Prep Before Promise – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Prep Before Promise
What got you out of your desert might not get you to where God is leading you. Are you prepared to walk through the doors He’s opening for you? Preparation transforms your mindset to possess what God has promised. If what used to work isn’t working anymore, don’t lose faith. God’s timing is perfect, and you are still in His favor. Allow yourself prep time to possess His magnificent promises!
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
What is happening in this place is the Holy Spirit is bearing witness that we are in the right place at the right time on the precipice, on the precipice of an absolute revolution.
It time out for doing events just to do events.
If they’re not purpose driven, is it not revelation?
If they’re not empowering, if they’re not relevant, we don’t have time to waste our energy and things that are not congruent with our destiny because the Holy Spirit has confirmed to us it’s going to be big.
It’s, it’s, it’s going to be big.
Every farmer knows when he plants a seed that he does not expect to reap a seed from a seed.
Whatever went in the ground is gonna come out bigger when it comes out than it was when it went in.
If it’s in good soil, it’s gonna flourish, lay your hands on yourself and say I am good soil.
Yeah. Anybody who invested in me is gonna be blessed, anybody who loves me is going to be blessed.
Anybody who befriends me is going to be blessed. I am good soil.
If you plant an idea in me, I’ll create a product around it.
Come on, if you plant a seed in me, I’ll produce a harvest behind it.
Anybody who invests in me, lay your hand on yourself. I am good soil.
That’s why God made Adam from the dust of the earth because he wanted to make sure that he used good soil.
It’s gonna be big.
It’s going to be big. It’s gonna be big.
Let me go to work. Joshua chapter one verse nine through 17.
There you will find my assignment for this morning.
I asked God, what would you have me share with your people after 46 years of preaching, I am blind without your leadership incompetent, without your direction insufficient, without your instructions, incapable without your anointing, speak Lord for thy servant here.
What would you have me say to this people at this time in their lives?
And he drove me to Joshua chapter one verse nine.
I said, Joshua, yeah, go to Joshua chapter one verse nine.
I said, Lord, but Joshua is, is a tempestuous book at a transitional time with transformative leadership with the fierce urgency of altercation so that there might be infiltration, listen closely at me altercation so that there might be infiltration.
Should I use Joshua Law?
Joshua is not a book for Wimps Joshua is not a book for those who are faint of heart.
Joshua is a book that is designed for people who have, who have survived the desert, made it through the dry places and still have enough strength to embark on what is about to happen in their life.
Joshua is for the remnants of people that the desert tried to take out and it didn’t work.
Joshua. It is the beginning of a beginning again.
It is a fresh start.
It is the recycling of a covenant people who have been recycled in the midst of transition.
It is a place of discomfort. It is a place of disruption.
You want me to take them to Joshua. Lord. Yes, take them to Joshua.
Joshua is the place where all things are passed away.
The book of Joshua is the repass after the funeral of Moses.
It is the the closing of one door and the opening of the next.
The book of Joshua is synergistic with a total transformation of the way the people think who have been trained in 40 years of survival training but have not been taught in success for the last 40 years.
They have developed the techniques that the the techniques that were necessary to sustain them in dry places but the drought is over, the drought is over and now they are stepping into a new transformative experience with a new leader requiring new skills, which means that they must be shameless plug disruptive in their thinking.
Because if they hold on to their old thinking, if you go into new places with old thinking, the wine skins burst because they don’t have the flexibility to deal with expansion.
Ah It’s gonna be big. Yeah, and if it’s gonna be big, I’ve got to be pliable.
I’m in the book of Joshua. Let me read it to you. I’m excited here.
God speaks to Joshua having just eulogized Moses.
He opens his mouth and clears his throat and says, now Moses, my servant is dead as I was with Moses.
So shall I be was and shall was and shall we are right in between was and shall as I was with Moses.
So shall I be with Joshua? Now?
We eavesdropping on God commanding his general teaching him how to lead not.
And so he has not led before he has led in a subordinate level up under a leader, but he has never led where he is fully in charge and the buck stops with them.
And so even though he has some experience and preparatory resolution that abides in him based on that past experience, still he’s not ready for this.
So God says to him, be strong and I wanna say that to you, be strong, don’t confuse strong with angry.
I’ve seen a lot of people who were angry but not strong, who talked tough but cracked easy.
