Pride and Humility – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Pride and Humility – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

What is humility? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, learn what it is and what it isn’t as Joyce Meyer shares practical insights from Scripture and everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

hey thanks for watching Joyce’s YouTube channel we pray you find encouragement and exactly what you’re looking for here did you know that these videos that you watch for free are available with the help of our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners as a result people are learning how to apply God’s word to their lives and come out of some really dark places if God’s using these teachings to bring you closer to him let me encourage you to join us and become a partner today join the team that is sending his word
around the world you can do big things together with us scan our QR code now and begin sharing the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ everywhere this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries but I believe that true humility is knowing what you’re not but also knowing who you are in Christ I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you every everywhere you [Music] hurt how many of you have a just a dream and a vision for your life you want to do something great okay well how many of you just get
frustrated with how long it takes well I understand boy do I understand I started teaching a home Bible study 40 years ago first one had about 12 people in it and then it grew to about 25 and I taught that for 5 years and then in the middle of that we added another one so the last two and a half years I taught two home Bible studies home groups and um I mean I could preach I could preach pretty much like I can right now I was locked up in my living room with 25 people had quit my full-time job to prepare for Ministry was desperately
needy financially didn’t get anything for teaching the people of course and those were proving years in my life and we all need them the worst thing that can happen is to promote to a high place a new convert the Bible says they will become be clouded in their mind and stupified with pride that’s what the amplifi they will become stupified with pride so don’t think now listen don’t think just because you have a talent that you should be promoted into a place because character is much more important than
[Applause] Talent if all people want to do is just display their talent then they’ll have to go out and do it in the world but if you want to serve god with your gifts and your talents then there has to come a maturing if you’re sitting out there looking at the worship leader in your church a little bit ticked off because they didn’t choose you thinking I could sing circles around her that’s exactly why she’s up there and you’re not I used to watch people preach on TV and I would just think I can preach
better than they can I don’t know why I’m stuck here in this living room with these 25 people I could preach circles around them well that’s exactly why I was still with the 25 people because not because I couldn’t preach but because I had a hoty attitude come on well I’m telling you what I look back now and I am so thankful that God made me wait and made me wait and made me wait and made me wait and that he tested me and tested me and worked with me I’m so glad because I believe if you
wait for God’s right timing then you can be in for the Long Haul but if you get promoted too early you’re going to go off like a firecracker and fizzle right out amen [Applause] Deuteronomy chapter 8 I would say saved me but I know Jesus saved me but boy did I get some understanding from Deuteronomy chapter 8 it is such a marvelous chapter in the Bible verse 2 and three and you shall earnestly remember all the way which the Lord your God LED you these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble you and to prove you to know what was in your mind
and heart rather you would keep his Commandments on not and he humbled you and he allowed you to hunger and he fed you with Mana which you did not know nor did your fathers know that he might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God so God had all these Israelites trapped out in the wilderness and they had no way to take care of themselves and they had to depend on God and he led them the long hard way he didn’t lead them the easy way he led
them the long hard way but he had a purpose and that was to bring them into a place where he could bless them beyond anything that they could possibly imagine and I want to encourage you tonight don’t you give up on God Don’t Run Away From God because the way is hard or you don’t understand or it’s taken too long you serve god with your whole heart and the day will come the day will come payday is coming amen Hebrews 11:6 without faith it’s impossible to please God and those that come to him must believe that he is and
that he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him if you diligently seek God your reward is on the way and instead of being angry because you’re not getting what you want when you want it like I used to a lot thank God that his timing is perfect and let him know that you know when you’re ready that God will open the windows of heaven and promote you to the place that he wants you to be in verse seven for the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land a land of Brooks of water of Fountain and springs
