Power Thoughts – Part 3 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Power Thoughts – Part 3 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Did you know that you can control what you think? Well, with God’s help you can! Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer teaches how as she wraps up this three-day series on Power Thoughts.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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You know, some of us have selective hearing.
We we wanna hear from god, but then we only hear the things that we wanna hear And when he says something we don’t wanna hear, then we suddenly become spiritually deaf.
I’m Joyce Meyer. Seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
Well, thank you for being with me today on enjoying everyday life.
I’m so glad you joined us because I love God’s word and I know that it will always help you.
2 days ago, I started teaching a 3 day series, which this is the last day of, on power thoughts.
Sharing that we don’t have to just think whatever falls in our head because a lot of those thoughts are just planted there by the devil.
He’s a liar, the father of lies. And if we believe his lies, then we are deceived.
A deceived person is in very, very difficult situation because even though what they believe is not true, they believe it’s true, so it becomes true for them, and they behave accordingly.
So the only way that we can know when Satan is lying to us is to know the word of god.
I read a book recently where the devil called god his opposition. You call him the opposition.
Well, that’s exactly right.
God opposes everything that the enemy does, and the enemy opposes and hates everything that god does.
And because we represent god here in the earth, that means that he hates us.
I mean, I hate to give you the bad news, but the devil really does not like you.
And he is not gonna help you. He is gonna come against you and try to steal everything.
The thief comes only to kill steal and destroy. John 1010. That’s his whole purpose.
Just to take away everything that Jesus died to give you.
And he will, if you don’t know who you are in Christ and stand your ground.
And so we’re suggesting that there are thoughts, 12 of them that we’re talking about, that you can think on purpose Instead of just thinking whatever falls in your head, you can think them on purpose, thereby renewing your mind and every time you get your mind renewed, then you begin to act and behave differently.
Your mind affects what you say out of the heart the mouth speaks.
Your mind affects your feelings, your emotions, and your mind affects what you choose to do.
So we’ve talked about 3 or 4 of the power thoughts. I have 12.
I will not get through all of them.
But once again, in case this is your 1st day to watch, These are the twelve things that I am recommending that people learn how to think on purpose until it actually becomes part of them.
I don’t have to go around thinking these things on purpose now because there are revelation to me.
I don’t have to look in the mirror and say, god loves you. God loves you.
I know that god loves me, and nobody can ever take that away from me.
You see, 1 when we don’t need information, we need revelation.
There’s all the information coming at us that we can handle and probably too much.
But what we need is to understand what we need revelation on and stick with that until we get it.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I will not fear.
I can do whatever I need to do in life. I always have a positive attitude.
I promptly obey god. I don’t make decisions based on feelings. Boy, that’s a big one.
I’m very generous. I love to give.
Not I love to get, but I love to give.
I’m very careful about what I say. I treat people the way I want to be treated.
I enjoy my life all of my life.
God meets all of my needs abundantly, and I am quick to for you.
So we made it to I obey god promptly.
And, you know, some of us have selective hearing.
We we wanna hear from god, but then we only hear the things that we wanna hear.
And when he says something we don’t wanna hear, then we suddenly become spiritually deaf.
Need to pray that god will open your spiritual ears. And your spiritual eyes.
And I can tell you right now, me or anybody else, if you’re gonna walk with god, there are there will be things in your life that will have to change.
There will be sacrifices. There’s gonna be things that you wanna hang on to that god tells you have to go.
There’s gonna be places you wanna run away from that god’s gonna tell you need to stay.
Once we enter into a relationship, With god, our number one goal should be to use our free will, which he has given us, to choose his will.
Your will be done and not mine.
And that means that you’re not always gonna get your way.
You’re not always gonna get everything when you want it. You may not get everything you want.
But eventually, you’ll come to believe that if god didn’t give it to you, then it wasn’t the right thing for you.
You see, when we really believe the Bible, you know what we have? Peace.
And I was just thinking yesterday.
What is anything worth if you don’t have peace?
Yeah. You can have the greatest family in the world, but if everybody’s in strife all the time, can’t enjoy it.
You can have a great job, but if you go to work every day with a critical judgmental attitude about every little thing that you think is wrong, then you can’t enjoy that job.
God wants us to have a thankful attitude, not a critical attitude. I obey god promptly.
You know, we don’t have to always have some kind of supernatural sign that god’s telling us to do something.
I tell this story often, but 45 years ago, when I first started trying to have a serious walk with god, I remember one time kinda feeling like god wanted me to give somebody $10.
