PROPHETIC WORD Regeneration Nashville | Don’t miss this incredible life-changing prophecy!

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Don’t miss this incredible life-changing prophecy!

“Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you.’”
Isaiah 35:3-4 (NKJV)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (NKJV)
How many recognize that something’s coming to this building today? Hallelujah.
Tell you there is a divine visitation of the lord in this sanctuary right now.
I want you to begin to lift your hands. Hi, Paul. Hallelujah, hallelujah. God, we thank you.
That the voice of the lord is getting ready to declare in this house right now in the name of Jesus, shot Abobo Bo Bo’s Sandai.
The lord says that the reason that the enemy is coming after this church with such a vengeance is because he is terrified of what’s getting ready to happen, and this atmosphere says the lord.
And god said that Harold is trying to stop the celebration of this house and the vision that you have, but I god saying to me, he cannot stop it because it’s not your vision.
It was my vision. I put it in the heart of a man, then I put it in the heart of a people But it was mine from the very beginning.
Um, I have looked down from heaven says, the lord, and I lost a light in rod of pentecostal fire, and I have hit this region.
And the waters of unbelief and the waters of fear says the lord that have eroded and come out of hell upon this house are going to be stopped.
Uh, for when the enemy come thin like a flood says the lord, my spirit, uh, will raise up.
But I say to thee, it’s not a time, will. I have already raised up a standard against the enemy.
Uh, this day, say it. God, If I opened your eyes up upon your new property, you would see an army of angels that have been strategically placed around the perimeter of that building.
Uh, I’d say to thee, uh, that accept the lord, build the house, uh, men, labor, and vain.
There is not a vain labor in this sanctuary.
If for man is not building this house, I have stood at a distance, and watched your motives.
Uh, I have whirred what you have said in your bedroom up, but no, Miss Saith God.
The declaration has been pleasing on to me.
Uh, when I feel your worship and when I hear the sound of praise, uh, the way from a freight rich say it, god, uh, even as a rose in Sharon begins to come up out of the sanctuary.
And you have caused my throne room to be inundated with the fragrance of worship in praise.
Uh, before this year’s out say it, the lord, uh, there is going to be a water king, loosing up of the glory accord of not only upon this church.
Uh, though it’s beginning here say it, the lord. Uh, never again, say it, god, come into my presence.
Uh, thinking that you’re gonna be done in an hour or 2 hours.
Uh, for uh, if not, seen and hear it not heard, uh, neither is in it to the heart of men, those things, uh, that I have prepared for those that love me.
You’ve not seen anything yet, say it the lord.
Uh, even the prophets have not been able to see what I have hidden from their eyes up to, but now say it, god, as I begin to bear the muscle of my armor and to the house of the lord, there is a release of of the 54 ministry One moment, you’re gonna be evangelistic.
Uh, the next moment it’ll be apostolic.
Uh, all of a sudden prophetic will begin to erupt, and then the pastor will step onto the scene, and then the teacher will begin to be released.
I will make the ears of the enemy tingle, uh, of what I’m releasing by the spirit of the lord.
You are not a normal house.
When I look at you, say, if god, I don’t even call you a a normal church.
I’ll call you a door.
This day, saying, god, I put the key of harvest in the door of this house And when you open this door, say it’s gone.
There are treasures. I I see us walking up and down, large aisles.
And god said that this treasure house I see I see gold.
I see silver. I I see there’s such a, uh, a radiance of jewels. It’s almost blinding.
The lord said, uh, I had this for a long time, and I wanted to release it to other generations.
But they did not come into this house.
They did not come into this warehouse, so they have set untouched God said there are things in the earth that I can’t bring back to heaven that have to be used up now.
So the lord says, I am opening the door to the supernatural.
That brand I never saw Or Roberts never saw Kenneth Hang, you never saw That’s right.
Lake, Sunday, Fenny, Whitfield, Luther, Wesley, spurgeon, They had glimpses of the brilliance.
Oh, god said that I have saved the greatest for last.
The lord says that there has been gross darkness that has been on the earth.
It’s been in China. I see it in Indonesia.
I see it in India. I see it in Australia.
And this darkness has been so thick that men could not see the glory of the lord.
But I say to you that you are just one of many gut portals.
