what we need to submit in women now that are full of the authority of conduct that can come in the heavenly place at the decree.
We are pulling down, uh, every strong home. That’s tried to destroy our country.
Let me be clear.
Biden is not the enemy of the church.
Pelosi is not Fauci’s not Microsoft isn’t none of it listen. Those are natural things.
The enemy that we have to declare against is the principalities and powers that are ruling in the heavenly places.
Uh, and until we get church all of America to do what we did yesterday.
Uh, we’re marching the hell on grease skids.
Uh, but you give me a Holy Ghost filled church that knows who they are, full of the holy ghost and hell begins to shake.
When Jesus comes out of the waters, There’s lots of theological debates on this, but my my take is this.
He was not anointed. until he was baptized because he restricted himself from deity And he limit as long as he was in a physical body, he was limited by the restrictions of that fleshly house.
And so everything that Jesus did, supernaturally, was not as god.
But it was as a man who was anointed by the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah.
Now we know that he eventually reassumes his deity. It never meant that he wasn’t god.
It just meant he was god in the flesh.
So everything he’s doing is in the realm from a fleshly realm.
That means you and I have no limitations on us because the Bible says that as Jesus is, So are we right now in this present age by the holy ghost?
We take authority over the elect that are coming up that there will be justice no matter who wins.
Uh, we take authority over cancer that’s in body of Christ. Uh, and we commanded to leave.
Uh, we take authority over our children now that do not function now.
Have we Clara, by the Holy Ghost, uh, that every assignment from hell, uh, against our kids, uh, it’s broken in the name of Jesus.
We loosen open heaven over Canada today in the name of the lord that this liberal and that’s being perpetrated on our brothers and sisters is broken in the name of Jesus.
Soon as Jesus is anointed In fact, the Bible says that as soon as he was anointed, that he was driven into the wilderness.
And the first thing that happened was the verse I read.
that the devil told him, I will give you the authority over the earth if you will fall down and worship me.
And Jesus is thinking, I already got authority.
Why would I fall down and worship a snake?
I have authority. hallelujah. I am anointed.
So then in Matthew, immediately after a baptism, he makes this declarative statement that is pulled from Isaiah, that says the spirit of the lord is upon me.
And he has, what, anointed me because I’m going to set the captives free.
I’m going to heal the broken hearted. I’m going to set it liberty them that are Bruce.
I’m going to reach the gospel to the poor, and I am going to open the eyes of the blind.
None of those could have been accomplished unless Hallelujah.
There was an anointed of the Holy Ghost upon them.
For that moment on, for those three and a half years, You had a a man walking in the earth in a fleshly body that was anointed by the Holy Ghost.
Anointing is nothing more than this.
It’s the holy ghost giving you the ability to do the supernatural.
It’s basically just the holy ghost flowing through you.
This is why we have great or tours. We have great theologians.
We have great speakers, but those in themselves, without them being coupled or married to anointing, does not shake the powers of darkness.
It takes but it says it is the anointing that breaks the yoke.
America is bound.
Never has man live longer in the United States than he lives right now, but statistically, they all so declare this.
Never have Americans been more sick than they are right now.
Every other commercial on television is either about junk food or medicine.
And when you look at, they will tell you if you have this wrong with you, you take this medicine.
then they got some guy that talks fast like a machine gun.
And he said, oh, diarrhea, you know, you don’t know everything. Yeah.
I’m thinking the symptoms from the drug are worse than the disease.
Wouldn’t it just be easier?
To let somebody that’s anointed lay hands on you and say in the name of Jesus, I command this sick us to leave your body.
When Jesus heals, there is no symptoms. There is no side effects.
Uh, the only side effect you got is joy unspeakable and full of glory that you can get up in the morning.
You not have to take 9 different medicines up, but you are healed by the power of god.
So Jesus releases his ministry in the earth, the enemy could not take him out.
But he was the head. He wasn’t the body.
When Jesus goes to the end of his ministry, and we find him now on the cross.
The Bible said he laced down his life.
The only thing that died at Calvary was the body of Jesus.
the physical body of Jesus. Why? Because he was the lamb of god.
But nobody dies. I said, well, that doesn’t make sense. You just move.
You’re in this world. One moment, and you’re in another world the next.
Now, I’ve never been there, so I can’t prove that.
But there’s been enough people who have died for a few minutes and then came back and told their story.
There is no blank dart lake that you disappear into and you cease to exist, you just move.
when Jesus gives up the ghost on the cross, and his blood begins to drip.
It begins to touch hallelujah, the throne room of the lord.