God says, for what I’m getting ready to do, you must be strong.
Have not, I commanded the I command you to be strong.
I’m not asking you, I command the to be strong and of good courage.
Be not afraid neither be thou this made for the Lord thy God is with the Yeah, that settles it right there.
The Lord thy God is with the whether so ever thou growth.
Now when God commanded Joshua, then Joshua commanded the officers.
See, we have people commanding people who have not been commanded.
We have people leading people who have not been led. Then Joshua commanded the officers.
He didn’t bring it to the officers until God brought it to him.
The officers of the people saying pass through the host, go through the crowd and command the people.
You cannot command people until you can be commanded.
You can’t give orders if you can’t take them, pass through the house and command the people saying, prepare your Victuals.
Hm Prepare your Victuals, prepare your food, your sustenance, your necessities, your needs, the equipment that is necessary for sustainability.
I charge you. I know I command you to prepare your Victuals for within three days.
Ye surpass over this Jordan to go into a land to go in to possess the land with the Lord, your God, giveth you to possess it.
He he gave it to you, but you gotta to possess it.
And plus in addition to the Ruben nights and the and the half tribe of Vanessa speak Joshua say here’s the challenge to you.
Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you say the Lord, your God has given you rest and have given you this land, meaning this land on this side of the Jordan, your wives, your little ones and your cattle shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on this side of Jordan.
But you cannot sit comfortably in what has already been allocated to you while your brothers remain in lack.
Ye shall pass before your brethren armed all the mighty men of valor and help them question who are you helping?
I know you’ve been blessed. I know you got knowledge.
I know you got degrees. I know you got opportunities. I know you got influence.
I know you got a nice car. I know you got a Gucci bag.
I know you’re wearing Louis Vuitton, excuse me.
Who are you helping until the Lord has given your brethren rest as he hath given you.
And they also have possessed the land which the Lord your God have given them.
Then you shall return unto the land of your possessions and enjoy it.
You might be partying at the wrong time.
You can’t celebrate while your brothers suffer which Moses the Lord servant gave you on this side of Jordan toward the sun rising.
And they answered Joshua saying all that thou command is us.
We will do and whatsoever thou send us us, we will go.
We will not sit out on the land that we’ve already possessed and build our houses and sit up on the shade trees and drink tall glasses of iced tea with mint leaves on the top.
While our brother’s skin is throat, throat is parched and skin is burnt.
And they are wandering trying to figure out how to figure out how to figure out how to get in according as we hearken unto Moses and all things.
So will we hearken unto thee only the Lord that God be with the as he was with Moses.
My subject this morning is prep before the promise, prep before the problem.
Why did you use that? Prepare your Victuals for in three days, we will cross this Jordan.
You may be seated. Thank you very much. Spirit of the Lord.
God falls fresh on us as we break into the word of God today.
I thank you for the word of God being made flesh. Thank you for what you’re about to do.
Thank you for all that you’ve invested in us. I believe you for a blessing in Jesus name. Amen.
I just concluded on yesterday.
My annual strategy meeting where various influencers, companies, corporations and our entire staff surrounded the room just to ruminate in the possibilities of what our combined strength could achieve.
I have come to learn that we are better together. Then we are a part.
I have come to learn that if you can fulfill your dream on your own, it is too small for you.
So we galvanized the best of the best from every walk of life, from all types of business.
From travel and leisure to Wells Fargo to Bank of America.
They were all in the room to mcdonald’s, they were all in the room to learn and glean and, and to contemplate how we could increase our force and our impact.
Not on our church, our church has received its promised land, but our brethren and our community have not.
And so we deliberated on it with great contemplation, a strategic alliance that was necessary in order to fulfill the closing of the gap of equity, of home ownership, of job creation of the kinds of things that are necessary to reduce crime and frustration and murder and mental health.
Because the truth of the matter, some of us have worried ourselves to death over survival.
We have not possessed the land. God commanded us to possess land.
The command of God is to possess land, not money, possess land, they are printing money while I’m talking to you, but they ain’t making no more land.
So when you start talking about the risk of the market, you must understand that the market has its risk.
But if the land is well, but it is absolute distinct and completely irreplaceable.
Artificial intelligence were not created, it will not replace it. It is in a category all by itself.
