Prayer of the Day: Wednesday July 03, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

Father, I know You know everything there is to know about me and You still choose to be in relationship with me. Thank You, for choosing me in spite of my many imperfections. Help me to continually trust Your plan and help me to cooperate with You as You work through me, amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would be in absolute control of this Wednesday. That Your kingdom come and Your will would be done. I ask that You would remove any stumbling block the enemy would try to place on my path today. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear so that I may walk in Your wisdom and have the strength to stand strong in my faith. Thank You, Father for all You are doing! In Jesus’ name, amen!

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Lord, on this new day, I bow before you with humility and gratitude, offering you my life and everything I have to do. I recognize your greatness and goodness, for you are a God of love and mercy who works wonders in my existence. I thank you for the blessings you have poured into my heart, showing me your love and constant care.

May I experience a true conversion and repentance so that I may be closer to you at this moment. I marvel at the perfection of your creation, a reflection of your infinite love and divine wisdom. From the beautiful landscapes that adorn our world to the complexity of every living being, everything is a testimony to your creative power.

On this new day, I want to open my heart completely to receive you and feel protected and strengthened by your presence. I feel safe under your powerful healing arm that supports and fills me with strength and wisdom. I ask you, Lord, to touch my heart and dispel any insecurity or fear that may reside within me.

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May pride not direct my steps, but humility guide my actions. May we Christians be true signs of hope in a world marked by despair and desolation. May our lives reflect your love and light, bringing comfort and joy to those who need it most.

Allow me to experience your active presence in my life, feeling your support and guidance in every step I take. I give you my heart so that you continue to mold it according to your will and your desires for me. Assist me with your grace and grant me peace in my heart to consider every decision I make.

I thank you for this day, for all the blessings received, and for the lessons learned. May every action I take today be an act of gratitude for your love and goodness. I want to thank you because you are always with me. Today, I can see how good you are and how you always want the best for me.

Thank you for this new day that you give me, for the opportunity to behold the wonders of your creation, and to experience your unconditional love. I offer you this day with all my needs and desires, trusting in your providence and constant care. I thank you for the forgiveness you grant, for your infinite mercy that allows me to start anew each day.

I recognize my need to grow in your love and grace, and I commit to being more worthy of the love you offer me. On this new day, I receive with faith everything you have prepared for me, fully trusting in your love and providence. May my life be a living testimony of your love and grace, so that in this new day, I may glorify you with my words and actions.

Amen. I will visit the house of God to listen to the sacred word and lay my burdens upon his yoke, which is easy and light.

“But I lead a blameless life; deliver me and be merciful to me. My feet stand on level ground; in the great congregation I will praise the Lord.” Psalm 26.

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