flowing forth in valleys and Hills a land of Wheat and barley and Vines and fig trees and pomegranates and you know that’s not how we relate today but you get the point I don’t want fig trees and pomegranates but there’s a lot of other things I want and a land in which you shall eat food without shortage and lack nothing in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose Hills you can dig copper now here gets to the important part and when you have eaten and are full full then you shall bless the Lord your God
for all the good land which he has given you and beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping his Commandments his precepts and his statutes which I command you lest when you have eaten and are full and have Built goodly Homes and you live in them when everything you have is Multiplied verse 14 then your minds and hearts be lifted up and you forget the Lord your God and let’s just look at a couple more verses in here verse 17 and beware lest you say in your mind and heart my power and the might of my hand have gotten me
this wealth but you shall earnestly remember that it is the Lord your God who has given you the power to get wealth that he might establish his Covenant in the Earth today other great scriptures for our nation this nation did not become what it was because we were great but because we served a great God Amen a light to the other nations and now people make fun of us they think we’re ridiculous there was a time when our enemies were afraid of us that’s not the case anymore and it’s for no reason other than people are
turning their back on God and I want to tell you what we are part of the remnant that God has that can still glorify his name and we are very privileged and very blessed to be alive in this this day it’s the worst of times and the best of times and I believe that we can have a great harvest but it’s going to take all of us getting out in the world and letting our light shine that means we have to get ourselves off of our mind and what we want and need and why we’re not getting everything we want and get up every day
and say God what can I do for you today what can I do for you today and I hope that this is breaking through and your understanding now Pride also interestingly enough prevents God from helping us because God can only help the humble James 4:6 but he gives us more and more grace aren’t you grateful for Grace power of the holy spirit so Grace is not just undeserved favor but it’s the power of the holy spirit that makes things happen in my life that I could not make happen the Apostle Paul said I am what I am by the grace of God
and he said I worked harder than all of you yet it wasn’t even me really doing the work it was the grace of God in Me doing the work and I can just tell you I look at my calendar for a year and I’m like I have no I have no idea how I did all that no idea I said to somebody tonight I said well I’ve only got 15 more teachings to do this year and if I thought 15 I got to come up with 15 messages and but you know what God will do it and God will do whatever you need him to do if you lean on him and put your
trust in him and many of you are dealing with a lot of different situations than I am maybe you’re working at a job where you’re not treated right God will give you the grace to be there and represent him maybe you’re in a family situation where you’re the only believer put a smile on your face and be glad that God’s got you in a place where you can be an example to somebody we need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves because we’re not comfortable all the time you know your attitude is yours and that’s one thing
nobody can take away from you and if you want to have a good one nobody can keep you from [Applause] it he gives us more and more grace power of the Holy Spirit to meet this evil tendency and all others fully that is why he says God sets himself against the proud and the hoty but he gives Grace continually to the lowly those who are humble enough to receive it so here’s how it goes God help me that’s the way that prayer Works help me I mean years and years ago and I still remember this I mean it’s it’s been I don’t know 25 years
ago the ministry was up and running but very small and I was running all over creation preaching to anything and everything that would listen and um oh my gosh I work so hard it’s a wonder I’m not dead just from the way I worked back then and uh I remember I had about a whole year in my life where I just I just walked around God help me God you got to help me I finally got to the point where I thought I don’t even know what I need help about I just know I need help I mean I was just so acutely aware that if God didn’t help me
I was just so far over my head how many of you feel like you’re over your head a lot of times in life and you just don’t know what to do greatest prayer to pray God help me help me God help me help me help me God Lord help me now there’s another scripture 1 Peter 55 and this is really long in the Amplified Bible we’re going to put it up on the screen for you because I I want us to take a minute and look at this likewise you that are younger and of lesser rank be subject to the elders the ministers and the spiritual Guides