And so as we prepared for our leadership conference and for our good soul initiatives for our foundation, for our future, we spent hours and hours and hours with bright minds in preparation and the preparation didn’t just start two days ago, the preparation has been going on for years.
So we prepped for the prep to prep for what’s next.
Preparation is underrated in a world raised by the click of a button and touching on an icon and a whole world opens up.
We expect life to work like apple, just touch it and it opens face recognition.
It’s me and it opens for you.
But there are certain doors that in order to be ready for them, you have to be prepared for them.
I cook and you many of you know that I like to cook and I have been cooking for since I was about 13 years old.
But I cook the old fashioned way often where you prep and cook.
On the same day, my son has a tendency to prep ahead.
He talks about soaking and saturating.
And so I have adapted a new methodology to old school cooking because I found out that when you prep it, when you don’t prep in advance you flavor the food.
Now, my goal is to flavor the bone.
So when I cook my ribs, I’m not interested in flavoring the meat.
I I think ribs are best when the bone tastes as good as the meat.
And if you’re going to get the the flavoring to escape the exterior facade and the elusiveness of sauce, then you must permeate it with seasoning early enough that the seasoning can saturate down past the exterior skin through the meat, down to the bone and you won’t really know that you’ve done it right until you’re eating it.
And the bone is as flavored as some meat.
This text that I want after all that I read is really summed up in a few words, prepare your Victuals and to a novice reader.
This is a footnote and incidental irrelevant, not specific, not important.
After all, they have survived the desert and the walls of Jericho are in front of them walls so high that they could not scale them and so wide, the chariots rode across the top of them.
And why would we not talk about the magnitude of the walls, the fierceness of the obstacle in front of them or maybe perhaps talk about the grief of the dying Moses who went up in the mountain like he had off gone before only this time he did not return.
And there was no closure. They had to reckon him to be dead.
No wonder the Apostle Paul in the New Testament says, reckon your flesh to be dead.
It will not confirm it for you. You just have to reckon it to be dead.
They had to reckon Moses to be dead. Having only God’s word as an absolution.
Moses, my servant is dead. They, they all they knew is that he didn’t come down.
He had often gone up on the mountain.
But this time He did not come down now to lose people.
They had been losing millions of people as they traveled and adjourned through the wilderness.
They were used to the wilderness being littered with bodies along the way.
But this time was different because you could lose people.
But when you lose Moses, you don’t meet the Moses every day, Moses was God sent and God breathed and God equipped and every single solitary miracle they had witnessed since slavery had been achieved through his hands and his hands, they would see no more and the wailing sounded like thunder at the bottom of the mountain because to lose Moses is to lose direction.
Moses was the guide who guided them through the wilderness and it wasn’t just that they lost leaders, they lost their compass.
One that had been tried and true and absolute, that had proven himself to be effective at leading them forward is now there just when they were almost there, just when they were on the precipice of a new beginning, just when they were about to step into the promised land, then lost Moses.
And it seems appropriate that if we were gonna talk about something, we would talk about the loss of Moses or maybe the gaining of Jericho that a 400 plus promise was about to come to pass, that God had promised to a dead man name Abram.
And many times along the way, God had made up his mind, I will destroy them.
But then he remembered his promise to a corpse and stop justice for from executing judgment though they were deserving of judgment because God kept his word to a corpse hence can is called to promise slam.
Now God is saying to them as they are wrestling with the intermediate place of not quite being in the desert and not quite being in the promised land.
He disrupts their pattern as they had survived the desert off of the food that fell from heaven called manor.
Let’s talk about food in Egypt.
They had eaten from the hands of Pharaoh for 400 years.
They had eaten out of the hand of a slave master.
Once liberated from the slave master, they were freed from the whip, but they were also void of the food and they miss the leeks and onions of Egypt.
They didn’t miss the whip but they miss the food.
So God catered for them in the wilderness manner that fell from heaven every morning, not what they beat, but man prepared for them that all they had to do was reach out and get it.
And it was easy fail every day like clockwork early in the morning with the dow, the manner appeared also each man according to his house.
God does not give equally but God responds to appetite where there is little appetite.
There were small lows where there were huge appetite.
There were large lows don’t compare yourself with one another because God only supplies according to your appetite.
If you don’t want much, he won’t drop much.