That I’m igniting. Thank god. God says all over the earth now simultaneously.
Haya Bubba. Woah. I don’t wanna hire you. Yeah.
As it was on the day at Pentecost.
That all the nations from around the globe at once heard the praise of god come out of the mouth of men in their own language.
Now says the lord in Africa, in South America, in North America, in Europe, in Asia.
She says god There have been small fires that have broke out over time and over decades.
And people would run from around the world to that one place.
Hoping to taste or to touch what I was doing in that one specific location.
But this time says the lord, men will not have to run to other nations.
Or to other continents God said, out of this release of the spirit of the lord, that What will air market is just glorious love.
Not just for me, but god said I will cause humanity to begin to love each other.
The lord said that I’m going to begin to touch ancient rivalries.
And ancient hatreds between bloodlines and Third World Countries.
Where there has been genocide.
And god said in India, I’m even going to begin to crack the cast system.
God says the glory of the lord is gonna begin to come out men and cast systems that the whole world sustained and discarded but there will be such an anointing come on these men that The wealthy and those who disregarded them will come and kneel and the hand of the lowly will be put on the hand of the mighty.
And I will heal the hatred.
This is what I’m going to do with racism.
There is no country says the lord.
That there is right now a greater plan to purse to promote racism than in the United States of America.
God says, even as I cause every culture, to stand with me in heaven and praise my name.
God said, I’m gonna cross blood lines.
And I’m gonna erase the color barrier.
With the blood barrier of Jesus Christ.
Hallelujah and and even he he was almost he was stumped degree before his times as the lord in New York City Times Square with David Wilkinson with all of the ethnicities that he had in his church.
But god said get ready because the house of the lord is gonna be filled and no longer will people bring in racism or cultures but the whole house of god will be filled with red, yellow, and black, and white.
And they will stand in unity.
God says it’s been the division and the hatred that the media that has promoted in this nation that has brought such division to the house of the lord.
But the lord says that when this healing and already says, god, I’m beginning to move behind the scenes.
I am doing things says god that you don’t know about. I’ve not prophesied about it. I’ve not revealed it.
But there are strongholds says the lord that I am dealing with in secret places, uh, that even the strongholds, the demons of them do know that I am setting them up, uh, for great failure and great destruction.
And when I say the words says the lord. Uh, it will fall in a moment’s time.
Uh, this will not be an evolution of time. It will not be a slow process.
It will not be a victory that just comes in parts, but it’s gonna be instantaneous.
Uh, it is a suddenly, uh, for the day of the lord, will come suddenly. Yeah.
Because my house, hallelujah, did I not say that all nations shall gather unto Jerusalem of the praise the name of the lord.
Uh, do you not know, saith god, uh, that I am going to remove the distractions?
Uh, and I am also says the lord, that the seed.
Many of you have planted seeds says god, um, 10, 15, 20 years ago.
These seeds were planted out of great need.
You needed them desperately, says the lord, but you put it in the ground.
Uh, it’s been so long that Some of you have forgotten what you’ve planted.
Uh, but you’ve learned how to love me in spite of the fact that that it looked like I failed my word.
Uh, and I did not come through. Uh, but now says the lord, uh, there’s a surprise harvest.
It’s getting ready to come up.
Uh, and you’re gonna walk out the door one morning and you’re gonna go, what is this?
Uh, and the lord is gonna say, you shouldn’t be surprised.
You planted this a a decade ago, uh, 2 decades ago.
God says now, I want you to step into it by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Now, there is an authority says god that’s being released day in
the house of the lord. Uh, I
am putting a trumpet in the mouth of my servants. Uh, that will stand in clear the word of god.
Uh, and now no longer will it be god’s going to god’s going to god’s going to uh, the lord will before the work can hardly get out of the mouth and the prophet.
The heavens will open up and there will be a lightning bolt of completion.
Now, and while it’s come out of the mouth.
The the word of the lord will say yes, hallelujah, and I will do it.
Uh, you wondered how you’re gonna pay for your building stop yourselves the lord.
I will not allow me at any to make you a laughing stock cup.
There will not be birds flying in and out of your building like it was in PTL.
Uh, but this is a different house, says the lord. And I’m not done.
