Press Past the Pain of Feelings | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Press Past the Pain of Feelings | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

God’s ways are higher than ours. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how to lean in to His Word when your emotions try to blow you off course.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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None of the junk that I went through in my life has been wasted.
You’ve heard me today use lots of it to encourage you.
Nothing in your life will be wasted if you’ll give it to God.
I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in God’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Every day you can have a brand new start.
I wanna read you Lamentations 3 17 through 25. This is actually so good.
My soul is bereft of peace, I have forgotten what happiness is.
So I say my endurance has perished.
And so has my hope from the lord.
Well you can Everything I’ve been saying you can see it right in here.
My endurance has perished, I feel weak, I’m gonna give up, I just don’t think I can do it anymore.
And it’s because my hope is gone And hope is a positive expectation that something good is gonna happen to you at any minute.
When you think like that it keeps you strong.
Every morning when you get up or even before you get up, whisper to yourself, something good is gonna happen to me today.
Remember my affliction and my wandering as the wormwood and the gall.
My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me.
So he’s saying, I keep remembering all the bad things that have happened and my soul is just heavy, it’s bowed down within me.
But now watch this transition, but this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.
You can call things into your mind.
And you can tell things to get out of your mind.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercy never come to an end.
They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.
The lord is my portion says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.
The lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
So as long as Jeremiah kept thinking about his losses, he just kept getting in a worse and a worse and a worse condition.
But as soon as he decided to call to mind the good things in his life, all of a sudden everything started changing.
God’s mercies are new every day. And you know what else god promises us?
Nothing in our life, not even the dumbest thing we’ve ever done will be wasted if we give it to him.
I mean I can honestly tell you when God started with me I didn’t have anything but everywhere you looked it was a mess.
My mind was a mess, the way I talked, the way I felt about myself, how I treated other people.
I mean everything was just a mess. I was selfish, self centered, rebellious. I mean it was awful.
I don’t know how in the world or why God would have chosen to use me.
Not the only thing I had going for me was I really did love God.
I didn’t know much about him, but what I did know, I loved.
And I wanted to have a relationship with God from the time I was a little girl.
Even when I was married to my first husband who was very abusive too, not physically but he ran around with other women all the time, wouldn’t work and was always stealing what little bit I did have and I mean I I I had a lot of lot of pain going on in my life.
I had a lot of things, a lot of messes in my life, a lot of hurt, Bad attitude, I mean, I I just I want you to understand that when I look at what God has done in my life, I am passionate about what God can do in yours.
I mean I really do believe that with god all things are possible.
Amen? I just dare you to turn yourself over to god.
Stop trying to get god to give you what you want and tell god you want what he wants.
I’m a have to say that again.
Stop trying to get god to give you what you want and tell him to give you what he wants.
God, your will be done in my life.
I’m saying yes to whatever you want and I don’t even know what it is.
Now you’re making a commitment.
We need to be faithful, we need to be loyal, we need to endure difficulties and come out on the other side joyful.
None of the junk that I went through in my life has been wasted.
You’ve heard me today use lots of it to encourage you.
Nothing in your life will be wasted if you’ll give it to god.
Now let’s talk about emotions for a few minutes.
First of all, let’s talk about the nature of feelings and emotions.
By the way, we’ll just take a praise break.
823 people gave their life to the Lord last night.
Praise break.
823 new babies to train up.
First of all, feelings are fickle.
They’re ever changing. You cannot depend on them.
They’re there when you don’t want them and gone when you do want them.
Amen? Don’t let your emotions vote when you’re making decisions.
Especially important decisions.
Don’t go get married on a goosebump because they will go away.
Emotions can’t be trusted.
You can’t make your decisions based on how you feel.
You gotta look beyond that to what does the word of god say.
Thank you.
Learn to talk back to the devil.
When he tells you nobody loves you, open your mouth and say god loves me.
When the devil says you’re never gonna get over this, your life is ruined now, say liar.
God’s gonna take this and he’s gonna do something great with it.
Why? Because he works all things together.
He can take anything and make good out of it.
We have to learn to do what’s right when it still feels wrong.
As far as I’m concerned that’s one of the best statements god’s ever given me.
If we keep rate we keep waiting for everything to feel right before we do right, the enemy is always gonna be in control.