But if you’ve got a great need and a great void, he will drop according to your need.
So don’t look over at your neighbor’s tent and worry about what God is giving them because they may have the capacity to absorb more provision than you do.
And God doesn’t want his provision to be wasted. God gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater.
God does not give blessings to people that will not consume it whereas you want blessings just so you can brag about that.
You got them. God gives blessings to people who will take action.
And if you’re not going to use it, why would God give it to you?
And so He designed it that if you didn’t use it by a certain time, the worms would eat it up because you were forbidden from hoarding yesterday’s bread for today’s battle.
And as they were joining through the wilderness, the closer they got to the promised land.
There is a small minute phrase in the text that I started to pull up, but you can look it up whenever you want to.
It’s a simple little sentence but it has great impact.
It has a force of a sledgehammer, it says, and then the manner ceased.
What do you do when what used to work doesn’t work anymore?
What do you do when you have gotten used to a system that God has abruptly halted, there was no warning, there was no prophecy, there was no preparation without any warning at all.
It just stopped. And some of us think that we have lost the favor of God because what used to work isn’t working anymore and the man has ceased and Moses there died and they cried at the bottom of the mountain because everything that they had become accustomed to had been disrupted.
I want to preach to somebody in this room that everything that you were accustomed to has been disrupted.
And now you have to move forward without any playbook, without any rules, without any guarantees, without any certainties.
If you take another step, you gotta take it by faith because the manner has ceased and the Moses is dead.
But the movement continues what it, when you gotta keep moving, you gotta keep moving, but Moses is dead, you gotta keep moving, but the manner has ceased.
And Joshua almost as if it were a footnote at the bottom of an elaborate literary work says, pray your victors.
This is a revolutionary idea to people who only had to gather their food.
Now, God says I won’t make it happen anymore without you.
I will require your investment in your provision.
You have gone as far as you can go off of my charity.
Your next meal is gonna require your involvement.
Oh, I don’t, I don’t know if you’re ready for this. I don’t know if you’re ready for this.
I don’t know if you’re ready for this.
I am taking you from being dependent to being interdependent.
I’m really you from easy.
I know you wrote books on how it works.
I know you wrote 12 steps to a blessing in a dry place.
I know you grown all kinds of books about water coming out of rocks.
I know you wrote books about me lifting up serpents in the wilderness.
I know you wrote a lot of books about a lot of stuff, but I’m changing the playbook and I don’t know who I’m preaching to today.
But the Lord sent me here to tell you, he has changed the playbook.
What used to work will not work right now.
He told me to tell you what brought you here will not take you there, the systems, the structures, there’s going to be a massive paradigm shift.
And if you don’t have liquidity and if you don’t have dexterity and if you don’t have pliability and if you don’t have intellectuality, you will not be able to evolve into the next dimension because the manner has ceased and the Moses is dead and the movement continues.
Yeah. And Wright nestled the cradle.
Did this beautiful text is the command? Prepare you virtuals.
So Dexter, when he cooks, he, he cuts up all this onions and grates all his cheeses and, and flash boils all this food and brines, all this meat and does all of that a couple of days ahead of time because the prep time is more important than the cook time.
Now, I know this is a hard message to preach because I’m preaching about prep time to a microwave.
It’s difficult to talk to you about really good dining because what you eat is not really food.
It’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s a biological experiment.
It’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s, it’s something that if you looked at it with the microscope, it would be crawling because you took it out of the freezer.
You popped it into the microwave and you heated it up for five minutes and you lifted the lid and it almost scalded your hand and you eat it and you call it food, but that’s not food.
That’s not food, that’s bacteria.
Real food requires prep time.
Look at your neighbor and say I’m in the prep time.
I, I’m, I’m not, I’m not acting funny. I’m in prep time. I’m not ignoring your phone calls.
I’m in prep time. I’m not disregarding our relationship. I’m in prep time.
I, I, I haven’t got the big head. I’m in prep time. I’m not arrogant. I’m in prep time.
I know I seem distracted and I don’t seem like the person I used to be but I’m not, I’m the same person, but I’m in a different place.
I’m in prep time. I’m getting ready for something and more is required of me in this season than what was required of me in my last season.
In my last season, we could play around, we could fool around, we could mess around, we could date around.
