Quickly & Promptly | Joyce Meyer

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Quickly & Promptly | Joyce Meyer

Obedience is the most important thing to God, everything God asks us to do is for our benefit, quickly and promptly obey God.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

God is always right. And if we disagree with him, then we are always wrong.
God’s the only one that can guide our lives in a right way.
And I wanna say this, and I want you to get this.
Anything that god asks you to do or not to do.
Anything he asks you to give up is always and only for your benefit.
If we really believe that god is good and that he loves us, and he tells us to give up something that we don’t wanna give up First of all, it’s wrong to disobey god.
But secondly, we’re only hurting ourselves because everything that he tells us to do is something that’s going to give but we’re not doing the things that we need to do in order to get it.
I’ll never forget a woman that attended a conference. I tell this story pretty often, but still amazes me.
We were having some kind of a banquet type conference where and and it was all ladies, and they were that these big round tables together, like about eight people at a table.
And this so they have plenty of fellowship time during meals and stuff.
And so I I don’t know what I was teaching on, but at the end of the conference, the lady the lady came to me, and she said, well, I know now exactly what my problem is.
And I said, well, what is your problem?
She said, well, I was abused sexually like you are, and she said, it just so happens All these little things that we think are coincidences, and they’re really the providence of god.
It just so happened that all the ladies at the table with me had a similar background to mine.
And she said, as I listened to them talk about their healing and what all god had done in their life and how free they were now, She said, I realized after listening to them that god has told me the same things that he told them The only difference is they did it, and I didn’t.
Let that soak in just a little bit.
If I were to ask right now, and I won’t make you raise your hands, although I probably should.
If I were to ask right now, how many of you know right now without me saying another word that there’s something that god has told you to do or something that he has asked you to stop doing maybe quite a while ago, and you still haven’t done it.
Maybe we got people, brave people out there for nothing. Okay. You know what?
I’m not trying to be mean.
But you’ll stay in the same mess you’re in, and it’ll just get worse until you do what god tells you to do.
Faith without works is dead.
It’s great to say I have faith in god, but if I’m not gonna do what he tells me to do, then I’m not gonna get anywhere.
And so maybe some of you will squirm in your seats a little bit this morning.
I hope you do. I don’t think we should always just be all that comfortable sitting in church.
Okay. So we’re gonna talk just a little bit. About obedience.
How many of you have heard the scripture resist the devil and he will flee from you?
Well, that’s actually not what the scripture says.
That’s the part of it we quote.
But it actually says submit yourself to god.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
So there’s we have no power over Satan if we’re living in known disobedience.
Now I think that god’s a little more gracious to us when we’re living in ignorance.
The apostle Paul said that god gave him grace because he had zeal without knowledge.
He was persecuting Christians, but he actually really believed that he was doing the right thing.
However, as soon as god showed him otherwise, he was ready and quick to make a change.
So if you really don’t know that what you’re doing is wrong, then god will give you more grace, a space of time, but every time you come to hear the word of god, whether it’s watching a TV program or listening to a message or reading the Bible coming to church.
You know what you get? Not just a good message. You get more responsibility.
Because now you know something, that you didn’t know before.
And so if you keep doing the same dumb stuff, you did before you knew the right thing to do, now you’re gonna experience the other side.
Of it. Well, I thought god’s merciful.
He is merciful, but sometimes the most merciful thing you can do is not let somebody keep getting away with something that’s hurting them.
Submit yourself to god. Resist the devil. And he will flee.
Now we’re always all gonna have trouble with the devil because he hates us.
And, really, you should be more concerned if he’s not giving you any trouble than if he is.
Because if you’re if he’s not giving you any trouble, then you’re probably not giving him any.
However, the best way in the world to give the devil no power over you is to the best of your ability.
Quickly and promptly do whatever god asks you to do.
Quickly, and promptly do whatever god asked you to do.

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