Bad feelings come when we don’t want them and good ones leave when we do want them.
Yeah, you gotta learn to press past the pain of feelings.
You hurt my feelings. I feel offended. I feel, I feel.
We’ve all been hurt. There’s not a person in here that hasn’t been hurt by somebody.
And more than likely will be again.
I’m not trying to just prophesy doom and gloom but if you’re gonna deal with people, you know, we don’t know what to do with them and we can’t seem to do without them.
They are absolutely everywhere you go.
Someone or something has hurt all of us, abuse, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, judgment, criticism.
We all have to start making right choices while we are still hurting.
Can I pick your brain a little bit today?
I don’t know. Do I have enough brain left for you to pick? Sure.
I feel good about it.
Give it a try.
You’ve talked a lot about the difference between just hearing the word of God or just reading the word of God and getting a revelation.
Explain that difference. What does it mean to have a revelation of what God’s word says?
And then I wanna ask you more about how to have that happen.
Well, the word revelation means to uncover.
So, you know, something looked one way under the cover, but when you uncover it, it looks another way.
And I think as believers, what we’re in danger of is having too much information and not enough revelation.
And one of the reasons why I think that happens is because of the abundance of the word that we have available to us today.
You could listen to 12 different subjects in a week, and I can tell you when you do that, you don’t get revelation on any of them.
Because the only way you get revelation on something is to stick with it for a period of time.
It’s not just what we know up here.
It’s what I call knowing that you know that you know that you know.
It’s like when you have revelation on something, it cannot be taken away from you.
It’s it becomes part of you. It becomes part of your spirit and who you are.
Like, the very first public message that I ever spoke over a microphone.
Uh, I had started a women’s meeting at the church I was going to then, and it was gonna be on Thursday mornings.
And, um, it was called Life in the Word.
And, uh, oh, I prayed so hard because I wanted the message to be just right. You know?
And I felt like God put on my heart, tell tell them I love them, which was also the first book I ever wrote.
And, um, I thought, oh, that everybody knows you love them.
And the thing I heard back in my heart was if they did, they’d act a lot different than they do.
Because first of all, the Bible says perfect love casts out fear.
So if we really know how perfectly God loves us and we believe that because of that love He’s always going to take care of us, then we also know that we don’t have to live in fear.
Yeah. That doesn’t mean fear is not gonna attack us, but we can always say talk ourselves off the ledge.
Yeah. You know? And so I realized through all that that I didn’t really have a revelation on God’s love either.
You know, because when I would have problems or troubles, I would hear myself saying, well, God, don’t you love me?
And see, if you if you really believe that God loves you, it gives you confidence.
It helps remove a lot of the fear out of your life. You trust him.
And I wanted to get this revelation that God loved me, and I had to study the love of God for me.
Not me loving somebody else, but the love of God for me.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
And He would have done that just for you. Yeah.
He loved the whole world, but if you were the only person in the world, just think about it.
He would have done everything he did just for 1
Person. And I had to study at Ginger for probably a year, and I’m talking about on a daily basis.
And I would stand and look at myself in the mirror and say, God loves you. God loves you.
And throughout the day, I would say, God loves me. God loves me.
And I don’t know exactly when the transition happened, but it dropped from here to here.
And now I have that revelation, and the Bible says in Romans 8 that nothing should separate us from the love of God.
Not troubles, not trials, not threats, not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor anything in all the world should ever separate us from the love of God that’s found in Christ Jesus.
Found in Christ Jesus. All we have to do is look at what Jesus did for us, what God sent him to do for us, His only son, and how He let him suffer.
So we need to think about these things Mhmm.
And to realize He did that for He did that for me.
And so I find the love of God in Christ Jesus.
It becomes a reality to me when I look at what he did for me.
And then another thing that really helped me was first John 416 says that we are to be conscious and aware of God’s love in the Amplified Bible.
And boy, when I read that, it was like, okay, conscious and aware means that I recognize when God is loving me, when he’s doing something in love for me.
I know he loves me all the time.
He doesn’t have to be doing something for me all the time, but now I see it when God does things for me.
I’ll notice that he gives me favor on a situation. Mhmm.
Or I’ll pay attention to a prayer that he answered.
How many times do we pray and ask God to do something, and then when he does it, we don’t even remember that we prayed for it?
