Press Past Guilt and Shame – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Press Past Guilt and Shame – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

If you’re struggling with guilt and shame from the events of your past, this message is just for you! Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer will teach you to receive the freedom of forgiveness and walk in God’s love from this day forward!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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If you want to be all that God wants you to be, and every day you’re doing your best to be more and more like God, and you’ll fail today, but tomorrow you’re gonna get up and do it again.
You want God’s will.
You agree with God when he brings conviction into your life about something.
But you can’t grow if you’re feeling guilty all the time.
I’m Joyce Meyer. I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
We need to understand that God wants us to enjoy the life that he’s given us.
And we need to rest.
And and not only rest your body, but you have to have internal rest.
You have to not worry about something all the time and not always be trying to figure out the answer to some problem or just trying to reason everything you don’t understand.
You cannot understand things and survive because God understands. He knows. Amen?
So, boy, this guilt thing was really, really, really hard for me.
And I learned the power of confessing the word. God wants to meet your needs.
He wants you have an abundance and more so you can be a blessing to other people.
I do not understand why that old dead dry religion wants everybody that’s a christian to be poor and broke and miserable and go around with their head hanging down feeling miserable.
I mean, that is wicked. That is not God’s will.
I will supply all of your need according to my riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed together, running over.
Bring your tithes and offerings into the store house and I will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings so great that you cannot contain them.
Now, not everybody has the same amount.
I’m not saying everybody’s gonna be rich, but I do believe that god wants to meet your needs.
And I hold that just that religious mindset just makes me so mad.
Because it steals what Jesus died for his people to have.
You can enjoy your life and you do not have to spend your life feeling guilty and condemned over every little mistake that you make.
The reason why Jesus came is because we are so pathetic if we’re left alone that we will do nothing but make mistakes.
And you can be saved up your eyeballs and you’re still gonna make mistakes.
Because as long as you have a human flesh, you’re not gonna do everything right all the time.
And I learned the power of confessing God’s word and I think I mentioned in one of the other teachings, I’ve probably said a a 1000000 times in my life, I am the righteousness of God in Christ.
And that makes religious people mad. Well who do you think you are?
You didn’t hear the in Christ part. I am the righteousness of God in Christ, not in myself.
You need to know the difference in your who and your do.
I don’t do everything right but I know who I am in Christ.
And I tell you what, I am so sorry when I sinned.
Oh I’m so sorry because I love the lord and I don’t wanna You’re no surprise to god, He didn’t say, oh, no.
I didn’t know you’re gonna be like that.
We think, oh, I bet God is so disappointed.
He already knew what you’re gonna do before you did it. God looks on the heart of man.
And you obviously care deeply about your relationship with God or you wouldn’t be spending all day on Saturday your one or of your 2 days a week off here listening to me preach the word of God to you.
And so God sees your heart.
The bible says that when the word is sown in your heart that satan comes immediately and tries to steal it.
Yes. And one of the ways he does that is you come and you hear all this good word and then before you get home you get mad at somebody trying to get out of the parking lot.
Come on.
Are you getting a fight with somebody out at the resource table over who’s gonna get the last series on love?
I had 2 women fight at the resource table one time over who was gonna get the last series on love.
I’m like, well it’s obvious you both need it.
You know, the flesh is just stupid.
That’s all you can say about it. That’s all you can make out of it, it’s just stupid.
But thankfully we’ve got the wisdom of God on the inside of us and I’ll tell you what I am grateful for, I am so grateful for the conviction of the holy spirit.
Yes. Oh, my gosh.
I remember when I could mistreat people and didn’t even know I was doing it. Well I not now.
I mean the minute I’m even the the least bit got a little bad attitude or a cranky tone towards somebody it’s like, I know it.
Oh God, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. And if I need to I’ll tell the person I’m sorry.
Don’t ever be afraid to say hey I’m sorry I was wrong.
And don’t make excuses for it, just say I’m sorry I was wrong.
It sets you free and it says a lot to them.
And so, I started confessing I am the righteousness of God in Christ set apart and made holy by the blood of the lamb.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper but every tongue that rises up against me in judgement I will show to be in the wrong.
And I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a little list of things.