Man, I wanted to keep my $10. I didn’t wanna give it away.
Dave and I had always been Tithers.
He was taught that as he grew up as a child.
So that wasn’t a problem, but this was $10 above. What we’d already given.
And we didn’t have that much Left to give anybody anyway. So I’m like, okay.
I mean, I wanna do obey god. Okay, god.
If this is really you, And I wanted confirmations.
I don’t know what I thought I needed. Somebody come up and say, god’s telling you to give $10 away.
Finally, I heard the Lord speak in my heart, and he said, even if it’s not really me, I won’t get mad at you for blessing somebody.
That’s really good.
See, so if you’re a generous person, You actually look for opportunities to give.
You don’t have to be forced to give. You search for ways that you can be a blessing.
To people. Exodus 247, this is something we should all be able to say.
Then the book Then he took the book of the covenant and read in the hearing of the people, and they said, all that the lord has said to us, we will do.
And we will be obedient. So whatever level of obedience you’re at We all need to come up higher.
And it’s not just obeying god after he’s dealt with us for a month, but learning how to obey god promptly.
Learning that he’s always right. Whatever god says, if it disagrees with you, he’s right and you’re wrong.
There’s no argument about it. God is always right, and he won’t change his mind.
No matter how big a fit you throw, no matter how much you don’t wanna do it, no matter how many excuses you give him, you can go around the mountain 500 times.
And when you come back around, It’ll still be the same thing. Yeah. K.
Our level of blessing and power is directly linked to our level of prompt, accurate obedience.
Now my obedience didn’t buy the blessing, Jesus bought the blessing with his blood and sacrifice.
But I received those blessings through prompt obedience.
All you have to do is think about your children.
And, you know, you you want them to have everything. Every blessing that they can possibly have.
But there may be some things that you’ll have to withhold from them until they become more mature.
You wouldn’t give your two year old the keys to the car and tell them to go for a ride because you know that he would hurt himself.
And so there are things that we ask god for that we just simply are not ready for yet.
And maybe he’s not saying no. Maybe he’s just saying not yet.
And we need to trust that.
And I made a decision many years ago, that if god didn’t give me what I wanted, that I would believe that he had something better in mind, and I wasn’t smart enough to not ask for it yet.
We get so upset when we don’t get our way.
And what do we tell our kids? You’re not gonna get your way all the time.
Don’t get mad every time you don’t get your way.
You know, I used to tell my kids, it’s not good for you to hear yes all the time.
We all need to hear no sometimes and learn how to still have a good attitude, even when we hear no.
Amen? Duteronomy 812 says all the commandments, which I command you this day.
You shall be watchful to do.
That you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land, which the largest word to give you.
So obedience equals possession in Isaiah 1, 19 to 23.
It says, if you’re willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.
For the mouth of the lord has spoken it. That’s 1920. So don’t delay.
Don’t turn a deaf ear. John 13 is the chapter in the Bible where Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.
And he said, I’m doing this as an example to you.
Matter of fact, we might as well face it everything that Jesus did that’s recorded in the Bible.
He did it as an example to us. It’s not just nice stories about him.
You know, the good Samaritan, we should read that story and then think I need to be the good Samaritan.
Not the religious person who passed by on the other side of the street because they didn’t wanna mess with it.
So in John 13, he went to took off his garment, put on the servants towel, knelt down, washed their feet.
And in verse 17, he said, if you know these things, blessed and happy, and to be envied are you if you do them.
You see, it’s not just knowing what to do. It’s doing.
James 122 says, be doers of the word, obey the message and not merely a listener to it.
Betraying yourselves into deception by reasoning contrary to the truth.
I don’t know if we realize how quick we can god can put something on our heart And we can make an excuse and talk ourself out of it, and it can happen so fast.
We don’t even know what happened.
When god called Getty, and he’s like, Well, I can’t do that.
My family’s the poorest. I’m from the wrong side of the tracks. I’m this. I’m that. I’m something else.
And how many times do we make excuses? And our excuses don’t excuse us.
Excuse is a reason stuffed with a lie.
Why would we make excuses? Do you know when I started this ministry?
I had 3 teenagers and a baby.
So please don’t tell me you can’t do anything because you’ve got I had a 12th grade education.
I had no money. Most everybody that I knew decided that I’d lost my mind.
And so I lost my friends and a lot of family members turned against us, and it was not an easy time.
But my testimony is I’m still here. Amen?
And I wonder sometimes where I would be and what kind of life I would have had?
Because one of the first things the devil said to me is you’re a woman.
