Prayer of the Day: Sunday July 21, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

Father, I choose today to face my battles with praise and worship. Thank You for fighting for me, for being with me, and for giving me victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

This Sunday morning, may you experience the hope of God’s blessings and His love. May today be filled with His wonderful presence.

Father God, I present this Sunday to You and ask that You would bless my family. Lord, give us the wisdom and discernment we will need for this day. Guide our steps and help us to be Your hands and feet to this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Lord, I wake up knowing that you call me to be with you, that you are inviting me to be by your side. Bless my life, let your powerful anointing fall upon me now, Lord. On this new dawn, I ask you to grant me your strength. Give me a faith that does not wane, that does not break when adversities come. Thank you for speaking to me in the everyday, for showing me your will and allowing me to discover it. Thank you for smiling at me through the small things, and in the simplicity of my day, you reveal yourself.

Thank you, because when I feel I am faltering, I have the full assurance that you do not leave me but intervene to lead me on safe paths. Lord, you always reveal love to everyone, without preferences, without conditions, because you are always free and full of love. I surrender my whole being to you so that you may fill it with your Holy Spirit, grant me abundant and lasting life that comes from you. Revive me, Lord, let your love make my words blessings.

May everything I do, everything I live, and everything I can be today reflect your presence in my heart. I give you my hopes, extend your hand and make me flourish, let it rain upon me so that you can remake me. I want to ask you this morning for all those who seek a better path for their lives. Give them the hope that their search will bear fruit, and that if they keep seeking by your side, you will give them everything they need to be happy.

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I pray for all of us who want to do the right thing in a world that seems not to feel love. Fill me with your strength, help me grow spiritually and feel capable of putting myself at your service. I want to praise and bless you because even in the most insignificant things you glorify yourself and show that your power is immense. Guide me always, Lord, guide my steps on the path and never separate from me. May your love surround me and hold my hand.

The hope you instill in me gives me the strength to face problems day by day. I need confidence in myself and serenity, but above all, I need to trust in you to go beyond my strength and abilities. I surrender my fears and the anxieties of my heart to you. I give you my being so that it may be completely yours, for your love can do everything. I ask you to fill me with strength to remain firm in faith amidst the constant trials life brings my way.

Thank you, Good Father, because I am a work of your hands; that is why I entrust each decision I will make today to you. Amen.

I will participate in a church activity today to forge bonds of friendship with my neighbors.

If you keep a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you, there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. Psalm 129.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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