We know this that after resurrection, the blood was put on the mercy seat on the true tabernacle in heaven.
But when the blood dripped to the earth listen.
The blood on the mercy seat for heaven, the 2 tabernacle, was to give you and I access into heaven.
But the blood that drip from Emmanuel’s veins in the earth was to give us authority over the earth.
And when the blood of Jesus satisfied the courts of heaven, that the law that had been nailed against them was fulfilled.
The last thing that Jesus did before Hallelujah, he came up out of the grave.
Because the Bible says in Ephysions, he begins to descend in a spirit form.
down into the lower parts of the earth into hell.
Hell has had authority over every single person that has ever went in there, saved, or unsafe.
God has divided hell into 2 compartments. Chio and Hades.
But because the blood has not satisfied the law, Abraham was in hell, Isaac was in hell, Isaac was in hell, I wasn’t hell.
They just weren’t in torment. The the one parable said there was a gulf fixed between heaven or hell and seal.
For the first time, here comes a man.
who has authority to strip the devil of his authority.
No where does it ever say the devil at Calvary lost his power.
We know that he’s not because look at the earth, but from calvary on, Everything that the devil does by his authority is illegal.
This is why we win in the last days is because you and I have the legal side of heaven on our side.
This is why the lord said, I’m not gonna do it for you because I’m sitting, and I declared it’s finished.
But he said, I will tell you Whatever you bind, I will bind.
Uh, whatever you lose, uh, I will lose. Why?
Because he knew that when he left He was gonna release authority, and here goes Jesus down into hell, walks into the stronghold where the devil is.
Uh, and he looks through all of the old test of insane.
So and the devil recognizes it because he’s already met him in a wilderness.
Uh, he said, what are you doing here? He said, I’ve come get them out.
But he said, I want you to know that today, I am stripping you of your thoughts to you that was delivered to you by the 1st animal.
He said because I am the last animal, and I am taking back up to what you do not have.
Uh, the devil today has zero authority. He has no authority.
He has power, but the lord gives us that resurrection real changes everything.
When Jesus came out of the grave, He had authority before he went in.
But now he makes this unusual state, and he said, All authority and all power has been given unto me.
What was he declaring? Because within the few hour within a toy bower period after he was resurrected, He told Mary, don’t touch me.
Not yet to send it to my father. And then that evening, he says, now you can touch me.
He went up into heaven, put the blood on the mercy seat, the courts of heaven, and the judge took a gavel and says, fulfilled hallelujah.
When that gabbles dropped, The father was giving Jesus the authority that the first Adam had given away.
And now he says, not only do I have the authority that’s been given me, but he said, I now have the authority back.
that was given the devil. And he said, all authority.
In heaven, and in Earth is mine.
There’s there’s something about resurrection that does incredible things.
Jesus made this statement about Jonah.
He says, as Jonah was in the belly of the earth 3 days in or or or in the in the belly of the fish, 3 days 3 nights, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth 3 days 3 nights.
When Jonah was told by god, to go preach to Nineveh.
He said, I ain’t doing that.
The Bible says that he found a a ship to Tarsius, and he ran from the presence of the lord.
On 3rd day, The fish, the whale, vomited out Jonah.
It was a type of resurrection. He was resurrected out of hell.
He talks about the the bars that surrounded him, the, the rib cage, uh, of the whale and, and all of those things.
And he he calls it hell.
Resurrection is so powerful that when Jonah was resurrected out of the fish, That number one speed was invoked.
And what normally would take 2 or 3 days only took him less than a day to get to Nineveh.
But resurrection gave him such a powerful message that a entire city that was hedonistic, atheistic, and idol worshippers and rebellious.
Every single one of them got saved from 1 single message because all of Nineveh have repented.
Can you imagine what’s getting ready to happen in the earth?
The day of pentecost was not resurrection of a church.
It wasn’t resurrection of a body. It was the birth.
The church was birthed on the day of Pentecost.
And in Luke, the lord is talking to him, he said, I need you to go to Jerusalem and Terry until it basically said until you’re anointed, because it one one translation says until you be clothed with the ability of god.
Now you have a group of men and women that are buried with fear.
they’re hanging out in a room because they’re terrified of the Romans and the Jews.
But the moment that the Holy Ghost came into that room, and it set on them Like it did, Jesus at baptism, the heavens were open, and tongues of fire set upon each of them And what were they in dude with?
Authority. Because Jesus says this, I believe I have it written down here. He’s speaking.
Luke 1019.
He says, I give you authority to crush with your foot, the head of serpents, and scorpions, And he said, over all the power of the enemy, Our issue in America and in the earth is not that our enemy has authority.
