Prayer of the Day: Saturday May 11, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Lord, thank You for my life with You—it was a great exchange! Help me to continue to surrender all to you, as I exchange my weaknesses for Your strength, my fear for Your faith! Help me to live fully in the abundance of Your grace. I love You so much, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to wake up once again and enjoy your wonderful creation. Thank you for letting me wash alongside the birds that sing to you, alongside the sun that crowns your work, alongside the blanket of sky that embraces humanity. Thank you for filling me with peace, knowing that you surround me with wonderful people with whom I can grow as your child. Thank you for guiding me on paths of justice and love, letting me know that I am the object of your mercy.

Make me free, blessed Lord, from all things that bind me to the vices of this world. I don’t want anything to distract me from contemplating your wonderful face, where I find happiness and transcendence. I want to thank you for all the things you do in me, because everything I have is thanks to your mercy and kindness.

Almighty Father, I ask that you illuminate my path and guide me in paths of love, well-being, and prosperity on this journey that begins. May every word that comes out of my mouth be a blessing to glorify your name. I don’t want to harbor any traces of sin within me, so I ask you to purify me with the graces of your blessed spirit.

My Lord, I ask that you fill my heart with your light and grace so that I may see you alive and present by my side. I have no fear because you are my light and my salvation, who listens to my prayers, who hears this prayer, who receives my praise, who hears my cry. Here I am, believing in you, offering you this day because I cannot be without your presence. I want to ask you to stay by my side, to be my company, my help, and my support. I know the road is hard, but by your side, I can achieve it. I ask that your grace be my shield in battle and your strength be my sword so that I can emerge victorious and nothing can separate me from your side.

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My God, I ask you to give me the grace to understand the people around me. I don’t want to fall into the error of criticism or prejudice. I ask you to make me a source of comfort for my brothers and sisters who are in difficult situations. Help me to be empathetic and to share the love that you give me. Thank you, my God, for being able to start the day in your hands. Thank you for all the wonders you have created. Through your creation, we can approach you, to contemplate your majesty and hear your voice that gives life and happiness. Thank you because I know you will lead me by the hand so that I do not falter in any circumstance. Thank you for taking care of me, for strengthening me daily. I never want to stray from you because by your side, I find my refuge and my shelter.

Blessed Lord, I ask for your company in every moment that you allow me to live this day. For if you are with me, I will not fear the dangers so much because I know that you take care of me and mine. Fill me with your love in this new dawn that you give me so that I feel that you are always with me and that you keep me under your protection, Amen.

As I start this new day, I will ask the Lord to help me in moments of anguish and adversity, so that His right hand guides my walk. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19! May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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