Yeah. So we don’t even bother to go back and say thank you. We become like the the 9 lepers.
You know? There was 10 that got healed, but only one came back and, yeah, said thank you.
And, uh, so I I even keep a I keep a record of special things that I see God do for me.
And already, I mean, in 3 months, I can wow.
And it helps to go back and look at those things, especially if you’re having a rotten day.
If you’re having a day when you’re you’re you don’t feel God’s presence or you haven’t heard from him in a long time, you can go back and say, wow.
Because, you know, we do forget things.
We forget how many things that God does for us in a period of time. Yeah.
We were just, uh, of course, this will be different by the time it goes on TV.
But I was noticing that it’s been 1 year and 2 days since I had that back surgery and got the blood clot and and then that messed up the nerves in my right leg and I had to be in rehab and then because my leg was weak, I fell and broke the other leg, so I was in a wheelchair.
It was a long journey.
Two and a half months. And I thought, man.
That was only a year ago, and it seems like it was so long ago.
And I was just thinking the other day, I did something.
I mean, my leg’s just as strong as if I never heard it, and I was thinking about the healing power of God in our bodies, and how I could go from not even being able to pick my leg up off the bed that far and having no strength to stand on it at all to now back to full workouts and doing squats and, you know, all the different things that you do when you work out.
And so, really, our God is an awesome God. Yeah.
And so thinking about those things helps me realize how much he loves me. Yeah.
And so, you know, we need that kind of revelation in all kinds of things.
We do. And I love the way you said you don’t really know when it happened.
It’s not like there was a click into place. Mm-mm. You’re like, good. I’ve got it. Yeah. Right.
I can move on to the next thing.
It it is a process of you seeking God and finding Him
And it becoming so real in your life that there is no other alternative Mhmm.
Than to know that that is truth.
So if there’s a particular area in someone’s life that they they really need to to understand more of or or to learn God’s character about?
What should they do to to begin that process of revelation?
Well, uh, I’m glad you asked me that. Happy to help. Let’s take, for example, trusting God.
So many people have a very difficult time trusting God, especially with hard things Or maybe a tragic thing like a child dying or Yeah.
You know, a spouse dying young or, you know, why do bad people Mhmm.
Have good things happen to them and good people have bad things happen to them.
And the only way that we’re ever gonna have any peace is to trust God. Mhmm.
We are not ever gonna have any consistent peace unless we learn how to trust God, because there’s just too many things that happen in this world that we just do not understand.
And, uh, uh, I was in that same struggle that everybody goes through.
And I think the longer you walk with God and the more you see him be faithful in your life, the easier it becomes to trust God.
And I I don’t know, and I may be wrong, but I don’t know that anybody can start out, receive Christ as their savior, and a week later, fully trust God.
Yeah. I think that I think it’s a process, and we have to have experience.
It’s kind of counterintuitive Yeah. To to our flesh.
Yeah. It’s kinda like getting to know a person. Yeah. You know?
I mean, I what do I know about you in a week? You know?
I don’t you may tell me a lot of things.
You know, I could read your bio, but I I don’t know that you’re that way.
And so we we start out, we receive Christ and we start studying the word and and and then we found we want to believe those things, but to be able to say, I really believe that is another story.
And I think it’s best to be honest with God. That is the best policy.
I love the centurion who needed God’s help.
I think it was his servant that was sick and he wanted him healed. And Jesus said, do you believe?
And he said, I believe. Help my unbelief. And he still got his miracle. Yeah.
And so pretending to have something you don’t have is foolish because God knows all things.
And I have really grown in my ability to trust God.
I don’t know that anybody can say I’m a 100% there because I still have times when I’ll have a bad day and or, you know, I’ve got something ominous coming up.
And, man, I wanna believe that, you know, God’s gonna come through and and I I have a better time.
It’s easier for me now to trust God with bad things I don’t understand, like all the stuff I went through with my body.
Mhmm. I never confusion didn’t get in. Reasoning didn’t get in. I didn’t try to figure it out.
I told God if I did something that opened the door, I want you to show me what it is, but I’m not gonna go on some hunting expedition and, you know, start getting under condemnation.
And, uh, so with that kind of stuff, I’ve made progress and done good.
I’m still working a little bit on this stuff.
Like, if I have something coming up that’s really important that I know could go one way or the other because there’s other people involved and it partially depends on them.