This a homework assignment, you you may have to make up your own because you won’t remember this once you get out of the door, I don’t imagine.
But how how about if every day you say out loud, you don’t need to say it to somebody because they wouldn’t understand it, it would make you look like you were full of pride but it’s the words, words have power.
Do you understand that? Words have power.
And the more you speak them, the more you begin to believe them yourself.
So when I say speak the word, I’m not talking about saying I’m gonna be a millionaire and be the president of the company.
I’m talking about saying about yourself what God says about you.
So how about this, I am loved by God. I am anointed. I am talented.
I am special, one of a kind. I’m not an accident, god created me with his own hand.
I’m growing spiritually every day. Every day I’m changing from glory to glory. Yes. I like myself.
I love myself. I enjoy myself. I’m walking in God’s will.
I am totally forgiven for all my sins. God has a good plan for me.
I am gonna do something great with my life.
How do you how do you think that would I mean, seriously, how do you think that would start to change you?
Yes. But there’s probably very few people in here that do that.
How many of you say negative things about yourself out of your own mouth?
I’m so stupid. I never do anything right.
I’m so fat. My feet are too big. My nose is too crooked.
I hate myself. I wish I looked like you. I wish I was this.
I wish I wish. Well, you’re not gonna ever be somebody else, you’re stuck with you.
So you need to learn how to love it.
Can you imagine how your life would change if you actually would embrace yourself and really just like who you are?
Stop trying to be your pastor’s wife or your neighbor next door and, you know, I’ve told all my stories.
I’m like, well I say I’m not gonna tell them and end up telling them but, you know, I I tried to be like Dave because he’s really easy going, laid back and I’m like.
Dave’s answer to everything is cast your care and, you know, mine used to be try to figure it out, make it happen.
Thank God I’m not like that anymore but I’m not quite as good at casting my carrier as he is and I probably never will be.
And you know what? It’s okay. You know why it’s okay?
Because I am what I am and I’m changing as fast as I can and God knows me and he knows my heart and you know what?
God even likes me the way I am.
And, you know, to be honest, that’s what real love is when you accept a person where they’re at because you believe that they’re doing the best they can for where they’re at right now.
That’s the thing that I adore about Dave is he he likes my feisty personality.
Sometimes I’ll say I know I need to change that. He’s like, oh no, please don’t.
Please don’t. He’s like, I’m his entertainment.
When Dave and I met I was washing my mother’s car and he was trying to flirt with me and he said, hey when you’re finished washing that car do you wanna wash mine?
And I said, if you want your car washed, wash it yourself.
And he said the thing that went off in him is that’s the girl for me.
So, he he wanted to get married, he’d been praying for a wife and he made one big mistake.
He asked God to make it somebody that needed help. And God answered his prayer.
Boy, did God answer his prayer.
But he said he knew right away I was gonna be a challenge and he liked that.
And I try I I just didn’t wanna be the way I was. I didn’t like my voice.
I didn’t like this. I didn’t like something else.
I never could have a lot of hair because my hair is real fine.
It’s not thin but it’s just like baby hair and so, I wanted long hair and I wanted to be blonde and my hair was brown and I wanted to wait like, you know, we’re always wanting something that we don’t have and are never going to have.
And then sometimes you can’t even like the people who have what you would like to have.
Come on.
How many of you just hate skinny people?
Don’t you just like, don’t you just love it when some skinny person says, oh it’s 5 o’clock and I forgot to eat.
I mean, I might forget my kids somewhere, but I don’t forget to eat.
And then, you know, there were all those super moms, I mean they could do everything.
Everything. They painted, they sewed, they had gardens, they canned vegetables, I was just like And all I wanted to do was rebuke devils and preach to somebody.
Come on.
And I tell you what, is anybody in here tired of being at war with yourself?
I don’t even know how to tell you, if if you’re even remotely in this area that I’m talking about, I don’t even know how to tell you how much it will change you and change your life if you will come to terms of peace with yourself.
Well Joyce, how can I like myself the way I act?
Because you’re growing.
Yes. That’s right. That’s right.
You’re growing and you’re changing. Matthew 548, the amplified bible says, you therefore must be perfect.
And that’s a scary scripture. But then the amplified bible explains what that means.