Now, you’re not done, says the lord. Now, this
is just a begin of what I’m getting ready to do. Uh, oh, I’m opening the
heavens over you. Uh, I’m declaring to you shout up unto the lord.
Uh, for there is a stirring of the waters.
Uh, there is a release of the anointed of the Holy Ghost.
Uh, there is a declaring of the word of god the atmosphere by the spirits.
I am, again, going to reenact the hook that I put in Snackerib’s jaw.
Who tried to stop the rebuilding of the house of the lord.
And when my servant King Hezekiah knelt before me and wet.
Said, lord, What do we do?
Did I not send the prophet to declare for he shall not fire an arrow in this city.
For decades now, there has been war in the spirit that has gone on in the house of the lord because you have been battling against demon spirits.
And even though I said that I will give you the key of David, It was Solomon that I used to build a physical house because I was shifting from war to blessing.
God says that the reason that there are so many that are older age in this you’re wearing is because you’re a battle scarred and you have fought in the trenches But you’ve never really reaped the spoil.
God said this his spoil.
And over the years, my spirit would move, but just for a moment, would you be a wife of a wind of my presence, and you would smell it, you would taste it, and you would say, Oh, that’s so good.
And then it would dissipate. For god says now, you’re getting ready to have services to where no demons will be allowed to come on the property, The lord says that your pastor has laid hands on many, and we’ve all stood and declared that god healed them, and we’ve watched them walk off, roll off, un heal, god said, I did not discard that.
You were priming the pump.
The lord said there has been such a spirit of unbelief in the house of the lord for so long that people would honor me with their lips when it came to the miraculous, this part said yes.
This part said no.
I’m shifting from war, comes from here, to worship, comes from here.
And as the atmosphere of worship permeates the house of god.
God said that I’m gonna shift how I heal and before they can get up here.
That be healed out there that My spirit says the lord will the spirit of divine healing of the miraculous will is beginning to settle in the building.
And I will not leave this building until you move.
And there are those who think who have said, will god be as great there as he is here all You have no idea.
I’m going to go before you I’m going to drive out your enemies.
And that when you come into that first service says, god, there will be such a liberty and such a freedom and such a power.
And you will stand there in amazement because you’ve already will have seen the hand of god uncovered in such a dimension and such a, uh, a measure of the supernatural that that it doesn’t compare it to anything that you know of.
And you’ll walk around and just go, oh, my. Oh, my. Oh my.
Then your hands would go up. Can you go, oh my lord, hallelujah?
And praise will begin to come forth. And praise will begin to roll forth.
And, see, praise says god cannot be confined inside of Four walls.
But it it it just begins to roll like a river and it and it’s going out and it it’d break forth and it’ll hit your city streets and, you know, begin to flow into areas of government, and it will begin to flow into your schools, into your hot fiddle says god.
And it’s going to rejuvenate, and it’s going to change that because the enemy says the lord has set a plan in motion to change the very culture of the world, to steal the freedom and the liberty and the privacy.
Yeah. But I like private He says, lord, uh, for I’ve talked about secret places, uh, and I said he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide in a shadow of the all mankind.
See, the enemies that’s gone wants to bring you out of the secret place. Calls them.
They can mark you and destroy you.
Uh, but I’m going to declare to you today, uh, that the lord is going to stop and he’s going to to come against.
He’s going to defend against this culture change.
And I am gonna change the culture now. Yeah.
And I’m gonna reverse what the enemy has set in motion and what looks like it’s so entrenched already that it cannot be reversed.
The All of a sudden says, god, uh, that even people who have went through transgender operations, when they’re in my presence.
Um, I’m going to heal them without the knife, and I’m going to restore back to them, says the lord.
Oh, many of you are date. What how can that be? That’s not possible. But anything man can do?
Can I not do better? Did I not create you start with.
If I made a liver, a kidney, a female organs, uh, if I made the heart, hallelujah, don’t you think that I can just speak a word and say, lift, there be, and there shall be, says the lord.
Today, say it, god, I’m beginning to lift the blindness off of you.
Uh, there’s going to be an invasion of a spiritual sight to begin to hit you by the power of the whole go.
So get ready. Don’t go home thinking. Oh, what a good service. Uh, go home and think.
Uh, god’s getting ready to come into my bedroom.