You can’t do that. I said to God, I can’t do that. I’m a woman.
He said, don’t you think I knew that?
And when I say, you know, god said, I’m not indicating that I have this audible voice that talks to me all the time, but We have a still small voice inside of us that speaks truth to us, and we can hear the whispers of god.
When Elijah needed to hear from him.
He tried to hear god in a lot of noisy things, and then finally, he heard the still small voice.
So that’s what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about Hey, Joyce. No.
But You know how I believe god speaks to us probably more than any other way? We just know.
You just you just know.
I shouldn’t be doing this, or I should do this, or Right. You just know.
And we need to follow that godly knowing in our heart.
Although they put Peter and John in prison, for preaching.
They said we must obey god rather than man. Boy so often.
We don’t do what god tells us to because we’re afraid that we’ll lose some person in our life that probably doesn’t care anything about us anyway.
I lost a lot of friends when I decided to follow God.
But I bet I wouldn’t have any trouble finding somebody go to lunch with me now.
See, anything that you give up for god, because you love him, he’ll always bring back to you in some way, multiplied many, many, many times over.
Amen? The next one we’ll talk about is I don’t make my decisions based on feelings.
Well, well, well, well. Oh my. This is such a huge subject.
You know, I think I I say something. Let emotions subside and then decide.
And I guess in just a short amount of time that I have, not being able to spend all my time on this one subject, I think people are led by their feelings more than anything else.
Yes. Your mind, but your mind affects your feelings. And We constantly tell each other how we feel.
I feel. I feel. I feel. I feel. I don’t feel. I don’t feel.
And so If god wants us to do something, we wanna feel like doing it.
But you’re not always gonna feel like doing.
What god wants you to do?
Someone asked me, how do you feel about all the traveling you have to do in order to do what you’re doing?
And I remember, and it was it was a it was like a graduation day.
I said, You know what? I haven’t asked myself in a long time.
That’s where you get in trouble asking yourself how you feel about what God wants you to do.
Doesn’t matter how you feel. You just, yes, lord.
If you’re a committed Christian, there’s one thing you can never say, and that’s no lord.
That can’t be in your language at all. It’s always yes, lord. Whatever you want.
Matter of fact, I’ll just put an attorney yes on the contract right now.
I don’t even know gonna ask me to do, but it’s yes. You know why?
Because I’ve lived long enough and done this long enough to know you have not had any misery that’s any worse on laying your head down on the pillow at night, knowing that you disobeyed God.
And I’ve gotta have peace.
You know, the thing that I have found with emotions is if you’ll just take a little bit of time.
You know, you’ll never be in debt.
Over your head, you’ll never spend more money than what you’re making if you won’t buy anything without taking a few minutes to think about And if it’s a major purchase, taking a day or 2 to think about it.
It’s really amazing how we can be looking at some shiny thing. I think about jewelry.
I remember being in a jewelry store one time and Oh, man. I I forget what it even was.
Let’s let’s say it was raining. Oh. Oh, that’s so beautiful.
Well, I’ll tell you a secret. There’s something in those lights in the jewelry cases.
And it never looks as good when you get at home.
Same way with a new car.
They must have some kind of miracle in the lights in the showroom.
Because I can tell you what after you’ve had it a month, it’ll have fast food wipers in it.
Paper coffee cups and need to be washed and won’t look like it did when it was on the shiny showroom floor, and all you’re gonna be left with is a bunch of payments that you’re gonna have to make for up to 7 years now.
And yeah, if you have to have a car, then you need to get a car.
But how many people really don’t have to have another car?
They just see 1 and they want 1 or even worse somebody you know gets 1 and you’re jealous of them, so you gotta go get 1 too.
How many people get in debt because they think they have to have a bigger house?
Uh, you know what you’re gonna get when you get a bigger house? More housework.
Everything you bring in your house is something you gotta dust.
We need to keep it a little more simple. Amen?
And so be so careful about feelings. Don’t let feelings rule you.
Watchmen nascent feelings are the believers number 1 enemy. And I believe that.
In Psalm 11, it says, don’t take advice from the ungodly.
And I thought, you know, something.
There’s nothing that’s any more ungodly than unsanctified emotions.
We can look at somebody. Let I don’t know. Let’s just make something up.
Let’s just say that you’re £25 overweight.
And we get a new employee here, and they were a size 2.
They’re beautiful, long, dark hair and beautiful eyes.
And you’re introduced to them and right away you think I don’t like you.
Come on. We’ve we’ve done this life.
I don’t know. There’s just some I don’t I don’t know. You know? Maybe this is discernment.