But I got to break up with you in this season because I’m in prep time.
In my last season, we could breathe on the phone for an hour and a half.
But in this season, in order to get where I gotta go, I’m in prep time and yes, I still appreciate everything that you used to be, but I recognize your manner has ceased.
In other words, you are not the source of my sustenance.
You are no longer the place where I eat and I love you and I appreciate you.
But I can’t be on the phone for hours and hours talking about people because I’m in prep time.
People who can spend hours on the phone talking about people aren’t going anywhere and I can’t afford to spend another year talking about what other people are doing while I’m not doing anything at all.
Prep. And I’m wondering if there’s anybody in this room in this place.
I’m wondering if there’s anybody streaming online who’s on in prep time.
You’re chopping up stuff and dicing stuff and preparing stuff and wrapping it.
It ain’t happened yet, but you’re in prep time, the door hasn’t opened yet, but you’re in prep time the way it hasn’t been made yet.
But you’re in prep time. If I am preaching to the right people set it off in here.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I proved my faith because I’m prepping for something that hasn’t even happened yet. I haven’t mixed it together.
It hadn’t come together. I haven’t placed it in the oven. I didn’t put it in the crock pot.
I haven’t put it on the smoker yet, but I’m in prep time. I’m laying it out.
I’m getting it ready. I’m bringing structure to what I believe. I’m not just believing it.
I’m bringing structure to it because without structure and strategy, I won’t be prepared to succeed in the area of my destination.
I’m in prep time. Nurse three people and say I’m in prep time. I’m in prep time.
I’m in prep time. I’m in prep time. I’m in prep time. I’m in prep time. I’m in prep time.
I’m in prep time. I gotta get it in prep time. I gotta get it in the right shape.
I gotta get it in the right war. I gotta get it in the right size.
I gotta get it at the right temperature.
I gotta get it in the right order because I’m in prep time.
I can’t put cold butter into a pound cake because it won’t cream. I gotta get a room temperature.
Everything’s gotta be right because I’m in prep time and when I’m in prep time, I have to do stuff that don’t make sense to you.
Why you got the buttermilk sitting on the stove? Why you got the butter just laying out?
Why don’t you go ahead and use it? It is not the right temperature yet, but I’m in prep time.
I’m calling things that are not as though they were because I’m in prep time. I’m getting my outfit ready.
I’m getting my wardrobe ready. I’m getting my language ready. I’m getting my speech ready.
I’m learning the right terminologies, not for the room I’m in, but for the room, I’m about to walk in.
I’m learning the language of my future. I’m preparing myself for what God is about to do in my life.
I’m in power. You don’t understand it because you don’t have enough faith.
You say when I get there, I’m gonna prepare the vigil. It’s gonna be too late when you get there.
You got to prepare for it before you get there.
You got to prepare three days in advance because in the next three days, things are about to change in your life in a radical way.
This is pre this word is a prophetic word going out to somebody.
You’re in prep time, there’s about to be a release in your life.
If God is talking to you right here right now, make some noise in this place, any kind of noise, any kind of noise, any kind of noise.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Your friends are laughing at you saying, what are you doing? Going to a leadership conference?
You ain’t even a leader. Shut your mouth. I’m in pep time.
I’m calling those things that are not as though they were. I’m getting ready for what’s next?
I wanna learn the language of the role. I wanna be in a place where people are thinking forward.
I can’t keep hanging out with desert babies.
I got to get with somebody that’s ready to go into the promised land and I gotta get into the room that I’m gonna be in one day.
No, they don’t know me right now. But I’m prepping for the future.
You can’t understand that if you’re not a product of faith, but faith will make you get ready for something that hadn’t happened yet.
Faith will make you borrow vessels when you’re broke, faith will make you take a lunch and tell everybody to sit down some kind of way.
God is gonna turn it into a smorgasbord. Faith will make you get ready for a child.
When the doctor said you can’t have no baby, faith will make you call those things that are not.
And so they were. Faith gets into your attitude and your disposition.
Faith will make you build a room on a house for a prophet that hadn’t come by yet.
Faith will make you get ready for something that hadn’t even there yet.
Faith will make you start laying out plans and diagrams and getting ready and setting up a situation for something you can’t even pay for faith, make you move out on something that makes you look like a full faith will make you build an ark and it hadn’t been a drop of rain.