Into my dreams, uh, into my sleep, uh, and he’s gonna begin to speak things by the spirit of the lord.
Now god says, I want to address your enemies.
There are a lot of you that have been drug through battles that you did not start.
And it’s aged you, took virtue from you.
And you’ve even said, lord, it looks like they got away with it.
God said, I’m speaking a word into the atmosphere that I’m gonna make the enemy hang on the gallows.
That they tried to hang you on. Uh, blah, blah, blah, Sunday.
Because you walked in accordance with me And I said, Vincent’s mind and I will repay, and you did not try to extract judgment on your enemies.
What you did, what I asked, you love for them, and you prayed for them.
Uh, god says, I also say this, whatsoever, man soweth That shall he also reap, and the laws of harvest cannot be changed.
So there is a reversal now, says, the lord, that’s gonna hit the earth.
And it’s gonna be quick.
I’m a cause greedy men to go bankrupt.
I’m gonna deal with those who abuse children to operations God said I can no longer withstand the cry of the innocent blood.
And is crying from the soil. Lord says now is my day.
That I am going to events those that have been aborted.
Marabobo Sande.
The lord says that I’m gonna do this in such a way.
That nobody can ever legally come against to touch you.
No one will be able to say they broke the law.
No one will be able to say that they made a threat. They made an accusation.
God said I’m gonna do this in such a way that only god could make it happen.
And I’m cause a wailing to come up out of many places.
Of men and women who thought they got away with it, but they did not.
So even as I allowed Noah to be ridiculed, He not knowing that I had to give him time to build his own salvation.
So have I allowed you to go through difficult times?
Because in the midst of your adversity, you were building your ship of faith.
That when the flood of judgment comes upon this earth, You with your family will step over into the old ship of Zion.
And when the rain begins to fall, the boat will begin to float.
On the mercy and the power of god.
Concerning currency and wealth in the earth.
There are powers that control not billions, but 1,000,000,000,000 of dollars.
Wars that are started for the sake of economics diseases that have been released out of laboratories to cause fear and trepidation to get in the hearts of men so they would be willing to give up things that normally they would not give up.
But god says today that there is a shift in money.
There is a shift in currency.
There is a shift in those who control large sums of money.
And the lord says that even as I prepared Israel for wealth, that they would walk into their inheritance, not poor or broke.
And I allowed them to spoil their enemy So now says the lord, 2024 shall be the full realization of what I’m going to begin to already release in 2023 that there is release of abundance that hear me says the lord, not one move of god will have to be financed by a secular bank But I will pay for it before it’s done because what I build I also provide God says that there’s gonna be such a change in the medical field that I I’m raising up some men and women that I’m going to release supernatural gifts to Some of their gifts will be very specific as the lord.
1 will be able to have great authority over cancer.
And nothing will be have great authority over blindness.
And it will begin to be released in the body of Christ.
And the medical profession is going to have a tremendous setback financially because beds are gonna begin to be empty because even as I’ve done it in the past, says the lord, hallelujah.
Oh, little children Have I not told you in the scriptures of this hour?
But you’ve read them with eyes that have been veiled But I’m pulling the veil off of your eyes right now, says the lord, because you are the generation that’s going to behold the fullness that when I am done, hallelujah, I will reach with my own hand in time, and I will end my movement with Cilar.
Paws. And behold and think upon what you have just heard and just see, says the lord.
Even today, I say to thee as you leave, Salah, hallelujah, for what I have declared to you, uh, will not be stopped by the enemy.
I am a god of the supernatural. You don’t ever understand.
You cannot comprehend how I could step the edge of nothing when there were no molecules, uh, no DNA, no firming it, no water, and just out of my own power.
I would say let there be, uh, and there was, uh, do you not think says the lord that I cannot step into your world where gross darkness covers it.
And there is great chaos up. And I could just stand at the beginning to declare. Let there be harvest.
Stop you. Let there be Well, sir, let there be righteous.
Do you not know hallelujah that you are tapped in, uh, to the greatest power that man has ever known.
It is the power
of the Holy uh, there is a power
of the unseen hand of of god.
Uh, there is a rejuvenating There is a revitalizing of of the spirit
of the lord. Uh, I chose you.