of the church giving them due respect and yielding to their counsel clothe yourselves all of you with humility we’re going to talk about how to put on humility before we leave tonight as the Garb of a servant so that its covering cannot possibly be stripped from you humility is a covering have freedom from pride and error an toward one another for God sets himself against the proud the insolent the overbearing the disdainful the presumptuous and the boastful and he opposes frustrates and defeats them but he gives grace to the humble
now many times when we’re trying to make something happen oursel and our own strength and it doesn’t work out we try to rebuke the devil and there are times when the enemy does attack us but everything that’s uncomfortable doesn’t come from the devil sometimes we’re uncomfortable because God’s not letting us have what we want because we’re going about trying to get it the wrong way we’re trying to make it happen ourselves instead of going to him and leaning on him and telling him look I don’t even want it if
it’s not you but if it is your will you’re the only one that can make it happen so I’m just saying right now I’m nothing without you I lean entirely on you and here I am if you can do anything do it but if you can’t do it I sure can’t is anybody getting the Revelation you might need to change some of your praying man I tell you how much do you pray and seek God for humility I mean seriously when’s the last time you just got before God and really prayed for God to Humble you I mean I had a season of prayer like
that of two three weeks ago and it it scared me it’s a little scary and it should be when you pray like that because the problem with pride is it hides you don’t know you got it and so asking God to reveal it is a little bit of a scary ordeal but Andrew Murray says this he said that humility is the greatest of all the virtues but it will not come to us without special seasons of seeking and praying and studying in that area now you know I know this is the Friday night crowd and sometimes on Friday night we just get you know well
you just get all kinds of people people that didn’t know what else to do and they came or whatever maybe this is a little too deep for some of you but let me just make it simple for you if you don’t get anything else out of this tonight if it’s over your head just leave here with the attitude I can’t do anything without God’s help I am nothing without God I’m nothing without God and I need to make sure that I am not mistreating people because I am no better than anybody else that’s a good place to start so if
you don’t get anything else remember those couple of sentences H you know you’re a great person but you’re no better than anybody else and neither am I amen just cuz I’m on the platform tonight does not impress God he put me up here but he’s not impressed by me being up here because he loves all of us equally and all we can each one do is what God Graces us and Gifts us to do I wish I could sing like Phil but I can’t because God didn’t give me that gift I’d love to be able to play four or
five musical instruments but God didn’t give me that gift matter of fact I’d like it if I could do it all I’d love to be able to come up here and preach and sing and play and just be a oneman show I’d like but God knows how I am and he knows how you are and he knows what you can handle and still give him the glory and we better pray that he doesn’t give us any more than we can handle and still give him the glory because if we get into Pride he’s going to have to bring us down I don’t want any more money than I
can handle and glorify God I don’t want any more power than I can handle and glorify God I don’t want any more popularity that can handle and still glorify God don’t want anything that you can’t have and keep God first in your life here’s a few statements from Andrew Murray humility is a place of entire dependence on God the lack of humility is the sufficient explanation for every lack and failure humility has never had the place of supreme importance that belongs to it and I added except in the life of
Jesus he’s our example there’s nothing so dangerous as Pride it’s natural to us it is Insidious and hidden from our sight meekness and loneliness were distinguishing marks of the true Disciples of Christ you know Peter had a problem with pride and he had to be humbled but then after that he came out bold man 3,000 people saved in one day ask God to deal with you pray that if you have a hotty Spirit or in any way you’re mistreating people and some of you may think well I sure don’t have a problem with pride I’ve got a problem
with thinking I’m nothing well you need to know who you are in Christ that’s for sure but I believe that true humility is knowing what you’re not but also knowing who you are in [Applause] Christ let me read this one again pride is behind all lack of love all indifference to the needs of others their feelings their weaknesses it’s a source of all Hasty judgments all manifestations of temper and touchiness and irritation and all feelings of bitterness and all unforgiveness if you’re mad at somebody and you won’t
forgive them it’s only because of Pride it’s easy for us to get forget how much God has to forgive us for okay I know this we’re having meat tonight we’re not having dessert tonight we’re having meat you can go get yourself an ice cream cone when this is over but I’m only throwing out big chunks of meat okay now now here here’s a good one this I have something at the end of this that’s just for the men okay now this first part is for all of us though the in the seemingly insignificant things of daily life are