Faith will get you ready for something that hadn’t even started to break loose in your life.
I want to talk to some radical people in this room that are willing to build a boat in your backyard and it hadn’t even rained yet.
And all your neighbors are laughing at you. But you are in prep time.
If you’re in prep time, holler at your boy, prepare, sit down, sit down, I’m just talking, prepare, prepare your rituals, prepare your virtuals.
Look at somebody say, prepare your vits.
This basically is not just a change of how you cook.
This is a change of how you think you were raised by people who didn’t have to prepare.
So you cannot take your parents mindset into your moment because your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but the manner has ceased.
So that means you have to have a different mindset.
You might have the moral equival, the equivalency can say it, but you cannot have the same mindset because if you have the mindset of your fathers, you will be looking up every morning, waiting on something to fall down that is never going to fall down again and you will be waiting on something to happen so you can move.
Nothing else is going to happen. Prep time means mindsets determine assets.
If I cannot get it in your mind, I cannot get it in your life.
If your mindset is still looking up for Manna, then your hands won’t prepare your Victuals and prep time.
It’s a dangerous, dubious task of challenging how you think it’s not that the preparation for the food is not available to you.
But if you don’t have the mindset, you won’t have the asset.
If you have a mindset of waiting on something to fall in the morning, you won’t prepare your visuals in the day.
Every time there’s a major change in your life or move in your life or you move into a new region or a new occupation or a new situation or you become a single parent or you get married, it’s not enough to get a new ring.
If you have an old mindset. Come on with me. Come on with me.
Come on with me. Don’t jump off now, don’t jump off with me.
You can’t be a married woman with a single woman’s mindset because all of your single girlfriends will mess up your marriage with their advice about what they would do if they was you and they don’t have nobody and you listening at them and carrying that spirit home and is tearing up your house brother.
You can’t be a husband with a single man’s mind set because you will be physically present but emotionally unavailable because you are physically and legally married but not emotionally present or connected.
And because you have not developed language for anything beyond anger, your wife becomes a sparring partner because you are better at expressing anger than you are anything else.
And God is prepping you with a change of mindset.
Can I go just a little bit deeper?
I know I’m taking up some time, but I wanna show you how powerful mindset is.
The particle Sun is down in the hall. He has estranged himself from his father and his brother.
He has gradually lost the dissipation of friendship, the erosion of connectivity.
He is in a place of total isolation surrounded by swine.
He is out of money, he is out of friends, he is out of family.
He is out of identity. He has no name in the text.
He is a nameless person in a deplorable situation.
And the only thing that changed, no angels came, no visitations from God came, no Bible dropped down out of the sky.
The only thing that changed, the hawks were still the halts, the slop was still the slop.
The gentiles were still the gentiles. His family was still estranged. His friends had all ran away.
The only thing changed mind. His mind changed.
The Bible said that with mud in between his toes and nats around his head.
He came to himself.
The only thing you have to do to get out of the situation you’re in right now is change your mind.
You don’t need her to come back. You don’t need him to come back.
You don’t need them to pay your way.
You don’t need anything else but to change your mind as a man thinketh in his heart.
So is he and the moment you change your mind, can’t nobody hold you down.
This is a change of mindset.
I’m not gonna keep standing out here in the morning waiting on something to fall. It ain’t falling no more.
What used to work is not working anymore. I’m changing my mindset. If I gotta get my hands messy.
If I gotta get up early in the morning, if I gotta beat the wheat till it turns to flower, I will beat whatever I’ve got to weep until I make it turn into what it’s got to turn to.
Because my hands are a reflection of my mindset. If you wanna know what I’m thinking, watch what I’m doing.
If I, if I, if you see me out here doing it, it means I’m not waiting anymore.
I came here to tell you tonight that God said stop waiting on somebody to come rescue you from your situation.
They’re not coming. You need to change your mindset as start beating that wheat up until you see bread.
There will be no more bread falling from heaven.
You’re in a prep season for a promise that’s about to take your life.
If I’m preaching right at you, if I’m preaching right to you, if I’m preaching about where you at right now, if you know, you gotta change the game, if you know, you gotta shift the strategy, if you know, you gotta get a new playbook.
If you know, you gotta break out of the box. If you know, you gotta disrupt something.