It’s that they are operating in power with illegal authority.
God only backs up that which is legally recognized in the courts of heaven.
So when we say in the name of Jesus, we are declaring a legal precedent that by the name of Jesus, that all power in heaven and earth has been given up to that name.
Uh, you can look at any demonic spirit that’s in your body, in your business, in your marriage, uh, in your children, and say, uh, you may be there, but you are very illegal.
And by the authority of the Holy Ghost stuff that I have in my life, when I was made a creation in Christ Jeter, I command you to come out and to relive and to let them go by the Holy Go sir.
I command today, uh, every demon spirit in this building now, in your body.
I have a thought to you over you, uh, you will leave in the name of Jesus.
You bring it back now too.
2020 was when the coronavirus hit.
Right? We are now getting ready to step into 2024.
3 is the most pivotal number in the Bible for extraordinary things.
By all rights and purposes, the enemy buried the church.
Bared hope buried health.
I am a strong believer that the coronavirus is real.
I just don’t believe in the vaccine.
I believe that it’s dangerous, and I believe that it can kill you.
Even the medical people tell you that masks, even after 3 hours, you need to discard them and put a new one on, because you begin to breathe all these microbes in in in that recirculate and begins to breathe all kinds of stuff.
The box says they don’t work.
And yet if you separate 6 feet, the virus dies.
Oh, and by the way, if you’re eating, it won’t bother you.
But if you don’t have it on 2 minutes before your plate gets on the table, that thing’s gonna get you.
But when a waitress shows up and gives you your plate, then it’ll leave you alone till you get done eating it, and then you gotta put it back on.
do you realize the stupidity that has hit America?
How this nation that has invented so many extraordinary things.
Put man on the moon has put satellites in the heavens can’t be so diluted.
The reason he’ll went after the church It’s because it recognizes that we have authority.
Hallelujah. We have authority.
When Jesus came out of the grave, it was not the same body that went in.
scripture says the seed that is sown is not the same seed that comes up out of the ground.
It comes out with a different body. Resurrection creates metamorphosis.
There’s a chain reaction that releases the DNA of a seed and all of the purpose and the potential begins to come up out of that seed when it’s combined with with the warmth of the sun and the nutrients of the soil and the rain that falls Paul.
Now, all of these different factors begin to cause that thing to come out.
This is why the lord talks about. I am the light of the world. and I am the rain.
Hallagree that falls upon man. And and I am the good ground that the seed is sown into.
What’s he talking about? He’s saying you need these for the purpose of god to be released.
There is a, not a birthing, but there is a resurrection that’s in the atmosphere now.
This is why the enemy is so upset, and there’s so much resistance against Spiritfield Churches because the enemy is not afraid of anybody that doesn’t walk in authority.
But the devil recognizes that the authority that he used to have.
Hallelujah, when Jesus came out of the grave, there was only one human being on the earth that had authority, and it was him.
He did not share it with the devil. The enemy has been stripped. Hallelujah.
That’s why you and I have authority.
That’s why when you pray, you just declare in the name of the lord.
Listen, in the next 4 weeks, we need $2,000,000.
to pay for the the the next two stages that that we’re walking into in this building.
I refuse to be brought under the spirit of debt.
And so we decree today that the devil has to give us the money.
Call me crazy.
But faith does extraordinary things. Amen.
Hallelujah, if you had told me 10 years ago past you can, you’re gonna have to believe for $14,000,000, I’d have said, you might as well kill me because I can’t do that.
We were still trying to figure out how to pay credit card debt and how to make a house payment and, you know, how to keep a used car working, but it was a process.
But, listen, god has done such a work.
hallelujah, that this building says the lord that we are building as just the first of many.
that we’re going to have and control and release in the body of Christ.
So in the name of the lord, around the world, I put a clarion callouts.
that this week, hallelujah, that men and women begin to call, begin to send in checks, that that will total $2,000,000 that we will never miss a payment.
We will never miss paying a vendor.
but it’s released in the Holy Ghost, uh, that we are going to build this building on time.
hallelujah, that god is gonna do something supernatural in the Holy Ghost stuff.
Hallelujah, this blanket of heaviness that the enemies try to put on you that says you have to live with this.
Uh, you can’t do anything about it.
Uh, that I’ve got you where I want you you’ve gotta rise up in the Holy Ghost and declare that the lord says, uh, that I have power.
I have authority.
This verse is extraordinary because he says, I give you authority, not over the authority of the devil watch, because he didn’t have any.
He said, I give you authority over all the power.
By the spirit of the lord.