the important things and they are the tests of Eternity because they prove what the spirit of the man is rather Pride or humility that possess us it is in our unguarded moments that we really show who we are now I’m I’m still not to the thing for the guys yet but this is still for everybody it’s not how we behave in church that shows our true nature it’s how we behave at home behind closed doors when we think nobody’s looking now here’s one for the guys how do you behave when somebody pulls
out in front of you on the [Applause] highway well it’s got to be a woman oh I tell you I get so aggravated when Dave says it must be a woman that is an attitude problem amen why must it be a woman because the driver is not driving right Dave is so patient and sweet but I tell you what he could grow a little when it comes to being merciful to people who don’t do everything right on the highway but if he accidentally pulls out in front of somebody and they start honking the horn and making dirty signs at him
he’s like well for crying out buddy give me a break give me a break but boy if somebody does it to him they shouldn’t have a driver’s license they need to get off the [Music] road and they’re a woman [Applause] what are some of the characteristics of a truly humble person you can take a little test here humble people ask for help when they need it and they always lean entirely on God humble people don’t take credit that’s due to God or to other people they go out of their way to make other
people feel good [Applause] humble people are gentle in spirit they’re very easy to correct and they live before God with a clean conscience because of having a gentle spirit it’s very easy for the Holy Spirit to let them know when their behaviors out of line hm y’all still okay [Applause] woo you need a you need a break to Fan yourself or something I don’t [Applause] know a humble person has a humble mind now we’re going to talk just before we’re finished about how you can clothe yourself with
humility first of all the Bible says don’t think more highly of yourselves than you ought to but think according to the grace of God and in Romans 12 it goes into a dissertation about how we all have different gifts and whatever our gift is we need to function in that gift according to the grace of God so that means that we don’t if we’re good at something we don’t get to judge somebody else who’s not good at what we’re good at because here’s the truth they’re good at something you’re not good at
I do not have one day of my life that goes by that I don’t confess the word of God out loud well the word of God changed my life and I absolutely love it I’d be so lost without it you see years ago God revealed to me that I had so much negativity in my mind it was not only affecting the way I thought but the way I spoke about everyday circumstances God showed me that I could exchange that stinking thinking for a more powerful and effective thought life all I had to do was speak his truths found in his word I was encouraged by
what God’s word revealed and could unlock in all areas that I absolutely had to write this book The Secret power of speaking God’s word there’s so much power in speaking his word find out what it can do for you so often times it’s hard to just go where was this in the word so with this book you can just go to it and go okay I’m really going through the struggle of say Temptation today and you can look it up and there are the words right to pray I go to courage a lot I go to the the section on
confidence a lot um things to pray over your husband thanks to pray over your children there’s all those scriptures and then you can speak them out and meditate on them so those are that’s super helpful to me request secret power of speaking God’s word today it is available to you right now for your gift of $30 or more call us today at 1 00792 N5 or visit us online at joy.
org let’s just say you’re at work and you get really mad at somebody help me God help me help me help me help me quick get your purple book request your copy of the secret power of speaking God’s word and we will add Joyce’s book good thoughts great life as a bonus to you inside you’ll find the right mindsets to combat the wrong ones these books are both available to you for $30 or more and remember you’ll not only receive Joyce’s book when you give but your gift allows us to continue to share the love of
Christ around the world through our Hand of Hope outreaches request your copy of the secret power of speaking God’s word and good thoughts great life today for $30 or more call us today at 1 18007920001 your life I can’t tell you how many days I wasted being unhappy because things weren’t going my way it was all what about me what about me I was miserable and I made everyone around me miserable too in my book what about me I want to help you get yourself off your mind and find a new level of satisfaction that
you never thought possible it’s time to get out of your own way and discover the power of an unselfish life what About Me by Joyce Meyer or order your copy today I love that magazine she sends out there’s something in there for everybody the Enjoying Everyday Life Magazine is free subscribe at Joyce meyer.
org to read encouraging articles from Joyce and much more reading through the magazine confirms for me Gods at work we hope you enjoyed today’s program we are so grateful to our Joyce Meer Ministries Partners who make this and all we do possible including sharing God’s word and offering help to people in need all over the world this program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
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