If you know God is challenging you that if you’ve always done what you’ve always done, you will always be where you’ve always been.
If you’re ready to be radical, reckless and break loose and break out.
If you’re ready to break some rules and do something you’ve never done before.
If you’re ready to beat wheat till it comes out as loaves of bread, make some noise in this place.
Just a noise. Tell somebody say it’s yours, but you gotta take it.
I’m gonna move from preparation to possession is yours, but you gotta take it.
It’s not gonna come up on your front porch. It’s not gonna ring the doorbell.
It’s not gonna respond to you the way you expected it to respond to.
You ain’t no more man coming down to your door.
Ain’t nobody coming to your house begging you for a position. You got to possess it.
It’s yours, but you gotta take it, you gotta take it, you gotta take it because it’s yours. It’s yours.
But you gotta take it, you gotta take it while somebody else is living in it.
You gotta take it while somebody else thinks it’s there.
There’s gonna be an altercation but you gotta take it by force.
For the idol said that the Kingdom suffering violence and the violence take it by force.
I wanna raise up some radical people. I’m sick of church people. I need some radical people.
The Bible said that the Kingdom suffered violence and the violence take it by force.
Is anybody anybody in here that’s ready to take it by force.
God told Joshua I have given you the land but you still got to fight for it.
Slap three people and say fight for it.
Don’t just pray for it but fight for it, don’t just ask for it but fight for it.
You gotta fight for it. I’ve given you the land to possess it.
You gotta drive out the canons and the Ammonites and the and the because that’s yours.
Somebody is living in your house, somebody is driving your car, somebody is sitting at your bed.
I heard the Bible say, I’ll give you a houses that you didn’t build and then you said you didn’t grow but you gotta take it by force.
So you gotta come out of your passive little quiet.
Sit back waiting, Johnny come lately and you gotta take wha what God gave you.
Take back what the enemy stole from? You take back what they said. What yours?
Take back what they said wouldn’t happen in your life. You gotta possess it.
Is there anybody in here that’s getting ready to possess something? I’m ready to move people.
I’ll call you hall. I want my staff to call you haul so I can move out all of these vagrant people that are living on my territory.
Give me a U haul truck, huh?
Because I’m gonna move you out of my job, out of my position and out of my place because I’m gonna possess what God promise me.
Walk up to somebody and slap them and say, possess it.
Stop praying for it and possessing her.
Stop crying about it and possessing her, stop worrying about it and possess it.
Stop threatening about it and possess it. Stop asking for it and possess it.
Stop waiting on it, but possess it her. If you don’t hire me, I’ll hire myself.
If you don’t give me a job, I’ll make a job.
If you won’t give me a seat, I’ll create a table. I’m ready to. That’s the promise of God.
This ain’t for everybody. This is for radical people. This is for people who have suffered enough.
I’ve been through enough hell in the wilderness that if you don’t make a way for me, I’ll make a way for myself.
God said I’ve given you the land to possess it, shake your name and say, take it back.
Take it, take it take it, take it, I don’t care if you gotta take night classes.
I don’t care if they fix your credit score.
I don’t care if you gotta turn around and do double time to get where you’re trying to go.
Take it before you lose respect for yourself.
Uh Take it why you got enough strength to go after your dream?
Uh Take it while your is in place. Uh You gotta take it by force. How can I take it?
Somebody else is in it. God said it yours.
I want all you people that don’t normally say nothing in church, run over and look at somebody and say I’m getting ready to take it.
I know you don’t expect me to be one of the kind of people that I take it.
I know I’m normally quiet and I haven’t said nothing to you all service, but I’m getting ready to take it by force.
Huh? I’m getting ready to bust a move. I’m getting ready to go into another dimension. Huh?
I’m getting ready to make 2023 count since COVID didn’t kill me, since the flu didn’t kill me.
Since the cancer didn’t take me out. Uh, since the car wreck didn’t destroy me.
Since I made it out of the hospital, I’m gonna redeem the time I’m getting ready to take it back.
If I had died, I, I couldn’t take it. Huh? But I’m still here.
I’m gonna let hell know that I’m still here because I’m taking, give me my stuff back, give me my stuff back, give me my stuff, give me.
- The Devil’s Counterfeit Gifts | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 7 7, 2023