Let’s go ahead and get really bad and put a spiritual edge on it.
This must this must be god showing me.
What it is is somebody that’s got what you want.
And so now you can’t be friends with them because of whatever.
And it it’s just feelings. It’s just feelings.
But if you understand that god doesn’t make mistake, and he made you beautiful too.
Who says what beauty is the world? We’re not to be confined to the world.
We’re to be transformed by the entire renewal of our mind. I’m very careful about what I say.
The power of life and death is in the tone.
Still amazing. After all these years, I have to ask myself.
Sometimes I wonder how I really believe this because I still, there would be things I wouldn’t say.
If I really believe that I have to eat my words, It says here a man’s moral self shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth.
And with the consequences of his words, he must be saddest fied by the good or evil.
That’s where that phrase come from. You’re gonna eat those words.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge us shall eat the fruit of it rather for death our life.
Words have consequences. And a lot of times we’ll say something.
Oh, little rude or a little bit of a put down and then say, oh, I was kidding.
What’s the matter, man? Can’t you take a joke?
Well, there’s a good chance you weren’t kidding either.
It’s something that’s been in your heart rolling around and you just decided to make it sound like a joke so you could vent your feelings.
There’s so many scriptures and proverbs about the mouth. In the tone and words.
Proverbs 119 with his mouth, the godless man destroys his neighbor. Destroys his neighbor.
But through knowledge and superior discernment shall the righteous be delivered.
Isaiah 54 says no weapon formedaments against me shall prosper, but every tongue that rises up against me in judgment.
I will show to be in the wrong.
So tongues are actually weapons that can be formed against you.
Proverbs 1218, there are those who speak rationally like the piercing of a sword, but the telling of the wise brings healing.
And on and on and on and on and on and on. Let me give you a homework assignment.
Can’t make you do it, but if you did, it would be a help to you.
Take the book of Proverbs and read it.
You know, there’s 31 Proverbs and usually 31 days in a month. So a lot of mornings.
I’ll just whatever the date is, I’ll read that proper.
And every time you run across words, mouth, tongue, highlighted.
And then when you’re having a mouthy day, or even when you’re not, but you don’t want to.
You can go through the 31 chapters of Proverbs, just the highlighted portions, and just get a wonderful sermon Wow.
On the words of your mouth. Actually, our Bible, the battlefield of the mind, Bible.
We’ve actually done that. I’m very generous I’d love to give.
I don’t even know how to tell you how important generosity is. Ask yourself a few questions.
How do you tip? What kind of gift do you buy people?
Do you buy them junky stuff? Just to fulfill an obligation, or do you buy somebody which you’d want?
Do you look for ways to give and be generous?
Or do you just throw a few dollars in the plate on Sunday morning and congratulate yourself?
Treat people the way you wanna be treated, not the way they treat you, but the way you want.
To be treated. And I’m out of time.
So I can’t do any more of them, but I told you what they are.
I enjoy my life, all of it, We have teaching on every one of these subjects I’ve written a book on most of them.
And so if any one of these that you wanna get more teaching you can just call the office and talk to them.
But today, we’re offering the book Power Thoughts, and we’re offering it to you for any financial gift that you wanna send to the ministry.
We’re trusting you to do your best. And you know what?
I bet you know a few people that you could get this far.
So why not send in 2 or 3 offerings and get 2 or 3 books.
The first book I wrote on the mouth was called me in my big mouth.
That was not a good one to send anonymously.
But we actually had people call the office and ask us if we would send it to people anonymously.
And then we get calls back. Who sent me this book?
So thank you for being with us today.
We love you, and god’s got a good plan for your life.
Learn how to think powerfully so you can be a powerful person. God bless you.
Today, for your gift of any amount, get Joyce’s paperback book power thoughts where she outlines a workable program to turn thoughts into habits and habits into success Get out of that mental rut you’ve been in and learn 12 specific thoughts to positively affect every area of your life.
Get power thoughts today for any amount. Just use the Joyce Meyer Ministries app, or go to joycemeyer.org.
Or call 1807092895.
Would you love to know more about god’s will for your life?
Who wouldn’t. Right? So mark your calendars. It’s a live online event from the comfort of your own house.
At home with Joyce discovering your purpose, gain a deeper understanding of god’s purpose for you, and be part of an interactive conversation with our talk it out friends, It all happens Tuesday, April 30th at noon Eastern.
Register today for the special online event at joycemeyer.org.
We hope you enjoy today’s program. For more information, visit joycemeyer.org.
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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