Uh, you did not choose me. I am releasing
a home this house, sir, the blessing of god, the blessing of god, the blessing of god, by the power
of the Holy Spirit. Hallelu Young.
Your faith.
I’ve tested you, says the lord, I’ve tested you to the breaking point.
I caused you to stand at the Red Sea where it looks like there is no hope.
But I never was worrying.
I knew when I brought Joseph into Egypt.
At 4 30 years later, how we bring his bones to the Red Sea.
Did I not prophesy over you in ezekiel 37 that your bones when revival would come would be so dry that men would have humiliated you and not even buried you.
Strode you to the wind till you’ve lost your identity because the bones have been so mixed and so scattered.
And yet without a man helping me, I made dry bones walk.
I made hip moans and knee sockets come together.
You could have saw, says the lord, here comes a femur, walk it with an ankle bone.
And all of a sudden, it would hit an area.
A clavicle would come together. Hips would come together.
Until the lord says that there were fully formed skeletons. By prophecy.
For the lord says prophecy is to bring the dead back to life.
To speak things that are not as though they were.
That god can quicken those things which are dead. Hallelujah.
And so there is a wind of the lord that is blowing in this valley of harvest.
You’re getting up.
God says you’re getting up. Hallelujah.
And a gift that you lost 20 years ago is coming back over and connecting to you.
An inheritance that should have been yours that died on the other side of the valley is getting up, hallelujah, and getting into your bank account.
That child that said I hate you, uh, and you’ve not heard from them from 10 years.
Uh, hallelujah, and the communication was buried in dried dusty sand of of a death valley.
He’s resurrecting out of it, hallelujah. And there’s a full call. That’s his mom. Can I come home?
Uh, dad, can I come home? Hallelujah. I’m bringing light to the church says
the lord. I’m bringing light to the house of god. Doctor. I’m bringing light to your dreams.
I’m bringing light to your health. I’m bringing light to your authority. I’m bringing light to your business.
I’m bringing light to your marriage. I’ll let who you are. I’m losing you.
Uh, I’m thinking off the ankle weights. Uh, I’m gonna make your feet like Heinz Street.
And I’m gonna put the song of David in your mouth.
And out of your belly, so folk, rivers of living water.
Hallelujah. Stand with me.
Well, I had no idea we’re gonna do that today.
Now and worship something entered into the atmosphere.
Johnson began to sing a song.
God can do anything, and nothing too impossible for god.
I want you too for the next few minutes.
We’re gonna enter into a time of agreement with what the Holy Spirit has spoken.
How many have extracted something from the prophetic word today that you feel like applies to you.
Is that something I’m gonna get a hold of? Hallelujah.
Alright. Let’s raise our hands I want you to lift up your voice.
We gotta get rid of this mute heaviness that gets in the church. Come on.
Lift up your voice, Mara Bobo Sunday, hallelujah. Begin to declare to the Holy Ghost.
I’m in agreement. I’m coming into agreements with what you have declared today in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, in the name it in too.
Hallelujah. The fertile med, uh, prophecy. Yeah.
God that is releasing by the spirit of the lord The word of god will not return until you void, but it’s being released by the power of god.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Come now begin to ask god for crazy things, supernatural things.
What the enemies buried in your praise, dig it up, and begin to declare to the lord.
God, I’m believing again for this.
Believing lord for this.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Mama, mama, mama, Alright.
I want you to come feel the front, but while you’re coming, I’m gonna talk to you.
Come on real quick, because I’m feeling it’s really strong in the spirit.
The lord says that I have unleashed a river today.
That’s not gonna dry up.
God says this whole coming next week, I want you to begin to look for the supernatural.
I want you to begin to expect the unexpected.
Hallelujah, I want you to begin to declare that my hardest prayers that I’ve prayed things that I’ve carried perhaps for a decade, uh, that I’m looking for god to fulfill that this week.
In the name of the lord. Hallelujah.
Some of you are gonna come back next week and say, I got healed.
I was at work. I was asleep.
We were in a restaurant, and all of a sudden, I realized it was gone. Yes. What is that?
God fulfilling the word of the lord. Uh, I. Hallelujah. Now, come on. Press in a little bit.
Building up yourselves on your most holy faith. Doing what? Praying in the holy ghost.
Praying in the Holy Ghost.
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