This is what I see prophetically that somewhere around In the next 3 or 4 months, there is a resurrection gonna take place.
And the church is coming up out of the grave that we’ve been buried in in this nation and in other nations.
Hallelujah to Belize and Dubai and India. Hallelujah around the world.
that this body of believers begins to come up out of the grave in the name of the lord.
and that 2 2024. God, and I don’t I don’t have I don’t have any more on this, but long before the coronavirus hit.
Um, remember when god gave me a prophetic word in 2017?
And the lord began to speak about god portals.
And then the lord began to speak in 2019 that he would shut down sports and and all of those things, and, and god did that.
But he said, uh, 2000 and after 2024, it’s gonna get dark in the earth.
I don’t know if that means the church that’s alive of the world is leaving I don’t mean I don’t know if it means it’s gonna stay lighting, goshen, for us, and it’s gonna get dark on everybody else in Egypt I don’t know.
But I do know this that 2024 is the year of resurrection anointing. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We don’t have time anymore to be bowing down to spirit and being ruled by fear and wondering how we’re gonna get by.
The blessing of god is upon this house.
The blessing of god is upon this house in the name of the lord. Hallelujah.
I lose financial blessing on this section right here.
in the name of Jesus, every assignment that’s been sent against you in the name of the lord.
Uh, I cancel in the name of god. Uh, I declare your businesses are gonna flourish.
So your homes are gonna prosper in the balcony across this room. Uh, we did clear a resurrection anointing.
Now, upon everybody in this floor of this building today, uh, by the authority the prophet of god, uh, declare fresh anointing, fresh anointing.
Now, may the authority of god begin to rise up in your spirit.
Uh, I break these mind binding spirits up up depression and discouragement and Alzheimer’s and everything else that has got you believe in a liar.
May God’s truth begin to set you free up in the name of the lord. May your businesses prosper.
May your dreams begin to come into fruition. Uh, maybe anointing of god. Uh, be upon you.
May the freedom of the lord. be loosed in this nation in the name of Jesus Hallelujah.
God knows the name of every enemy that’s come again you.
Uh, god has a solution for every problem that you have.
Uh, the anointing can break every young that’s upon you in the name of the lord.
Uh, I named this church healed, uh, in the name of Jesus.
Uh, we declare that no cancer can cross a threshold.
I call your children home in the name of the lord.
That not one child will taken up by the enemy.
There will not be one drug overdose, uh, overdose, uh, there will be no divorce in this house.
Uh, there will be no discouragement. There will be no bankruptcy. Yeah.
There will be no lockup, but we declare resurrection. The resurrection anointing.
Just give me 5 more minutes.
Hallelujah. There are militant annoying teams.
that have to come on the body of Christ.
Per meeting yesterday was a militant gathering.
hallelujah. God wants you to understand.
See, there’s this thing that people Christians get. I don’t wanna mess with demons.
You know, I remember when I was a kid, um, you know, we we understood a little bit about casting out demons, but Uh, you know, you see somebody that began to manifest and some of the old senses say, you know, we’re in Casa Dimon.
I’m not getting all the kids out of the room.
because we’re afraid that name that’s in those kids are on that man gonna get on those kids.
If you’re righteous, Your kids are protected.
Demons’s don’t get to go wherever they want.
They’re looking for open doors.
So when you begin to pray and you begin to declare, you’re making declarations against demonic spirits.
You gotta get passionate saying, well, well, I hope they don’t retaliate.
Go ahead. Give me your best shot.
I have survived divorce I have survived sickness.
I have survived being so broke. I have survived being homeless.
I survived bury my dead when I was a kid. I’ve survived depression.
I’ve survived a ministry that did not work for all over 45 years.
And so I don’t think there’s much left in the devil’s arsenal.
And we’re still standing here by the power of god. I’ve survived bearing a son, hallelujah.
But you know what? My story is many of your stories. We all have stories to tell.
And so don’t sell yourself short Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world, and all of this attack that’s coming against you, With this resurrection, this is, uh, I told my wife this.
I said, you know, it’s very possible that a good part of the harvest that the lord is talking about in the last days will be comprised of the prodigals.
because there’s millions of them. 1,000,000.
I I look at, uh, at dog, at doying here, how he was raised in the assembly of god and, yeah, wound up in hell’s angels and in prison and all kinds of stuff.
If god can save you, he can save anybody.
But look, what the lord is doing.
I mean, that god can get ahold of Jim Carrie after all of the years of success.
Make him talk about how sweet Jesus is. Uh, listen, the devil don’t like that.
If the lord hallelujah can do it for them,

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