Growing into to If you want to be all that god wants you to be and every day you’re doing your best to be more and more like god, And you’ll fail today but tomorrow you’re gonna get up and do it again.
You want god’s will, You agree with God when he brings conviction into your life about something.
But you can’t grow if you’re feeling guilty all the time.
Does anybody understand that? You cannot grow if you’re feeling guilty all the time.
Paul said that he pressed toward perfection but he still made mistakes.
The apostle Paul made mistakes. You know the scriptures, Philippians 3, 10 through 14, that I may know him and the power of his resurrection.
That I may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Yes, it says, if you’re gonna be like Christ, you’re gonna have to go through some suffering.
We talked about that last night.
That if by any means possible I might attain the resurrection from the dead, Not that I have already obtained this or I’m already made perfect, but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
Brothers, I do not consider that I’ve made it my own, but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what is ahead.
Your sins have been paid for.
You don’t have to pay. All you have to do is believe.
Repent and believe what the word of God says.
Receive it and keep pressing on to the next level of growth.
You’re gonna be growing all your life.
I know some of you, how many of you sometimes wonder if you’re even saved.
You think, my gosh, how could I be saved and act like this?
I mean, I have crazy dreams.
I mean, every once of all I have a dream and wake up and think, am I really a christian?
Paul took a step of faith and he forgot his mistakes.
You know, every time you watch this program, you’re growing and you’re changing because that’s what God’s word does for you.
It’s His word that has the power to heal and help us enjoy our lives and to live free of guilt and condemnation.
But the Bible also warns us that when we hear His word and it gets into our hearts, Satan immediately tries to steal it and snatch it away.
And as joy shared today, he uses guilt and shame and fear.
Fear is everywhere, and it affects every one of us.
So we need to remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
So are you ready to confront to confront fear with God’s help?
We have to do it right, but we’re not doing it alone.
Today, we’re offering you a book that Joyce has written that will help.
It’s called Do It Afraid, and and I love the cover of this book because it’s got a lion on the front, and it reminds us what God’s word says that the righteous are bold like a lion.
In this book, she will teach you how to understand fear and recognize how it works in your life.
It will help you to confront those fears that are holding you back, and she will teach you how to change your mindset for lasting freedom from some of the most common fears people face, such as fear of rejection, fear of what others think, say, or do, and even the fear of death.
Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear.
It’s learning how to move forward in the presence of fear, and we can only do that with God’s help.
So get Joyce’s book, Do It Afraid, and shine the light of God’s truth on the fears that try to torment you.
We are waiting to hear from you. I know I’ve asked the question, and I’m sure you have too.
How can we truly make a difference in the awful situations going around in our world today?
Not long ago, I had the opportunity to visit with a group of Ukrainian refugees who literally fled for their lives with next to nothing as war raged all around them.
What a terrifying situation. We were so honored, and I was honored to get to spend some time with them and to tell them that God sees their pain, and he knows what they’re going through, and that he loves them so very much.
And as a partner with Joyce Meyer ministries, you were right there with us.
So travel with me now to Bulgaria and find out what happened.
Every year we enter into a 21 days of fasting and praying, and, uh, during that time of prayer, we receive that word from the Lord that we should find a cross cultural course.
And initially I was thinking, why in the world a cross cultural course?
Because, uh, we don’t really have so many nationalities here in, uh, uh, Bulgaria.
Just 5 days after we finished the course, the war started and we were ready.
Wow. This beautiful cathedral in the Eastern But
but this is also a gateway nation where many refugees are coming into Europe.
That means that there are opportunities
to help people here in great need.
Our son wakes up every night, and we hear how he screams.
So he comes to our bed, and we calm him down.
After those conversations, he still might not be able to sleep in his bed until the night is over.
Mayor Yu Pov, Ukraine has always been home for Vlad, Irina, and their 6 year old son, Ilya.
Now it no longer exists.
No family should have to live with the memories of not 1, but 2 different homes being bombed in 2 different wars.
And the chaos of war is ever present, making this family’s desperate journey to safety incredibly dangerous, especially with a little one.
The theater where my family was hiding in, there were hiding a lot of people.
Up to 3,000 people were hiding in the basement of the theater. A bomb was thrown into it.
