Prayer of the Day: Sunday May 05, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

“Father, thank You that what You have purposed for my life will come to pass and You are never late. Thank You that You are ordering my steps and helping me do what I could not do on my own. I believe that my set time is right on schedule and You will make it happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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Father God, as I start out my day this Sunday. I ask for the precious blood of Jesus to cover my family and me. That no scheme or plan of the enemy would come near us and that you O’ Lord would place a hedge of protection around about us. Give us the wisdom we need for this day and bless all those to whom we see and speak too. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, amen!

Lord Jesus, I ask that this Sunday morning would be a powerful day at church. That my life and others would be transformed by You. Bless all those who attend and help our hearts to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. In the name of Jesus, Amen, and amen.

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Heavenly Father,

On this sacred Sunday, we come before you with hearts full of reverence and gratitude. As we gather in your presence, we are reminded of your unfailing love and boundless grace.

Today, we lift our voices in prayer for guidance, strength, and renewal. Grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to follow where you lead. May your Spirit dwell richly within us, guiding our thoughts, words, and actions.

We pray for those who are suffering, whether from illness, loss, or despair. Comfort them with your loving presence, and grant them the assurance of your steadfast love. May they find healing, restoration, and hope in you.

We also remember our leaders, both in our communities and around the world. Grant them wisdom, compassion, and humility as they navigate the complexities of governance. May they seek justice, promote peace, and uphold the dignity of every human being.

As we gather in worship and fellowship today, may our hearts be united in love and our minds be open to your truth. May we be filled with gratitude for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ, and may we reflect his love to the world around us.

Bless this day, O Lord, and all who gather in your name. May our worship be pleasing to you, and may our lives be a testament to your goodness and grace.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


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