And I know that even though I asked God to deal with them, they have a free will.
So I still get a little bit, like, maybe a little bit worried about situations like that, but, you know, even that will come.
As I continue to grow in God, even that will come.
And I just I just decided, Ginger, I’m going to trust God.
What else can we do? We can’t I’ve gone through the whole reasoning route.
I’ve gone through the trying to figure it out route.
I’ve gone through all the I’m going to go crazy if I can’t stop worrying phase, and none of that works.
And trusting God is the only thing that gives me peace.
And so some people may think, well, that’s stupid.
You know, you can’t just but I’m doing it for my own sake.
It’s like I have to have some kind of peace.
And, you know, first Corinthians 29 and 10 say, but as it is written, what I has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.
God has revealed His truth to us through His spirit. Mhmm.
So we pray, God, I need revelation in this area. I’ve got information. I need revelation.
Holy Spirit, reveal truth to me in this area.
And then, of course, I’m gonna say this because I say it all the time, you study in that area.
You study, study, study in that area. If I have a headache, I don’t put a Band Aid on it.
If I cut my finger, I don’t stick an aspirin in it. Mhmm.
So you study in the areas where you need help.
So study everything you can get your hands on about trusting God.
Yeah. No. That’s that’s so important because repetition teaches me a lot.
You know? I if you’re gonna learn how to play an instrument, you have to practice it.
And it’s it’s the same with understanding as much as we possibly can because our our minds can’t ever contain all that God is.
Right. But because he’s so good to us, because he loves us, he wants us to know Right.
The the deep things of him and and how much he cares for us and that we can trust him.
So repetition really helps me with that, with with looking at God’s word over and over and digging into it and remembering and writing those things down, like you said.
The experiences that I’ve had is it’s just like the children of Israel did. You know? Right.
They had all those different ways to to remember things.
And God told them over and over, remember Yes.
All the way that I led you in the wilderness these 40 years, and how I took care of you, and remember the manna, and remember the water out of the rock, and, you know, don’t forget these things.
So I I think that that chain reaction, you know, like you said, the more time, the more experience you have with God, the the more you remember and the more it becomes more he becomes more alive and more worthy of trust, even though he’s always been worthy of trust.
But in my mind, I think that’s so important is that things aren’t gonna happen in in a snap.
No. It it takes And you don’t even have to feel bad about it. Yeah.
You know, you know, if you’ve been born again a year and you can’t fully trust God, you don’t need to feel condemned about that.
You just you know, you’ve made progress.
I always say, I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be.
And he wants to show us. Yeah.
I’m okay, and I’m on my way, and God will continue revealing things to us if we just don’t give up.
Do your emotions control you?
I can’t control what everybody out there does and neither can you, but God has given us a spirit of discipline and self control, so we can control ourselves with God’s help if we really want to.
It’s time to take control of your emotions and improve your well-being with Joyce’s book, Living Beyond Your Feelings.
With insight on controlling overwhelming emotions, you’ll learn how to handle your reaction to every feeling.
This resource is available today for your gift of any amount.
Visit us at or call us today toll free at 1-800-709-2895.
The 2024 Love Life Women’s Conference in Tampa, Florida this fall is sold out.
But no worries, you don’t have to miss out on any of the exciting things in store.
You can be part of every aspect of the event, the inspiration, the worship, the teaching, all the fun from the comfort of home.
It’s at home with Joyce from the Love Life Women’s Conference. Join us for this live online event.
Register today at You know, this is so much more than just a van.
This is a rolling miracle. What happens with this project girl band is it goes into some of the most terrible areas that you can imagine.
It goes into the red light districts where women are not only used and abused every single day, but they’re often living without any hope, without any value, and usually without having any idea of who Christ is and what he wants to be in their lives.
But with this van, we can roll right into where they are, where very few people dare to go, and we can offer them medical help.
The medical needs of these women are astounding That they can come here, they can get an exam, they can get tests, and blood work, and find out what’s really going on in their body, and they can get the medication that they need.
And then what follows that is spiritually, they begin to see a difference as well as we’re able to share the love of Jesus with them.
This is such a practical way to share Christ and to share the gospel, and we’re so excited that you all have made it possible.
We hope you enjoy today’s program.
For more information, visit joyce
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.

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