But luckily, our family left the theater just one day before the whole thing happened. It is a miracle.
There’s no words to express what happened to us.
When Ukrainian refugees started arriving in Bulgaria, the small congregation at Full Gospel Church of Sofia jumped into action.
But what could one small church do?
Well, they began by doing what they could, welcoming families with open arms and offering life giving goods and services to help them begin healing.
My father is a pastor, and was really praying when I was leaving Ukraine that I might be found by Christian people.
And when we arrived here at the central station, the first people we met were volunteers from the Full Gospel Church here in Sofia.
Immediately they wanted to help us, asking what is your need? Do you want some food, a meal?
Can we look after you? So immediately, they responded to our needs.
Believe it or not, this little church of less than 100 people had unknowingly been training for the giant impact they’d make a year before the war in Ukraine even started.
Pastor Philip, tell us what is happening with all of the packing here today.
These are all volunteers from your church?
These are all volunteers from our church, and we are so excited that, uh, we can be able to serve so many Ukrainian families that are coming here every single week.
And, uh, currently, we’re packaging food. Uh, different volunteers are buying the food throughout the week.
Different ones are delivering the food in here to the premises, and then different volunteers are packaging the food so that we can make it ready for all the families that are gonna be coming now.
And the volunteers are all very excited about this too.
And just bear in mind that they’ve been doing this for 1 year already every single way.
To be honest, we don’t feel that small for something like this because we know we have a big God.
And when the God we believe in is with us, big things don’t seem as big in our eyes anymore.
When this relatively small but determined group of people began doing what they could, God completely surprised them by multiplying the possibilities.
One day, they got a call from Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope, who was going to come alongside and help.
Really touched my heart because they reacted immediately and started helping us so that we can help more refugees coming to Sofia.
Meals are distributed month after month to family after family to ensure each person knows they are loved and not forgotten.
So basically, it’s not just random items that we put in a bag.
It just thinks that they can make several meals out of it in in 1 or 2 weeks’ time.
And they’ll come back every week
Yep. Yep. And
they’ll they’ll receive this for their family, and then you also share the gospel with them.
Of course. That’s, uh, that’s one thing that we are quite excited because the distribution of food is actually creates an opportunity for people to come together, meet one another, so we are actually giving out New Testaments in Ukrainian language Yeah.
And, of course, Joyce Meyer book specially printed in Ukrainian language.
Throughout this whole situation, I also had some physical difficulties.
I really repented and accepted the Lord as my personal savior.
I also had a water baptism here in the church. I finally received the peace that I was longing for.
What’s happening in Sofia, Bulgaria is proof that one small group of people can do very big things because of one awesome God.
With your support, these families know somebody cares about them and that they are not forgotten.
Because of you, children like Ilya are finally safe.
Our son has been very brave. He is a hero.
Material things and this package we receive here today is good.
But the most important thing for me is that people encourage us.
They understand our pain and are here for us and with us To be supported and encouraged by a word, it means a lot to us.
No matter how distant we may feel from something happening on the other side of the world, a simple prayer, an encouraging word, a gift from the heart can always be given.
You never know how touching it might be to someone who has lost so much.
Thank you. Thank you for being there for people who needed your love and encouragement.
They need the message of God’s love so desperately especially right now.
And your partnership made it possible for us to get involved in a tangible way with desperate situations.
To help them physically and with the Word of God.
And it means so much to those who have lost pretty much everything.
It’s so difficult to hear those stories, to be with those people, but it also warms my heart to see hope return to their eyes.
And as a partner, you are right there with us.
If you want to learn more about partnership with us, go to joycemeyer dotorg.
Find out how you can make a difference around the world, and we just appreciate you so very much.
We’ll see you later.
The 2024 Love Life Women’s Conference is sold out. But don’t worry.
You can be a part of it all, and you don’t even have to leave home.
It’s at home with Joyce from
the Love Life Women’s Conference.
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If you want to make a real difference in the world and share the love of Jesus, consider being a medical volunteer with Hand of Hope.
Here are 3 great reasons to do it. To learn about a new culture.
You get back far more than you ever give.
There is no greater joy. So make sure you go to right now and find out how you can be a medical volunteer.
We’ll see you there.
For more information, visit
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.

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